Hopelessly Human

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Sam has mysteriously returned from the Cage after falling in... and has been around for a whole year. From a... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
1. A Day in the Life
2. Smoke on the Water
3. Oh Well
4. Takin' Care of Business
5. Vampires Will Never Hurt You
6. A Matter of Trust
7. Space Oddity
8. Whatever Gets You Thru the Night
9. Dust in the Wind
10. Back in the Saddle
11. Long Long Way From Home
12. Time (Clock of the Heart)
13. Gallows Pole
14. Mother
15. False Pretense
16. Let It Bleed
17. Play With Fire
18. Paint It, Black
19. Black Water
20. The Girl Next Door
21. Angry Eyes
22. White Wedding
23. Hey Man Nice Shot
24. The Show Must Go On
26. Death of a Clown
27. Gasoline
28. Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers
29. Walking on Sunshine
30. New Kid in Town
31. Blood
32. Ready Aim Fire
33. Locomotive Breath
34. Mother and Child Reunion
35. Blood Brothers
36. Southern Thing
37. Welcome Back
38. Turn the Page
39. That Was Yesterday
40. Why Should I Worry
41. As Time Goes By
42. Nazis 1994
43. You're Only Human (Second Wind)
44. Goodbye Stranger
45. Eyes in the Sky
46. Pac-Man Fever
47. Eminence Front
48. The Unforgiven III
49. Send Me an Angel
50. Rockin' Down the Highway
51. I'm No Angel
52. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
53. Bad Boy
55. Who'll Stop the Rain
56. Tuesday's Gone
57. Just Another Night
58. Power Has a Fragrance
59. Ballad of a Thin Man
60. Knives and Pens
61. Mother's Little Helper
62. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)
63. Let's Kill Tonight
64. Stairway to Heaven
65. On the Turning Away

25. Man Out of Time

119 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

[Time After Time]

(Natalia's outfit above)


A man wearing a fedora hat and long coat walked along a sidewalk in front of a house, and turned down an alley along the side of the house. Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan were in a parked car on the opposite side of the street.

"All right, let's do this," Dean said. "Move fast." He and Natalia cocked their guns.

Sam frowned. "Wait, wait, wait. What's the plan exactly?"

"Don't die," Dean and Natalia replied.

Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan got out of the car and hurried after Fedora Man.

"He's heading downtown," Natalia informed. "All right, you and Dylan take the tree. Dean and I'll take the alley. We'll meet you in the middle."

Dylan kissed the top of Natalia's head. "Be careful."

Dean and Natalia turned an alleyway corner and saw Fedora Man kneeling over and holding the head of another man, who was on his back on the ground. There was a red light above the prone man's face which seemed like it was being absorbed by Fedora Man.

"Son of a..." Dean and Natalia began.

Dean and Natalia ran towards the man. As the red light from the prone man was completely absorbed by Fedora Man, Fedora Man let prone man's head fall to the ground and stood. Sam and Dylan came around the corner and saw Dean and Natalia tackle Fedora Man. Dean, Natalia and Fedora Man disappeared in an explosion of red and white light.

"Dean? Natalia?" Sam and Dylan called.

Sam and Dylan held their arms out in front of their faces as the force of the explosion reached them at the other end of the alley. The light disappeared and everything was still. Dean, Natalia and Fedora Man were gone.

"Dean?! Natalia?!" Sam and Dylan called again.



Dean and Natalia were sitting at a table with a bottle of whiskey and laptop, looked at websites related to Dick Roman: 'Global Economic Report: RRE, a search engine page, Financial Market Watch: Richard Roman Enterprises stock soars. A phone rang. Sam, who was asleep on a bed in the same room, sat up and groaned. Dylan glanced up from the chair he was on.

"Don't give us that dirty-diaper look," Dean said. "We ain't calling you."

Sam answered the phone. "Hello?"


Jody Mills was driving. "Sam, it's Jody Mills. I wake you?"

"The Sheriff? Uh..."


Sam turned on a lamp. "Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh-"

"Listen, I got something that smells like you boys and girl."


"A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body."


"Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" Sam asked.

"Well, when it went missing, it was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin," Jody replied. "When it turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping. This is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you boys and girl tap to?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um... that's our kind of number. Hey, question - how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?"

"I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you boys and girl and... with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say?"

"Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff."

"Call me after, okay?"



Sam hung up and said, "That was Sheriff Mills. She caught us one."

"Oh, I feel bad," Dean replied sarcastically. "We didn't get her anything."

"Hmm. Maybe a fruit basket would do," Natalia said.

Sam looked at them. "I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut or some animated show, 'cause reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self-punishment."

After a pause, Dean closed the laptop. "It's called anime, and it's an art form."



Signs saying 'For Auction' and 'No Trespassing' were hung on a security fence around the house. Dean, Sam and Dylan dressed in suits and Natalia in a dress, pulled up in a car outside the house.

"Well, this looks nice," Dean commented. "Check around back."

They drove off.


Dean carried a table into an empty downstairs room. Sam, Dylan and Natalia each came down the stairs carrying a chair.

"Well, there's a... semi-functioning bathroom and one un-rancid bedroom," Sam informed.

"Define semi-functioning, and do not use the words "hole in the floor,"" Dean replied.

Natalia raised a hand. "I call the bedroom."

Sam smirked and held out his right fist on his left palm and nodded meaningfully to his siblings. Dean and Natalia took up the same position, Dean with a bit of a flourish and Natalia with a glare. They hit their palms with their fists twice.


Sam rolled out a bedroll. Dean and Natalia entered and stood near the door.

"How does paper beat rock?" Dean wondered. "It's stupid." Sam didn't answer and Dean left the room.

Natalia crossed her arms. "Damn game. I called this room, Samuel."

Sam met her eyes. "Yeah, well, you lost the game, so I got the room. Doesn't matter if you called it or not."


Dean, Sam and Dylan were dressed in suits and Natalia was in a dress. Dean was holding the police file.

"Kids playing hide-and-seek found the body," Sam informed.

"Wow. Very King Tut," Dean commented.

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, so, um, this is where the eyewitness to the assault live, but cops are calling him an unreliable witness."

"Because?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"Let's find out," Sam and Dylan replied.

Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan knocked at the door of a house and held out their I.D.s. A man opened the door.

"Special Agent Smith," Dean said. "These are Special Agents Smith and Smith. No relation. And this is..."

"Special Agent Singer," Dylan finished, brushing down a wave of emotion.

"Whoa," the man stated. "Do you mind if we, uh... My mom's sleeping in there." He stepped outside and closed the door. "S-so how can I...?"

"Oh, we, uh - we had a few questions about the incident you witnessed in the alley," Sam told him.

"You just gonna laugh at my story like the rest of the suits?"

"We're not gonna laugh at you," Dean replied.

"All right, well, I'm on the steps... medicating... when I hear fighting. So I look. There's my neighbor Durbin, and some dude dressed like my grandpa's got him by the neck, right?"

Natalia frowned. "What do you mean he looked like your grandpa?"

"Uh... Snappy shoes, suit, one of those, um, Justin Timberlake hats."

"Y-you mean a - a fedora?" Sam asked.


"Did you see anything else?" Dylan questioned.

"This red, like, energy passed through Durbin to hat guy. Even my watch stopped. Durbs... he aged before my eyes. He looked like a raisin."

"Well, we believe you," Sam said.

The man nodded appreciatively. "Oh!"

"Thanks for your help," Dean told the man.

"Thank you, officer - officers."

Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan turned to leave.

"Wow," Dean and Natalia commented.


Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan, still in their FBI garb, were working the table. Sam and Dylan were using the laptop. Dean leafed through John's journal while Natalia looked over his shoulder, then closed it and put it down.

"Yep," Dean said. "Nothing that turns a dude into a Cryptkeeper. You two?" He checked to see that a beer can next to him on the table was empty and took four fresh beers out of a cooler.

"Uh, well, greater Canton turns out kind of a hot spot for weird dead bodies," Sam replied.

"Hmm. You don't say."

"Yeah. News archives." He turned the laptop towards his siblings. "They're not exactly reporting, uh, mummifies. But still, uh - 1928..." the laptop screen showed articles titled 'Another Shriveled Body Found' and 'Spontaneous Combustion Claims Life of Young Man' and a page of search engine results for 'Canton Ohio mysterious deaths', "... three deaths cited as spontaneous combustion. Bodies, quote, "shriveled despite no signs of fire.""

Natalia rested her feet on the table. "Little stretch, but okay."

Dylan looked at her. "'74..." he hit a button on the keyboard, "... three bodies found with leathery decay. Um, '57..."

Sam hit a button on the keyboard before saying, "... three more -" the laptop screen showed articles titled 'Strange Body Found', 'Mummy Found By Boys' and 'Bartender Falls Victim to Dehydration'. "Severe dehydration. This time one made the front page." He hit a button and an old newspaper photograph appeared on the screen. In it, a young girl stood next to a policeman pointed at a corpse. In the background were a woman talking to another policeman and two men, one of whom was wearing a fedora and long coat.

"Girl named Terry Cervantes found a corpse near her church."

"Any pattern here other than the location?" Dean asked.

"Random vics, random years. But they seem to drop in threes," Sam informed.

"That's two down, one to go," Natalia noted. "All right, let me and Dean drive for a sec."

"What, are you two gonna look up more anime or cartoon shows, or are you two strictly into Dick now?"

Natalia frowned. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." She typed 'Canton webcams' into a search engine and brought up 'Securi-Net Webcams,' which showed ten images from security cameras. "Hmm."

"Are those local feeds?"


"How did you do that so fast?"

"Little tutorial from Frank. Don't worry about it. We'll pretend this never happened."

Dean took the computer from her. "Now, mummy numero dos was, uh, found at the Gas n' Sip near Main Street, correct?"

"Yeah," Sam confirmed.

Dean entered 'gas+main+st' into a search box on the Securi-Net Webcams site and brought up four security cameras feeds.

"All right, well, here's all the cameras around that store."

"You need to teach me that trick. I can't believe she learned it before me."

A man wearing a fedora and long coat appeared in one of the feeds.

"Hey, check it out - Timberlake."

Dylan frowned. "Wait a sec." He took back the laptop.

"You two can't let me and Nat bask in the glory for one second, can you?"

"Shut up," Sam retorted. "Look."

The laptop screen showed a close-up on the man from the security camera feed, and a close-up of the man in the fedora in the old newspaper photograph.

"He hasn't aged a day, has he? All right, well, if he's been popping up for decades now, then somebody's bound to know who he is, right? Is there any chance that, uh, Terry's still local?"

Dylan picked up the newspaper. "I say we find out."


"You know it's so pretty in the spring," Terry said. "Everything's blooming. That's why I walked home that way - to see the flowers. Instead, I found that body. I still have no idea what could have done that to a person."

"Do you recognize that man?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I mean, he lived on my parents' street. Mr. Snider."


Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan were eating take-out in the car, which was parked across the street from a house.

"So, what exactly is this thing?" Dean wondered. "Some sort of vampire who got too sucky?"

"Nope," Sam replied. "Coroner's report said there was blood in both bodies. 300-year-old blood, but blood."

Fedora Man came out of the house.

"Dude, dude," Dean called. "Uh, fedora dude."

Fedora Man walked along the sidewalk and turned down the alley.

"All right, let's do this," Dean said. "Move fast." He and Natalia cocked their guns.

Sam frowned. "Wait, wait, wait. What's the plan exactly?"

"Don't die," Dean and Natalia replied.

Dean, Sam, Natalia and Dylan got out of the car and hurried after Fedora Man.

"He's heading downtown," Natalia informed. "All right, you and Dylan take the tree. Dean and I'll take the alley. We'll meet you in the middle."

Dylan kissed the top of Natalia's head. "Be careful."

Dean and Natalia turned an alleyway corner and saw Fedora Man kneeling over and holding the head of another man, who was on his back on the ground. There was a red light above the prone man's face which seemed like it was being absorbed by Fedora Man.

"Son of a..." Dean and Natalia began.

Dean and Natalia ran towards the man. As the red light from the prone man was completely absorbed by Fedora Man, Fedora Man let prone man's head fall to the ground and stood. Sam and Dylan came around the corner and saw Dean and Natalia tackle Fedora Man. Dean, Natalia and Fedora Man disappeared in an explosion of red and white light.

"Dean? Natalia?" Sam and Dylan called.

Sam and Dylan held their arms out in front of their faces as the force of the explosion reached them at the other end of the alley. The light disappeared and everything was still. Dean, Natalia and Fedora Man were gone.

"Dean?! Natalia?!" Sam and Dylan called again.

Dean, Natalia and Fedora Man were tussling on the ground. Dean grabbed Fedora Man's hand, revealing that he was wearing a ring with an hourglass symbol. Fedora Man broke away and ran off.

"Hey!" Dean and Natalia called, getting to their feet and hurrying after Fedora Man. They were in an alley. "Hey!" They drew their guns. "Hey!"

Dean and Natalia reached the street, stopped and looked around. They were no longer in the 2010s, but in he 1940s. Two police man got out of a police car and pointed guns at Dean and Natalia.

"Hey, you two!" a policeman yelled. "Drop the guns! Put them down! Drop the guns!"

"All right," Dean and Natalia agreed, dropping their guns on the ground. The policemen advanced on them.


A policeman examined Dean and Natalia's possessions. They were sitting at the table in handcuffs, Natalia on one end.

"Okay, can we just-" Dean began.

"Don't," the policeman interrupted. "Listen to me. Hey, if you two tell me you're both from the Bureau one more time, I'm gonna air you two out myself. Got it?" He turned on Dean and Natalia's cell phones. ""No signal." Are either of you some kind of Jerry spy?"

"Jerry who?" Dean and Natalia asked.

The policeman picked up Dean and Natalia's FBI IDs. "These badges were issued 68 years from not. Ace work, kraut-munchers."

Dean and Natalia calculated the data. "'44? We're stuck in 1944?!"

"We're all stuck in 1944, ya bunnies."

A man entered the room. The policeman got up from the table and walked over to him.

"Take a powder," the man said.

"Yes, sir," the policeman replied before leaving the room.

Dean frowned. "Look she and I don't even like frigging sauerkraut, okay, so you can just skip the-"

"What happened in the alley?" the man asked. "And paint me a real picture."

Dean glanced at Natalia before saying, "All right, well, we're "twelve monkeyed" no matter what we say, so here goes. We were chasing this dude. Uh, we'd just seen him mummify a guy. Yeah. So, we jumped him. He lights up red. Poof, we're in 1944."

The man tossed a folder onto the table and sat across from Dean and near Natalia. "Tell me more about the red light."

Natalia's head tilted slightly. "Are you seriously asking-"

"You two want out of this jail, you're both gonna tell me everything you can about that man and the so-called light."

"Okay. We saw it, and then we were here."

"Wold you say that, uh... it was all around you or that more that it came from inside this fella?"

"You believe us," Dean realized. "Are you...? You're a hunter."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Demons, ghosts, shifters. Hey, she and I've killed 'em all. And you're the same. Just 68 years before us, huh?"

The man exhaled sharply and held out a hand. "And your names are..."

Dean and Natalia, who were still in handcuffs, shook his hand before Dean said, "Dean... Winchester. And that's my sister Natalia."

"Ness. Eliot Ness."


Sam and Dylan were adding to research that was taped to a wall.

Sam's phone rang and he answered. "Dean? Natalia?"


Jody spoke. "No. Why? Where's Dean and Natalia?"


"The thing that's been mummifying people took them in a frigging ball of light and disappeared."

"You guys get that a lot?"

"Yeah, more than most people," Dylan replied.

"Well, I got you into this, so-"

Sam cut her off. "No, no, no, you didn't. A-all you did was just-"

"Shut up, Sam. How can I help?"

"Well, um... How do you feel about driving and lifting boxes?"


Dean and Natalia were standing, no longer in handcuffs. Eliot Ness entered the room.

Dean grinned. "I-I got to tell you, I mean, "Untouchables" is, like, one of our favorite movies ever."

"What?" Ness asked.

Natalia's brow furrowed in thought. "We must have seen that thing, like, 50 times."

""Seen it"? What, like, I'm in the-"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Dean said. "You don't even know! Oh, you are - pbht!"

"Look, hey, wait, wait, wait. Let's just... slow it down. Okay? Now, time travel. Is that something you find up a lot of sleeves in the future or..."

"No, no, no. It's, uh, not normally on the menu. Trust me. She and I are as surprised as you are that we're here."

"So we're hunting the same thing, just in different centuries." He pushed a folder towards Dean and Natalia and opened a second one. "Two bodies. A few days apart just a little over a month ago. One witness said that she saw an assailant light up red after sucking the life out of a man."

"Awesome," Dean and Natalia commented.

"How does that fill you two with awe? Look, Dean, Natalia, this thing, it kills-"

"In threes."

"In threes."

"But you already knew that," Dean said.

"He's two down. You're both coming with me. We've got to get this thing before it grabs the last one."

"Okay, so, so, wait, uh... Does... does this mean that she and I are an Untouchable now?"

"It means we got to get you two into some new clothes. You two look like some kind of bindlestiffs."

"Stiff your br - bin - what?"

Natalia started laughing, thoroughly enjoying her brother's confused reaction.


A woman was measuring and pinning trousers at a table. Ness, Natalia and Dean pulled up in a car outside. Dean got out of the car and smiled after a passing serviceman. Natalia rolled her eyes and Ness grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him into the shop while Natalia followed.

"What's the rumpus, Eliot?" the woman asked.

"Ezra Moore. Dean and Natalia Winchester; siblings," Ness said.

"Hey," Dean and Natalia greeted.

"Who're they? Some farmer clowns?" Ezra questioned.

"They're, uh, from the future," Ness replied.

"Yeah," Dean confirmed. "Gas costs four bucks. You can get cheese out of a spray can. And... the president, he's a black guy. I could go on."

Natalia nodded. "Phones you can fit in your pocket, oh, and computers. There's a ton more."

"Paint me impressed," Ezra commented. "I assume you two need some clothes. Come on."


Sam opened the door and Jody and Dylan entered, carrying boxes.

"Hey, let me, uh - let me help you with those," Sam offered.

"No, I got these. You go get the other 20 in my trunk."


Dylan nodded. "Oh, yeah."

"Yeah," Jody confirmed. "I think Bobby may have had a slight hoarding issue. I could barely get the door open on that storage locker. And, um, I'm pretty sure something's alive in at least three of those boxes."

"Mittens my cat?" Dylan joked. "Kidding. He got sick when I was a kid and sadly passed."

Sam left and Jody looked at Dylan. "At least you're joking, kid. How are you holding up?"

Dylan shrugged. "I've been better. Trying to hang in there. Being with the Winchesters has helped. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay."


Dean was dressing in brown clothes, then came out of a fitting room in a dark suit. His hair was parted on the side. Ness smiled and whistled. Dean looked at himself in the mirror as Ezra smoothed the suit jacket from behind.

Natalia came out in a white blouse, black skirt and black Oxford shoes. Her hair was styled in typical 1940s fashion. Ness smiled. Natalia looked at herself in the mirror as Ezra smoothed her shirt from behind. Natalia slipped on a women's black trench coat.

"Awesome," Dean and Natalia commented.

""Awesome"?" Ezra repeated. "You two some religious kooks?"

"No, they just like saying that," Ness told her.

"So, spill already. What bucket of syrup did you three idjits step into?" Dean and Natalia chuckled. "Something funny, sweetheart, hon?"

"No, you, uh... You just kind of remind us of someone," Dean answered.

"Okay, Ezra... we need your help," Ness said. "It seems we're hunting a time traveler."

"Delightful," Ezra muttered.


Sam and Dylan were studying the research hanging on the wall. Jody was using a laptop to search the Federal Criminal Database Secure Serve for "Fedora, Man, Suit".

"Got it," Jody said, pulling up an old photograph that included Fedora Man.

"Is that a - is that a ring on his finger?" Sam asked.

"Um..." she zoomed in on Fedora Man's hand. "Yeah."

Sam frowned and got up to get a binder which he brought back to the table before saying, "I know that symbol."

Dylan studied the symbol and nodded. "Me too." He began flipping through a lore book.


A book with the hourglass symbol was out.

"It's the infinite hourglass," Ezra informed.

"That's the symbol she and I saw on his ring," Dean said.

"Yeah, that's the mark of Chronos."


Natalia looked at him. "Seriously? You call yourself a nerd. God of time. Or more correctly, Titan of time."


"The god of time," Sam said.

"Titan," Dylan corrected.


"That's crazy," Jody commented.

"The thing is, with the Old Gods, once upon a time they were - they were just short of invincible. But they got a lot of their mojo from worshippers, from people feeding them."

"These days, not so much."

"Right, they're not what they used to be. But they make up for lack of power with being twice as pissed and a lot more hands-on."

"Okay. So why's this god, or Titan, killing people?"


"Could be he's killed folks or his time juice," Ezra guessed, putting a gun into a holster. Dean and Natalia put a flask into their jacket pockets.

"All right, well, how the hell are she and I gonna ride him back to 2012?" Dean asked.

"Well, you two could let him grab you, if you don't mind him using you two for gasoline."


"So, how do we get Dean and Natalia back?" Jody wondered.

"Best stab? We find a way to summon a god," Sam replied.

Dylan pursed his lips. "We better. I intend to get my girl back."


"Look, let's just stick with what we know," Ness said. "Ezra, see if you can find something in all this junk that will kill a god."

"No trouble at all," Ezra replied. "Come in a few hours, see what I can scrounge up.""You said you fellas and lady found his house? Well, let's go see if it's been built yet. And then let's kill that bastard, because that-"

Dean and Natalia adjusted their fedoras, though hers had a wider brim and a softer crown before saying, "Is the Chicago way."

""Chicago way"?"

"Who talks like that?" Ness questioned.

"Sean Connery," Dean answered.

"Come on." He helped Dean into a coat.

"Never watch that movie again." Dean picked up the gun Ezra put in a holster.

Natalia picked up the other gun that Ezra had put in a holster. "Don't lie."

The siblings left.


Dean, Natalia and Ness were outside the front door.

"It looks empty," Dean noted. "You got a lock pick?"

"Sure," Ness replied, kicking in the door and entered with his gun drawn. Dean and Natalia followed. "Take a look around. Where's he getting all the lettuce to support this?"

Dean picked up a journal and opened it to see that it contained horse racing results. "He's using the "Biff strategy"."

"Using what?"

Natalia peeked at the journal before saying, "He's - Chronos is betting on races he already knows the outcome of."

"Look at this," Dean said.

"He's spent a lot of time in '44," Ness commented.

"Yeah." Dean pointed to initials in the journal. "What's L.Y.?"

"It's not a what. It's a who," Ness replied."Lester Young. He lays bets for a lot of the flunkies in town. Let's say we go pay him a witness."


Dean and Natalia pushed Lester down the stairs and into a chair.

"Hey!" Lester protested. "W-whoa! Hey! Hey! Easy with the jacket! Yeah, I ain't talking. I'm no stoolie."

Dean punched Lester, who fell back into his chair. Natalia gripped Lester's cheeks in one hand and stared daggers at him. Ness looked at Dean and Natalia.

"We learned it from watching you," Dean stated, pushing the chair and Lester upright.

"Look, you seem like a swell guy, Lester," Ness said as Dean and Natalia took off their jackets. "And I want to help you out. I do, but my partners here? They just back from the war. And they've spent the last two years kicking in Nazi skulls. If they don't kick in a skull every couple days, they get real touchy. I don't care how sweet the girl looks; she's got a real temper on her that you do not want to be on the bad side of."

"Lester. That a German name?"

"Hey, okay, okay. There's no need to snap your caps. W-who you looking for?"

"Fella by the name of Snider," Ness replied.

"What, that guy? I mean, bum never missed a bet, but he gave me the herbie-jeebies, so I cut him off."

"Where would you meet him for the payoff?"

Lester hesitated. Dean and Natalia raised their arms and stepped closer.

"T-the Early Bird!" Lester told them. "It's a drive on Haggerty. Practically lives in the joint."


Sam, Jody and Dylan were researching. Sam and Dylan were at the table and Jody was near a pile of boxes.

"Damn it," Sam and Dylan muttered.

"That's it!" Jody exclaimed.

The men exchanged a look before Sam said, "Okay, yours sounds better. You first."

"It says here that people could summon Chronos "to compel him to tell them their futures.""

"And we've got the spell to do it right here," Dylan stated.

"So why the "damn its"?"

"'Cause calling Chronos isn't the problem," Sam replied. "It's making sure we summon him when Dean and Natalia are right there... Literally with their hands on the guy, so they can surf him back."

"That's not automatic?"

"No, it's more like we need to get the time on their end right to the exact second."

"Or we get an angry god but no big brother and little sister/girlfriend?"

"And they're trapped there forever," Dylan finished, his voice cracking slightly.

Jody picked up a bottle with a handwritten note attached. ""Fine, you ass. You win for once. Enjoy. R." Who's "R"?"

"Rufus, a family friend," Sam replied.

"Ah, right."

"Wonder what they were betting over?"

Dylan shook his head. "Hell if I know. Uncle Bobby never said."

"Well, whatever it was, Rufus was a sore loser," Jody said.

Sam and Dylan smiled. "Yeah."

"It's weird, huh? It's like their life's a big puzzle. You just keep finding pieces of it scattered all over the place. We should drink this. He'd want us to. Am I wrong?"

"It'd be rude not to," Sam answered.


Ness, Dean and Natalia were in a parked car on the street where Dean, Natalia and Chronos had appeared in 1944. Chronos was sitting in a diner with a cup of coffee.

"That's him," Dean and Natalia confirmed.

"Kind of puny for a god," Ness commented before drinking from a flask. He held the flask out to Dean, who didn't take it then to Natalia who also didn't take it.

"Thought you were, uh- thought you were Mr. Boy Scott," Dean said.

"Why do you think I went after Capone in the first place?" He put the flask back in his jacket pocket, but immediately took it out again.

"So, now, w-who died in your life and made you a hunter?"

"Who died? Nobody died, you morbid son of a bitch. I started doing this 'cause vampires were turning folks in Cleveland."

"And you got the bug," Dean and Natalia stated.

"That's when I got the bug." Ness drank from his flask again. "Sometimes you just want to punch through the red tape with a silver bullet. Yeah, hunting sets me free. Isn't that why you hunt?"

"We used to do it 'cause that's what our family did," Natalia replied.


"But they just seem to keep dying," Dean said. "To tell you the truth, I don't know why I'm doing much of anything anymore, and I don't think she does either."

"Boo-hoo. Cry me a river, ya nancy. Tell me, are all hunters as soft as you in the future? Everybody loses everybody. And then one day, boom. Your number's up, but at least you're making a difference. So enjoy it while it lasts, kids, 'cause hunting's the only clarity you're gonna find in this life. And that makes you two luckier than most."

A young woman with long blonde hair left the diner and walked past Ness' car.

"Hello, nurse," Ness greeted.

The young woman walked down an alley.

"Hey," Dean and Natalia called.

Chronos left the diner and followed the young woman. Ness, Dean and Natalia got out of the car. Ness opened the trunk, which contained numerous weapons.

"Sweet merciful awesome," Dean said.

Natalia grinned. "Oh, freaking awesome."

Ness handed Dean and Natalia a shotgun. Chronos was gaining on the young woman. Ness, Dean and Natalia ran after them and raised their guns. Chronos grabbed the young woman's arm and turned her to face him. They kissed. Dean, Natalia and Ness looked at each other in confusion. Natalia's heart panged to see Dylan again and she hoped she would.


Clouds moved across a full moon. Ness was talking to someone in a small truck loaded with hay bales as Dean and Natalia looked on from the car. They were in a rural area. Ness walked back to the car. A house was visible from across a field. Ness spoke to Dean and Natalia through the open car window.

"Well, everything's coming up us, kids," Ness told them.

"Talk to us," Dean said.

"I am. The owner of the house, Miss Lila Taylor, age 20, lives alone. Take the car, head back to Ezra, see what she's got. I'm gonna stay here and keep my peepers on the Sheik and the Sheba."

Dean and Natalia handed Ness their rifles and drove away. Ness walked towards the house.


A stake fashioned from a branch was lying on the table. The pointed end was red.

"That's it?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"That is a 1,000-year-old olive carved by vestal virgins and dipped in the blood of - you don't want to know," Ezra replied. "Pulling this together wasn't easy. You two and Ness each owe me, smoothies."

"You can have whatever you want..." Dean began, picking up the stake, "... soon as we gank this thing."

Natalia said nearly the same thing. "We gank it, you get what you want, whatever that is."

"Yeah, yeah. Take your twig, wise guy, little girl," Ezra told them.

"Well, now, how's it work?" Dean wondered.

Ezra walked towards Dean and indicated the pointed end of the stake before saying, "You stick this end in his heart. Miss, he has you two for supper. Make sense?"

Natalia frowned. "Wait, if he or I - if he or I kill Chronos... we're stuck here."

"You just now realized? Oh, come on. 1944 ain't so bad."

"Yeah, I could head over to Europe, punch Hitler in the neck," Dean replied.

"Oh, there's lots of ways to pass the time, sugar." She put her hands on Dean's lapels and drew him in for a kiss. "That's for luck." She smoothed her thumb over Dean's lips. "'Cause I'm lucky." She kissed Natalia's forehead. "A little luck for you, sweetie."

"Thanks." He turned away and wiped his lips.

Natalia glanced down, missing Dylan, and saw three addressed envelopes, picked them up and smiled.

""Back to the Future III,"" Dean and Natalia said in sync.

Dean turned back to Ezra. "We need to borrow some paper."


Ness was behind a car parked in front of Lila's house.

"Mr. Ness, I presume?" Chronos guessed before grabbing the rifle Ness was holding and shoved it in his face. "You know, I stopped by the police station to take care of those hunters who rode me here. I heard you took them out of jail. I thought I might see you again."

Ness head butted Chronos. They struggled and Chronos took the rifle. Ness punched Chronos in the face twice. Chronos punched Ness twice. The second punch sent Ness crashing through the door of a shed where he laid unmoving.

"Ethan?" Lila called, coming out of the house and stood on the porch. She was holding a bag. "There you are. Can't take the trash out without the trash, silly."

"Sorry, honey. I don't know where I left my head. Be right there."

Lila set the trash down on the porch and went back inside. Chronos turned back to the shed. Ness was no longer there.

Inside the house, someone adjusted a grandfather clock; Lila.


"Sweetie, I want you to pack a bag," Chronos said.

"Excuse me?" Lila asked.

"Well, you're always asking me where I go. Come with me tonight."

"Is... is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's perfect. You're perfect. I just need you to pack a bag and I'll explain why on the way, okay?"

"But the diner-"

Chronos raised his voice. "Forget about them!" He spoke in a normal tone. "We'll call them tomorrow, okay? Just go. Pack."


Dean and Natalia drove up and parked outside the house that in the present day Sam, Jody and Dylan were staying in. Lights were on.

Dean chuckled and drummed his hands on the steering wheel. "Jackpot."

Natalia grinned and snapped her fingers. "Yahtzee."


Dean and Natalia walked up to the front door. An old man was reading a newspaper inside and listening to the radio. Dean and Natalia knocked.

"Can I help you, son, ma'am?" the old man asked.

"Yes, sir," Dean replied. "I am, uh, Special Agent Costner and this is Special Agent DeNiro with the, uh..." he and Natalia held out their FBI badges, "... Department of Homeland Termite Invasion."


Natalia nodded. "Yes, sir. There's been an outbreak over the whole area, and we just want to do an inspection, make sure that the, um, perimeter's secure."

"Yes. Yes, of course. Um, you'd better come in."

"Okay," Dean and Natalia agreed.

Dean and Natalia walked up the stairs as the old man looked on. Dean turned on a light in a bedroom and moved the bed away from the wall. He put a pillow from the bed on the floor next to the wall and laid down; Natalia next to him.

The old man came into the room and asked, "Is everything okay up here?"

Dean leaned up on an elbow. "What?! Oh, yeah - no. No, no. Not to worry, because we're going to install something that will protect this house forever."

The old man nodded. Dean and Natalia gave him a thumbs up. The old man left the room and Dean and Natalia laid back down. They looked up and then to their right and saw the bottom of a door frame on the other side of the room. Natalia stood just before Dean, ran to the doorframe, and took out her switch knife.

"Dee?" she asked.

"Yeah," Dean confirmed.


Jody entered carrying a bag of food and coffee. She saw Sam and Dylan with their heads down at the table.

"You two are toast," Jody said, causing Sam and Dylan to raise their heads with a start. "I'll keep pushing. You two go get some shut-eye."

"Uh, that's okay," Sam replied. "We can, uh..."

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, we can..."

Sam and Dylan each took a coffee and Jody took the coffees back.

"Do I have to use my mom voice?" Jody asked.


Sam crashed facedown on his bedroll with his eyes closed. Dylan crashed on the floor next to him. Sam put his hands under the bedroll to use it as a pillow and moved his head several times to get comfortable while Dylan tried getting comfortable on the floor. They turned their heads towards the wall next to then, then suddenly snapped their heads around to look at the other side of the wall. "Sam" and "Dyl" were written at the base of the doorframe. Sam turned on a portable lamp, took it across the room, followed by Dylan, and used their knives to break away the piece of the frame on which their names were written. Behind it was a piece of paper, which they unfolded and read.


Sam and Dylan hurried down the stairs.

Jody got up from the table and said, "All right. You two asked for it. Young men-" Sam held out the piece of paper. Jody took it and read the words aloud. ""Sammy, Dylan, turns out Snider is Chronos." Wait, this is from Dean and Natalia? How-"

"Just read!" Sam and Dylan told her.

""Dean and I rode him to 1944. Working with Eliot Ness - yes, that one."" Jody looked up at Sam and Dylan who smiled. ""Tracked Chronos down. He's sleeping with some chick named Lila Taylor and we got a weapon. We're going after him. Take care of yourselves, Sam, Dylan. P.S. I love you, Dyl.""

"Look at the top."

"November 5, '44."

"So now we know the exact date Dean and Natalia had hands on Chronos," Sam said. "All we need is the exact time."

"Which we get how?"

"Hoping..." Dylan took back the letter, "... we ask someone who was there."


An older woman was standing, holding a TV remote.

Jody put her hand on the woman's shoulder and called, "Miss Lila Taylor?"

"Oh, can you get "The Sullivan Show"?" Lila asked. "I want to watch that Frankie Valli."

"Um, actually..." Jody held up her badge, "... we're with the police."

"Oh. Is Michael in trouble again?" She turned and started when she saw Sam. She sat on a couch. Jody, Sam and Dylan sat on footrests nearby. "I told him not to read those comic books."

"Uh, no, no, no, no. He's, uh - he's fine. We'd wanted to ask you some questions about this man." She gave Lila an old newspaper photograph of Chronos.

"Ethan. That's Ethan."

"Do you remember the last time you saw Ethan?"

"Of course. November 1944 - the night the clocks stopped."

"Th-the clocks stopped?" Sam repeated.

"11:34. Every clock in the house."

"Ma'am, can you tell us anything else you remember?" Dylan questioned.

"Ethan... said awful things. And then... and then he strangled that poor girl and beat that poor man."

"What poor girl? What poor man?"

"Two policemen and one policewoman came to arrest Ethan."

Sam held up two ID cards with a picture of Dean and Natalia before asking, "Ma'am, were these two of them?"

"Ethan choked the life out of that girl and beat that man senseless."


Dean and Natalia were walking towards the house carrying shotguns, then broke into a jog. They stood behind the car and parked in front of the house and called, "Ness! Ness!"

Dean and Natalia saw the shed with the broken door. They each shone a flashlight inside and saw broken glass and splintered wood.

The siblings walked quietly up the stairs to the house and tried the front door. Dean put his his gun in his coat pocket while Natalia kept hers out.


Dean picked the lock and he and Natalia entered. They walked into the sitting room and saw light and movement in the gap under the closed door. As Dean was reaching for his gun, Chronos tackled him and Natalia and they crashed to the floor. They got to their feet, Dean and Natalia punched Chronos and Chronos punched Dean and Natalia, sending them sprawling into a chair. Chronos prepared to hit Dean and Natalia again.

"Ethan!" Lila called.

Chronos turned. Ness was holding Lila from behind and pointing a gun at her stomach.

"Let's talk," Ness said.


Sam, Jody and Dylan entered and set items for a spell on the table: bowl, candles, matches. Sam took an hourglass from a paper bag and put it in the bowl.

"Here, break this," Sam instructed.

Jody covered the hourglass with cloth and smashed it with her gun.


"Please don't hurt her," Chronos said.

"Ethan, what's happening?" Lila asked.

"Yeah, Ethan. What the hell?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"Lila, I'm sorry, but, you just - everything I said to you is true-" Chronos began.

"Oh, he might have left out a few details," Dean replied. "He tell you he's a monster who jumps through time?"

"I'm a god!" Chronos shouted, looking at Dean, then turned to Lila. "Look, I'm not a monster. Listen. I'm the opposite."

"Well, don't forget to tell her about all the people you murdered along the way, boy scout," Ness added.

"What?" Lila wondered.

"It's not like that," Chronos told her. "I do it for you, Lila."

"I don't understand."


Sam unfolded a piece of paper and set it on the table. Jody and Dylan emptied ingredients from plastic bags into the bowl. Sam sliced his left palm with a knife and wrote "11:34" with his blood on a piece of paper, which he put in the bowl.


The grandfather clock read 11:32.

"Well, he's not as strong as he used to be," Dean noted. "Isn't that right, Ethan? Now you got to suck people dry. Wild guess - it takes three kills to juice you up."

"Sacrifices," Chronos corrected. "Three sacrifices, and I can control where I land. But once I get there, it's never long before I'm tossed through time again. That's my life, Lila. All I want is to get back here."

"Because you just love the clean Canton air?" Ness asked.

"Because I love her! Because I lived the worst existence you can imagine, and then I found you."

"After you killed Tyler Crosby and Kathy Porter? Lila here was gonna be victim number three. Am I right? Don't act like you never killed a soul before you met her, pal. Something tells me you used to kill three saps just for a change of scenery."

"Yes, I did." He stepped towards Lila and Ness.

"Back down."

"I-I used to wander, but now I have you."

"I knew Cathy," Lila said. "She used to come into the diner every day."

Behind Chronos, Natalia took something from her back pocket.

"Lila, please."

"You are a monster."

"No, Lila, please!"

Natalia prepared to stab Chronos. Chronos saw Lila's eyes move to Natalia and turned to grapple with Natalia. Chronos broke Natalia's hold on the stake and it fell to the floor. Ness shot Chronos twice in the back, but it didn't stop Chronos from gripping Natalia by the throat.


Sam spoke the spell. "O khrone parakaloumen se thepizein..." Jody struck a match and lit the piece of paper with '11:34' written on it, "... hemin khronon ton mellonta."

Flames rose from the bowl.


A red light glowed in Chronos' chest. Ness and Dean looked at the stake on the floor.

"No!" Chronos cried, grabbing Natalia from behind with an arm around her neck. The grandfather clock struck 11:34. Dean rushed to grab his sister. Ness picked up the stake and threw it to Natalia.

"Hey, Untouchable!" Ness called.

Ness threw the stake and Natalia caught it. There was an explosion of red and white light. When it faded, Chronos, Dean and Natalia were gone.


The room was lit with red light. There was a crashing sound. Chronos, Dean and Natalia appeared and fell to the floor. The stake slid across the floor.

"Dean! Natalia!" Jody and Dylan cried, running to them. Chronos stood. Dean stood in front of the small huddle.

"Hey!" Sam called.

Chronos turned towards Sam, blocked his punch and sent Sam sprawling.

"No!" Chronos shouted, looking at Natalia, who was still on the floor, with Jody behind her supporting her head and with Dylan holding her hand. "You destroyed everything!"

"Hey, Chronos?!" Sam yelled, causing Chronos to turn towards Sam and Sam stabbed him in the chest with the stake. "Was that the best you got?"

White light pulsed in Chronos' chest and flickered up his neck. Chronos dropped to his knees and looked up at Sam before saying, "You want to know your future? I know your future." He looked at Dean, Natalia and Dylan. "It's covered in thick black ooze."

Natalia looked over Chronos' head to Sam.

Chronos continued. "It's everywhere." He looked back to Sam. "They're everywhere." He laughed. "Enjoy oblivion."

Chronos fell dead. Dean, Sam, Natalia looked at each other, then Natalia dropped her head down.

Dylan kissed her, relieved she was okay.

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