Fight Fire With Fire

By TheQuietHufflepuff

7.5K 129 21

Dean and Natalia are demons. It's up to Sam, Rae and Cas to save them... And to remove the Mark from them bot... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
1. Heartbreaker
2. Rockin' in the Free World
3. Sole Survivor
4. The Road So Far
6. The Weight
7. Murders in the Rue Morgue
8. Long Black Road
9. Good Girl Gone Bad
10. Only a Matter of Time
11. Death Row
12. The Gambler
13. The Boys Are Back in Town
14. Everything is Alright
15. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
16. Tequila Sunrise
17. The Prisoner
18. Brother, Sister
19. Run Through the Jungle
20. Right Now
21. Lay Down This Curse
22. Night Moves
23. Give 'em the Axe
24. Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
25. Just My Imagination
26. Hells Bells
27. Changing Tracks
28. Don't You Forget About Me
29. Any Road
30. Midnight Rider
31. The Unforgiven II
32. Storm Front
33. Fare Thee Well (Dink's Song)
34. Crooked Little Man
35. Fight or Fall
36. Open Arms
38. Mama You've Been on My Mind
39. Born to be Wild
40. Instant Karma
41. Man in the Box
42. The Number of the Beast
43. If You Want Blood (You've Got It)
44. Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
45. Stuck In the Middle With You
46. The Vampire Strikes Back
47. Hellhound on My Trail
48. Real Wild Child
49. The Draw
50. The Memory Remains
51. Whatever it Takes
52. Mother Mary
53. Operation Mindcrime
54. All Along the Watchtower
55. Nothing Else Matters
56. Jumpin' Jack Flash
57. These Dreams
58. Big Empty
59. King (And Queen) of Pain
60. Space Cowboy
61. Break on Through
62. I Am the Fire
63. Only One
64. Good Intentions
65. Magical Mystery Tour
66. Ready Set Let's Go
67. Rev On the Red Line
68. Supernatural Man
69. Demigods
70. To Beat the Devil
71. Under Pressure
72. Good Times Roll
73. Stranger in a Strange Land
74. Makin' Monsters For My Friends
75. Battle Scars
76. Day to Feel Alive
77. The Necromancer
78. Let It Ride
79. Please Call Home
80. Symphony of Destruction
81. Searchin' For a Rainbow
82. No Time
83. Keeping the Faith
84. Till It Shines
85. Archangel Thunderbird
86. Peace of Mind
87. Closer to the Edge
88. Gone Too Soon
89. These Days
90. God Was Never on Your Side

37. Turn the Page

107 1 1
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Season Twelve

[Keep Calm and Carry On]

[The original version of the song. Don't mind that I've used it twice.

Y'all really thought I was gonna keep Dylan gone for too long? Pssh.]

Mary and Dean were in the park at night looking at each other. Dean looked down at the phone in his hand and put it in his pocket.

"I, uh... Are you... really... real?" Dean asked.

While Mary was looking at him, Dean approached and reached out to touch her. Mary grabbed Dean's arm, threw him to the ground, and put her foot on his neck.

"Ohh!" Dean cried.

"Where am I? Who the hell are you?" Mary demanded.

"I'm – I'm Dean. Winchester. I'm your son."

"No. My Dean is nine years old."

Dean breathed shakily. "I was when you died."

Mary stood up and let go of Dean's arm and gasped as she remembered what happened to her.

"Sammy. Sammy!"

A kid screamed for his mom. There was a scream and Mary was burning on the ceiling of Sam's room.

Mary exhaled sharply.

Dean breathed heavily. "Mom. Listen to me. Your name – your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas."

"How do you know all that?" Mary asked.

"Dad told me. March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater – Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh, Mulroney's and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that – that you met –"

"John Winchester."

"August 19, 1975, you were married... in Reno. Your idea. A few years later, I came along, then Sammy, then Natalia."

"And then I burned. How long have I been gone?"

"29 years."

Mary moved forward, touching him. "Dean."

"Hi, Mom."

Mary slowly moved in to hug Dean, who had a stricken look on his face.


Dylan walked towards Natalia. "Listen, it's me. Test me any way you need, but-"

Natalia's knife clattered to the ground and she jumped into Dylan's arms.

Dylan hugged her tightly and she hugged just as tightly.

"Did you ever..."

Natalia held up her left hand, showing her ring. "I couldn't."

Dylan kissed her softly. "You're crying."

"Because I'm so happy. Dyl, I love you."

"I love you, too."


Castiel and Azrael smashed through a billboard advertising a mystery spot.

The man walked over to the edge of the crater made by the landing and saw Castiel and Azrael pulling themselves out. "Holy mother."

Castiel and Azrael stood and looked around. "Where am I?"

"Uh... Earth?"

"No. How far are we from Lebanon, Kansas?" Castiel asked.

"Uh... Th-three hours, maybe. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who – What are you, man, miss?"

Castiel and Azrael walked towards the man and he and touched him on the forehead. The man dropped to the ground. Castiel and Azrael left him there as he drove off in the truck.


Dean and Mary were sitting on a bench in the park. Dean's coat was around Mary's shoulders.

"How did he die?" Mary asked.

"He gave himself up for me and Natalia," Dean replied.

Mary chuckled and sniffled. Despite the tears, she smiled as she thought of John. "That sounds like John. And he was a hunter? And he raised you, Natalia and Sam to..."

"Yeah, he did."

"And you said we've met before, when you and Natalia traveled through time."

Dean nodded. "Twice. Your memory got wiped, so..."

"And I saw you when I was a ghost... which I don't remember, either. And God's... sister brought me back to life?"

"Pretty much. It's a lot. And I know it's a lot. And I'll explain everything. I will. But right now, let's get out of here. Let's get you home. Come on, Mom."

Dean and Mary got off the bench. Dean placed his hand on Mary's shoulder as they walked off.


"I know, darling. But mummy will be home soon. I miss you, too. I love you so, so much," Toni said into the phone.

Behind Toni, was a door with stairs leading to a cellar where Sam was chained to a chair that was placed over a drain. A woman walked over and used a cattle prod on the unconscious Sam.

"Aah!" Sam gasped.

"Be a good boy," Ms. Watt told him.

Toni walked down the stairs.

"You," Sam said.

Sam grunted as he tested his bonds. Toni sat down, pulled out a book, pulled out a pen, took off the cap, and put the cap on the table next to her.

"Now, Sam. Let's begin," Toni stated.

Sam was sitting, facing Toni. "Toni Bevell, London Chapter House."

"That's right."

"So, you're what? You're, uh, English Men of Letters?"


As Toni wrote, Sam sighed and shook his head before asking, "Where are we?"

"Does it matter?"

"Just wondering how far I'm gonna have to walk back to town after I kill you. And her. But you first."

"Yes, well, before you murder us all, we do have a few questions about you, your brother, your sister, hunters in America, and how you saved the sun."

Sam chuckled. "Right. You shoot me, kidnap me, but yeah, happy to help."

"I didn't want to hurt you, Sam. You gave me no choice. And, well, I could say it was never supposed to go this way, but you're... you. It was always going to go this way."

"And you know me?"

"We do. We've been watching you, your sister, and your brother for years. For awhile, we were watching your fellow hunter, Mr. Scott. But then, he passed. Every since you almost ended the world the first time. We knew all about Lucifer, the angels falling."

"Then where were you?"

"Fair question. See, some of us wanted to get involved, but the old men wouldn't allow it. Thought we were overstepping our bounds. After all this business with the Darkness, even they have to agree, things need to change. And while you might not believe this, Sam, we're here to help."

"Yeah, no, I-I can tell."

"I want to apologize for locking you up. You're dangerous – to others and yourself – but if you answer my questions, you walk right out that door. I promise."



"You can ask me any kind of question you want. The answer's gonna be the exact same – Screw you. You want to get mad? You want to get mean? I've been tortured by the Devil himself. So you, you're just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me?"

Toni placed the cap back on the pen, making sure it closed with a click. She nodded to Ms. Watt, who turned on the water. A hose led to a point above Sam's head.

"A cold shower? That's your play?" Sam asked.

After a while, Sam started shivering and he retorted, "Screw you."


"You live here?" Mary questioned.

"Yeah, when we're not on the road. It's an old Men of Letters bunker," Dean said.

"Men of Letters? Yeah. They're a myth. An old hunter's story."

"Not so much. New duds look good."

"Well, thanks. It's better than walking around in that nightgown the rest –"

Dean and Mary saw several large splatters of blood on the floor and heard shuffling from what sounded like two people.

"That's blood," Mary noted.


Dean removed the gun and cocked it. He walked forward and checked out the immediate area. He noticed the sigil on the wall.

"Sammy? Cas? Nati? Rae?" Dean called.

Dean pulled out a gun from under the map table and handed it to Mary. "Take this. Stay here." Dean walked off to check out the bunker.

"Dean," Mary called.

"Sammy? Nati?"

Mary moved around, checking out the book. She heard a door open and hid behind a pillar as footsteps approached. "Hands in the air. Get on your knees."

"Who are you, and where is Sam?" Castiel and Azrael demanded.

"Hands, now."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It's okay. It's okay. They're friends, all right?" Dean told her before greeting the angels."Hey, Cas. Hey, Rae."

A relieved Castiel stepped forward and embraced Dean. "Dean!"

"Hey. Okay. All right."

Natalia and Dylan, hearing the yelling, ran to the map table. Dean looked at Dylan and his eyes widened.

"Dean. Natalia. You're both alive?" Castiel and Azrael asked.

"Yeah," Dean replied. "Dylan... Wait."

Natalia grinned. "Thank you, Amara."

"Amara?" Dylan repeated.

"Chuck's sister. Uh, Chuck is God."

"Uh, right."

"What about the bombs and the Darkness? What happened?" Castiel asked.

"I'll tell you guys everything," Dean replied. "Where is Sam?"

Dylan shook his head. "Uh, we have no idea. Looked everywhere. Nat even looked in her small crevices. Not sure why she did that."

"Are you a hunter?" Mary asked Castiel and Azrael before turning to Dylan. "Are you?"

"No, Azrael and I are angels," Castiel said. "He's a hunter."

Dean, Dylan and Natalia spoke simultaneously with Castiel and Azrael. "They're angels."

Mary frowned. "Come again?"

"Angels, with a-a capital "A." You know, wings, harp," Dean said.

"No, she and I don't have a harp," Castiel replied.

"This is Castiel and Azrael. Cas, Rae, this is... Mary. Winchester. Mary, this is Dylan Scott. Natalia's fiancé. He's cool."

Natalia held up her left hand and pointed to Dylan. "Actually, husband. Meet Dylan Winchester. He insisted on my last name, doesn't flow, but can't change it now. All I can do is make fun." She kissed his cheek.

Dean looked between them. "You two - how long-"

"Uh, spur of the moment. Vegas wedding without actually being in Vegas. Surprise. Dean, is that really her?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, it's really her, Natalia."

Mary held out her arms for a hug, but Natalia stepped back.

"No offense, but I can't," Natalia said. "By birth, you're my mother, but I don't know you."

Dean offered Mary a small smile. "She'll come around. She just needs a little time." Dean paused a moment. "So, wait, uh, where – where is Sam? He's not answering his phone, there's blood on the floor. What's going on?" Dean wondered.

"I don't know. We came back here, there was a woman waiting for us. She blasted me and Azrael away. We don't know who she was. We don't know what happened to Sam," Castiel said.

"I don't understand. What happened?" Mary asked.

Natalia looked between them. "Okay, well, when Dylan and I returned, the bunker was empty, so – so they've obviously left here. You said woman – not an angel, not a demon, a-a human."

"She was human," Castiel and Azrael confirmed.

"When did this go down?" Dylan questioned.

Dean walked to one of the tables and grabbed his laptop.

"It was 2:12 a.m.," Castiel and Azrael replied.

"Is that a-a computer?" Mary wondered.

"Yes. Azrael and I don't trust them," Castiel said.

Dean clicked through different views of streets as Natalia and Dylan stood over each of his shoulders. Natalia pointed to the screen, noticing something.

"Thanks, Nat. Got something. An S.U.V. ran a red light a few blocks from here at 2:21 a.m. And there wasn't another car for 40 minutes."

"How did you do that?" Mary asked.

"I hacked the traffic cams. Welcome to the future."

"You think it's them?" Castiel and Azrael questioned.

"It's worth a shot."

They made their way to the garage. Dean turned on the light as Mary, Castiel, Azrael, Dylan, and Natalia entered. Mary stopped walking.

Dean stopped and looked at her. "Mom?"

Mary exhaled sharply and walked towards Baby. She ran her hand lightly over the car. "This was John's car. Oh, she's still beautiful."

"Hell, yeah, she is."

"Hi, sweetheart. Remember me?"

Mary leaned down and looked into the car, smiling. She started looking at the front seat, but her eyes and thoughts lingered on the back seat. Dean looked down, looking at the interior of the car with pride. Dean looked at Mary, and realized she was having very specific memories of time in the back seat. Dean looked around the car and looked at Mary.

"Oh..." Dean began.

Mary looked up at Dean, who realized he might have been conceived in the back seat. Dean stood up quickly and looked over the car. He swallowed hard and glanced at Castiel, Azrael, Dylan and Natalia, of which the younger of the latter had a slightly disgusted expression. Castiel and Azrael gave Dean a quizzical look.

"We should go," Dean decided.


The water was still pouring from the hose and Sam shivered. Ms. Watt turned off the water.

"Can I end this, Sam, please?" Toni asked.

Sam shivered. "Screw you."

"What do you imagine is happening here? Do you think you're being brave, that you're the hero of this story? Well, you're no hero, Sam. You're just bad at your job."

"Yeah, and you're better?"

"So much better. You drive back roads, catching cases at random. You get word a body's dropped, you check it out, and maybe you even kill the thing that did it. But that person is still dead, and maybe a few more. But my people? We plan ahead. We study lore, and we use it against our enemies. Back home, every thoroughfare, every bridge, every dock, every airport has been warded. The moment a monster steps foot in Britain, we know about it. Within 20 minutes, he's been picked up. And within 40, he's dead. There hasn't been a monster-related death in Britain since 1965 because we are good at our job."

A vampire came out of the water under a warded bridge. He was captured and ended up on a table where a man with what looked to be a Celtic cross on his right hand severed the vampire's head and his blood spilled into a gutter.

Toni continued. "Now, you were always a lost cause, Sam, but I'm hoping there are other Hunters we can work with, teach. So, I need you to give me names and locations and everything else. Dead drops, meeting places, an organizational hierarchy, because maybe with all of us working together, we can do what you never could – make America safe."

"Or maybe you tie them to a chair. Maybe you do worse. So, maybe... maybe you can go to Hell."

"Hmm. Have it your way."

Toni nodded to Ms. Watt, walked up the stairs, and closed the door.

Ms. Watt lit a blowtorch and walked towards Sam. "Are you really gonna make me do this?"

"Screw... you," Sam retorted.

Ms. Watt squatted down and started to bring the blowtorch towards Sam's right foot.

Sam tried to move his foot away. "No! Don't. Don't. Don't."

As he blowtorch burned Sam's foot, he screamed.


Dean, Castiel, Azrael, Mary, Dylan and Natalia entered a garage where the driver of the SUV was working on the vehicle.

"Jamie Ross?" Castiel and Azrael questioned.

"Who's asking?" Jamie answered.

Castiel stepped forward. "The blonde woman that you drove yesterday, what was her name?"

"Blonde? Sorry, mate, you got the wrong –"

Castiel head-butted Jamie twice.

"Cas!" Dean and Natalia cried.

"That's an angel?" Mary wondered.

Dylan stepped closer and narrowed his eyes, fingering his knife. "You heard my buddy. Blonde. Name. Now."

"I-I-I don't know her name."

"What do you know?" Natalia, Azrael and Castiel demanded.

Toni opened the door and walked down the stairs. Sam's right foot had been burned by the blowtorch. Sam groaned weakly.

"No one can take that much pain and not break. No one," Ms. Watt said.

"What are you saying?" Toni asked.

"I Th -- Ma'am. If you want him dead, then I'll slit his throat right now. But if you want to take this to the next level, you need to make the call. Bring in Mr. Ketch."

"I don't want that psychopath anywhere near me."


"So... we stop trying to break his body. We break his mind."

Mary watched kids playing video games as Castiel and Azrael picked up coffee.

"Thank you," Castiel and Azrael said, taking the coffee to Mary and sitting down. Azrael had coffee because she didn't necessarily mind it.

Castiel continued. "This must be difficult for you. I remember my first moments on Earth. It was jarring."

"One word for it. I grew up with hunters. I've heard of people coming back from the dead before. But to actually do it... after 30 years. A lot's changed." She looked around. "A lot." She looked at Dylan and smiled. "You seem good for her. "

Dylan glanced at Natalia, who didn't notice. "I try to be. Mary, your daughter is an amazing person."

"She seems to be, yes. But she doesn't like me."

"She just doesn't know you. Give her time, okay?"

Dean and Natalia walked over and sat down.

"Find anything?" Castiel and Azrael asked.

"Yeah, ran the, uh, tail number that what's-his-face gave us. The plane that Evil Elsa flew in on has diplomatic registry," Dean told them.

"Which means?" Mary questioned.

"Which means its flight plans are sealed unless you want to hack the State Department," Natalia said.

"Who are these people?"

Castiel looked up and spotted Gregory Marion's vehicle. "Dean. Natalia. Dylan."

The three hunters turned around and saw the vehicle driving towards the Veterinary Clinic. Gregory unloaded his vehicle and walked towards the clinic door.

Natalia walked up quietly behind him and placed her gun to Gregory's neck. "Dr. Marion, how about you let us in?"

Inside, Gregory was sitting in front of his desk with Castiel, Azrael, Dean, Mary, Natalia and Dylan standing before him.

"So, you dug the bullet out of his leg, no questions asked?" Dean questioned.

"She offered me 100 grand," Gregory replied.

"And you took it?" Mary asked.

"Student loans were a bitch, okay?"

Angry, Castiel and Azrael started towards Gregory.

Natalia and Dean said, "Cas! Rae! Cas! Rae! Cas! Rae! Don't hurt him. Not yet."

"All right, look, she didn't give me her name. When we were done, the driver bailed, I got paid, and then some other chick shows up, and they all drive away," Gregory explained.

Dylan asked in a suspicious tone, "And that's everything you know?"

"Yeah. Totally," Gregory answered insincerely.

"Hurt him," Mary said.

Castiel and Azrael stepped forward and grabbed Gregory by his collar.

"Oh, oh, aah! I have her phone number! Okay? Okay, look, look, look. Look, I don't know where they are, but she called me a couple hours ago – a few hours ago, asking about the sedative I gave the guy. So... I've got her phone number."


Sam came out of unconsciousness and found himself on the floor unchained, and sat up in pain. He looked to see that his foot had been wrapped. He looked around, realizing he was alone in the cellar. He touched his neck and felt a puncture. He looked up and stopped a camera, and realized he was being watched.

Toni and Ms. Watt were watching Sam.

"I don't think its working," Ms. Watt said.

"Wait. Soon, he'll be begging to answer our questions. Anything to make it stop," Toni replied.

Toni's phone rang and she answered. "Dr. Marion."

"Yeah, I'm just calling, you know, to, uh, check on the patient."

"Is everything all right, doctor?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Definitely."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Uh –"


Dean grabbed the from Gregory's hand. "Listen, bitch. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you want. You have our brother."

"We're going to find him," Natalia added in a low, threatening tone.

"Dean and Natalia Winchester. I heard you two were dead."

"Well, you heard wrong," Dean told her. "Now, we're gonna give you one chance – just one – to hand Sam back."

"Sorry. Not possible."

"Oh, you think you can run from us? Try it. Because when we find you – and we will find you – if he is not in one piece, we will take you apart. You understand me?"

"We'll see you shortly, bitch," Natalia spat.

Toni hung up the phone and turned to Ms. Watt. "We have a problem."

Dean bent Gregory's phone in half.

They left the Vet Clinic and climbed into the Impala. Dean and Mary were in front, Castiel, Natalia and Dylan were in back as Dean drove. Azrael went on to scout ahead.


Sam limped around the cellar. He rattled the outside cellar door, which had been chained shut and cried, "Let me out!"

Sam heard a high-pitched ringing, which intensified. He started seeing images of people dying; Kevin, Mary and Dylan. There was a disembodied scream.


Dean was driving down the road.

"Now what?" Mary asked.

"Well, we got her number. Let's head back to the bunker, and we'll put a trace on it," Dean said.

Tires screeched as the Impala was hit by another vehicle. Dylan instantly grabbed Natalia as the window next to her shattered. The window next to Mary shattered. The car skidded and Dean controlled it while slamming on the brakes. Mary and Natalia fell over in her seat.

Dean reached over to Mary. "Mom?" He glanced back. "Natalia?"

Natalia had fallen into Dylan's lap. He shook her and called, "Natalia?"

Castiel leaned over the front seat. "She's unconscious, but there's no serious damage." He checked Natalia. "She's also unconscious, but I'm not sensing any serious damage."

"All right. Help them," Dean told Castiel.

Dean and Dylan got out to check the damage to the Impala. Castiel exited the Impala. Castiel opened the passenger side door and placed Mary upright in the seat. Mary was bleeding from a cut to her head. He opened the back driver's side door and laid Natalia down in the back. Natalia was bleeding from both a cut on her head and a cut on her cheek.

"Dean Winchester, I presume," Ms. Watt said. "Where's your sister? Dylan Scott. Well, that is certainly a surprise."

Dean and Dylan turned around to see Ms. Watt.

Dylan narrowed his eyes. "Actually, it's Winchester."


Sam was still hearing the high-pitched ringing. He dropped to his knees and looked up to see a hallucination of Jessica burning on the ceiling. Toni kept watch on the monitor.

"Jessica," Sam said.


Ms. Watt stepped away from her vehicle. Behind her back, she activated the warding on her brass knuckles and walked towards Dean and Dylan.

"You should be more careful with your location services on your phone," Ms. Watt told Dean.

"Are you one of them?" Dean asked.

"I'm one of them."

"Yeah." Dean walked towards Ms. Watt, grabbing her by her collar. "You tell me and my brother-in-law where my brother is, and I might take it easy on you."

"Oh, please don't," Ms. Watt replied.

A fight ensued between Ms. Watt, Dean, Castiel and Dylan. She gained the upper hand, despite all the hunters. Dean stood and reached for his gun.

"Looking for this? So, round two? Anyone?"


Sam was on his knees hearing disembodied voices.

Dean and Natalia echoed, disembodied. "Dead. We're dead because of you. We're dead because of you. This is all your fault. This is your fault."

Sam looked up and saw a hallucination of Dean and Natalia and called, "Dean? Natalia?"

Dean and Natalia echoed, disembodied. "We're all dead because of you, Sam."


The fight with Ms. Watt continued. She threw Dean against her vehicle and Dylan against the Impala. She kicked the angel blade from Castiel's hand.


While Sam was hearing voices, he looked at himself in a mirror as Dean echoed in a disembodied voice, "It should've been you. It should've been you. You're a freak. You are a freak. You're a freak. It's your fault."

"It's all your fault, Sam," Natalia echoed in a disembodied voice. "It's all your fault. Freak. You bloodsucking freak."

"You're both right," Sam said.


Ms. Watt picked up the gun from the Impala, cocked it, and pointed it at Dean, Castiel and Dylan. "You know, I would've thought for three strapping lads like yourselves, you would've lasted a tad longer. But hey, you know what they say. Good things come to those–"

The tips of two angel blades stuck out of Ms. Watt's chest. She reflectively pulled the trigger twice as Dean scrambled out of the way. Ms. Watt's body fell to the ground.

"Thanks, Mom, Nat," Dean said.

"Yeah, thanks, Mary, Natalia," Dylan thanked.


Sam covered his ears to stop the ringing. He heard Dean and Natalia's voices as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Dean and Natalia echoed, disembodied. "Your fault! It's your fault. Just die. It's your fault. It's your fault."

Sam broke the mirror and picked up a large piece of glass. Toni watched the monitor.

Dean and Natalia echoed, disembodied. "It's your fault. It's all your fault. Just die. Why won't you die, Sam? Why don't you die? It's your fault."

Sam put the glass to his throat. He slashed his neck and fell to the ground.

"No," Toni said.

Toni grabbed the cattle prod, opened the door, and ran down the stairs. She checked Sam who was lying in a pool of blood.

Sam jumped off the ground, grabbed Toni's neck, and showed her the long cut on his hand. "Maybe you're not as good at your job as you think."

Sam continued to choke Toni until she fell to the ground. As Sam started up the stairs, Toni got up and grabbed the cattle prod, using it against Sam.

"Aah!" Sam cried.

She made her way past him and was able to close and lock the door.

"No! No!" Sam pounded on the door. "No! No!" He laid back against the stairs.


Dean and Castiel hid Ms. Watt's car while Natalia and Dylan stayed with Mary.

Mary looked at her hands and Natalia knelt in front of her, giving her a small smile. "It'll get easier. You just gotta get back in the saddle."

Dean walked over and knelt next to Natalia in front of Mary. "Found her cellphone in the car. Last phone call was made from Aldrich, Missouri. We're guessing Sam's probably around there."

"Good. That's great," Mary replied.

"You okay?"

Mary shook her head. "No. I'm sorry. I just... I spent my life running from this, from hunting. And I got out. I never wanted this for you, Sam and Natalia... "

"Mom, we-we get it. We do. If she and I had kids, we wouldn't want them in this. But Sam, Nat and me... saving people and hunting things, this is our life. I think we make the world a better place. I know that we do."

Dylan nodded. "We try our best."

Dean backed the Impala up and they drove away.


A police officer was kneeling, looking down. "Witnesses say he was sweating and pale and psycho. He said his name was freaking Lucifer."

There was a body on the ground with its eyes burnt out. Crowley stood behind the crime scene tape. He turned and walked away.


The Impala drove away into the darkness. Dean looked at Mary and Natalia who were sitting in the back seat. Natalia was next to Dylan and he was checking her wounds.


Sam was sitting on the stairs in pain. Toni watched on the monitor. Sam leaned his head back against the rail and closed his eyes.

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A force was unleashed due to the removal of the Mark. A long-deceased figure returns. A potentially dangerous entity comes into being. One who pre...
193 11 9
John and chuck where really good friends back in the day but there relationship went down then a new friend and girl came in and broke there relation...