EA X BBB: Dimensional Breakout

By maeed437

25.7K 957 1.1K

Ali is now 15 years old, three years after Misi: Neo. Ali is still chasing the love of his life, Alicia but... More

He Already Knew
The "Last Mission"
Where Is He ?
Getting Some Replacements
Taking Out The Trash
Going For A Date
New And Old Recruits
Truth Revealed
A Very Unexpected Turn
Project Armored Humans and Project Beast Machines
An Event That Haunts Forever
The Begining Of Dimensional War
New And Improved Numeroz
Returning Old Enemies
The Plan Uncovers
The Ultimate Mission (Part 1)
The Ultimate Mission (Part 2)
Strangers From Space
The End (Finale)
New story !
A Cool Idea I Got

Green Hood

1.5K 57 74
By maeed437


General Rama and The Cores are discussing about who would would be worthy to test the new Project: SATRIA. With Ali now gone, they are clueless on who would test it. Rama disagrees if his daughter is involved. It was a long and not-getting-anywhere until agent Gheeta came in and she looked panicked.

G.Rama: What's wrong Gheeta ?

Gheeta: One of our intel providers have discovered that Komeng and Abang Bear have robbed one of C-Tech trucks containing an experimental mech suit and experimental weapons created by former Dr.Ghazali.

Ganz: You mean . . . .

Dayang: Human Tank Suit ?

Gheeta: Yes ! And they are robbing other containers at Cyber-Harbour.

G.Rama: Alright, I'll send Bakar and his team.

Dayang: Technically Bakar is on a different team since, you know. Send Alicia, Khai, Moon and Iman.

G.Rama Affirmative !

With Khai, Moon, Iman and Alicia

The four are sitting in the lounge area doing nothing, well Alicia is. The other three are doing their own things. Moon and Iman are playing with Comot, since Ali died, Comot often switch homes. Mostly being with Alicia, Moon or Iman. Khai is checking R.O for any scratches caused by Comot.

Moon: I wonder when we'll have another mission ?

Iman: You suppose to be grateful, Moon.

Khai: Yeah, what she said. Now don't disturb me while I'm polishing R.O .

Moon: Whatever, let's play Comot !

Before Moon and Comot could leave to play, the speaker activated and started to make an annoucement.

Speaker: Attention Agent Alicia, Agent Moon, Agent Khai and Agent Iman, please report to the briefing room for a mission. Thank you.

Moon: Oh man !

Alicia: Come on and stop whining like a little kid. *drags Moon*

Khai and Iman followed her to the briefing room while watching Moon being dragged by her like she is some kind of old sack. Once arrive, they are greeted by General Rama who's grooming his moustache. The General then proceed to show a few holograms.

G.Rama: Komeng and Bear have recently robbed a C-Tech truck a few days ago, now they appear again to rob more containers than they usually do. Be extra careful in this mission.

Khai: Why ? Is there something they have ?

G.Rama: Indeed, the tech they stole are a set of dangerous, lethal experimental weapons and a robotic human sized suit. *shows holograms* You will start the mission at night time at the harbour.

Khai: So we need to stop them and bring them here ?

G.Rama: Precisely ! Now ACT IMMEDIATELY !

Alicia, Moon, Khai and Iman leave the room to proceed with the mission. The General then left the room to be ready for any backup request from them. Alicia has been really moody ever since the "tragedy" and it is scaring Moon whenever she's on rage.

Moon: Hey Alicia, are you okey ? You look sad.

Alicia: So what ?! *bad mood*

Iman: If there is anything we can help, just tell us.

Khai: After all we are friends.

Alicia: *exhale* it's just that I never had the chance to tell "him" how I felt.

Khai: That's okey, now let's get ready for tonight's mission.

Alicia: (I'm sure Ali is still alive, he has to !)

They all went to their homes after the mission briefing. Alicia still thinks that Ali isn't dead like what everyone else tells her. She still believes he is still alive, somehow.

The Outskirts

Ali is working on his "special project" for Andik, Surya, Nikki and himself He was working just fine until a random person with a broken arm came in. He looked like he needs some help

Person: Hey, do you know where's Nikki ?

Ali: Sorry, I haven't seen her for the past 2 hours. I-

?: You're looking for me ?

Person: Yeah, it's me Sam !

Nikki: Oh Sam ! How's your job at the harbour ?

Sam: Not really, you see I have a broken arm. Me and my co-workers got beaten by biker gangs. They're raiding the tech containers.

Ali: You mean Komeng ?

Sam: Yeah, He and Bear have been robbing the harbour for a lot of times but this time they really got "something".

Ali: Like what ? New weapons ?

Nikki: His goons are only armed by steel rods and baseball bats. What upgrades did these guys get ?

Sam: They got themselves some blasters and Bear is using some kind of robotic suit. It's very dangerous.

Nikki: Well, that's new. How big is it ?

Sam: Not really big but it's heavily armored and got big cannons.

Ali: Well when they'll raid again ?

Sam: Tonight. It's gonna be tough for us.

Ali: Hmm, I know ! Me and Nikki will go. We'll help out.

Nikki: How ? I don't have my exo-legs anymore.

Ali: That's why I made these ! *pulls sheet*

Ali pulled the sheet that's been covering his project, it is a slightly renewed version of Nikki's exo-legs and more stuff. That includes a bungee rope that Andik used and a few set of speakers that Surya used. Nikki was thrilled to see the exo-legs.

Nikki: You're smart as Aliya ! Come here ! *hugs Ali*

Ali: Get Andik and Surya, tonight we're going crime fighting. *let goes hug*

Nikki: It's been a while.

Nikki get Andik and Surya but they are blind folded to make it a surprise. Ali got his own set of crime fighting equipment. Surya who was very excited thought it was food. He opened the blind fold was slightly dissappointed but got excited 'cause he saw the same speakers that he used before. Andik opened hiw eyes to see Ali holding his bungee-lasso rope-thingy in front of him.

Andik: Whoa ! You made these ? Now this is what I call cool.

Nikki: Now let's get ready ! We got some criminal butt's to kick.

Surya: I love these ! Now, can someone help me wear these ? I can't reach my back.

Sam: Hahaha !

An,N,A: *facepalm*

After attaching Surya's speakers, which took all of them including Sam to get it right. Finally they are ready to take on the criminals. Sam went on as he will inform his co-workers to be ready when Nikki and her team arrives. Ali was busy putting new armour on his arms and wear a metal white and blue glove for his left hand until Nikki came to him with her exo-legs and gave him a familiar hoodie.

Nikki: Here, take this. You'll need to cover your identity. *gives hoodie*

Ali: Thanks ! *takes hoodie*

Ali put it on and look himself at the mirror. He still fits it just fine. After preparing what they need, they depart for their destination.

Ali: Cyberaya Harbour, here I come !

Alicia,Khai,Moon and Iman

Khai, Moon, Alicia and Iman are on top of the highest container waiting for Komeng and Bear to appear. Moon being the immature child she is started to whine of boredorm.

Moon: Oh come on ! Where are these biker gangs !

Iman: Moon ! Shush ! You'll compremise the mission ! *whisper-shout*

Khai: Yeah ! Shut up ! Or I'll shut you up ! *whisper-shout*

Alicia: Would you all stop making noise ?! *whisper-shout*

Then loud revs of engines are heard at the corner of the containers. It's Bear, Komeng and his gang ready to raid more techs they even got a truck for more loads. All the bikers are equipped with blasters and pistols. Bear got himself a robotic suit which is intimidating for the young agents watching from afar.

Komeng: Bros ! Get ready for more robbing ! We'll rob the latest equipment of the former Dr.Ghazali and become rich !

Gang: Yeah ! Rich ! Money !

Bear: Now what are you waiting for ?! That container ain't gonna open itself ! Don't make me shoot blast you down !

Gang 1: Sure boss ! Hey give me that toolbox !

The gang member take the toolbox and opened it, it opens up like a carpet. A lot of fancy and hi-tech tools are in it and ready to be used. As the gang member was picking the perfect one, he picked a crowbar out of all the fancy tools. He then pushed the crowbar's end to pry the container open. The others including Komeng and Bear watched as he idiotically tries to open the container.

A/n: Like in one of the episodes of season 1. Where a biker tried to open a container with a crowbar. Can't remember which one though.

?: Stop Komeng ! You are gonna be behind bars !

Komeng: Huh ? Oh you ! How are you doing ? Where's your boyfriend ? Oh right, he's DEAD !!! HAHAHAHHA !

Alicia: Don't you dare say that !

Moon: Just give up ! We got you now !

Khai: Surrender and there is no harm. We don't wanna fight you !

Iman: If you comply, your punishment will be lighten.

Komeng: Comply this !!! *throws grenade*

Alicia: Dodge !!!

They all successfully dodge but Alicia was distracted and the grenade was in front of her. It was clicking faster and with no time left, she closed her eyes and hoped for the worst. But as if time itself slowed down, a figure wearing a green hoodie grabbed her at the arm and dragged her away from the grenade right before it exploded. The figure looked at Alicia sigh in relief. 

?: You okey ?

Alicia: I'm fine tha-nk you ? (no way ! Can it be him ?)

?: Fuh, glad you right !

Alicia: A-a-Ali ?

Who is this figure ? Bet you guys already know. Sorry for some chapters are short and some are longer.

Stay tuned !!!

Don't forget to Vote&Comment !!!

Mad Mech out !!!

Peace ✌

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