Hopelessly Human

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Sam has mysteriously returned from the Cage after falling in... and has been around for a whole year. From a... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
1. A Day in the Life
2. Smoke on the Water
3. Oh Well
4. Takin' Care of Business
6. A Matter of Trust
7. Space Oddity
8. Whatever Gets You Thru the Night
9. Dust in the Wind
10. Back in the Saddle
11. Long Long Way From Home
12. Time (Clock of the Heart)
13. Gallows Pole
14. Mother
15. False Pretense
16. Let It Bleed
17. Play With Fire
18. Paint It, Black
19. Black Water
20. The Girl Next Door
21. Angry Eyes
22. White Wedding
23. Hey Man Nice Shot
24. The Show Must Go On
25. Man Out of Time
26. Death of a Clown
27. Gasoline
28. Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers
29. Walking on Sunshine
30. New Kid in Town
31. Blood
32. Ready Aim Fire
33. Locomotive Breath
34. Mother and Child Reunion
35. Blood Brothers
36. Southern Thing
37. Welcome Back
38. Turn the Page
39. That Was Yesterday
40. Why Should I Worry
41. As Time Goes By
42. Nazis 1994
43. You're Only Human (Second Wind)
44. Goodbye Stranger
45. Eyes in the Sky
46. Pac-Man Fever
47. Eminence Front
48. The Unforgiven III
49. Send Me an Angel
50. Rockin' Down the Highway
51. I'm No Angel
52. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
53. Bad Boy
55. Who'll Stop the Rain
56. Tuesday's Gone
57. Just Another Night
58. Power Has a Fragrance
59. Ballad of a Thin Man
60. Knives and Pens
61. Mother's Little Helper
62. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)
63. Let's Kill Tonight
64. Stairway to Heaven
65. On the Turning Away

5. Vampires Will Never Hurt You

118 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

[Live Free or Twihard]

(I mean, they might, but I couldn't not do this song.

Daily updates every so often. Enjoy :))


Dean stood in front of the Impala talking to Lisa on the phone. "Hey -- so, uh, I'm actually not far. I'm about a night's drive."

"Yeah?" Lisa asked hopefully. "So, ya think...?"

"Well, there's some stuff I gotta do here first."

"Of course."

"But I was thinkin' that, uh, I'll wrap up here, and, y'know, make sure I'm not followed... I'll have to take side streets, and I'd have to come at night-"

Lisa happily interrupted him. "Will you just shut up and get your ass home? I can't wait to see you. This thing's getting old."

Dean smiled. "Yeah."

"Well, call us when you're close." She paused. "And be careful."

"'Course." He hung up as Sam, Dylan and Natalia approached. "Hey."

"What're you so stoked about?" Sam asked.

"What? Nothin'. Whaddya got?"

Sam handed over a pile of Missing Persons fliers which Dean leafed through. "Six girls in seven days, which is more disappearances than this city has seen in over a year -- all about the same age."

"And cute." Sam scoffed. "Hey, ice cream comes in lots of flavors, Sam."

"Right. Sure. Well, half a dozen girls, late teens, a shower away from greatness. Sounds like a profile. I mean, what else they got in common?"

"Well... six directions to go here. Pick a number."

"Seven," Dylan said. "Another call just came in today."

They got into the Impala and drove down the road.


Sam, Dean, Natalia and Dylan were speaking to Kristin's father.

"Kristin's a good kid," the father said. "A little naïve, sure... You try to be a good parent. Girls are hard."

Dean glanced at Natalia, remembering the arguments he'd had with her when she was younger.

"Right," Sam noted. "Well, we'd just like to find your daughter."

Kristin's father paused. "Last door on the left."

Dean and Natalia glanced upstairs. "Thanks."

Sam, Dean, Natalia and Dylan climbed the stairs and Sam gave a quick glance back to the father.

"Whaddya think he was talking about?" Dean asked quietly.

"Drugs?" Sam guessed quietly.

Natalia glanced at Sam. "Could be anything."

Dean shrugged. They entered Kristin's room and Dylan flipped on the light. The walls were painted red and covered with vampire posters. Vampire and gothic accessories were everywhere -- including vampire pillows on the bed.

"Oh, it is SO much worse," Dean commented.

Natalia looked around and nodded. "Yeah. This is just... Holy-"

Sam snorted. "Vampires?"

Natalia's lip curled. "Ah, these aren't vampires, dude, these..." Sam shut the door and they caught sight of a full-sized cut-out of a teen heart-throb "vampire". "... These are douchebags."


They glanced around the room.

"Wow," Dean and Natalia commented.

"Hm." Sam went to the bed and started flipping back the covers. He looked under a pillow and found a red laptop. "Aha. All right." He moved over to her desk. "Let's see what we can see. All right."

He turned on the laptop; it made a screaming noise and a picture of an intense-looking fake vampire popped up. The four flinched.

"Th-that's super... uncomfortable," Dylan said.

"What's HE so bummed about?" Dean wondered.

Sam started pressing keys and a password prompt popped up. Dean and Dylan looked down and saw a paperback book on the desk, entitled "My Summer Blood". The cover illustration was a teenaged girl in a white nightgown, asleep on a bed, while a pale-skinned, handsome male vampire stood next to the open, moonlit-soaked window, staring down at her.

"Look at this," Dean noted. "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?"

"I gotta concentrate, Dean," Sam told him.

Dean started flipping through the pages. Sam tried the password 'DRACULA' and the laptop made the screaming noise again.

Dean read from the book. ""He could hear the blood rushing inside her, almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself..."" Sam tried another password, and the laptop screamed at him. ""... Romero knew their love was impossible-" Romero? Really?"

"Dean. Shut up."

"This is a national bestseller. How is that possible?" He picked up one of the vampire pillows. Sam tried another password and failed. "Hey, try, uh-" he thought a moment, "-"Lautner"."

Sam typed it in. "Wait -- he's a werewolf. How do you even know who that is? I'd expect Nat to know, but judging from the look she's giving me, she's just as surprised as me."

The laptop rejected the password. Sam started getting frustrated; Dean and Natalia mouthed "Wow" as he chucked the pillow back onto the bed.

"Hey, how many T's are there in "Pattis-"" the laptop accepted the password. "That's it. We're in! Ha!" He started looking through a Facebook-style page. "All right."

Dean and Natalia approached the desk again. "Well?"

"Well, her inbox is full, from some guy claiming to be a vampire."

"A real vampire?" Dylan asked.

"Well, uh... "I can only meet you at night... I don't trust myself with you... the call of your blood is too strong..." Vampires fishing for victims?"

"Probably just a human mouth-breather, right?" Natalia guessed.

"On the other hand -- talk about easy prey."

"For actual vamps," Dean stated.

"Yeah. I mean, these chicks are just throwing themselves at you. All you gotta do is... I dunno. Write bad poetry."


"Wow. This guy wanted to meet her at a place called The Black Rose."

Dean and Natalia rolled their eyes. "Gimme a break..."

"Just reporting the news."

"It's probably just your standard-issue perv, right?" Dean guessed.

Sam closed the laptop.


A white van rolled down the alley. A black SUV pulled in front of it, blocking the way. Several vampires in black coats jumped out. One pulled the driver from the white van while the others quickly unloaded the cargo -- white styrofoam coolers.

"Stop!" the driver yelled. "Lemme go!"

The other vampires continued unloading the van while the driver started screaming. Within seconds, the vampires stole everything in the van, jumped into the black SUV and drove away -- leaving the driver's broken body behind. The side of the blood-splattered van read 'MAKE A DIFFERENCE, GIVE LIIFE -- BLOOD DONATION COUNTS' and another part said 'PLEASE GIVE BLOOD'.


Sam was next to his Impala, talking to Samuel on his cell. Dylan was standing a slight ways away. Dean and Natalia approached and loaded gear into the car.

"Okay. So now, you're sure it's vampires? A hundred percent?" Sam asked.

"Definitely," Samuel replied. "We got a patter now. Kids go missing, blood bank van gets jumped. This is the fourth town. Clincher is, this last hit? Driver was found throat ripped out."

"Okay. They grab kids, that's food, right? But if they already got a bunch of walking talking juice bars... why bother with the blood mobile? It doesn't add up."

"Find the nest. Figure it out."

Sam sighed and hung up.


Sam, Dean, Natalia and Dylan sat at a table.

"Well, you wanted emo chicks, I think we hit Ground Zero," Dean commented as a waitress in a rubber suit gave them their drinks. "Thank you. You think she wears all that rubber to the beach?" Sam started canvassing the bar. "When was the last time we had a beer together, anyway?"

Sam nodded. "There." They studied a teenage boy in a black coat and a dog collar chatting up a pretty teenage girl. "Whaddya think? He hittin' on her hard enough? Real?"

"I dunno. It's hard to tell." He continued looking around and spied two other young men talking with girls. "Hey, we got multiple choices."

"Great. Three of them and four of us."

"We got more than them," Natalia pointed out.

They watched as one of the men kissed another guy.

"Okay. Make that two of them," Dylan commented.

Sam saw the teenaged boy with the dog call move to escort his new friend outside. "One's on the move."

The other man they had their eyes on left the room as well.

"All right," Dean said. "You and Dyl go with Efron, Nat and I got Bieber."

They parted ways. Sam and Dylan followed the older of the two guys down into the lower level of the bar and into the basement. Something seemed off. The vampire they were following was hiding behind the door and sprang at them, fangs out. In one swift motion, Sam decapitated him with his machete. The body fell. Sam wasn't rattled a bit whereas Dylan was a little freaked.


The teenaged boy and girl ran into the alley, giggling.

"Are you sure, baby?" the boy asked. "Are you ready to join me in eternity?" He pressed her against a door and started kissing her neck.

"Oh my God, totally," the girl replied.

He was about to take a bite when Dean and Natalia grabbed him from behind and threw him back.

"Hey!" the boy cried.

Dean and Natalia said to the girl, "Go -- get outta here!"

"Wait, what..." he began babbling and Dean slammed him against the dumpster on the other side of the alley. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Open your mouth!" Natalia demanded and the boy obeyed, revealing fangs -- two on his canine teeth.

"Take those out," Dean said. "Take 'em out!" The boy pulled off the fake fangs. "Oh, for the love of... What're you, 12?" He took a closer look. "Are you wearing glitter?"

"I only do it to get laid, man!" The boy exclaimed.

Dean was suddenly interested. "Does it work?" The boy shrugged and nodded slightly. "I'll be damned. All right, mmmbop your way outta here. Go, go!" The boy ran off. "And use a condom!"

Dean and Natalia started walking away.

"You're both pretty," a voice commented.

Dean and Natalia turned and found themselves face-to-face with Boris.

"I'm sorry?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"I said... You're both pretty."

"Yeah, sorry again, pal," Dean replied. "I don't play for your team."

"I'm a taken woman," Natalia added.

Boris grabbed Dean and Natalia and launched them through the air. Dean and Natalia landed on the dumpster, hard, and rolled off into a pile of garbage. They took a moment to recover, their vision blurry. Natalia grimaced, smelling the trash. Dean, dazed, grabbed hold of a large pipe and took a swing at Boris who ducked the attack easily. He soon had Dean and Natalia pinned against the dumpster and began punching them into submission. Sam and Dylan walked into the alley, quickly surveyed the situation and ran a few steps closer. Sam suddenly stopped, held Dylan back, and watched in fascination. Boris had Dean and Natalia at his mercy. He pinned Dean with his right arm just below the throat and wrapped his right leg around Natalia's ankles. Boris brought his left wrist up to his fangs and bit it. Dean and Natalia were helpless, unable to move. Boris smeared blood over Dean and Natalia's mouths. They made a guttural noise in protest, but couldn't defend themselves. A corner of Sam's mouth twitched upwards into a little smirk while Dylan fought Sam, a look of horror on his face. After Sam was sure that Dean and Natalia had swallowed some of Boris' blood, he pulled his machete from his coat.

Sam, in typical dramatic Winchester fashion, yelled, "NO!"

Sam and Dylan rushed Boris who released Dean and Natalia; the latter two collapsed on the ground. Sam and Boris stopped and sized one another up for a second while Dylan ran to check on Dean and Natalia. Sam made a few slashes with the machete, which Boris deftly evaded. He laughed and made a "bye-bye" wave before running away, climbing the wall, and escaping. Dean and Natalia laid on the ground next to the dumpster, panting, blood all over their mouths. Dylan looked between them worriedly before pulling his girlfriend close.

"Sammy, Dyl," Dean and Natalia called weakly.

Sam did his best to look shocked and concerned while Dylan tucked Natalia's hair back and glanced at Dean.


Sam shut the curtains while Dean and Natalia held their hands to their heads. The regular noises amplified in their heads. Dylan handed them each a glass of water.

"Oh my God, what is that SOUND?" Dean and Natalia asked in sync.

"What sound, Dean, Natalia?" Sam questioned.

Dean pushed over the lamp and it crashed to the floor. Natalia quickly shut off the lights. The siren and honking of a passing fire truck got louder. They heard the muffled sounds of the TV in the neighboring room and pounded on the wall.

Every noise was deafening. Sam's steady heartbeat and Dylan's frantic heartbeat reached Dean and Natalia's ears.

"Dean, Natalia... you two should sit down..." Sam suggested.

"You sit down," Dean retorted as he and Natalia sat on one of the beds and cradled their heads in their hands. A passing freight train pounded n their ears. "Of all the ways to die, she and I never thought we'd be going out like this."

Dean and Natalia heard a loud, mechanical ticking sound. They looked over to the nightstand and watched as the alarm clock flipped to 11:11 pm.

Natalia got up. "It's THAT..."

"What?" Sam and Dylan asked.

She roughly ripped the clock's cord from the wall, causing sparks to shoot out.

Dean looked between Sam and Dylan. "Samuel is gonna kill me and her when he gets here."

"No, Dean, Nat, he's not!" Sam told them.

"Yes, he is, 'cause I'm gonna ask him to, and you know she also will, because you and Dylan won't do it."

"Okay, just hold on a second..."

"For what, huh? Look at us!"

"We can figure this out!"

"How?!" Natalia cried, but Sam had no answer. She and Dean were picking up on how calm Sam's heartbeat was. "Why are you not freaked out? Dylan's heart's racing."

"Of course I am!"

"Really? 'Cause he and I can here your heartbeat, and it's pretty damn steady."

"That's 'cause I'm... I'm TRYING to remain calm. Dean, Nat, look -- Samuel will know what to do."

"C'mon, man, we're monsters, okay?" Dean said. "This is NOT a problem that you spitball. We gotta deal with this before she or I hurt somebody."

There was an uncomfortable pause and Dean and Natalia held their heads again and groaned.

"How's it feel?" Sam questioned.

"NOW?" Natalia spat. "Now you wanna talk about our feelings?"

"No, I mean... physically."

"How do you think it feels?" Dean retorted. "Not good!" He crossed towards the bathroom.

"Where you goin'?"

"Bathroom, okay? Newsflash, Mr. Wizard: vampires pee!" He stormed into the bathroom.

Dylan frowned. "A little more empathy, man."

Sam nodded. "Right. Empathy."

Natalia crossed the room and rested her head against the wall near a mirror. She ran into the bathroom, ignoring the weird look from Dean.

Dean slammed the door. He and Natalia splashed water on their faces, then looked at their reflections. They lifted their lips with their fingers to reveal that their fangs had already grown in. They hung their heads and closed their eyes in despair. After a moment, he turned the water on again. In the main room, Sam and Dylan were about to get a glass of water when they heard strange noises coming from the bathroom. They knocked on the bathroom door.

"Dean. Natalia," Sam and Dylan called.

They opened the bathroom door to find that Dean and Natalia had escaped through the bathroom window; the blinds askew.


Dean stood in Lisa's bedroom, watching her sleep -- mimicking the scene he'd mocked on the cover of Kristin's book. A barking dog woke her; Lisa saw Dean and sat up, startled.

"Dean," Lisa said.

"Hey," Dean greeted.

She turned on her nightstand lamp and it blinded him. He looked away and heard her heart beating.

"Hey. I wasn't expecting you for a couple of days."

"Yeah, yeah... I wanted to see you." He sat on the bed.

"What's up? Are you okay?"


Lisa started catching on that something was wrong. "What's going on?"

"It doesn't matter. But I need you to know... you AND Ben... just, uh... Thanks. Okay? For everything."

Lisa slid out from under the covers and moved closer to him, her heartbeat quickening a little. "Dean, you're scaring me."

Dean could smell her blood. He clenched his jaw and tried to ignore it. He rose and took a few steps. "Oh, God, I'm Pattinson..."


"Nothing. I... I gotta go..."

"No, you can't just show up here like this and-"

"Believe me, I wish it was different."

"Just stop, and explain to me what's going on out there."

Dean paused and said miserably, "Lisa, I can't bring this crap home to you."

"You're talking about your work?"

"I'm talking about my LIFE. It's ugly... and it's violent... and I'm gonna die -- SOON."

Lisa, very upset, stepped in closer. "Just tell me. Just tell me what the hell is going on..."

She grabbed his arms. Dean stared at her, listened to her heart, and couldn't stand it any longer. He grabbed her shoulders and pressed her against the wall roughly. Her heart rate skyrocketed. Dean's eyes narrowed as he moved in close to Lisa and her bosom started heaving. His mouth started straying slowly towards her throat, but he pulled himself away and faced the other direction. His new fangs descended.

"Dean?" Lisa called.

"I gotta go..." Dean told her.

He fled into the hallway, covering his mouth with his hand.

Ben emerged from his room, rubbing his eyes and asked confusedly, "Dean...?"

"Ben, just stay there."

"I thought I heard you-"

"I said stay back!"

Dean pushed Ben away and into the wall before tearing out of the house. Lisa quickly pulled Ben to safety.


Dylan searched around for Natalia and found her in the shadows. "Hey, babe, come on. Let's go inside."

Her fangs started descending. "No. Dylan, you have to kill me."

"Are you crazy? No. Look, I'll do it as a last resort, but I'm gonna try to save you. No. I will save you."

"Dyl..." she closed her eyes, hearing his heartbeat pounding.

"No. You don't get to do that right now. You don't get to say goodbye just yet."

She inched closer to his neck and turned away. "Stay away from me, Dylan. I could hurt you."


Sam and Samuel entered the room, the latter carrying a large duffle bag.

"Can't keep track of your brother and sister now?" Samuel asked.

"Well, I didn't think they'd just-" Sam trailed.

"They're not themselves, Sam. They're monsters and they're hungry. You gotta be prepared to do the right thing."

"I told you he'd kill me and Nat when he showed up," Dean said.

Sam and Samuel looked over to see Dean and Natalia hunched against a cabinet, in the dark. They quickly drew their machetes.

"Did you two feed?" Samuel questioned.

"I went to say goodbye to Lisa... which, for the record, was a lousy idea."

"I tried saying goodbye to Dylan," Natalia added.

Samuel's voice took on a stern tone. "Dean, Natalia, answer the question."

"You can relax, I didn't "drink" anyone," Dean said.

"Neither did I," Natalia answered.

"Thank God," Samuel stated.

"But I came close," Dean told them, slowly removing his jacket. "All right. Do it."

Natalia folded her jacket on the back of a chair. "I'm ready."

"Okay... if you two insist... or I can just turn you two back," Samuel told them.

"What?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"What?!" Sam exclaimed.

Samuel gave Sam a bit of an odd look and a small smile to Dylan before turning back to Dean and Natalia. "I didn't drive all this way to kill you, Dean, Natalia -- I'm here to SAVE you two."

The five sat at the table. Samuel opened his journal and slid it to Dean and Natalia. "That's my grandfather's journal. Cure's an old Campbell recipe, kind of like the soup. No one's tried it since God knows. What I hear... this stuff is a bad trip."

"Awesome," Dean and Natalia muttered.

"Hey -- the cure is good. But a lot of this is on YOU TWO. You two drink, you're both done. It won't work. I'm talking one drop of human blood-"

"I got it."

"Do you two? Because you two WILL feed. It's a matter of time."

Dean slammed the journal shut. "What else do we need?"

"Some stuff we got, some we gotta get. Trickiest thing on the list: blood of the fang that turned ya two."

"That guy was HUGE," Sam commented.

"There's nothing in the recipe about "easy"."

Natalia rose. "Dean and I can get it."

"You two are gonna walk right into the nest?"

"Well, he and I are one of them, aren't we? So all we gotta do is get in there, get the guy alone, and... shoot him with so much dead man's blood he'll think he's rushing a fraternity."

"Dylan and I should come with you two," Sam said.

"No," Dean replied. "Dude, you two REEK. You're both like walking hamburgers. Nat and I gotta do this solo."

"Yeah, except -- we haven't been able to find him yet," Dylan admitted.

Dean and Natalia put on their jackets as the former said, "No problem. She and I can smell him. Two miles east of town. You guys get the other crap and meet us there."

Dean and Natalia headed towards the door. Sam, Samuel and Dylan rose.

"Dean. Natalia," Samuel called, holding out two large syringes filled with blood. "It's dead man's blood. Now, there's enough there to drop a linebacker, and then some." Dean and Natalia slowly reached for the syringe, smelling the blood inside. "Good luck, son, dear."

Dean and Natalia took the syringes and left. Sam and Dylan started gathering supplies and Samuel eyed his grandson warily.

"What the hell's wrong with you, Sam?" Samuel asked.

Sam stopped and questioned innocently, "Whaddya mean?"

"You knew about the cure!"

"What? No, I didn't."

"But we talked about it MONTHS ago."

"Not me. Must've been Christian or something."

"Huh. That's strange, 'cause if you HAD known, it'd be almost like you LET them get turned. Get a man and girl on the inside? Help us find that alpha vamp we've been looking for?"

Dylan shoved Sam. "You let them get turned?! You let them?! You're lucky they haven't fed yet! Because if they had, if she had, I'd put your head on a stake myself!"

There was an uncomfortable pause before Sam said, "Are you two serious? You two think I'd do something like that, risk my own brother and sister?" There was another pause. "What's wrong with YOU TWO?" Samuel and Dylan's stares almost bored holes into him. "Look, I'm just relieved we can fix them."

Sam finished gathering their supplies and walked out of the room.


The vampires' black SUV was parked in front of a warehouse. Two vamps exited the building through a metal-grate door. As it started swinging shut, it revealed a rope that Dean had tied, allowing him and Natalia to keep the door open. They avoided the vamps and snuck into the building.


Dean and Natalia started sneaking through the hallway of the run-down warehouse when their way was suddenly blocked by Robert.

"S'up?" Robert greeted.

Dean and Natalia, trying to be cool, replied. "Hey. I'm..."

"The guy and girl Boris turned outside the bar right? Said to look out for you two."


"Well." Robert smiled. "Glad you both made it, man, missy!" He raised his fist for a knuckle-bump and after a second, Dean and Natalia complied. "Follow me."

He led Dean and Natalia through the hallways. "So you two must be starving."

"Uh..." Dean and Natalia began.

Robert walked up to a fridge full of blood bags. He slid the door open and selected two bags. Dean and Natalia were unhappy with the new temptation.

"Here ya two go," Robert told them.

After a pause, Dean said, "We're okay." Robert looked at them oddly and the siblings smiled. "We killed SO many people on the way over here, so..."

"Yeah, uh, about that... Company line tis we, we don't just kill people anymore... But you two gotta tell me what that's like."

Natalia nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, first chance we get, we'll... we'll show you ourselves."


Robert ripped the stopper off the bag and took a swig. Dean and Natalia looked like a couple people who hadn't had water in days and were being forced to watched someone down ice cold water. They eyed the bags once more, but forced themselves away. They followed Robert down a flight of stars, through a crowd of more vampires.

"Don't worry about them," Robert said. "They're jealous. The recruiters get to bang all the chicks. Or dudes. That's YOU TWO now, bro, miss."

"Recruiters?" Dean and Natalia repeated.

"Yeah. Big man'll explain."

Dean and Natalia found themselves in what seemed to be the main room of an old bank. Seated at a desk in front of a laptop, was a newly-turned Kristin. Boris leaned over her, a hand on her back.

Boris raised a finger. "Be with you two in a minute." He dictated to Kristin as she typed into the computer, ""Your skin is the black velvet of the night."" He chuckled. "Nice. Stupid bitch'll eat that up, she'll be DYING to meet."

He leaned in closer and took a long sniff of Kristin's hair and she recoiled. Dean and Natalia looked and saw several newly-turned female vamps locked in cages, sucking down blood from bags.

"Go get yourself some blood, sweetheart. Then march that little ass right back here, okay?" Kristin rose and quickly locked eyes with Dean and Natalia before exiting the room. "Thank goodness. Though the hunters chopped your pretty heads."

"Naw. We got away," Dean said. "Sorry, what's a "hunter"?"

"You'll both see if they find us. You'll see them inside out." He laughed. "You two eaten?"

"Yeah," Natalia answered, resisting the urge to strangle Boris for threatening Dylan's life.

"Good. You'll both need your strength."

"For?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"Robert didn't tell you two?" He snorted a little miffed and got in their faces. "How old do I look?"

Dean paused and guessed, "33?"

"You're off... by about six centuries? And these are the best days in the last six hundred years to be a vampire." He laughed and paced around Dean and Natalia. ""Dracula"? Anne Rice? PLEASE. These stupid little brats are so horny they've reinvented us as Prince Charming with a Volvo. They..." he reached through the bars of one of the cages and grabbed a vamp girl by the hair, "... Want a promise ring with fangs, so I give it to 'em." The vamp girl snarled. "You two -- you two go out and you two get them, and you two bring 'em home to ME." He released the vamp girl and she fell back with a cry.

"So what's with the cages?" Natalia asked.

"Oh, that's just, y'know... till they're compliant. Eventually these girls will go out, and they'll fetch me boys like YOU, and around and around we go. You, little lady, will do the same thing."

"Gotta say, we're impressed. This whole system, it's... it's all you?"

Boris laughed. "No, no, no, no... I just... implement, y'know? Make sure you all fall in line." He pointed to the ceiling with reverence. "It's HIS... our father's..."

There was a huge Frank Lloyd Wright-lookiing stained glass decoration on the ceiling.

"Your father's?" Dean and Natalia repeated.

"Aren't you two the curious ones?"

"Oh, you don't know the half of it," Dean said.

Boris leaned in closer. "In due time. You... you two want the private tour, don't you?"

The siblings resisted the urge to vomit before Dean replied, "Thought you'd never ask."

Boris stepped away and made a beckoning motion with his finger. He turned his back on Dean and Natalia and started to walk the other way. With game-faces on, Dean and Natalia reached into their pockets, withdrew the syringes of dead man's blood, and uncapped them. They raised them, ready to plunge, but one drop of Dean's leaked out and hit the floor. Natalia quickly capped hers and pocketed it. Boris heard it and quickly turned. Dean tried to stab Boris with the needle; Boris grabbed Dean's arm, moved behind him, and twisted his arm behind his back. With his free hand, Boris grabbed Dean in a chokehold.

"You playing games with me, boy?" Boris asked.

He squeezed Dean's arm until Dean was forced to drop the syringe. Boris began laughing in triumph. Suddenly, Boris' eyes were drawn upwards. He began hearing whispers. He released Dean, and after a moment, fell flat on his back, eyes still wide open. Dean and Natalia looked on, highly confused, then heard the caged vampire girls dropping limply to the floor. After another moment, their eyes started rolling back a little, and they collapsed as well.

They saw a man sitting on a bench in the night. There was a little girl in a frilly dress and a flower in her hair. A graveyard filled with white wooden crosses. A cell dividing. An African-American man -- the alpha vampire -- reaching out with long, sharp fingernails. A large ivy-colored house. The girl again. The alpha vampire on the bench. Blood cells rushing through a vein. The graveyard dissolving into a classroom with rows of empty desks. The little girl. The alpha vampire by a pond. The dividing cell. A computer animation of the circulatory system, dissolving into a roadmap, where the highways pumped like veins. A red circle was drawn around Aurora, Illinois. The alpha vampire by the pond.

Dean and Natalia were still on the floor with closed eyes darting back and forth under their eyelids.

The alpha vampire by the pond. The graveyard, then back to the alpha vampire, then the graveyard. The ivy-colored house, where the little girl was having a tea party on the lawn -- at night. She fed her dolls blood.

Dean and Natalia were still out.

The graveyard. A pulsating cell. Blood in the vein. The cell divided. The cell continued dividing. The little girl stood under a tree. A twin flickered in beside her. She smiled, revealing a mouth full of fangs. The twin did the same. The doll with blood on her face. The alpha vampire on the bench with the twin girls sitting on the ground next to the bench. The dividing cell. A weather vane with a bird. The alpha vampire at the pond. The twin girls played with their dolls next to the pond and looked up at the alpha vampire. He bent over and stroked one of the twins' face with his pointed fingernail. It left a trace of blood on her cheek. He smiled fondly. Blood cells in the vein. The bloody doll. The graveyard. The alpha vampire and the twins; he straightened and pointed. The front hallway of the house; the door opened and the twins walked through, hand in hand. A doll's hand. One twin. The house. The alpha vampire reaching. A cell dividing. The graveyard. One twin. The alpha vampire on the bench.

Dean and Natalia blinked and came out of the vision. They rolled over onto their backs. They stared up at the stained glass ceiling, which was blurry. They looked around and realized that Boris was up and releasing the vampire girls from their cages. Dean and Natalia rose and started running. One of the vamp guards rushed down the stairs and attacked them, but was quickly brought down after Dean injected him with the dead man's blood.

Boris yelled to the rest of the vamps, "GO GET THEM!"

Dean and Natalia hightailed it up the stairs and were attacked by another vamp guard when they reached the top. Natalia injected him with dead man's blood and Dean tossed him down the stairs and into the crowd of advancing vamps. They encountered Robert who was quickly beheaded by Dean's machete. The crowd of vamp girls swarmed, and Dean and Natalia started swinging. Blood spattered on the door.


Sam, Samuel and Dylan drove up in Samuel's van and parked in front of the Impala.

"This must be the place," Samuel noted.

"Shh..." Sam instructed.

Something landed on the roof of the van. A vampire suddenly peeked out on the driver's side, smashed the window, and reached towards Samuel.


Dean and Natalia returned to the upper level of the main room. Another vampire guard climbed the railing and attacked; Dean and Natalia sliced into his stomach, then hacked away at another before decapitating them both. A third guard started advancing.


Samuel and Dylan exited the van. Sam was already out and had taken care of the vampire. The corpse slid down the windshield and left a bloody streak in its wake.

"So much for "undercover"," Samuel muttered.

"Let's go," Sam said.


Dean and Natalia took advantage of their vampire abilities and leapt straight over the railing, landing deftly on the ground below. The nest was quiet -- they'd killed almost everyone. Their eyes darted back and forth, looking for their sire. Boris waited in the shadows, around a corner. He wasn't as merry as before. Dean and Natalia surveyed the mess they'd created.

"You've both stopped NOTHING, you know that?" Boris told them, stepping out into the open. "This is much bigger than you two and me."

Dean and Natalia readied the machetes. Boris lifted his hand and made a beckoning motion. Above, Sam, Samuel and Dylan crept through the carnage, machetes out. Headless vampire bodies were strewn everywhere.

"Looks like your brother and sister have some Campbell in them after all," Samuel commented grimly.

They arrived in the main room to behold Dean and Natalia sitting downstairs.

"Dean, Natalia, are you two okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, we're good," Dean and Natalia replied, resting their feet on Boris' head.


Samuel squirted two syringes of Boris' blood into two jars that held the cure potion. Dean and Natalia were panting, holding their stomachs, hearing heartbeats.

"If this works, you both know it's not gonna be a kiddy ride, you two know that," Samuel told them.

"That's great," Dean said. "Light her up."

"Vampires won't hurt you," Natalia commented sarcastically.

Sam, trying not to sound eager, but failing a little, asked, "So what'd you two see in there?"

"What?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"In the nest -- what'd you two see?"

Dean glanced at him. "Sam, she and I can't hear you -- your blood is so frickin' loud, okay? Just -- just back off." Samuel poured the potions into two coffee mugs. "All right, give us the damn cure." Samuel handed the mugs to Dean and Natalia, who took a whiff and recoiled. With a grim smile, they lifted the mugs. "L'chaim..."

"Bottoms up," Natalia said.

Dean and Natalia chugged the potion messily, then tried to keep it down. Nothing happened. They spit the last bit out before saying, "I don't think it-"

Suddenly they spun around as they retched and projectile vomited what seemed to be blood into the wastebasket and sink. Sam, Samuel and Dylan watched, concerned.

"Is it working?" Sam and Dylan asked.

Samuel drew his machete. "Either that or they're dying."

Dean and Natalia finished vomiting and struggled to take a breath. They raised their heads, clutched their stomachs, and moaned in agony. Their fangs had descended, and their eyes were bloodshot. They started getting flashes of the evening, playing out in reverse.

Dean and Natalia using Boris' head as a footstool. Boris beckoning them as they readied the machete.

Dean and Natalia's faces contorted in pain as the flashes continued.

Dean and Natalia injecting the guards with dead man's blood. Boris invading Dean and Natalia's personal space. Boris sniffing Kristin's hair. Ben getting pushed into the wall. Dylan nearly getting his neck bit into.

Dean and Natalia collapsed on the ground, their bodies twitching.

Dean narrowing his eyes and watching Lisa awaken. Natalia rushing from the motel room. Dean breaking the lamp in to motel room. Natalia shutting off the lights.

Dean and Natalia continued to twitch and they struggled to breathe.

The bulbs in the ceiling lamp blinding them. Sam, Dean, Dylan and Natalia in the alley after they were turned, blood on Dean and Natalia's mouths. Sam fighting Boris and Dylan running to Dean and Natalia. Boris smearing blood over Dean and Natalia's lips. Sam watching the attack holding a struggling Dylan back. Boris roughing Dean and Natalia up against the dumpster. Finally... Sam's mouth ticking upwards into a little smirk and Dylan's look of horror as they watched Dean and Natalia get turned.

Dean and Natalia's eyes flew open -- they were clear. The world was silent once again. They tried to process what they'd just seen. They blinked a few times and struggled to sit up. Sam and Samuel rushed over to help him while Dylan rushed over to help Natalia. Sam patted Dean on the chest and Natalia on the shoulder, but Dean and Natalia eyed him strangely. They'd realized that their brother had thrown them under the bus and had prevented Dylan from helping.

Dylan kissed the top of Natalia's head, relieved she was okay.


Sam, Samuel and Dylan packed up their supplies. Dean entered from the bathroom and Natalia poured a glass of water over her head over the sink.

"Hi," Sam greeted. "So, what'd you two see?"

"What?" Dean and Natalia questioned.

"In the nest. What'd you two see?"

Dean paused. "Uhm... well, we're still trying to work through it, but, uh... she and I are pretty sure they're not figuring anything out on their own. They're getting their orders from the top... where to go next, everything."

"Top, as in..." Samuel began.

"Their alpha. At least, that's what Nat and I think it is. They've got some sort of psychic thing happening. He sends 'em, uh... we don't know --messages?"

"Saying what?" Sam and Dylan asked.

"Honestly? Recruitment drive." Sam, Samuel and Dylan registered his words. "Their alpha's building an army."

"Well, THAT's comforting," Samuel said.

"That's not the worst," Natalia stated.

"Then what IS?" Sam inquired.

"We don't scare them anymore."

The five hunters finished packing.


Natalia and Dylan stood to the side and she said, "Thanks for you know, not killing me."

Dylan smiled. "I told you it was a last resort."

"Yeah, well - I'm sorry for almost taking a bite out of your neck."

"I think I can look past that." He kissed her and pulled her into him and she returned his hug.

Dean stood next to the Impala's open trunk, calling Lisa.

"You've reached Lisa. Leave a message. Thanks."

"Hey, Lis... uh..."

An automated message sounded. "To continue recording, press 1. To erase-"

Dean ended the call. He slammed the trunk to find Sam standing in front of him. Dylan and Natalia walked up.

"How'd it go with Lisa?" Sam asked.

"It didn't," Dean repliied.

Sam tried to fake an "Aw, shucks" expression. "I'm sorry."

Dylan offered a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, man. Maybe she'll come around.

"Yeah," Dean said. "At least, uh... YOU got our backs. No matter what happens, Nat and I can always count on you, right, Sammy? I don't even have to ask about Dylan."

Sam paused slightly. "Yeah. Of course, Dean, Nat."

Dean and Natalia didn't believe a word. The siblings entered the car in sync, Dylan behind slightly, and drove away.

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