Sinned Blood

By bukiiwrites

65.7K 1.4K 1.3K

Sold by her father, Sky lands in the hands of seven brothers hiding a dark secret. Despite their attractive f... More

Chapter 1 ~ The brothers
CHAPTER 3 ~ Dinner's served
CHAPTER 4 ~ Only chance
Chapter 5 ~ Monster
Chapter 6 ~ Sinned Blood
CHAPTER 7 ~ Behind closed doors
Chapter 8 ~ From Fear 2 Lust...
Chapter 9 ~ Not herself
Chapter 10 ~ First time
Chapter 11 ~ Too close
Chapter 12 ~ Twice As Bad
Chapter 13 - A Deal With The Devil
CHAPTER 14 ~ Bad Choices
CHAPTER 15 ~ Facing Thorns
CHAPTER 16 ~ Thick Air
CHAPTER 17 - Was It A Dream
CHAPTER 18 ~ Pressure
CHAPTER 19 ~ Pain
CHAPTER 20 ~ Past Affairs
CHPATER 21 ~ New Wounds
CHAPTER 22 ~ Now or Never
CHAPTER 23 ~ Déjà Vu
CHAPTER 24 ~ Cruelty
CHAPTER 25 ~ Shared Fun
CHAPTER 26 ~ The Past Part 1
CHAPTER 27 ~ The Past Part 2
CHAPTER 28 ~ The Past Part 3
CHAPTER 29 ~ Curiosity

Chapter 2 ~ Trapped

3.3K 98 41
By bukiiwrites


'Please! Please, no!' I screamed from the top of my lungs but nothing seemed to work. Nobody seems to hear me. The more I scream, the more I think that not even I can hear myself. I try to run faster but I can't. It feels like I am glued to one spot and the harder I try to run, the slower I get.
I feel them following me. I can feel them at my back. My heart is racing like crazy, not knowing where to go. I have no idea where they are but I'm starting to think they are everywhere, able to attack me from any corner. The hallways are dark and seem like they go on forever. I can't reach the end though it's so close.

The little light at the end of the hallway is giving me a little bit of hope. Suddenly the light is gone and covered by a tall silhouette. I almost bump right into it but feel somebody else grabbing me by my hair and pulling me back against his body. I look up only to see the guy with mint hair staring down at me with the most devilish smirk I have ever seen in my entire life.

The other figure is coming out of the shadows as I look up to him in apprehension of getting trapped into his cold embrace as well. The moon light is reflecting itself on his dark smooth skin, his smirk and whole appearance making him look dangerously attractive which only disgusts me more. These people... these creatures have no right to try to seduce me with their charm only to play with me like their prey. I turn my head away from him but he grabs my jaw forcing me to tilt my head back into his direction, giving him a look of disgust.

At this point, I don't see a reason to fight. I just stand there lifelessly, letting them have me however they please because at this point, I have no fight in me left. I feel empty, betrayed, abandoned. As Ryan closes the gap between him and me I look behind him only to see the light at the end of the hallway slowly fading away.

There goes my hope... my safe please... the light... the escape out of this nightmare...

Wait- a nightmare? Is this... just a dream...?

My body jerks hard as I wake up, my breathing heavy and my hand gripping tightly onto the soft bed sheets that cover my cold and shivering body. I look around, frightened by the silence that is surrounding me. I try to figure out where I am but nothing about this room seems familiar. Everything is very neat, the furnitures mainly black and blue just like the bed sheets. I can't ignore there wonderful smell... Somewhat this smell seems familiar to me but I can't make up where I've smelled this before.

Snapping back to reality I get up fast and run to the mirror at the corner of the room and immediately check my neck for any bite marks. Relieved that my skin is still clean from any kind of abuse I sigh.
I was just about to make my way to the door when I put a glimpse at my clothes. I was no longer wearing my original clothes.

'WHAT THE-' my body was only covered in my lace underwear and over that I got a very thin white shirt. I hold my hand over my mouth, muffling all the swear words that escape my lips.

Those dudes actually had the nerves to touch me and undress me?? Who gave them the right to do so?!

I inhale deeply and walk to the door, open it and peek through the doorway, seeing the empty hallway. I haven't checked outside the window yet but it must be raining from what I hear. There must me an open window somewhere in the hallway which makes it difficult for me to hear the possible footsteps of somebody else if they walk up to me.

Come on... you can do this I tell myself and slowly walk out of the room, closing the door behind me gently, barely making any noise. I have no idea where I am. I haven't been in this part of the house yet.

I walk through the hallway till I arrive at another hallway that crosses this one from the right and walk in, seeing a few doors. Deciding to rather not open them I keep trying to find the exit, hoping I won't have to look behind one of the doors.

I look out of the window and see that we're in the first floor which means the exit is not going to be here. I will have to look for the stairs first.
I sigh and walk back remembering that I saw some stairs when I walked inside. I also remember that they were not connected to a door which means all I have to do is find those stairs.

I begin to walk a little faster until I hear some noises coming out of the room next to me. The door is slightly open and I can hear the voices of two guys, my body stiffening at the thought of those monsters being right next door. I don't even dare to peek and tip toe back to the other hallway, taking another turn to the left which brings me to a third hallway. Just when I was about to walk around the corner I bump into somebody and look up in fear only to see Damien in front of me with a sheepish smile on his face.

'Hey there. You're awake.' He says all casually like I am just a basic guest. I shift awkwardly in my position not knowing how to react to his words. He seems so nice but this is so wrong on so many levels. Too wrong to just... answer. I take a few steps back and see how his face expression immediately changes to a worried look.

'No- please, Sky. Let me explain.'

I shake my head slightly, remembering everything that has happened. Them saying my father sold me to them, them exposing themselves as the horrifying beings they are, talking about how they will kill me.

'Explain?? What?? How you are going to kill me?!'

I shake my head fast and try to run past him to the stairs, his voice echoing through the hallways and telling me to come back. I'm running down the stairs so fast that I slip and fall down a few steps till I get caught by somebody. I look at the person who's caught me, seeing that it's the one with mint hair.

Remembering my nightmare and his words from yesterday, I push him away, causing me to fall down onto the stairs with my back hitting the edge of a step. The pain is strong but I try to suck it up because I don't want them to see me weak, clenching my jaw to stop the whining.

'Don't touch me again.' I spit at him but he only laughs at my sass and steps closer to me as if he knows that standing up and stepping back would hurt me too much and yet I try to prop myself up which hurts more than I thought.

I feel a few tears running down my cheek as he licks his fang that he exposes to me, my body shivering in fear.

'P-please... let me leave...' I whimper under my shaking breath.

'ZACHARY!' I hear Damien's voice calling out and we both look up the stairs. As soon as my eyes meet Damien's he is suddenly next to me, startling me slightly.

'Please... I promise I won't tell anybody what you are... Just please let me leave.' I beg Damien gripping his arm tightly so he can't ignore me. And he isn't. His eyes are glued to mine and I can see that he is struggling but is yet so determined. What is going on in his mind...?

He gently picks me up bridal style and clearly notices me resisting because he gives me a look that tells me to stop wriggling. Since I clearly have no choice anyway I spare my energy and just accept being in his arms and let out a scoff.

Damien looks down at Zachary who stands a few steps beneath us, his eyebrows furrowed.

'Don't do that again. Go and get the others. Dinner will be ready soon.' At those words I accidentally scratch Damien's neck with the hand that I've been holding onto him with. He groans and looks down at me with a reassuring smile.

'I meant our food. Not you.' I inhale deeply and hear a sigh of protest in Zachary's voice and give him an angry look. As Damien carries me back upstairs I look over his shoulder at the door. The exit. Freedom.

I was so close... I think to myself but at least I now know the way, so maybe this wasn't a total loss. My eyes meet Zachary's once again which seemed to be glued to mine. He smirks at me and makes a fast bite motion, trying to scare me.

Not wanting him to feel too powerful over me, I stick out my tongue like a little brat which I can tell from his face expression he definitely did not expect.

*Play the Song*

Damien walks us back to the room that I woke up in and puts me down gently on the bed. I know he is trying to assure me that he won't hurt me but nevertheless I curl up into a ball, hugging my knees tightly, making clear that I don't want to be here.

'I'm sorry that I scared you. Please believe me, I won't hurt you ok? Is the pain strong? I will get you something to cool your back with so it won't swell.'

It's hard to not ignore his soothing voice because of how soft and deep it is. It makes me feel protected but I know I should not feel this way about those monsters so I am not going to. This is not a sulky teen drama, this is reality and I can't forget that.

I hear Damien clearing his throat.

'I bet you wondered why you're dressed that way. Please, don't think anything wrong... I swear I didn't look. I just thought that I should get you out of those clothes and well... give you something comfortable. Hope you don't mind wearing my shirt. I wanted to give you some pants too but they are all in the laundry right now. I'll take them out later.'


'Are you... kidding right now? I can't tell, to be honest...' I whisper while looking down at my knees, too uncomfortable to look up.

'Why should I be joking?'

'Well... since when are Vampires doing laundry...? Aren't you guys dead or something?'

I hear him letting out a soft chuckle which makes me look up to him slightly.

'Well we indeed need our clothes to be washed just like humans do. Hope you don't mind that we prefer to smell fresh.' He asks teasingly which makes my cheeks turn red in embarrassment of asking such a dumb question.

'You... had no bad intentions while changing my clothes...?' I feel even more ashamed of asking that but the thought of a male seeing me in my underwear is making me uncomfortable. I'm proud of my body but I don't like showing it off to men. Even when we are in a public swimming pool I don't wear sexy bikinis like my friends always tell me to, so of course the thought of him changing my clothes is worrying me of him seeing my body.

'I didn't look.' He interrupts my thoughts.

'It wasn't hard to take off your shirt and pants without looking. And it was easy to put my shirt on you. I also made sure it's long enough so you're covered till I can give you pants... I hope you don't have the wrong idea.' I can see in his face that he is uncomfortable, his body language is telling me the same from the way he is shifting.

'I really had no bad intentions-'

'I believe you.' I say and he looks at me with widened eyes.

'Just...' I grip onto the shirt tightly, '...don't do this again, please.'

He nods in agreement and takes a deep breath.

'Also, this is my room. I put you in here because I know you would be save here. We're getting your own room ready. We weren't expecting a female guest so I thought it would be good to not give you a room that is full with male clothes and stuff.'

His room...? So that's why this smell seemed so familiar to me... I remember it from when I passed out and he caught me in his arms.

But why do I need a room? Am I going to stay permanently? I don't understand all this... if he is so nice then why won't he just let me go? What's so hard with letting me go? Is it going to kill them? Do they need me for something? I'm so confused...

'Why can't I leave...?' I ask and try my best to hold back the tears that want to break out.

'It's... not in my power. I'm sorry, Sk-'

'What do you mean it's not in your power?? Why can't you just let me go? You don't even need to do that. You can also just look away while I get out of here, so you don't have to help me! Just please let me go... I want to go home.' I didn't even notice that I was already crying till Damien has grabbed a tissue and tried to wipe my tears away but I flinched at his actions and he nodded and handed me the tissue so I can do it myself.

'There are things I can't explain, Sky. Just know that this is not in my power. I didn't decide for you to come here, ok? It wasn't mine nor my brothers' choice. This is my father's doing and there is no way we can disrespect his wish.'

'Why... why me, Damien?? What have I done wrong...' I sob slightly, the tissue in my fist.

'Is god punishing me? Is it because I never believed in him? If that's the case, then there is no way I will believe in him now because from what I heard, god would never hurt his children... so why?'

'I don't believe in god either, so I can't tell you. But believe me...' he gently brushed my cheek with his thumb as he slowly cups it but I have no power to push him away, 'You didn't do anything wrong, Sky. Ok? And I won't let my brother's hurt you. Anthony would never hurt you and neither would Carter. Ryan and Zachary are... different. They don't care about humans. So make sure to stay away from them, understood? They won't care about your feelings so make sure to stay away.' He demands and I just nod like there is no life left in me. I'm like paralyzed from the whole situation.

'And... what about those other two? The green haired one and the one with yellow hair?'

'Jaxon and Kaiden? I recommend you to better stay away from them as well till they get used to you.'

'Get used? So that means... I'm trapped in this house? With you guys?'

I begin to cry even more at the thought of never being able to escape from here. Damien looks down at the floor and takes a deep breath like he is trying to find the right words that don't damage me more than I already am.

'Yes... yes you will be staying here, Sky. I'm so sorry. I can imagine that you had your life planned already...'

My life planned?! No... but selling my soul to the devil was definitely not supposed to be part of it.'


PUBLISHED 5/7/2020

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