Destiny of a vampiress

By Sandii33

677 15 30

What would you do if you found out you aren't who you think you are? What if you found out certain things wer... More

Chapter 1 - Goodbye
Chapter 3 - You can let go now

Chapter 2 School blues

194 4 9
By Sandii33

Here we go chapter 2- the pik is kinda how i see ariel it sorta catchs her flirty playfulness. dw guys im just warming up, i keep wanting to write everything at once so i might forget/ add too much at some info, but i'll try to space it out. Im just so excited haha :) oh and this chapter crams alot of info into your heads so just ask if you need answers! :) :) oh and ahhh im talking a little american in this chapter but its coz im used to reading, not writing :P finished editing :D let me know if there's any mistakes ;)

Song- cooler then me


I shake off my thoughts and turn to my best-friend-slash-know-it-all. AKA Evelyn. She was a small english girl, pretty but petite. Ariel and i have always felt protective over her since we've all become friends. Evelyn is kinda a nerd. She knows everything about anything. She's really cute with her short red hair and freakles, but all those stuck up bitchs and jocks can't see through her thick glasses, and bully her when Ariel and i arnt around to protecct her. We always ask if she'll get contacts but Evz just says that her glass's are a part of her and she wont change her look for others.

"Wheres Ariel?" i ask

"She said she'd meet up with us there." replied Evelyn, obviously annoyed i interrupted her lecture about getting up in the morning. I said she was cute, small and nerdy, but boy was she bossy.

We park in the student carpark and head to the canteen, so i can make good on my deal about buying breakfast. Thats when i hear someone singing 'take a dirty picture babeh, take a dirty picture.' Me and evelyn look at each other knowingly and turn to see the big smile on my other best friends face.

She has skin paler then mine and bleach blonde hair that was long and styled messly with a few random braids that made her have a kinda-gypsy-like-hot-babe look. She's currently sporting our school uniform added with a scarf in her hair, lots of bangles and hobo gloves.

She also tended to have about a boyfriend a week. She would always claim that they all lacked originality and spunk. Sure she was known as a slut, but those who are close to her know the truth. Most of the guys she dates barely even get to touch her let alone have sex. She isn't a virgin but she still says she's saving herself for that special someone. And the rumours are just from those dumped guys who's ego was hurt coz they wern't good enough for her. Man does ariel choose the wrong guys.

"You do realize that is the wrong lyrics Ariel" i say.

Ariel puts on a fake pout, "well sue me, my versions better anyway."

"I find those sort of songs degrading." Remarks Evelyn in her 'pommy' accent. She always has an opinion and she always had to make it known.

"Man Evz, you should chill out a bit i mean its just a song!" said Ariel. I new they were going to go at it again. Arguing, those two are, endlessly arguing.

"Its lyrics like that what turns young girls into sleezy young girls-' Ouch, Ariel did not like that.

"Like me? Oh You didnt just-"

"say that? yes i did. And now im saying that you should stop wearing so much glitter you -"

"sparkle like edward. Really? A twilight joke," My gosh. They argue so much they finish each others sentences. "If i was a vampire i would have already-"

"Shut the hell up the pair of you!" i shouted. A few people walking past turned around but i kept going loud and clear "i have a major head ache. Its the start of year 11 and you guys are already at it?" they both looked away embarresed at thier quarrel.

"Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Ariel mumbled.

"No im just sick of you guys fighting all the time." I said looking away.


Evelyn and Ariel exchanged a look and then Ariel nodded. Evelyn turned and looked at me with her eyebrows crunched together and i stared hard back knowing what she was doing. You see our group was not your average high school clique. You know like goths with goths, geeks with geeks, 'popular' girls trying to get with the cutest guys in school. Although we hate using the term popular (theres just no other way to explain, everyone knows what your talking about when you say it)

Ariel was the (non- bitchy... Sorta) 'popular' type. Fabulous and flirty, although you did not want to be on her bad side.

Evelyn was the 'nerdy' type. Miss smarty pants, who everyone else knows as the shy Einstin.

And me? Well i dont really know who i was. I loved music and liked a few sports. I was always up for a party. I didnt like school and only sometimes did my homework. Average grades. Average life. Average person. With two not so average friends.

Your anything but average and you know it... says a foreign voice in my head.

Remeber how i said i knew what evelyn was doing? Well evelyn is a psychic. Not some scammer claiming your going to find love next year. A real. Life. Psychic. She can read your current thoughts, talk into your mind and when she touches things she can summon the ability to see the persons or objects past. For some weird reason it doesn't work on ariel but it works on me. I hate it when she reads into my present thoughts and my past. She says she can see everything after i was 5 but before that... its the same as Ariel, just a gray mist. You may think its great but this ability has gotten Evelyn into trouble a few times. Evelyn hates this 'curse' as much as me as ariel think it's a 'gift', and thats why she dedicated herself to being the smartest of the smart; to prove she could do it without her ability. Unfortunatly she still uses it when she see's fit and i guess she see's this fit. I immediately put up walls in my head. When your bestfriends a psychic you learn to do that.

Sofia? Whats really wrong? Do i have to find it out myself... She says.

Evz i love ya but i seriously hate this thing sometimes...I think back to her.

Don't avoid the question. I told you...

i felt the walls in my head weaken. Evelyn was trying to get in.

Go away evelyn! Its none of your bee's wax...

The walls kept crumbling and my secrets where going to be reveled. Spead out like a picture book for evelyn too see. And plus i really did have a head ache, when evelyn does this it kinda hurts. Oh brother, why are these people my friends again?

"OK FINE!" i burst out loud. Scaning the area i motion for the girls to follow me and we walk towards an area that is rarely used and sit on a bench.

"So, um, what did i miss?" Ariel said in an awkard voice.

"Miss Markson here was just going to tell us what is really wrong." she smiled to ariel then looked to me and her smile faltered. Evelyn was great with facts. People? Not so much. Ariel knows this too and decided to take up the job of 'lets interigate Sofia'.

"What's really wrong sofie?" She came and sat next to me and put her hand on mine.

"How do you guys know?" i said with my head down. "that i lied i mean."

"well," Evelyn looked around as if the air would give her an excuse. Finally she seemed to give up. "I just kinda did." Great more unexplainable wierdness.

I sighed."Lets get on with it, but i dont see how you guys can help."

"Sof-" starts Ariel.

"I feel like nothing is right. Like my life is a dream. I'm scared to leave my dad and you guys, like you all might just disapear." i blerted out. i wasn't meant to say that much. Ariel looks at me with sympathyas if she understands.

"I dont know why you feel like that, but babe we wont leave you. Ever. Promise."

I thought about the man in the hood and how he looked "like A crazy diabolical voldermort."

"huh?" said one of the girls. I looked up at them through the curtain of my hair and they both looked like they had question marks on their faces. I laughed a little and they both seemed to relax at the sound of it.

" just a bad dream I had."

"Okay, but don't change the subject. Babe we are your bestfriends we're supposed to help" Ariel said

"And bestfriends are supposed to stick together even they might do it wrong?" Evz added making it sound like a question. Aw. She still thought i was angry at her. I kinda was but hey, i'll get over it.

"BF's for eternity. Remember?" i said. Ariel smiled and evelyn looked like she was about to cry.

"I'll love you both forever! Your like the sisters i never had!" Evelyn said.

Ariel laughed. "Girl, i'll hold you to that." Ariel stuckout her pinky and evelyn and i copied. "Best friend's no matter what."

We clasped our pinkys together and collapsed into a hug. As I huged them, i thought about the hooded man again. It was just a dream. Or a nightmare. What he said was just crazy. I am a normal teenage girl with two of the bestest friends i could ask for. Sure i wasn't having a great day, but things will get better.

Then why do i still have a bad feeling?

The bell rang signaling 3rd period and we left for our class's. Evelyn left for advanced maths, as Ariel and I walked to English. First we arrived a tiny bit late and our teacher scolded us for tardyness on the first day and not to make a habit, then sent us to the last avalible sets that just so happened to be next to Nikki and her gang of snobs. Oh it was going to be a loooong day.

"Look what the cat dragged in, the freaksome threesome, wait where's Einstein?" said Nikki. On cue, her posse all laughed like programmed robots, one girl even snorted. Nikki was the celebrity bitch of our school. She had perfect straight blonde hair, perfect make-up, perfect prada handbag to match with her D&G sunglass's. She had her school skirt rolled so short, that if you walked up the stairs behind her; where guys would stare, i would puke. She had as much buttons undone as teachers would tolerate. Basicly Nikki Harisson was a snotty stuck up rich bitch who always got her way.

That was the moment the teacher left the room saying to keep working quietly.

"Dearest nikki, your insults are getting worse by each day." Ariel smiled.

"And i see that your fashion sense has gone down the drain." Nikki shot back. I just sat back and watched the scene, this was Ariels territory and if anyone tried to break it up she would bark at them next. Plus i didn't want anything to do with Nikki.

"Oh your sooo funny that everyone laughs AT you not WITH you, but if you find it too hard to laugh at your self i'll do it for you"

"Like i haven't heard that before? How ironic i'm pretty sure everyone loves me more." said Nikki throwing her head in my direction. I understood what she meant, and i was not happy. I was trying not to go over to her and give her pretty little face a little adjustment. Relax Sofia. This is what she wants you to feel.

"Whats wrong? Lost your boyfriends tounge?" she laughed and the hyenas laughed with her. I was never one for violence, but then again, i was never one for sharing my boyfriend for 3 years with Nikki. Ariel went to say something but i held my hand up to stop her. She had her battles i had mine.

"That was uncalled for Nikki." i said trying to control the trembling of my voice.

"Aww poor baby. Still upset that he choose me over you? Don't worry i got rid of him after a while, he was boring in bed. I though the first time had to be quick since it was your birthday... Turns out he was a one minute wonder."

And then i snapped.

"Oh my god!" came the teachers voice as people tried to hold me back.


"Miss Markson you are hearby suspended for a month and after that you shall have detention for a week. Your lucky our lovely Nikki here isn't pressing charges." said Principle Gillan.

"Thank you Bill, but really, its just a small black eye." chimed in nikki, face deceitfully sweet.

"Oh so modest you are nikki dear. I will see to it that Miss Markson is punished acordingly."

"Not punished bill, taught," Nikki chatised, "she must be having a hard time and needs to learn control. God bless her soul." Nikki made a sign of a cross on her chest. How disrespectful, i thought, i wasn't a christian but she should feel at least a little guilt in her stone cold heart using others beliefs like this. Gillan just sucked it right up.

"Um, excuse me im right here." I wasn't angry anymore after punching Nikki and leaving a nice, big, ugly, black eye. But now im getting a little annoyed. Just because Nikki's father is the main donater to the school nikki is treated like a queen. And i get overly punished without my side even being heard.

"Ah yes. Miss Markson you can go. I shall call and discuss your punishment with your father." Said Principle Gillan, tone dismissive.

I stalked out and went to the gym looking for a distraction. If i went to my friends, Ariel would want to know what happened and evelyn would give me another lecture. Plus they will find out later because im positive 'Nikki dear' has already told half the school how i 'attacked' her. I walk though to doors and see, nothing. Just the way i wanted it. No one else to see me vent my anger out on a soccer ball. I get changed too pants and take of my ballet flats and socks so i wont trip, and plus i like playing with no shoes. I kick the ball and chase after it outside. When i feel the grass between my feet i immediately calm down. After doing a few goals and running round cones the bell for last period went.

"Shit, im going to be late."

"Its not lady like to swear." says a males voice behind me. I spin around and see a gorgeous man standing against the gym wall. He had wavy brown hair, pircing blue eyes, a sun kissed tan and well built.

"Huh?" i said lamely.

"A beautiful, bonita like yourself should not be talking with such manners." the mysterious guy said in an accent i couldn't quite get.

"What are you?" i say.

"perdón?" he askes, something crossed his expression but his face changed back to charming too fast for me to see.

"oh, umm, i mean," i fumble trying to remember what i said. "What country are you from? Your, ahh, accent isn't stong and i, umm, i cant place it." my cheeks burn from embarrassment. Sure he is real cute, but I shouldn't be so flustered.

"Ah yes, i am South American. My name is leon." He smiles. It was such a cute smile... but it seemed fake, it didn't reach his eyes. And he didnt say his actual country, sure that wasn't a crime, but it just didnt seem right. I immedietly put my sences on high alert. I have this kinda talent when my gut told me what was safe, dangerous or what i should be careful of. And i have always trusted my gut. This time its telling me to be cautious, then why did i also feel so comfortable with him? Why did i want to know more about him? It took me a while to realised he was watching me and waiting for me to talk. I pushed a piece of run-away pony tail hair behind my ear. My secret sign of nervesness.

"Nice to meet you leon. Now if you excuse me im already late for class." i start towards the girls change rooms when Leon suddenly steps infront of me.

"But we were just getting aquainted miss...?" he paused waiting for me to add in my name. I try to step past him but he moves in my way. I stared straight past his sexy-looking arm. Sexy? Urg. No Sofia.

"I am in a hurry, please move." i said getting a little frustrated.

"Absolutely. When you tell me your name."he said with that same charming smile plastered on his face.

I pondered this for a moment. What's the harm in telling him my name. Im not getting any bad feelings about anything. But i dont want too. 'Yes you do, your just scared that if you tell him your name you might start a converstion with just the thing you were avoiding. A guy you might like.' Guys? Pfft they are all usless jerks. The only guys i will depend on is my father and that guy Bob at busty burger to make my favorite Big Bust Burger. (thats alot of b's). Full of delicious calories that don't affect my body mass at all. Your rambling, hurry and answer him! Stupid damn inner-voice, i dislike it more then Evelyns.

"And then you'll let me leave?" i asked

"hmm, ok i'll let you leave." He smiled. But this time it was a real smile. The smile that is lazy and lopsided, cute. Although I didn't really trust that smile.

"Ok then you have a deal." Leon looked at me expectantly. After a few moments he laughed. "Whats so funny?" i said confused.

"What is it?" he said chuckling .

"What is what?"

"Your name!"

I looked down to the floor embarresed and cheeks blazing red.

"Rose" i whispered

"Sorry i couldn't hear." He said leaning in.

"Rose. My name is Rose." i nearly shouted in his ear, nervous with him so close. I dont know why i gave him a fake name. Well it is my name, just not what everyone calls me. It seemed like the only defence i had.

"And do you, rose want to go dinner with me some time?" He said but I was already walking away.

"Oh my god! I am so late for class!" i ran for the change room and changed at lightning speed. I left and started sprinting to class but stopped when i saw a figure next to me.

"Leon! We made a deal that if i told you my name, you would leave me alone!" I huffed. i was already 15 minutes late.

"No it was that i would let you go, not leave you alone." leon smirked. That cheating little- but then i did the most unexpected thing. I laughed.

"What?" Leons smirk dissapeared. It was his turn to be confused.

"You," laugh,"are so," more laughing, "darn cheeky!" i started to stop laughing but then Leon started laughing aswell. And then before i knew it we were both laying on the ground laughing, and over something not really funny.

"You have made me so late for class leon." i said once our laughter finally stopped.

"yeh, well i am late too." He smiled and i was happy to see a real smile still on his face.

"You go to school here?" i was surprised, i thought he was about 21 or so.

"Dur! what did you think i was just some random trying to pick you up? I was going to ask for directions " in fact thats exactly what i thought. But I thought he asked me too dinner? My heart dropped a little as I realised I misheard and i got up gathering my things.

"What class do you have?" i asked slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"ahhh let me remember... history yr 11." My mouth dropped and i quickly closed it.

"How old are you?"

"18" he said matter-of-factly. Maybe he just worked out alot. But he still looks older. i shook off the thought and started walking.

"Well i guess i'll show you the way to your class."

"How do you know where it is rose?" he quized

"Coz you have the same class as me." our school wasn't that big and not many students took history.

When we got to class i said i was showing the new kid round. The teacher took some forms from leon and sat us in seats away from each other, to my dismay. This was the only class i didn't have Evelyn or rose in, so i was a little happy that leon was in it too. That when i saw what he was sitting next to. My arch enemy, Nikki.

i was opening my book when an annoying purr, no... noise, pipped up.

"hey there, you must be leon! Im nikki, my father is the boss of this school so i know everything that goes on. How is your first day? i can show you around if you like"

"umm sure, i guess." replyed leon and nikki's eyes gleamed. Thats when i noticed the spider was spining her web. Hoping that another hot guy shall get stuck in her web. She will lose interest and add them to her collection of boy toys that have been sucked dry. I should know. She did it to my own boyfriend. I felt a pang of anger and sadness as the memorys of jacob flooded back. I relised i nearly fell into my depressing place and pushed all thoughts aside into the back of my head. I wont let her do it again i thought. After school i'll warn leon about her. I looked back over and found nikki and leon whispering, leon looked over at me and frowned. I quickly looked down to write notes.

"Did you hear? She punched nikki!" Whispered some girls behind me.

"I heard that she threatened to kill her."

"O' mi gosh that is so cruel, she's like a ticking time bomb."

This was going to be a looooong class.


"Sofia! Wait up! where are you going my car is that way." Evelyn pointed towards a grey 4WD. Such a big car for such i little girl.

"yeah im coming i just need to find..." AH the he is. I yelled to evz i'll be at her car in a sec and ran towards leon.

"hey leon." i tapped his shoulder and he turned around, revealing an ecstatic nikki. For once she didn't say anything but she did look at me with a pleased expression.

"Yeah?" he snapped and i flinched. I was surprised at the change. What did Nikki say to him? Why is he suddenly so distant?

"Umm i was just wondering if i could just talk to you for a second." i squeaked no longer sure why i came.

"What so just coz we spoke once you think we're BFF's?"

"No i-"

"Sorry. I'm busy." He hissed and Nikki sniggered beside him.

I turn and run. Only one other time was i so humiliated in my life, and that was also the saddest. How could he? How could i?

I told you inner voice, Boys are all useless jerks.

Hope you liked it! What do you think? Is leon a huge jerk? What about these dreams Sofia's been having? But most of all Why does Evelyn have powers? comment? fan? vote? * puppy dog eyes.*

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