Silent Doe//Yoonkook

By nalakiss

12.5K 663 117

A Boy who knew only abuse is discovered by the police. He is taken to one of the officers relatives homes to... More

We'll Take Him
First Impressions
The First Strange Night
Stars in his Eyes
Koo Jun Ki
Misery's Touch
I'm sorry,I'm so sorry
Pain of Love
Silent Once Again
The New Jun Ki
The Walk
Last sunrise
Arrest him
Dont Be Afraid
Im Lucky


355 27 6
By nalakiss

Another 2 months have passed since Jun Ki escaped from Mr.Mok and it was strange how much freedom Jun Ki seemed to have. He never experienced this kind of freedom before and it was weird. Mr.Choi hasn't asked him to perform any tasks except to make sure he keeps his room clean. When he first got here he was told that he would have to work off his brother's s dept but he hasn't done anything.

Mr.Choi and Jaehyun have him over every night for dinner with his family. Mr.Choi's wife keeps telling Jun Ki to call her mom but that word always brings up his real one. Jaehyun's older sister Lisana just adores Jun Ki not in a flirty way but a older sister way.

So here he was again having a nice dinner with the Choi family and as usual he sits in silence.

"So Jun sweetie I was thinking......well we were thinking." Mrs. Choi started and looked to her husband who gave an approving nod. "Well we were hoping that you would feel comfortable and live with us. We know what my husband does and we know some of what happened in your past. My husband and I also talked it over and we would love it if you stayed here and away from the world he is in." She finished and they all looked at the boy who looked like he was about to be hit with a car as it came speeding down the highway. His doe eyes were so large and his soft features were so shocked.

He finally swallowed a lump he formed in the back of his throat as he finally had the guts to ask. "Why?"

"Listen Jun I know when you were first brought to me I said you had to work off your brother's dept but that was more said in the heat of the moment. The more the doctor told me about you, the more Ki-nam spoke about Kid and you with what you grew up with. Not to mention the fact of the things I don't want to mention in this life that you had to go through. Yes I'm not the best man but putting my children in your position it's heart shattering. Ki-Nam informed me that Kid most likely ran off to look for you and I can see both my kids doing that for the other." Jun Ki listened to every word Mr.Choi said each one making his heart hurt. "From the 3 months you've lived with me and the 2 my family got to know you.....we all agree that we want you to think of us as home."

Jun Ki abruptly stood up, his body started shaking. Jaehyun immediately stood up as well to hold him. Through the last couple months they have grown really close. Mr. and Mrs. Choi don't disapprove they just don't want the youngest to go through more pain. His sister was the first to get Jun Ki to talk about his feelings but was terrified of feeling the same pain Yoongi left him in. Lisana of course told her little brother how the other feels knowing her brother's heart would explode from the happy news.

Jaehyun never brought up titles or anything with Jun Ki but he knew how the youngest felt when they were together. Jun Ki currently had his head buried in the others chest still shaking. Jaehyun was whispering sweet things to him as he held him tight in his arms while rubbing small circles on his back.

"I......I.......c-can't." The pink haired one finally spoke between sobs while slowly pulling himself away from the older.

"Why is that Joonkie?" Lisana gave him a cute nickname basically the week she met him. The youngest didn't seem to mind since it wasn't a sexualized pet name.

"Mr.Mok.......he.....he will find me it's only a matter of time." He finally got out. Jun Ki was now facing the rest of the Choi family with his head hung low. Holding on to the olders strong arms that were around his waist comfortingly as he back hugged the younger. He had his head rested on Jun Ki as he gently swayed them back and forth. Jaehyun knew this was an intimate thing to do in front of his family but they understood it was just to make the boy feel safe.

"Even if he does find are my family now and he will never lay a hand on you again." Mr.Choi didn't yell but he spoke firmly as he spoke while standing up. He leaned down to kiss his wife on the cheek as he walked behind his daughter. "All of us won't let him touch you." He pat his daughter on the shoulder as he made his way around the table. Lisana just looked at her father with a proud smile as he walked closer to the swaying couple.

Jaehyun gave a little peck to the younger's cheek before he released him. Jun Ki was then pulled into a firm and gentle hug from Mr.Choi. A Man he feared for most of his life. The man that gave his brother a job to sell drugs. A man that gave his mother clients so she could spend more money on drugs from him. The man that had his abusive father killed because he thought he encouraged his brother to steal. This man that made him stay to pay off the Dept of his brother. Jun Ki who was so scared for these people even if this man made his life unbearably difficult as a child he couldn't help but embrace back. 

"I don't want more pain...........for anyone." At first they all thought he was referring to himself until the last 2 words escaped his lips. That statement definitely made them all smile knowing how truly sweet this boy could be.

"Hoseok I don't know what to do." Yoongi was sitting on his friend's hotel bed completely exhausted.

"What do you want to do? It's been 3 months no one will blame you if you want out." Yoongi just looked at the plain white ceiling feeling useless. "If you want to head back home you can I'll stay here a bit longer if you want."

"I can't......even if we don't find Boy I'm still undercover and they need my intel." Yoongi thought of all the people the police have saved from trafficking only because Yoongi was able to leak info. "Besides I can't stop, if I do Collin will most likely get in trouble or worse his family."

"I thought Noona got his family protected?"

"They are under watch but there is only so much they can do without tipping off Mr.Mok and his men that the police are on them."

"How much time do you have till you have to leave?" Hoseok asked. He hated being the only one down here. The others stopped coming thought it was no use. Only Noona and Officer Soh continued to come and help look but in normal clothes.

"I have about an hour." Yoongi stated as he stretched kicking off his shoes.

"Want to fool around?" Hoseok questioned. They started getting intimate a few weeks ago. Both got drunk from the stress both were under and one thing led to another. They only see each other as friends but they use each other to release steam and help when the other is sexually frustrated. Even on their first night they didn't have sex both refuse to take the other's D*** in their butts, but they do everything else to get release.

Without answering his friend he just grabbed his shirt pulling him down on the bed beside him. Not a moment later they were both devouring the other's lips more in hopes of forgetting the horrible world around them.

Yoongi could only truly get aroused if he pictured himself kissing Boy again but he knows he will probably never get that chance. Hoseok just wanted to feel release he didn't care about who he was with. He knew Yoongi was most likely thinking of the Boy but that didn't bother him because he was just using Yoongi's body and nothing more.

After the hour was up they both got dressed and fixed themselves. It wasn't awkward they both knew what the situation was and accepted it.

"So I heard some rumors of a gang leader on the other side of town."

"Boss?" Yoongi interrupted.

"Yeah him... well anyway I heard his son has been seen with a new face around."


"Apparently he only has a small group of friends kinda like us and the others so anyway I heard that it's strange."

"I don't get it. What's your point?" Yoongi asked impatient as he looked in the mirror to fix his hair that Hoseok pulled very roughly while he was pleasing the younger.

"I heard no one has seen this person before" Hoseok finished as he finally pulled his shirt over his head covering his abs that had Yoongi's hickeys on them. "What if it's Boy? I was going to go their to see if I spot them at their normal hang out spots."

Yoongi looked to the younger with little but some hope in his eyes. Yes Hoseok has followed lots of false leads before that just ended up being nothing. Every time Yoongi had less and less hope. "Okay just be careful I heard Boss is very protective of his kids."

That's true. Mr.Mok over the months informed him of all the local gangs and territories. He's gotten more info also with him interrogating people. A huge part of him wished Boy stayed silent when Mr.Mok asked him what he could do. Just the same though he was glad he was able to get intel to tell the police squad he is apart of.

"I I know you've told me to drop it but I need to know why you say Boy won't be happy to see you." Yoongi has been avoiding this question since he made the call to Seokjin hyung to help.

"I made a deal with Mr.Mok......He saw that Boy kissed me back and that is something I asked him to do if he felt anything for me." Hoseok was listening to his friend who he felt so sorry for he blames himself for so much. "We made a deal that if I treated Boy like how everyone else sees him then he won't hurt him again.....I......I broke his heart. He gave me his first raped because of it.......tortured after and the next day I had to say I just wanted to F*** him." Before Yoongi could cry in front of the younger he just stormed out the door not even saying goodbye.

Hoseok wasn't hurt by how he left he just wished he could turn back time. Not for himself but for his dear friend and the Boy that mysteriously came into their lives.

"Jaehyun, Jun Ki!" Yuta yelled as he ran up and hugged the youngest. Jun Ki just giggled as he was embraced by the rest of Jaehyun's friends.

After the downpour 2 months ago he introduced his friends to Jun Ki and they instantly accepted him. It took a bit for Jun Ki to feel comfortable with them but it did happen soon enough. Yuta was the first one that the boy called hyung so he instantly feels like the favorite. 

They were all informed of parts of his backstory that they know and to not ask questions when they see his scar. He only reveals his neck when they are alone in one of their homes and never in public. Jaehyun actually bought him a stylish choker so he wouldn't be hot wearing a scarf, turtleneck, or keep a hoodie up all the time.

"Hi Hyungs."

"Okay..... what did we want to do today?" Taeyong asked as he kept his arm around Jun Ki who was just giving him a relaxing side hug.

"What about the movies?" Jungwoo suggested.

"No there is nothing new that seems interesting." Haechan pouted while crossing his arms.

"Um......." The youngest started to whisper out then stopped as he hung his head.

"What is it baby?"Taeil asked softly. He wasn't flirting he just called him baby once and never stopped. Jun Ki was nervous when he first met them but Jaehyun reassured him that it was just an innocent pet name.

"Nevermind." He shyly said.

"No it's okay we want to hear what you want to say." Mark smiled brightly as he nodded encouragingly.

"Well I was thinking maybe just something going to the park?" Jun Ki shyly said keeping his head low avoiding eye contact. Jaehyun just smiled at his shy love. He looked to see his friends all smiling too. Jun Ki has come a long way since the moment they were introduced to him. Yes he still is extremely shy and has a hard time expressing himself especially after being denied his whole life.

Jaehyun and his friends were all apart of his fathers gang with most of his friends fathers who grew up in the gang life themselves. Though being extremely tough members they all had a soft spot for Jun Ki. They already know that Jaehyun and Jun Ki have a connection beyond friendship and that just makes the youngest more precious.

Jaehyun walked over behind Jun Ki and gave him a sweet back hug making the youngest blush. Once Jun Ki talked to Lisana about what he has been feeling for her brother he has become more shy and self conscious. His cheeks get hot every time they touch basically.

Parts of him wondered if he would of ever felt this way for Yoongi if he never said those things to him. He knows he should stop thinking about him but he can't help but wonder about the one he gave his first kiss to. Sadly though every time he thinks about that moment he soon remembers the pain of that night from start to finish.

"That's a great idea!!!! I'm tired of spending money anyways."Doyoung smiled satisfied he won't have to spend so much this weekend.

"Really?...... I mean we don't have to." Jun Ki asked trying to dismiss his idea.

Jaehyun just chuckled and kissed his cheek making the younger go red. "Okay let's go to the park! WinWin can you go to the store and get some snacks for us?" WinWin just nodded and Taeil just walked along with him. "GET PLENTY OF BANANA MILK.......PLEASE!!!" WinWin just raised his hand letting him know he heard what was said. Jun Ki couldn't help but smile until his eyes randomly landed on a familiar face.

He was starring at him in complete shock. So was the older but he still made his way slowly over. Jaehyun noticed the stranger and so did the others. They all instinctively stood in front of the youngest who still had wide doe blue eye.

"Boy?" Hoseok asked as his eyes tried to stay locked on to him despite the guys blocking his view.

"Who are you?" Johnny asked as he took a step forward.

"I'm sorry I mean no harm.....Jun Ki stayed with my friends and I sometime back and we've been worried about him.

"Sorry you have the wrong person." Jaehyun said as he hid Jun Ki more behind his back.

"He may have changed his hair but you can't change his eyes. Boy please can we talk?" Jun Ki was hesitating but he took a breath before nodding. He stood on his tiptoes and kissed Jaehyun's cheek before stepping forward in front of the others.

"You don't have to do this." Yuta whispered into his ear.

"He won't hurt me.....right Hoseok?" Jun Ki stared deep into the olders eyes.


"You can talk but stay in our sight." Jaehyun warned Hoseok so he wouldn't get any ideas.

The two walked more to the empty basketball court away from everyone. "Are you safe?" Hoseok started unsure how to start a conversation. He also just wanted to make sure those guys weren't his new masters or anything.

Jun Ki just smiled. "I think for the the first time I am." He answered genuinely as he glanced back at the others who where starring at them like hawks. "So what are you doing in Busan?"

"Yoongi hyung called us......he told us what Mr.Mok did to you." Jun Ki just lowered his head.

"Did he also tell you how he just wished he could F*** me and that's the only reason he was nice to me?" Jun Ki had some warm salty tears slide down his face as he thought of the words said to him.

"Listen he only said that stuff so Mr.Mok would stop hurting you."

"Well he made me feel pain I've never felt before with what he said. If what you say is true then he is an idiot Mr.Mok won't stop hurting me." The younger was in a daze just getting painful flashbacks of everything he has ever lived through. Most of his nightmares are of Mr.Mok some are Mr.Koo a couple were of Yoongi but most were of the one that branded his neck. "How did you find me?" He asked as he wiped his tears.

"I've been looking for you for months, then I heard rumors of the Boss's son hanging around someone they've never seen before. I didn't know it was you it was just a hope of ours."

"Ours?" Jun Ki shot his head up as he stared at the older his hands started to tremble.

"Yeah.Yoongi Hyung and I." Jun Ki quickly started to turn his eyes to look at the crowds of people. Terror took over him as he felt like he was put in a trap.

Jaehyun and the others including WinWin and Taeil who came back from the store a couple minutes ago all rushed over to the youngest.

Taeil was the first to embrace the youngest bringing him closer to Jaehyun. "Baby? What's wrong?" He asked.

Jaehyun who now had Jun Ki in his embrace was glaring at the older as his friends surrounded him.

"What did you do?" WinWin balled up his fist as he asked.

"Why is he freaking out?"Jungwoo questioned. "ANSWER US!!" He was getting so ticked off.

"I......we....have t-to g-go." Jun Ki stuttered.

"Why Baby?" Taeil questioned quietly.

"Hoseok is talking to Yoongi....Yoongi is apart of Mr.Mok's gang now. He'll find me." He answered looking up to meet Jaehyun's eyes.  

"Boy, Yoongi isn't doing what you think."

"Don't...don't talk to him. LEAVE! Forget you saw him. Forget where you saw him. Don't let us catch your face around us or him again." Jaehyun demanded angrily.

"I will, just know you should leave Busan. Mr.Mok and Boss are enemy's it's only a matter of time." Jun Ki knew what he said was true. He knew it even before he spoke. Also if someone found him with just word of mouth that someone new is hanging out with Boss's son then it truly is only a matter of time. " Boy or Jun Ki I'm sorry we couldn't keep you safe.....just believe me when I tell you Yoongi."

"Stop.....I don't care.....he only saw me as one thing." Jun Ki spoke softly as he grabbed Jaehyun's hand and started walking away.

"You know thats not true!!!" Hoseok yelled he was upset that anyone would say that kind of thing about his friend. Jun Ki stopped in his tracks the words Yoongi said to him over and over still stabbed his heart. "He's undercover right now to help others so they won't have to go through what you did. He stayed even after you left. With his intel the authorities are slowly putting his men away and saving people."

Jun Ki quickly turned around and ran to the older giving him a tight hug. Months ago he would of never had the courage. Being with Jaehyun and the others he slowly began to realize what it was like to be himself. Even with his horrible past, touch is still how he communicates. It's how he gets his emotions across. "Please I'm finally happy....... I don't know if I can believe that what Yoongi said to me wasn't true but I hope you speak the truth. If he truly is helping those like me tell him thank you. Go back home to Incheon and take Yoongi with you." He spoke softly as he looked at the olders eyes before he walked away along with the others. Jun Ki looked back one more time and gave Hoseok a big smile.

Hoseok just stood there. The pink haired boy was a much different person than the one he met months ago who was a Silent Doe. A small smile came to his face as he was happy that he finally found happiness.

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