Hopelessly Human

由 TheQuietHufflepuff

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Sam has mysteriously returned from the Cage after falling in... and has been around for a whole year. From a... 更多

Aesthetic and Playlist
1. A Day in the Life
2. Smoke on the Water
3. Oh Well
4. Takin' Care of Business
5. Vampires Will Never Hurt You
6. A Matter of Trust
7. Space Oddity
8. Whatever Gets You Thru the Night
9. Dust in the Wind
10. Back in the Saddle
11. Long Long Way From Home
13. Gallows Pole
14. Mother
15. False Pretense
16. Let It Bleed
17. Play With Fire
18. Paint It, Black
19. Black Water
20. The Girl Next Door
21. Angry Eyes
22. White Wedding
23. Hey Man Nice Shot
24. The Show Must Go On
25. Man Out of Time
26. Death of a Clown
27. Gasoline
28. Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers
29. Walking on Sunshine
30. New Kid in Town
31. Blood
32. Ready Aim Fire
33. Locomotive Breath
34. Mother and Child Reunion
35. Blood Brothers
36. Southern Thing
37. Welcome Back
38. Turn the Page
39. That Was Yesterday
40. Why Should I Worry
41. As Time Goes By
42. Nazis 1994
43. You're Only Human (Second Wind)
44. Goodbye Stranger
45. Eyes in the Sky
46. Pac-Man Fever
47. Eminence Front
48. The Unforgiven III
49. Send Me an Angel
50. Rockin' Down the Highway
51. I'm No Angel
52. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
53. Bad Boy
55. Who'll Stop the Rain
56. Tuesday's Gone
57. Just Another Night
58. Power Has a Fragrance
59. Ballad of a Thin Man
60. Knives and Pens
61. Mother's Little Helper
62. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)
63. Let's Kill Tonight
64. Stairway to Heaven
65. On the Turning Away

12. Time (Clock of the Heart)

136 2 0
由 TheQuietHufflepuff

[My Heart Will Go On]


A man, in his garage, propped up the door with a plank. He worked on a bent piece of metal.

"Piece of crap," the man muttered.

He went to grab his beer which wasn't where he left it. As he took it off the table behind him, he knocked over a glass of nails.

"Oh, damn it."

He got a broom to sweep up the nails and unknowingly knocked over a skateboard. He slipped on the skateboard, almost impaled himself on a pair of garden shears, and accidentally knocked over a bucket of golf balls. He slipped on one and fell, landing with his head directly underneath the garage door. A stray golf ball bounced onto a mouse trap, which went off and caused the golf ball to fly towards the plank propping up the garage door. The plank fell and the garage door came down on the man's neck, decapitating him.


Bobby sat his desk drinking alcohol. Sam, Dean and Natalia watched him from the door to the kitchen.

"Say something," Sam whispered.

"No. You," Dean and Natalia whispered back.

"No. You two."

They played rock-paper-scissors. Sam picked paper. Dean and Natalia picked scissors. Sam looked stunned. Natalia grinned, as she usually chose rock, but decided to do scissors.

Sam cleared his throat. "Uh..."

"You three just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or are you gonna pitch in?" Bobby asked. "This so-called Eve, mother of whatever, ain't gonna tank herself. What's wrong with you three?"

"Bobby, you haven't slept in days," Dean said.

"I sleep. What are you, my wife or sister-in-law now?"

"I'm just saying that, you know, taking five might be a good thing."

"For whom?"

"Look, Bobby, it was - it was tough for all of us, seeing Rufus go like that."

"You think this is--? This ain't about Rufus."

"Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy."

"You know when I first knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first - him or me. Now, you want to stand there and therapise, or you want to get me some coffee?" The siblings exchanged a look. "Make it Irish."

Sam, Dean and Natalia walked out.

"Well, he's doing fantastic," Dean muttered.

"Yeah, this isn't about Rufus at all," Sam replied.

"Well, what do you want to do? I mean, we can't just sit here and watch him poop out his liver."

"Well, we could get him out of the house. There's a job."

"Really? What've you got?" Natalia asked.

Sam pulled a newspaper clipping from his jacket pocket. "Look, Chester, Pennsylvania. Three people got kicked off in the last week, all freaky. Last guy got karate-chopped by his garage door. And these are all blood relatives."

"What're you thinking, family curse?"

"Could be."

"Hey, grumpy," Dean yelled to Bobby, who'd walked up behind them, "You, uh-?

"I don't want to do crap," Bobby said. "Leave me alone. Just, get out of my house, all of you. You're driving me nuts."

"Bobby," Dean and Natalia called.

"Now! For the love of Pete."

Sam took the newspaper clipping from Dean.


Sam, Dean and Natalia walked to their car, which wasn't the Impala. It had her plates, but was a black Mustang with two brown stripes. Dean put his bag in through the window and they got in. Dean started the car.

"You know, maybe we should wait 'til she gets back," Sam suggested.

Dean glanced at him. "Dude, she just called from the road, said she'd be here in two shakes. You really want to sit around and smell him stew in his juices?"

Natalia grimaced. "Ew."

"Yeah, yeah," Sam agreed. "Drive."

They drove off.


Bobby poured himself another drink and found a shotgun moving his hand away from the glass. "What the...?"

"Tell me you haven't been drinking this whole time," Ellen said.

"You're worse than the boys and Natalia. I'm working."

"My God. I'm gone a week, and this place goes completely to hell. What is wrong with you, Bobby Singer?"

"Get a pen. It's a long list."

"You smell like a bar, you know that?"

"You don't exactly smell like a rose yourself."

"Huh. Yeah, I've been hunting with Jo. What's your excuse?" She unpacked groceries.

"If I need one, I got a good one."

"I know. And I'm sorry. He meant a lot to me, too. Go wash up. I'll fix us something." She patted his arm.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a pain in the ass?"

She laughed and kissed Bobby on the cheek. "That's why you married me." She pushed Bobby gently. "Go."

Bobby walked out. "Don't tell me what to do, Ellen."



Dean, Sam and Natalia investigated the scene. They each looked around with flashlights.

Dean turned on the EMF meter. "Not a bleep."

"Well, not a vengeful spirit, then," Sam noted. "So what is it?" Sam and Natalia found a golden thread on the floor. "Huh."

"Whatcha two got? What is that, Christmas tinsel?"

"I don't know," Natalia replied, taking the thread from Sam and rubbed it against the flower pot, leaving a gold streak. "It's gold."

"You mean, like, gold gold?"

Sam frowned. "Why would a handyman have gold just lying around in his garage?"

"I don't know. There is definitely a skeleton in this family's closet. I mean, accents don't just happen accidentally." Sam and Natalia gave him a look. "You two know what I mean."

"All right. How about Nat and I'll go check family records, you go with next of kin?"



Russo was on the phone. "On the courthouse steps - for the deposition. No, I told you, 3:00 p.m. No, my usual fees. I got to go, Ma." Russo hung up the phone and turned to Dean who closed the pamphlet he was reading. "I'm sorry, uh, what department?"

"Genealogy," Dean replied. "From the university. W-w-we're doing a study on local families, and, well, the Russos are-"

"Yeah, well, you know what? I got to tell you, I am extremely busy right now, so-"

"Yeah, I-I'm sure you've had a rough week. I, uh, read about the tragedies. Your cousins, right?"

"Yeah. It's a shame. But I'm not that close with my family, so, uh," he sighed, "is this gonna take long?"

"No. Five minutes. Five minutes. Uh, can you - can you tell me anything, uh, noteworthy about the Russos?"

"Noteworthy? No. I mean, not exactly - average, you know, big, from Italy."

"I see. Uh, was anyone ever killed or maimed in a war or, you know, some other violent thing?"

Russo scoffed. "What do you mean?"

"Like something so dark that it would sully future generations."

"Uh... no."

"Good. Good stuff. Anyone own a slave?"


"Routine question. Any ties to the Nazi Party?"

Russo frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Did grandma ever piss off a gypsy?"

"Okay, you know what?" Russo stood. "I don't know what kind of study you're doing, but it's over. Right now. So if you don't mind-"

"Okay, I-I'll just cut to the chase here." Dean stood. "Um, your life is in danger."

"What? What is that, a threat? Are you threatening me?!"

"No, no, no. No, no. I'm not threatening you. I'm just simply saying that if you don't watch your back, you're gonna die."

"Get the hell out of my office."



Dean turned and left.


"Hey," Sam and Natalia greeted.

"Sam. Nat."

"Find anything?"

"Uh, one asshat in a shiny suit. You two?"

"Not much," Sam replied. "Great grandparents born in Calabria. Emigrated in 1912. Been here ever since."

"What, no severed head?"

"Ha. Four generations of picket fence."

"If these people are the Waltons, then why the hell are they dying?"

Dean got in his car.


In a travel agent's office, a copy machine copied something.

A woman on the phone asked, "Well, how about Cuba? It's beautiful this time of year. And the new Trump Casino - amazing. Don't worry about the kids. There's a wave pool. Oh! Sure, yeah!" She wrote something and drank from a cup.

Time stopped and Fate walked in. She took a set of keys from the woman's handbag and dropped them under the coffee machine.

"Look, if you like cigars, Cher, or the circus, it's all about Havana. Yes, I've seen the Shatner ads. But you know what they don't have? Personal touch. Okay, then. I'll email you some details."

She hung up and looked for her keys in her handbag. She didn't find them and patted down her pockets, turned, then found them on the floor between the copy machine and a shelf. Confused, she picked them up and accidentally knocked over a vase of flowers, spilling water on the copy machine and short-circuiting it. Panicked, she pressed buttons to try and stop it, then bent over it to try to unplug it from the wall. While she was leaning over the copy machine, it activated and her silk scarf got caught. The scarf was pulled into the copy machine and the woman, unable to free herself, was strangled.

The woman gasped and choked.

Fate walked into the room and opened her book. A gold thread fell to the ground. She crossed out a name in her book, closed it and walked away.


Sam, Dean and Natalia entered the office. They looked around with flashlights.

Dean picked up the deceased woman's business card. "Anne Witting. You two sure she's not a Russo, a second cousin twice removed or something?"

"No, Nat and I checked the records twice," Sam replied. "She's not related."

"Well, if this isn't a family curse, then what the hell is it?"

Natalia shrugged. "You got us. We got nothin'." She and Sam looked through more papers.

Dean spotted a golden thread on the floor. "Hold on." He picked it up. "Not nothing."


Sam was on his laptop and Natalia was perusing a couple books.

Dean was on the phone, the thread in hand. "So, we found another piece of this, I don't know, shiny string."

Ellen was on the phone in Bobby's kitchen. She  cut up the vegetables in front of the stove, then wiped her hands. "Oh, I was afraid of that."

"Why? What's up?"

"Oh, these so-called accidents - we're seeing 'em nationwide. About 75 so far. Jo and her crew working on a cluster in California." Ellen saw Bobby opening a beer and took it from him.

"Hey," Bobby protested. "Hey. Hey."

"Blood relatives?" Dean asked.

"Some yeah, some no," Ellen replied. "She's got about what you do - pile of bodies and a whole bunch of gold threat." Bobby walked to the stove, smelled the food, picked up a vegetable and ate it.

"So what's it mean?"

"I don't know. I got Bobby working on it right now."

"How's he doing, by the way?" Dean got up.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm kicking his ass back to health and happiness."

"Who asked you to?" Bobby retorted. "To hell with you." He left the kitchen.

"I heard that," Dean commented.

"He'll be okay," Ellen reassured.

"Are you okay?"

"Aw, honey, you're sweet. You know me. I just worry about you boys and girl."

Dean sat again. "Yeah, well. All right, so, all these corpses, anything relate 'em?"

"Well, actually, I did dig up one thing. I just don't know what to make of it." She put the beer down and walked to the stove.

"Hit me."

Ellen scooped a spoonful of food from the pot, smelled it and added some salt. "Well, it's a weird one, and it was buried pretty deep, but Bobby and me were combing through the family trees on all the victims, and we started seeing, well, the families all came over to America the same year."


"Yeah. 1912. But here's the weird part. They all came over on the same boat."



"All right, so what's so special about the boat?"

"Nothing. It was a boat. It did what boats do."

"What was it called?"

"The Titanic. Did you ever hear of it?" She took a sip of beer.


"Yeah, me neither. I'll keep digging."

"All right." He hung up.

Ellen poured some beer into the pot.


"Does the name Titanic ring a bell?" Dean asked.

"Titanic?" Sam and Natalia repeated. "No."

Sam looked up the Titanic. He sighed and quoted a website. "The RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when it made its maiden voyage across the North Atlantic in 1912."

"So what's the friggin' deal? It's a ship. It sailed," Dean stated.

"Yeah, I don't know. Um... Oh, looks like there was a close call. Ship almost hit an iceberg."

"Almost? So?"

"So, uh, looks like the first mate spotted it just in time."

"Good for him. There anything else?"

Natalia frowned, looking at the screen. "Wait a sec."


"This first mate. Um, Mr. I.P. Freeley."

"Well, that's not suspicious. You got a picture of old Freeley?"

Sam pulled up a photograph and frowned. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

Natalia scoffed. "Why'd he do it?"

The photograph was of Balthazar.

Dean got up to look at the photo. "Let's see. Balthazar."

Sam, Dean and Natalia summoned Balthazar - they carried a table to the middle of the room. Dean put a bowl and candles on it and drew something in the chalk. Sam closed the curtains. Natalia lit a match and dropped it into the bowl. The lights flickered. The siblings looked around. Balthazar appeared.

"Boys, boys, boys. Girl, girl, girl," Balthazar said. "Whatever can I do for you?"

"We need to talk," Dean and Natalia replied.

"Oh, you seem upset, Dean, Natalia."

"The hell with the boat, Balthazar?" Dean asked.

"What boat?"

"The Titanic," Sam told him.

"Oh. Ja. The Titanic. Yes, well, uh, it was meant to sink, and I saved it."


"Well it was meant to bash into this iceberg thing and plunge into the briny deep with all this hoopie, and I saved it. Anything else I can answer for you?"


"Why what?"

"Why did you un-sink the ship?" Dean questioned.

"Oh, because I hated the movie."

Natalia frowned. "What movie?"

"Exactly." Balthazar laughed.

Sam frowned. "Wait, so you saved a cruise liner because-"

"Because that God-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself."

"Who's Celine Dion?"

"Oh, she's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec, and let's keep it that way, please."

"Okay, I didn't think that was possible. I thought you couldn't change history."

"Oh, haven't you noticed? There's no more rules, boys, girl."

Sam scoffed. "Wow. The nerve on you. So you just, what, un-sunk a giant boat?"

"Oh come on. I saved people. I thought you loved that kind of thing."

"Yeah, but now those people and their kids and their kids' kids, they must have interacted with - with so many other people, changed so much crap. You totally Butterly-Effected history."

Natalia glanced up at her brother. "Dude. Hey. Rule one, no Kutcher references."

"Ah, yes," Balthazar commented. "Unfortunately, there's still an Ashton Kutcher. And you still averted the apocalypse, and there are still Archangels; although, Azrael is reasonably cool. It's just the small details that are different, like you don't drive an Impala." The siblings exchanged a look. "Yes, yes. "What's an Impala?" Trust me, it's not important. Dylan Scott's family is alive, thus he isn't a hunter. And, of course, Ellen and Jo are alive." He walked to the counter, picked up a bottle and poured himself a drink.

"Ellen and Jo? What?" Dean and Natalia asked.

"Yes, they're supposed to be dead. You see, I save a boat, one thing leads to another, which leads to another thousand things, and yada, yada, yada. To cut a long story short, they don't die in a massive explosion." He drank. "Mmm. Anyway, let's agree I did a good thing. One less Billy Zane movie and I saved two of your closest friends and gave another one of your closest friends his family back."

"But now somebody is killing the descendants of the survivors," Sam said.


"And that's maybe like 50,000 people."


"And we need to save as many as we can, but we need to know who's after 'em," Dean answered.

"Oh, uh, sorry, uh. You have me confused with the other angel - you know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you. Or the archangel in the leather jacket who's in love with your sister. I... don't care." He took another sip. "Goodbye, boys, girl." He vanished.

"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. Son of a bitch!"

"God, all these angels," Natalia muttered.


Bobby, over the phone said, "So, Balthazar un-sank a boat, and now we got a boatload of people who should never have been born."

Sam, on speakerphone replied, "Yeah. Like 50,000."

"Makes sense."

"How does any of this make sense?"

"Because I got an idea who we're up against."

"What?" Dean asked.


"You mean--?"

"I mean Fate, like the Fates. Or one of 'em, at least." Bobby had a book of three women sitting, holding a long gold thread.

"You mean like Greek mythology?" Sam questioned. "Like the sisters?"

"Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos?" Natalia added.

"Bingo," Bobby confirmed.

Dean glanced at his siblings. "Nerds."

Natalia shot him a look. "Book series for young adults."

Bobby glanced at the book. "These ladies are responsible for how you go down, literally. So if you get creamed by a garage door or crunched by a copy machine, they're the ones who hammer out the details of how you die. Spin out your fate on a piece of gold thread."

"Gold thread," Sam and Natalia repeated.

Bobby took a sip of coffee. "And then one of 'em writes it all down in her Day Runner of Death. It's high-level stuff. Anyway - fits. Now we know what Balthazar did. It seems to me that maybe Fate is just trying to clean up the mess."

"So, how do we stop it?" Sam wondered.

"How do we stop Fate? Good question."

"Well, there's got to be a way," Dean said.

"Or there ain't. I mean, this is Fate we're talking about here. You know, the easiest way would be to get that angel to re-sink the boat."

"No. No way. Forget it."

"Big difference between dying awful and never being born, Dean."

"We are not sinking the boat, Bobby. Okay? Don't even think about it."

"Well, okay. What's got your panties in a clench?"


"Try that again?"

"It - Look, it - it -it doesn't even really matter, but..."


"Apparently, a crapload of dominoes get tipped over if the Titanic goes down. And, uh, bottom line - Ellen and Jo die and Dylan becomes a hunter."

Bobby looked at the picture of himself and Ellen by the B&E Scrap Yard sign. "Okay, you three. Listen up. You make sure... Keep those angels from sinking that boat. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah," Sam and Natalia replied.

"Yes," Dean said.

"Yeah, Bobby, of course," Sam told him.

Bobby hung up.

"Oh, he's bad enough with her," Dean commented. "Think how he'd be if she was gone."

"Oh, yeah," Natalia stated. "This Dylan fella must be a good hunter for Bobby to be so adamant."

"Yeah," Sam agreed as he sighed. "So, what do we do? I mean, how do we save 50,000 people?"

"I got no freaking clue," Dean admitted.

Natalia shook her head. "Don't look at me."

"Yeah. We don't even know who they are," Sam said.

"Well, we know one." Dean pointed at Shawn Russo's pamphlet.


From inside the Mustang, Dean spotted Russo. Russo was walking with a client who was in a neck brace. Russo left the client and walked off on his own.

"That's him," Dean told them. "Let's go."

Sam, Dean and Natalia exited the Mustang and followed Russo.

Russo's phone rang and he answered. "Hello. Yeah. What?"

"Mr. Russo!" Dean called.

"I don't care. Send him a fruitcake."

A man drove in a car and took a sip of coffee.


"Who's the judge?"


Russo was still on the phone. "All right, send him a nice bottle of champagne. But nothing more than 30-"


"Ah, no, 20 bucks. Believe me, this guy - he owes me."

The guy in the car spilled coffee all over himself.

"Russo, stop!"

Russo stopped and turned to face Dean.

The guy braked and narrowly missed running over Russo. Russo fell and dropped his phone. Sam helped him up. Dean held Russo's phone.

There were worried murmurs from passersby.

"Get off of me," Russo ordered, turning to Dean. "And you - I told you to leave me alone, didn't I?"

"Look, we're going to help you out, okay?" Dean told him.

"Help me?! You almost killed me, you lunatic. Give me that." He grabbed his cell phone from Dean. "Unbelievable." He walked away, crossing a street.

"Russo! Hey!"

Russo, from the middle of the street, said, "Just be glad I'm not suing your a-" he was hit by a bus.

"You've got to be kidding me," Dean muttered as he and Natalia looked at Russo's remains and the huge blood stain on the street the up at the bus. On the back of the bus was an ad for Russo's law service.

"Sam, check it out," Dean and Natalia said.

"What?" Sam asked.

Dean and Natalia pointed to the ad. "Too soon?"

"Yeah, Dean, Nat. I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon." Sam spotted Fate staring at them from inside a nearby building. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I think I saw her."

"Her?" Dean repeated. "Like fate her?"


"What'd she look like?"

"Kind of like a librarian."

"Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?"

Natalia rolled her eyes. "You're disgusting."

Sam offered her a small smile before saying, "Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean."

"All right," Dean stated as he and Natalia started walking towards the building.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. We can't just walk over there."

Natalia frowned. "We're not on the hit list. Got nothing to do with the boat. Let's go talk to her."


"Yeah, you know," Dean said as he pulled out his gun. "Talk. Worth a shot, right?"


"Hello? Hello?" Dean and Natalia called.

Fate stopped time and turned the gas dials open on several stoves.

"Hello?" Dean and Natalia called as their flashlights died. "Oh, come on."

"You two got a lighter?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Okay," Dean replied, trying to light his lighter but it didn't work.

"Oh, come on. It's out of juice or something?"

"It shouldn't be."

The lighter sparked and the gas caught fire. Castiel and Azrael yanked Sam, Dean and Natalia out of the warehouse just before the ignited gas reached them.


"Hello, Dean. Hello, Natalia. Sam," Castiel greeted.

Azrael smiled. "Hello."

"Hey, thanks man," Sam said. "Where are we?"

"White Russia."


"Are you two aware of what your frat bro did?" Dean questioned.

"I'm aware. Balthazar can be impetuous."

"Well, riddle me this -- if fate's going after the boat people, why'd she try to waste me, Sam and Nat?"

"Well, I imagine she harbors a certain degree of rage toward you."

"What did we do?" Sam wondered.

"Nothing of import -- just the tiny matter of averting the apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her..."

"So we've pissed fate off personally," Natalia muttered.

"If I know her -- and I do -- she won't stop until you're dead."

"Awesome," Dean said. "So what do we do?"

"Kill her."

"Kill fate?" Sam asked.

"Do you have another suggestion?"

"No, I'm -- I just mean, uh... Can you even do that?"

"Balthazar has a weapon that will work against her."

"Of course he does," Dean commented. "Yeah. Boy, that guy's got it covered, doesn't he? You two need new friends, Cas, Rae."

Azrael frowned. "We're trying to save the ones we have, Dean. I'm trying to save the child I've been destined to watch over. We'll have to draw her out."

"All right, well, uh, she's gunning for us," Sam told them. "She's bound to surface again eventually."

"We'll make it easy for her," Castiel said. "I think you have an expression for it. "Tempting fate.""


Ellen was on the phone. "Yeah, well, you just be careful." She spoke to Bobby. "That was Jo. 30 more dead on the West Coast. What exactly do those boys and girl think they're gonna do?"

"It's the boys and girl. If anybody can pull this out of their asses, it's those three."

"Yeah, you ever hear the saying "you can't stop fate"? You know, cleanest fix would just be to sink the boat."

"Why would you say that?"

"Well, because, right now they're all dying bloody. It's not the same as never being born."

"You're talking about people -- people who are loved... Who would be missed."

"What the hell is up with you?"


"Oh, please. You are a neon sign. So, I can beat it out of you, or we could just skip that part -- dealer's choice."

Time passed and Ellen and Bobby sat at the kitchen table.

"So, not just me, but Jo, too?" Ellen asked.

"They're not gonna sink the boat," Bobby told her. "I promise. The boat stays. You don't have to worry."

"Well... if it was meant to be, then... I guess whatever happens, happens."

"But that's just my point. Nothing's "meant to be." Whether we're together is at the whim of some dick angel."

"Oh, Bobby, relax."

"I can't. We need you. Especially me."

"I know."


"Okay, so, we're just gonna meet our fate at any time, right?" Dean said.

"Yeah," Sam replied. "Just walk. Act natural."

Sam, Dean and Natalia passed set of stairs and a skateboarder sailed past them.

"Okay," Dean and Natalia stated.

"That's fine," Sam commented.

A bicyclist passed them, then a man with two large barking dogs.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Dean muttered.

The siblings had stopped walking in front of a group of street performers who were juggling swords and hatchets.

"All right, just -- just keep walking," Sam told them.

Natalia frowned, looking up at him. "Sam, they're juggling knives. And hatchets."

"Yeah, I know." The jugglers switched to torches. "Can't avoid fate."

Sam, Dean and Natalia walked between the jugglers, but remained unharmed. They came across a man with a jammed nail gun. He pointed it between Dean and Natalia while trying to unjam it.

"Ah," Dean and Natalia said, bracing themselves but nothing happened.

"All right," Sam stated. "I don't get it."

"Nat and I don't either," Dean replied. "Who do you got to kill to get killed around here?"

"Maybe Cas and Rae were wrong."

"Look out!" a man cried.

A huge air conditioner fell out of the building the siblings were passing and was looking like it would crush them. Time stopped.


Sam, Dean and Natalia were directly under the falling air conditioner, time still frozen. Castiel and Azrael approached them.

"Castiel. Azrael," Fate greeted.

"Atropos," Castiel said. "You look well."

"I look like stomped-over crap, because of you."

"All right, let's talk abut this."

"Talk? About what? Maybe how you two and those three circus clowns destroyed my work. You two ruined my life. Azrael, I work under you. I would've thought you wouldn't have done something like this."

"Let's not get emotional."

"I would rather we not have the apocalypse," Azrael replied.

"Not get emotional?!" Atropos repeated. "I had a job. God gave me a job. We all had a script. I worked hard. I was really, really good at what I did... Until the day of the big prize fight. And then what happens? You two throw out the book!"

"Well, I'm sorry," Castiel apologized. "But freedom is more preferable."

"Freedom? This is chaos! How is it better? You know, I even went to Heaven just to ask what to do next, and you know what? No one would even talk to me."

"There are more pressing matters at hand."

"But I don't know what happens next. I need to know. It's what I do."

"I'm sorry. But your services are no longer required."

"You know what? I've kept my mouth shut. I could have complained, I could have raised a fuss, but I didn't. But you know what the last straw is? Un-sinking the Titanic. You changed the future. You cannot change the past. That is going too far!"

"It's Balthazar. He's erratic-"

"Bull crap. This isn't about some stupid movie. He's under your orders and you're under Azrael's. One of you sent him back to save that ship."

Azrael shook her head. "No, we didn't. Why would we?"

"Oh, maybe because you're both in the middle of a war and you two are desperate? Come on. This is about the souls."

Azrael frowned. "The souls?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," Castiel said.

"That angel went and created 50,000 new souls for your new war machine," Atropos replied.

"You're confused."

"No. You can't just mint money, Castiel. It's wrong... It's dangerous... And I won't let you."

"You don't have a choice."

"Maybe I don't. So here's a choice for you. If you don't go back and sink that boat, I'm gonna kill your three favorite pets."

"We won't let you," Azrael said.

"Oh, yeah? What are you two gonna do?"

"Do you really want to test us?" Castiel questioned.

"Okay. Fine. But think about this -- I've got two sisters out there. They're bigger, in every sense of the word. Kill me -- Sam, Dean and Natalia are target number one. For simple vengeance. You two aren't fighting a war or anything, right? You two can watch them every millisecond of every day. Because maybe you've both heard -- fate strikes when you least expect it."

"Balthazar, stop," Castiel and Azrael told him.

Balthazar stood behind Atropos, his blade raised to stab her. "Ah. Awkward."

Atropos glared at him, then turned back to Castiel and Azrael. "Set things right before I flick your precious boys and girl off a cliff just on principle."

"Uh, sweetie, before we go, um, I could remove that stick from your-"

"Don't try me."

"Oh. We'll leave it inserted, then. All right, then. Let's sink the Titanic."

Time unfroze; Atropos, Castiel, Balthazar, Sam, Dean and Natalia disappeared and the air conditioner crashed to the ground.


The siblings woke up in the Impala. My Heart Will Go On played on the radio.

"Dude, sis, what time is it?" Sam asked. "I-I just had the weirdest dream."

"20 bucks says mine was weirder," Dean said. "I am not kidding."

"50 bucks that mine was weirder," Natalia challenged.

Sam shook his head. "No, no, no. I'm not kidding either. I-I mean, it was... Just bizarre."

"Mine had the actual Titanic in it," Dean told him. "What? Something on my face?"

"D-did it, um... Not sink, because Balthazar-" Sam stammered.

"-- had a hate on for Billy Zane? Why are you two having my dreams, dude, sis?"

"Why are you two having mine?" Natalia shot back.

"Wasn't a dream," Castiel and Azrael told the siblings.

Dean frowned. "Wait, what? You're saying this actually happened? That t-the whole... Whatever -- t-that was real?"


"Wait. So, what happened?" Sam asked.

"Well, I insisted he go back in time and correct what he'd done," Castiel answered.

"What? Why?" Sam and Natalia wondered.

"It was the only way to be sure you were safe."

"So... So, you killed... 50,000 people for us," Sam commented.

"No, I didn't. They were never born. That's far different from being killed, wouldn't you say?"

"Ellen and Jo?" Dean and Natalia questioned hopefully.

"Dylan?" Natalia added.

"I'm sorry," Castiel and Azrael apologized.

"Dylan's here," Azrael added.

"Hold on," Dean said. "Uh... So, if you guys went a-and changed everything back, then that whole timeline or whatever, it just got erased?"

"Yeah," Castiel confirmed. "More or less."

"Well, then, how come she, he and I remember it?"

"Because we wanted you to remember it," Azrael said.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"We wanted you to know who Fate really is," Castiel reasoned. "She's cruel and capricious."

"I'd go so far as "bitch,"" Dean said.

"Major bitch," Natalia added.

Castiel looked between them. "Well, yeah. You're the ones who taught me that you can make your own destiny. You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. I still believe that that's something worth fighting for. I just wanted you to understand that."

"So, wait. Did... Balthazar really, uh, unravel the sweater over a chick flick?" Dean asked.

"Yes. Absolutely. That's what he did."

"Wow. Well, might be time to take away his cable privileges. Besides, "Titanic" didn't suck that bad." Sam and Natalia shot him a look. "Winslet's rack."

Castiel and Azrael disappeared.

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Disgusting."

"I'll tell you two one thing about Cas and Rae, they do not appreciate the finer things," Dean commented.

The siblings headed back inside. Bobby was sleeping on the couch and Dylan was sitting at the table.

"I guess things are back to normal, huh?" Sam said.

""Normal,"" Dean and Natalia repeated. "Awesome."

"Poor bastard. Doesn't even know how good he had it."

"Yeah, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," Dean reasoned. "I say we keep our mouths shut."

Natalia nodded. "Yeah. We're with you. Should we wake him? Dyl?"

"Nah. That's probably the best he's felt all week." Dean covered Bobby with a blanket.

Dylan sighed, hugging Natalia from the back as he looked at his sleeping uncle.


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