Time Flies(Editing In Progres...

By Writer_Addict1205

12.6K 2.5K 395

She thought no one would love a broken girl, he thought there were more pieces to love. ~Daniel Jonathan Park... More

Author Note
Character aesthetic and Short Summary
Chapter 1-The Beginning
Chapter 2-A Favor
Chapter 3-The Interview
Chapter 4-The Unexpected
Chapter 5-The Fashion Show
Chapter 6-Meeting the Friends
Chapter 7-The Past
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 8- A fresh start
Chapter 9-Beginning of us
Chapter 10-The Revelation
Chapter 11-The Gala Night
Chapter 12-Unexpected Guest
Chapter 13- Things are fine
Chapter 14-Surprise
Chapter 15-You Are Mine
Chapter 16-The Deal
Chapter 17-Parting Away
Chapter 17 Part 2
Chapter 19-Moving On
Chapter 20-Back In Your Arms
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21-Why?
Chapter 22-Fight Back
Chapter 23-Waking up
Chapter 24-I love you
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25-Happy
Chapter 26-I can't believe this is happening now
Chapter 27-Trouble
Chapter 28-Unfolding a chapter of the past
Chapter 29-Letting go
Chapter 30- Us
Chapter 31-I do
Chapter 31 Part 2
Chapter 32-The End

Chapter 18-New York, Here I Come

246 70 5
By Writer_Addict1205

New York


It was Samantha's engagement party today and I couldn't miss it for the world. After leaving New York and came to Europe she was the one who was always there when I needed her. Whether it was morning sickness or when I had weird food cravings. She was the only one to handle my mood swings. I cannot thank her enough for that.

It's time I do the same for her. It's not like I am going to stay here forever. After the engagement part, I will go back soon in a week.

We flew back here yesterday night. It's been six years since I came back to New York. It brings back all the memories of David but I won't ruin Samantha's night because I sulked and I can't wait to see Samantha's fiance...

"Let's go." Lucas comes into the room with Shane. Both of them wearing suits. I look at Lucas. He looked charming. Every girl would die to be with him. He was sweet, caring, and good-looking that we tried dating but it didn't work out because my heart couldn't bear moving on. I was irrevocably in love with David. I bend down at Shane who looked just like him. "Mom, How do I look?" He mumbles putting his hands in his pockets posing."You look handsome in that tux, little boy."

"Handsome check. Girls, here I come." He says running his hands through his hair."Just like David." Oh no! I hope he didn't hear but looks like he did."Who is David? Mom. "

"No one. Let's go." Shane is not going to let that slide. I need to keep him distracted. We left for the location. It was a ten-minute drive from our hotel.

As soon as we entered in. It was a beautiful venue. It had a huge dance floor in the middle and surrounding were round tables well decorated with lilies as centerpieces. It was giving out fairytale vibes. As soon as I spot Samantha I ran towards her and pulled her in a hug.

"You will kill me by the way you are hugging me." She says holding me back.

"We missed you." Just as I pulled back. Lucas hugged Samantha too.

"Aunt Samantha, How do I look?" Shane asks her and posed as he did earlier. I found that adorable."You are going to be the main center of attraction today."
He winks at her and then we all talk."I can't wait to meet your fiance in person."

"What do you mean in person. You saw him before."

"I wanted a live reaction when you see him. He is handsome. Just saying." Samantha says. He must look good to be approving in her eyes and the location itself screams money. He is rich is what I figure.

"I will not let this slide but at least now will you introduce us. Where is the man who stole Samantha's heart." I roll my eyes at her folding my arms at my chest.
"Ahh, there he is." She says and we all look in the direction of her.
No. This can't happen. Of all the person's Samantha is getting married to him. He walks up to us and like always as he walks in every girl in the hall looks at me with flirty eyes and I don't have to read minds to know what they are thinking. He comes and stands beside Samantha and she puts her hand in his. "Meet David Smith. My fiance and David these are my friends Lucas and..."

He cuts her mid-sentence and says my name with a smile on his face. I look at him and he had such a normal expression on his face as nothing happened."Ava Johnson."

"You know Ava," Samantha exclaims a little bit confused by him knowing me. "Of course I do. We share a history. Am I right Ava?" He smirks and winks at me with a mischievous smile. He was still the same. Still as charming and handsome like he was. I couldn't find words.

"Do you know him?" Shane says but my eyes were on him as were his. No one did break the eye contact.
I was not at all expecting this. I didn't even know he was getting married in the first place.

I should be happy that he is moving on. Why will he wait for me? I broke his heart. I should have expected this and it was what I expected him to do but to be seeing this. I don't know if I can
"Yes, We truly do." The music plays and David extends his hand to her.

"Sure. I will be back." She says to us and walks to the dance floor with him."You know David." Lucas whispers in my arm and I say"Yes, I do." without moving my eyes from him.

Lucas and Samantha know about my break up but I didn't tell him it was David. I tried to look away but couldn't and as I saw him dancing with Samantha. It made me heartache. It brought back the memory of the night of the Gala when we shared our first dance.

"Mom please dance with Dad. I am not listening to a no." Shane tugs on my dress pushing me to dance.
"Let's dance Ava."

I took Will's hand and we joined the dance floor. There were other couples around but my eyes were on David. He noticed me looking at him and he was looking at me too. We were dancing with others but our eyes were on each other.

Then the music changed and we had to change our partners and you guessed it right. I was with David now. He held me by my waist. His fingers perfectly fitting into my other hand. He was looking deep into my eyes. Those sparkling brown eyes. It felt so good. It's been a long time since I felt his touch and I was surprised how my body still reacted to his touch as it did years ago. We didn't exchange a word. It was like the first time only I knew how to dance a little. Who am I lying to? I still suck at it but like always David leads the way.

After a few moments of silence, he leans a bit and whispers. I could feel his hot breath on my bare neck. It made my toes curl and sent tingles down my spine.
"Enjoying the dance, Aren't you? I didn't know you had a child."

I was speechless. I didn't say anything more than nodding a yes.
"I thought you don't love." He says and I was taken back by his words.
"Excuse me."

"I thought you were only after people's money. Is Lucas another one of your playthings?" I know I broke his heart. I know I was the one to break things off but I didn't imagine he would think that low of me. "I am sorry for it."

"But you can't change the past right. You broke my heart. You were after my status and money. I didn't know you would settle down someday. I thought you are just after Lucas for his money but turns out he is not that rich. Do you know I opened a new branch of The Blitz? I have more money than before."

"Stop it right now." Tears filled up in my eyes and I lowered my gaze away from him. His words felt like a dagger in my heart. He puts his hand on my chin making him look at him. "Oh sunshine, Did I hurt you? I am sorry. I wish Lucas comes to know the real you and break your heart as you did. Only then you would understand what I went through. Too bad I moved on. Samantha is a lot better than you."

Hearing David says that about me made my heartbreak and the way he called me Sunshine with a cold look in his eyes, the words he said. Every word he said pained me. He had changed a lot. He was not the David I knew but I guess after everything he changed. His words hurt me and cut right through me. I couldn't take it anymore. I let go of him and let go of his hand.

I left the venue in tears. After everything I had done, I get his hatred and I deserved it but that doesn't mean I don't get hurt. I texted Lucas to take care of Shane. I knew I should not have ruined Samantha's night but I could not handle it anymore and there was no way I would break down in front of him. I wish I could tell him the truth. I didn't know it would be this hard until now. I don't know how I will be able to handle David marrying someone else that too my best friend. Coming back to New York was not the best decision.

(What will Ava do now? What happens when Maisha finds out that Ava is in New york? Will David ever finds the truth?)

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