The Son of Lucifer (malereade...

By _Abstractz_

129K 2.4K 879

(Vol1-8)Millions of years ago, Lucifer went back to hell to save the ones he love, leaving his unborn son as... More

The Devil son
Beacon welcomes the devil
The stray
A taste of humanity
Best day ever?
investigation part 1
Investigation part 2
The Snow arrow
Light the candle
Storytime with the devil
A devil of my word(season 1 final)
Extra: path to forgiveness
Family feud (s2)
Heartbreaking reality(s2)
Beginning to an end(s2)
Monster (s2)
Fighting a losing battle(s2)
Author note: important!!
The king has return(s3)
Perfect timing (s3)
Battle of Haven(s3)
One hell of a ride(s3)
The Cold Hard Truth part 1(s3)
The Cold Hard Truth part 2 (s3)
The Cold Storm (s3)
A Trip Into Memories (s3)
Good morning (s3)
Safe at last (s3)
Can't catch a break (s3)
The lost farm boy(s3)
Unwanted change of events(s3)
Deepest desire (s3)
Our way(season 3 final)
Author note: somewhat important
Moving on(s4)
New Arrival/ Plan (s4)
Ace-ops? (S4)
Welcome Back (s4)
What A Week (s4)
A Well Deserve Day Off(s4)
A Surprise......Party? (s4)
Count Down (s4)
Blood Forever (season 4 final)
Extra: a future with you
Extra: A Future with you part 2
Author note: its important for the future
Extra: A Future With You part 3
Extra: A Future With You part 4
Extra: Interview the cast of "Son Of Lucifer"
Extra: A Future With You part 5
Extra: A Future With You part 6
Extra: A Future With You part 7
Note:Coming Soon
Following A Path(s5)
Off To The Races!(s5)
Fault (s5)
A Split In 2 (s5)
The Start Of An Unstoppable War(s5)
A Change In Plans (s5)
Round 1 (s5)
Extra: A future with you part 8
The New Way (s5)
On His Hands (s5)
Dark Skies (s5)
Darkness (s5 final)
Author Note: moving onwards

Victory and farewell (season 2 final)

1.9K 46 17
By _Abstractz_

Salem: you're foolish if you think you can beat me.

Y/n: you never learn, do you? I'm the reason why your still here, so watch your tongue.

Salem: in this world, my power is far much greater then your fathers, what makes you think you'll beat me if your only half celestial?

Y/n: still underestimating my human side, don't forget what makes these races strong is that their fighting for something, and I'm fighting for a whole lot.

Salem: we will see.

She uses her magic, shooting out a red beam, y/n crosses his arms, blocking her attack. He dashes towards Salem, she uses her magic once more before it was able to hit y/n he slides under it, he then leaps in the air kicking Salem In her face.

Salem: YOU BRAT!

Y/n just grin, she was going for a jab to the left, he blocks with the right, then kicks her in the side, making her lean forward, he grabs her face lifting her up then slamming her down to the ground.
Y/n was going in for another kick, but Salem reacted quick enough to grab his leg, sending an electric current into his body.


She throws him to a wall creating a giant crater. He falls to the floor.

Y/n: that hurt...

Salem: you'll never be able to defect me.

Y/n: didn't I kick your ass like 3 minutes ago.

Salem: you didn't do much damage.

Y/n: well, sorry, auntie, but I barely even started.

Salem: you'll face my wrath, and suffer for eternity, You do realize that once your friends find out the real truth, they'll leave you.

Y/n: I know that I'm saying this, but can you do me a favor and shut the fuck up!.

Salem grit her teeth, sending multiple beams, y/n dodges a couple of them. Still, there was too many getting hit by three beams to the chest; he was able to tank them, now going on the offense, he dashes at Salem kneeing her in the face causing her to stagger, he takes advantage putting her in a headlock, his eyes flash red putting more forces, choking her, before the job was down, spikes came out of the ground stabbing y/n in the back, she got out of the headlock blasting him with her magic sending him through a wall. He gets up to see her charging up an attack.

Salem: I told you that you couldn't defect me; you fail like everyone else. Your no longer the god you once were, now faced death...

She shots up a giant beam at y/n; he raises his arm, stopping the attack, he begins to struggle to push it back.

Y/n: dammit...... I can't go out like this..... I made a promise... And I always keep my word!!!

The beam was reflected back to Salem; she moved out of the way, y/n notice that he wasn't the one that sends it back.
Salem: you!

Y/n: huh?

???: I thought you might need some assistance.

Y/n turns around, as his father was standing right behind him.

Y/n: dad?

Salem: Lucifer!!!

Lucifer: I should have known that you would have tried to destroy the planted again, sister.

Salem: you dare go against me brother, why do you care about their kind.

Lucifer: now, my son is fighting for them. He's going to have my support.

Y/n: you know you could have come a lot sooner, right?

Lucifer: I just wanted to see what can you do, why don't we show her what a Morningstar can do.

Y/n: you read my mind...

Their eyes turn reds, as now both of them are using their demon face.

Y/n: I'll start it off

In a blink of an eye, he was already in front of Salem; she couldn't react in time as she was a punch in the face, sending her flying, Lucifer teleport behind her kneeing her in the back. Salem was able to regain Balance using her magic to causing the building to collapse on top of them. She was outside her fallen castle, she was smiling but that change when she saw y/n came out of nowhere, his hands were burning red.

Y/n: gimme your face!

He grabs her face as he begins to burn it he lets go as Lucifer kicks her down to the ground.


Salem shots out spikes towards them, y/n was breaking them by punching it, while Lucifer was dodging them. He lands on the ground about to hit Salem before she could block it, y/n falls on her stabbing one of the Spikes on her back.

Salem: AAAA!

Lucifer: y/n uses this!

He throws y/n a dagger

Y/n: the hell is this?

Lucifer: Azrael dagger, it should do the job, but you'll need to use your demon form.

Y/n: I don't know how to!

Salem pulls the spike out, throwing it towards them as it explodes, they were able to move out of the way.

Lucifer: what do you mean you don't know how to use your form!

Y/n: I have tried, but I failed, keeping me with only the face!

Lucifer:....... y/n this may sound stupid, but what do you feel when you're trying to use your form.

Lucifer blocks an attack from Salem, pushing her back.

Y/n: I...I... I just feel responsible with all the evil in this planted, the lives of others who put their sins on me,

Lucifer: I knew it, the apple doesn't fall for from the tree. Listen to me, like many have said before you need to forgive yourself and move on from the past.

Y/n: I have tried, but I just can't take that step!

Lucifer: will you have to now I'll distract her while you figure things out.

He rushes over to Salem, she tries to hit him away, but he moved to the side, he then uppercuts her, once landing he kicked her out of the way.

Y/n: this is stupid...... I can't just forget or forgive because every day I'm reminded of my mistakes, I want to, yet I can't. But I have too, if I don't finish this she'll continue to hurt others, I can't let my friends, family get hurt because of me!!

He grips onto the dagger, he soon relaxes and close his eyes, and gave it another try, this time he went up in flames. Lucifer and Salem stop fighting and look over at y/n

Salem: NOO!

She tries to shot a beam at him, but Lucifer punches her in the head, causing her to miss; the flames around y/n begin to morph behind his back, becoming wings, and with the leftover flames, it went to the dagger turning it into a sword.

Lucifer: now that's a light bringer!

Salem: just because you did some magic trick doesn't mean you'll win!

She sends boulders at y/n, who cut them in half with the blade.

Y/n: it's no longer a game...

He rushes at Salem faster than before.

Y/n: it's going to be a massacre.....

He punches her into the sky before she could regain her composure, y/n kicks her back to the ground.

Salem:, I won't lose to you

Y/n lands back to the ground, slowly walking towards her, she tries to use her magic to reshoot the beams. Y/n swings the sword sending a wave of energy, cutting her all over the place.


Y/n: it's over now...

Salem:, I can't lose..... I won't die!!!

She tries to attack again, but y/n shoved the sword in her chest, she begins to scream in pain as a massive wave of energy explodes sending y/n flying hitting the ground, knocking him out of his form. Lucifer goes up to y/n.

Lucifer: Are you okay, son?

Y/n: yeah..... yeah, did we win?

Lucifer: for now, yes, but she isn't dead.

Y/n: what how?

Lucifer: the blade can only kill angels; it can't kill a fallen one, besides with the power she has, It wouldn't be that surprising she'll come up again. But you did dethrone her from this world.

Y/n: but that means...

Lucifer: you know what you have to do....... there's a prophecy that went around, that your little friend knows .....

He begins to explain y/n the prophecy, but back in remnant people begin to evacuate from vale, leaving everything behind, in beacon Weiss and the other students are helping each other to move the injury's onto the ship, Charlie was the last one, before they were able to get to him time begin to slow down stopping completely, as a light begin to shine on Charlie, his father Amenadiel lands next to him picking him up.

Amenadiel: you did good son, you have shown that you're a true warrior. It's time for you to rest back home.

He looks at Charlie's friends.

Amenadiel: don't worry, he'll return... soon.

He starts to fly back to heaven when time begins to move frequently; there were confused about where Charlie went off too, Weiss looks down to see feathers as she now understands what happens, after some hours everyone was moved to a safe location, it was a multiple story Tall building, Weiss had a feeling, so she went to the balcony there she saw y/n looking at the view.

Weiss: so, umm everyone was moved here safely, and Charlie, I'm guessing went back with his family, so you know it's over.

Y/n doesn't say a word.

Weiss: isn't it? Is it over?

Y/n: I would have said yes, but I'll be lying, and we both know I don't do that.

He turns to face her.

Y/n: tonight we won, but we poke one hole in a very flimsy boat. Now that the Grimms don't have a ruler, they'll continue to defy my father; it's only a matter of time before they come back, who knows where or next, maybe they'll go after another kingdom or maybe you.

Weiss: I see..... So what are you saying?

Y/n: I have to go back...

Play the song from the top if you want

Weiss: wait, so, for now long a couple of weeks, months?

Y/n: you were right, about the prophecy....... we did get it wrong, it is about hell coming to remnant, and we may stop it now, but for how long, I need to help my father to keep them contain, the Grimm must have a king.

Weiss: No, see this... This is... This is what I meant y/n when I can't leave me.

She begins to get emotional, as tears started to drop.

Weiss: Listen, I'm so sorry... How I acted when I first saw your face...i... It was stupid and... And plea... Please don't go I..... I love you...

Y/n was shocked by hearing that

Weiss: I love you! Please dont leave!...

Y/n: hm, you see there was another thing wrong about the prophecy.

He got closer to Weiss

Y/n: my lover was never going to be an angel; it was you weiss it always has been and it always will be...

He puts a hand on her cheek, leaning in, and finally, in a long time, they share their first kiss, after a few seconds they pulled away, still holding each other.

Weiss: please .... don't go...

Y/n: goodbye......

He begins to walk back; once he got the right amount of space, Weiss in the first ever saw his wings being release as now they were back to their beautiful Black feathers. Y/n puts his hand on Weiss's cheek, cleaning off the tears as one slides down his own ...

Y/n: goodbye......

He drops his hand, Weiss tries to hold unto it, again couldn't, she close her eyes as tears pour down her cheek, after feeling a gust of wind, she opens them seeing that y/n is no longer there, she looks in the sky to see if she can see him, but nothing, a couple of altas soldiers came behind Weiss, asking her question.... then the screen turns black,

as now it changes to y/n fixing the sleeves of the suit Weiss bought him for the dance sitting on his throne in the sky that the Grimm made, nevermore's flying above him  as the camera begins to zoom  out, y/n looks around to see millions of different type of Grimm are now bowing down to their new king

End(for now)
Hello, yes this chapter was suppose to end the book, but now I think it's time to extend y/n Morningstar storying so give me a 2-3 days to brain storm

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