Beautiful Death

By bellaful

51.1K 1.4K 841

Bellamort. Bella meaning beautiful, mort meaning death. Beautiful death. The perfect way to describe Bellatri... More

Author's Note
1 | Hogwarts
2 | Unexpected News
Christmas Dinner ~ 4
Presents ~ 5
Forgiveness ~ 6
First Death Eater Meeting ~ 7
Graduation ~ 8
Dark Mark ~ 9
Wedding Day ~ 10
Hatred Explained ~ 11
Prophecy ~ 12
Harry Potter ~ 13
Azkaban ~ 14
14 Years Later ~ 15
Mirror of Erised ~ 16
Changed ~ 17
War ~ 18
Miracle ~ 19
Revenge ~ 20
The Dark Couple ~ 21
Author's Note

Training ~ 3

2.7K 73 160
By bellaful

The week flew by fast, and before she knew it, Bellatrix was standing with her sisters and Blair, waiting for the Hogwarts train to come. When it finally did, Bellatrix grabbed everything she needed, straightened her back, and walked up the steps and into the train. This time Andromeda sat with her new Hufflepuff friends, which enraged Bellatrix. Of course, Sirius sat with the rest of the "Marauders." Narcissa, ever the obedient one, sat with Bellatrix, but dragged Malfoy along, to Bellatrix's disgust. At least she could sit with Blair.

"So what're you gonna do this Christmas?" Blair asked.

"Just a big ol' family dinner, and my parents will finally tell me who the heck I'm even marrying," Bellatrix replied, purposely excluding the fact that she would be joining a Death Eater meeting.

Bellatrix and Blair took turns complaining about their lives while Narcissa and Lucius flirted with each other the whole way. It was so blatantly obvious that both Narcissa and Lucius liked each other.

When they finally reached the train station, Narcissa said good-bye to Lucius, kissing him on the cheek. That made him turn pink, to which Bellatrix rolled her eyes and dragged Narcissa behind her. Blair snickered, and followed Bellatrix out the train. Lucius sat petrified and pink for a few seconds before he snapped out of it.

Bellatrix's parents were standing together, waiting for her, Andromeda, Sirius, and Narcissa. Her parents didn't really fit in with the rest of the people at the station; her mother had a green silk dress with her hair hanging straight down her back, and her father was wearing a tuxedo with his hair neatly combed.

"Owl me if anything happens, k?" Blair said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Bella responded.

The two waved good bye and Bellatrix walked towards her parents.

Sirius, scared of what would happen, slowly trudged toward Bellatrix's parents. Potter and Lupin looked after him with sympathy.

Druella coldly said, "Your mother wants to have a talk with you when we get home, Sirius."

Sirius just nodded, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. He shot a glare at the smug Bellatrix, who just smirked. Everyone knew Bellatrix was the one who was informing the family of what Sirius was doing. The family apparated home, with Andromeda wondering what would happen to her. Surely Bellatrix told her mother that she was hanging out with Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

As soon as they got home, Aunt Walburga stomped up to Sirius, pulled him by his ear, dragging him into the "beating room", and for the next hour you could hear the pleas of Sirius as Uncle Orion beat him while Aunt Walburga shouted nonstop.

Andromeda shuddered at this. She glared at Bellatrix, who was just sitting on the couch, pretending she couldn't hear Sirius' screaming.

"You're selfish," she accused.

Bellatrix only raised an eyebrow, "Romy shut up. Just be glad you're not getting beat up. I decided to spare you. Sirius on the other hand, was getting on my nerves."

"Still, you don't care about anyone! You won't accept me or Sirius as your family just because we don't fit in!" Andromeda yelled, tears streaming down her face.

Bellatrix only sighed, and walked into her room.

She doesn't understand. I don't want to see her get blasted off the tree.

As Bellatrix was lying on her bed, she noticed a completely black owl trying to get in. She was really confused, because she had never seen this owl before. It looked beautiful though, and it gave a very regal impression. Bellatrix opened the window, and a letter dropped into her hands.

Dear Bellatrix,

I usually don't spend the time to write letters to people, but you are an exception. I have noticed that you are extremely powerful in the Dark Arts, as you already know the three Unforgivables. I would like to personally train you to become as powerful as me.

If you accept my offer, I will apparate to your house and take you to a training area.

The Dark Lord

(insert Dark Mark)

Bellatrix stared at the letter. She smiled. That would mean more time with him.

"Mother!" she half yelled, knowing she would get in trouble because it is unladylike to yell.

"Bellatrix, please don't raise your voice! What is it?" Druella responded, walking up the stairs.

"Look, the Dark Lord sent me a letter asking me if I wanted to be personally trained."

Druella's eyes widened, "Why of course! That would be an honor!"

More suspiciously, she added, "It seems like you two have some sort of connection. The Dark Lord would never spend time on someone as young as you."

Bellatrix just shrugged. "According to the letter, he should be apparating onto our manor soon."

As if on cue, there was black smoke, and before they knew it, Voldemort was standing next to Bellatrix. He placed a hand on Bellatrix's shoulder.

Druella bowed so low, "My Lord."

Bellatrix was blushing at the fact that he had actually touched her. Her heart was beating so fast at the moment, and she could not bring her eyes to the Dark Lord. 

"Bella, why aren't you bowing?" Druella hissed.

Bellatrix, annoyed, retorted, "Do I look like I want to?"

Druella gasped, "I am so sorry My Lord, my daughter did not mean to be disrespectful."

Voldemort, amused, said, "It's fine, Madame Black. Bella is new."

Druella frowned at the fact that he called Bellatrix Bella, only people the Dark Lord greatly respected would be addressed by their first name(I got this idea from the story "I Am the Dark Lady" btw). Let alone a nickname. Bellatrix's heart beat even faster. Bella? She would've danced with joy right on the spot, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Well then, I will be taking Bella somewhere to begin her training," and without another word, Voldemort and Bellatrix side apparated to a seemingly dead looking area.

Bellatrix glanced around in wonder. It seemed to be an abandoned graveyard. Everything was completely silent, and there was tall grass, indicating that this area has been abandoned for a long time.

"Maybe I should teach you about Occlumency and Legimency," Voldemort mused.

But then I won't be able to read your thoughts.

"But first, I will teach you all the spells you need to know to stop your opponent from advancing. Then I shall teach you destruction spells, then defense spells, and finally Occlumency and Legimency." That should buy me more time to hear Bellatrix's thoughts.

Bellatrix was visibly excited for the lessons. She could finally learn something new, after 7 long, boring years in Hogwarts. How she knew the spells Hogwarts taught, she didn't know. It just naturally came to her.

For the rest of that day, Bellatrix learned more and more ways to keep the opponent from running towards her, instead making them literally not be able to move. She learned everything she needed to know surprisingly fast, so they moved onto the next topic, destruction spells. Bellatrix grinned at this. That meant more ways to ruin classrooms in Hogwarts. She could even burn that oaf Hagrid's hut. Bellatrix's destruction spells were so powerful, she almost made the ground cave in. And finally, she learned defense. She spent most of her time on that, because she had a horrible defense. She was better with offense.

Finally, late into the night, Bellatrix stood, panting, as Voldemort stood watching her. It seemed like he had an endless amount of stamina. Bellatrix had never stayed up this long, and she was starting to feel very sleepy. Suddenly, she fell into Voldemort's arms, and fell asleep.

"Oh great," he muttered. He felt his heart beating very fast for no apparent reason.

He sighed. He would have to take her to his manor.

Why can't I just take her back to the Blacks?

Simple answer: he wanted to stay with her.

Oh, what have I become?

Voldemort took another deep breath, and apparated them into his bedroom. He gently laid Bellatrix on his bed, took off her shoes, and went to make himself a cup of coffee. He didn't feel tired at all, so he decided to just make a plan for what he would do the next day. Being the Dark Lord was hard. He had to plan raids, make sure the Ministry was not suspicious, and stop the Order of the Phoenix, the only people that knew that he was a threat to the wizarding world.

There were only a few hours until daylight, to Voldemort's dismay. That meant Bellatrix would have to go back to her family the following morning. He didn't know why, but he wanted Bellatrix to stay. He could easily order them to allow him to stay with Bellatrix, but that would raise suspicions.

Bellatrix's POV (first person until I say it's back to third)

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I was in someone's bed, though I have to admit the bed was very comfy. Everything was made of silk, and the bedsheets were a dark green, and obviously very expensive. Confused, I sat up straight in the bed. The room was beautiful. The walls were black, with golden banners covering one side of the wall. There was an ebony wood desk at the corner of the room. I stepped out of the bed.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" I called out.

The Dark Lord walked through the door. I gasped. Everything came flooding back to me. I remember collapsing out of exhaustion. And Merlin he looks so hot. How can someone look so good wearing casual clothes? I can never pull that off. Embarrassed with the fact that I had slept in his bed, I looked away, pretty sure my cheeks were red.

Then, I remembered my manners. "Uh, good morning?"

He smiled. "Good morning."

"Sorry for being such a trouble."

"It's fine, I don't usually have someone to keep me company."

Awkward silence.

"Your room looks nice," I said after a while.


More awkward silence.

"Er, I should probably go back to my manor now. My family must be worried," I said, suddenly remembering that I haven't seen them since yesterday.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face drop. Did he also enjoy hanging out with me as much as I like hanging out with him?

"Yeah, I'll apparate you home," he said rather reluctantly.

"I'll come to your home every week at 7pm to begin your training. Just warning you, we will be training very late into the night. It's the only time I can set aside," he told me.

"It's fine."

He walked up to me, and I my heart was beating so fast when he grabbed my waist. There was black smoke in front of me, and I was back at the Black manor.

He smiled once more at me, then apparated away. 

I noticed my mother looking at me. "Where were you the whole night?" she asked.

"I trained with the Dark Lord very late into the night, but became very tired, so I slept in his manor," I replied.

She looked at me in shock. "He never allows anyone into his manor! We don't even know where it is!" she exclaimed.

I just shrugged, but deep down I was feeling very giddy. 

"Anyway, about your marriage," my mother continued.

That instantly put me in a bad mood. I frowned.

"You will be marrying Rodolphus Lestrange. They are also a pureblood family."

When I heard this, I was pretty happy. Rodolphus is very weak, so I can easily control him and tell him how I really feel about the marriage. And he wants to be a Death Eater, so that's a plus. The only problem is making him keep his mouth shut. That's a problem for another day.

"I have invited the Lestranges over for our Christmas dinner. Please treat them with your utmost respect, because they will be your family soon."

I just nodded my head, and walked away. Oh, how I wish I could marry the Dark Lord instead. Wait what? I frowned. I shouldn't be thinking these things. Plus, I heard he is incapable of love. I sighed. This is getting me in more trouble then I thought.

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