Seokjin's Touch

By luvyaselfu

416K 18.8K 4.8K

I married him without realising that marrying him was going to change my life forever. I also didn't realise... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 17

7.6K 349 81
By luvyaselfu


I didn't want to be here. My father's company is a place that I dreaded going to but at least it's better than his private house.

Seokjin didn't know I was here though. I'd sneaked out when they were in an important meeting. Even though I didn't want to, if I didn't come here, my father will come after me. Not to mention, Taehyung's girlfriend was coming home today and since everyone (aside from Seokjin) wanted to me to eat with them, I have no choice but to come here. It will save me from the trouble my father plan to cause.

Curling my hands into fists, I said, "If that's it then I'm leaving."

"You've been with him for a year and you got nothing?" he glared at me as he leaned against his desk, arms crossed. Even now, I still don't have a clue what he blackmailed Seokjin with. I just knew that it's enough for Seokjin to listen to him.

With a smirk, I said, "Why, because blackmailing his father isn't enough? You want something on Seokjin too?"

Lightning fast, he had his hands wrapped around my throat, throttling me as I struggled against his hold. My vision blurred and like always, the fear slowly started to creep in as I clawed at my father's hands. Finally, he lets go of me, shoving me back so hard that I fell back, slamming against the wall before my head connected with the table. To make things worse, the framed photo above me fell down, its shattered pieces sliced at my arms as I struggled to get to my feet as fast as I can. The longer I stay down, the more my father will come at me with his fists. Pain rippled through me as I struggled to get back to my feet, hand at my throat as I tried to breathe.

"Don't test me," he hissed. "You're nothing to me."

I could feel something warm trickling down the side of my head as well as the blood soaking from the wounds on my arms. Great. Just what I needed.

"We both know I'm right though," I gasped out, feeling my head throbbed. "I hate to break it to you but Seokjin doesn't even let me close to him or anyone so I can't give you what you want."

"Dig harder."

I smirked at that and winced, "No."

My father raised his hand again and I braced myself for the hit but it was the sound of someone knocking on his door that saved me. Seeing that it was his secretary, he lowered his hand but not before he pointed at me.

"We're not done."

"We are so done," I said, with a sneer. "You can't threaten me anymore, father. I got nothing to lose."

He barked a laugh but there was anger there. "But you married him though."

"Because I wanted to know where my mother was buried," I spat out, angrily, "but it's been one year and you've not said a single word about it so I'm thinking it's best if I divorce him."

"Got nothing to lose?" he laughed once more. "One word from me and you'll have no job. That's what you want, isn't it? A job so that you can run away from here."

He took a step towards me. "But you know what, dear daughter? You can never escape. I'll always find you. Just like I did with your mother."

That rattled me in so many ways but I forced a smile. That cold, hard smile that shows just how unaffected I wish I was.

"You don't scare me," I said as I made my way towards the door. "I can easily expose you for your abuse, dear father."

"But you won't," my father called out just as my hand landed on the door knob. "Because you want to know where your mother is, don't you?"

I ignored that and walked out of room, feeling my heart shattering all over again. That man in the room is the reason I hate men. The reason I want to be alone. The reason why I don't trust anyone. The reason why I hate myself. My life. My existence.

Most importantly, he's the reason I'm ashamed of my life.

Angry tears burn my eyes as I left the building and seeing my phone ring with Seokjin's name just made things worse because I don't want to see anyone. I want to be alone. I want to cry. I just want to really cry for how weak I am even after all these years.


Now here I am with Seokjin and the rest of his people. I told him that I didn't want to be here but he didn't listen to me at all. My head was still hurting when I'd bumped my head against the table. Since there was blood on my shirt, I tried to get rid of it but I couldn't so I decided to buy a long turtleneck to cover the marks on my neck and my arms. Then I shoved my shirt into a plastic bag before shoving that bag in my handbag. After all of that, I made my way towards Seokjin and the others and they didn't hesitate before dragging me out here.

I crossed my arms and winced at the slight sting from my arms. I really don't want to be here. At the airport. Waiting for someone I don't even know.

"At least try to look like you're enjoying yourself," Seokjin scowled.

"I don't want to be here," I dropped my arms and turned to face him. "I told you that already."

"How you feel doesn't matter," he muttered.

"It never does," I shot back.

"Oh!" I heard Taehyung said.

My eyes went to him and I saw the biggest smile on Taehyung's face. His eyes were literally shining so bright. I followed his gaze and saw a girl running over towards him before throwing herself in his arms. She was beautiful. Really beautiful.

Taehyung picked her off the floor and spun her around before hugging her even tighter. Happiness lit up his handsome features as he held her against him.

I stared at them. It was obvious how much they love each other.


Seokjin's eyes stayed on Yumi. The scowl on her face was no longer there. He glanced at Taehyung and Minseo before turning back to Yumi. Did she want that kind of love too? Because that's not something Seokjin can give her.

"Hi guys!" Minseo greeted, smiling so bright.

Taehyung tucked her to his side, still smiling at her.

Seokjin smiled warmly at Minseo. He must have missed her heaps, just like the others. Reaching out, he tousled her hair and Minseo pulled away from Taehyung's arms and wrapped her arms around Seokjin in a hug. One that Seokjin gladly returned. They all greeted Minseo in return until she shifted her gaze to Yumi.

Seokjin smiled down at her, "You know how I got married and you couldn't make it? Well, this is her. Yumi."

Minseo blinked twice before her eyes widened as she leaned slightly towards Yumi, "Wait, Yumi?"

Yumi stared at her.

Minseo tilted her head to the side. "You're not originally from here, are you?"

That's when Yumi's eyes went cold. Seeing this, Minseo smiled at her, "Ah, I guess you wouldn't know me. Well, it's nice meeting you again. I hope we can get along."

Yumi just nodded before muttering, "I need to go to the bathroom."

It wasn't only Seokjin who noticed the change in Yumi's behaviour though. When she returned to him from doing who knows what, she looked almost sick for some reason. Not to mention, he saw that she was wearing a different shirt too. Regardless of all that, Seokjin figured it'll be fine after she threw drama and dragged her here with the others. He didn't want to but Taehyung wanted to introduce Minseo and Yumi to each other. Right now, everyone can see that they've met each other before... though they can't explain the coldness in Yumi's gaze as she took Minseo in.

Taehyung slid an arm around Minseo's waist, lowering his head towards hers, "You know her?"

"Why does she look... angry?" Jungkook asked slowly. "Did something happen between you two?"

"Ah, no," Minseo shook her head. "Yumi and I went to the same school in that old town."

"She did?" Taehyung's eyes widened. "No way."

Minseo grinned and nodded. "Yeah baby, she did. Yumi didn't stay long because she left after something happened."

"What happened?" Seokjin asked.

Minseo hesitated and looked at Taehyung before turning to Seokjin. "It's not really my place to—"

"She and I didn't marry for love," Seokjin cut her off. "I need to know if there's anything about her past that can ruin the life we've all been building through all these years."

It was a cruel thing to do but Seokjin wanted to know a bit about Yumi too. Maybe if he can figure out some parts of Yumi's life, it might help him get rid of her father who's been a pain in Seokjin's ass since day one.

"Well, Yumi had a reputation for always being involved in fights," Minseo said quietly.

All eyes turned to her.

"She's not a bad person," Taehyung stated. Like Seokjin, the others can hear how ready he is to defend Yumi.

"She's not a bad person," Minseo agreed with a soft smile. "Someone who fights for themselves, stand up for themselves as well as for the weaker ones... I think that's pretty cool."

Seyeon nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"To be honest," Minseo's voice dropped and her eyes went around the area to make sure Yumi wasn't nearby. "I idolise her for it."

Seokjin just stared at her.

Minseo beamed. "Yumi is so cool."

"She is!" Jiyeon grinned, nodding.

"But I don't think she likes me very much," Minseo said with a sad smile.

Taehyung reassured her by dropping a kiss to her forehead. "Give her time."

Seokjin wanted to tell Taehyung off for that. He wanted to tell his members off for letting Yumi in... but most of all, he wanted to punch himself for letting her into his life. 

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