Finding Love

By Kay2Mist

56.9K 2.1K 147

Myles is comfortable happy where he is, a family who loved him and a best friend who accepts him. After his b... More

CHAPTER 1 - Myles Anderson
CHAPTER 2 - Inconspicuous
CHAPTER 3 - Shattered
CHAPTER 4 - A Moving Truck
CHAPTER 5 - Nosy Allen
CHAPTER 6 - The Green Eyed Boy
CHAPTER 7 - Consented Desires
CHAPTER 8 - Slender Boy
CHAPTER 9 - Harrowing
CHAPTER 10 - See
CHAPTER 11 - The Easy Way Out
CHAPTER 12 - Budding Seed
CHAPTER 13 - Reorient
CHAPTER 14 - Broken Hope
CHAPTER 15 - Ruefulness
CHAPTER 16 - All i could do
CHAPTER 17 - Just A Friend
CHAPTER 18 - Way Beyond Me
CHAPTER 19 - The First Touch
CHAPTER 20 - I am Cupid
CHAPTER 21 - How You Make Me Feel
CHAPTER 22 - The First Step To Forever
CHAPTER 23 - What The Cat Dragged In
CHAPTER 24 - Six Feet Under
CHAPTER 25 - The Third Touch - Intoxicated
CHAPTER 26 - A Skinny Gourmand
CHAPTER 27 - Hitler?
CHAPTER 28 - More Like It
CHAPTER 29 - Clouds
CHAPTER 30 - Call Me Beatrice
CHAPTER 31 - My Heart Will Go On
Epilogue - Candles and Rosemary

Epilogue II - Together With Me

1.4K 58 5
By Kay2Mist

Together, With Me, Forever.

Thirteen Years Later.

Christian's POV

"Hmmm," i moaned into his mouth as he lifted me up, dropping me on my desk, he stood in between my legs, pushing them apart with his hips. I could feel his hard on, I pressed myself against him as he sank his head in my neck.

I loved this.

Myles unbuckled my belt, hastily taking down my trousers and briefs along with it. He jumped back up and smashed his lips on mine, moaning into my mouth. I took off his buttons so fast that I didn't think I still had it in my, and for a thirty-seven year old man, Myles still had an amazing body, skin still as shiny as the first day I saw him.

I undid his belt and rugged down his pants, I dipped my hands inside his briefs and held unto his member, it throbbed at my touch, I felt powerful. I started jerking it, faster and faster as he moaned in hushed tones so the kids wouldn't hear us. He roughly smashed his lips on mine again and took me down the desk without separating our lips.

We turned, still not breaking the kiss, he was now against the desk and I was now the one pressing him against it. I rigged in his hair and I broke the kiss, sinking my teeth in his neck. His pants and moans made my cock throb, he pushed me back, turning us again, but this time, I wasn't having my back against the desk but my stomach.

"Lube?" He asked whispering.

"Same place," I instantly replied.

He quickly took out the drawer, dripping it on the ground immediately he got a hold of the lube. Myles never wasted any time when it came to topping me. I felt him rub the lube on me and he lined himself up.

He held on to my waist, about to push in as I already felt him at my entrance. I quickly pushed him back and ducked under the desk immediately I saw a crack on the door.

"What the hell!" Myles shouted, but still whispering.

"I saw light from the door," I told him.

"What? Christian there's light all over the room." He smacked me.

"I mean, I think I saw the door opening." I explained.

"You think?" He gave me a poker face.

I opened my mouth to say something, probably tell him I wasn't dumb and I knew very well I closed the door, well I would have locked it, but anyways I didn't end up saying anything since another voice spoke before me.


"Shit!" Myles whispered.

"Myles! No cursing!" I scolded.

"Sorry!" He smiled sheepishly at me.

"Get up!" I urged him but he looked at me like I was crazy.

"What? We're both naked." He stated.

"Dad?" We heard him again.

I wouldn't know how to explain to our eight year old son why both his dads had their dicks erect and naked. Well half naked since we were already dressing up. I raised my head up above the desk as I impossibly pulled in my pants.

"Carlos," I smiled at him, my smile immediately dropping when I saw tears in his face, I instantly jumped up and ran to him.

"Papa, my toy, it's broken" Carlos said in Russian crying again, looking at Myles who was now behind me.

Myles crouched down to his size, smiling at Carlos who was quite small for his age. "I'll get you another one, daddy's gonna get you a new one tomorrow." He said looking at me.

I nodded, not understanding their conversation fully, how Myles understood and spoke Russian was just beyond my comprehension but he did it anyways. We had travelled to Russia for a vacation with Simone and the twins, took a detour to an orphanage and came back to the US with a four year old Vlad.

Vlad, who we named Carlos after Myles grandfather is a cute young child, he did make the whole family happy, we knew right away we wanted him to be part of us, one of us. He had pale skin just like Myles and also blonde hair, he wasn't as noisy as the either of us or the other three kids, but he could be quite a handful. He had the most amazing cat-like haze eyes, and a smile that could win awards, also you don't wanna fall into his puppy face trap, trust me. He was a smart kid, was into computers and all that just like his ever brother Flynn, it kind of made them closer than Simone and Henry.

Being a four year old child in Russia, English wasn't really his strong suit, he still had the accent, but that didn't stop Myles, he started learning Russian and now he communicates with him so well, not that we all didn't but Yea.

"Hey come here," I called out to him and he ran to my open arms, I hugged him tightly, he still held his broken toy. I whispered to him about getting a new one.

Holding him in my left hand as we walked out of the study, and as soon as we came out, we were welcomed with Simone running after Flynn.

"I'm gonna kill you." She growled as she stomped her feet, chasing Flynn who kept on running, not wanting to be caught by his sister.

"Amirah Simone Bekand!" Myles boomed from behind me, I even flinched stepping aside, whenever he used their full names, the scolding came not long after and trust me, you did not want to meddle with his scolding.

And to think I'd be the strict one.

Simone stopped on her heels, like a movie where you'd need to press play on the TV to make the characters move again. She slowly turned back to us.

"Dad he pranked my friends with my phone, he hacked my phone." She complained pointing at the the long couch where Flynn hid behind.

"Flynn?" Myles called out, quite pissed.

He slowly stood up from the behind the couch, "I didn't do anything." He shrugged innocently.

"Liar." Simone spat.

Flynn glared at her, "Not so."

"I hate you!" Simone told her brother making him drop his shoulders. I was about to intervene but myles beat me to it

"Both of you shut up!" Myles now had his hand rubbing his temple, obviously having had enough with them bickering.

"You," he pointed at Flynn, "do not come out of your room," he said making the Flynn move from behind the couch, walking to his room. "And no laptop, or phones" he added.

"Serves you right" Simone hissed, smiling.

"And you! Dishes, now!" He ordered.

"But dad, he hacked my phone." She whined.

"But daughter, dishes, now." Myles mimicked making me snicker, I looked down at Carlos who was giggling, holding on to my leg.

I stretched my arms leaning down, picked him up and walked to the couch, putting on cartoons. The kid liked those.

When it was time for bed, I brushed my teeth and checked on the kids. I let out a sigh as I dropped on the bed, I'm very well sure I stayed up for about an hour into the night.

"Myles," I whispered, he could get cranky if I woke him up.

"Yea?" He answered, good.

I turned to him, "You can't sleep too."

"The kids keep fighting, that keeps me up at night." He groaned.

"They're fine," I assured him but I know he wasn't convinced.

"I know but still, at least I know how my parent felt when Riley and Jenna were at each other's neck." He laughed quietly.

I smiled, "how about a vacation?"

He immediately sat up, "Are you insane? You expect us to leave the kids alone and what? Be gone for how long?"

"Hey, slow down, I meant all of us." I was now sitting too.

"Oh, where? Why?" He asked.

"Somewhere nice." I smirked.

"Okay we'll talk about this, I actually do feel sleepy now." He said positioning himself well on the bed to sleep, turning his back to me, I laughed breathily as I scooted closer to him, spooning him as I myself fell asleep.

The next morning at breakfast we talked about it with the kids, well we talked about it ourselves while making breakfast for the kids and concluded on there we both thought would be nice before breaking the news to the kids.

"Yes!" Both Henry and Flynn exclaimed at the same time, doing a high five.

"Heck No!" Simone hissed.

"What? It's gonna be fun," Henry attempted to convince her.

Myles gave me the look.

"I have a project with Kahlan, it's due this weekend."

"Simone there's no school for a month." Myles said giving her his straight you have no excuse look.

"It's due when we resume, you know how I like setting things done."

"That's a lie," Flynn spat.

"Yea," Henry supported his twin.

"What do you know? Try being like him," Simone said pointing at Carlos who was just eating his eggs and bacon, totally and completely oblivious to the conversation going on here.

"I know that Ranssyn's gonna be at Kahlan's." Flynn sang, winking at Simone who was about to throw her spoon at him but I guess the blush on her face drained all her energy.

"Who's Ranssyn?" I asked looking between the both of them.

Flynn's eyes widened, now remembering Myles and I sat on the same table with them. "No one."

"It's nothing," Simone said looking at Myles and Flynn.

"Is there something I don't know here?" I asked, looking at everyone, even Carlos was now weirdly stuffing his mouth with food shaking his head.

"It's nothing Christian." Myles cooed, relaxing me and changing the topic.


We all came off the airport in Barbados with Flynn and Simone bickering about something else again, great. We quickly got into a cab and off to a hotel.

I sat watching my family as Myles took care of our bookings. I looked at Simone who still had a frown on her face for coming when she obviously wanted to be with a boy she liked. No way I was letting my daughter alone with a boy even if she was just thirteen. Her smile slowly fading away when she took sight of the scenery beside the hotel.

The sunset reflecting on her long blond hair, and pale porcelain skin. Funny, she looks a lot like Myles despite being my biological daughter. She had more similarities with Myles than she did with me, but that didn't bother me, she was ours.

Flynn and Henry walked you to her to also view the sunset, the held hands as they took a seat on the bench, chatting and watching the scenery.

Henry who I named after my late best friend Henry, and his identical twin brother Flynn. Both boys who were hard to differentiate when they had been born, and had a lot of time teasing Myles and myself about who was who. But as they grew older, we were able to tell. They both had a well defined law line at their young age, olive skin just like me but a little bit tanned, nothing like their biological father Myles.

Both quiet and reserved, but smart and intelligent. But where Flynn had completely brown eyes, Henry had a tint of honey, a lighter shade of brown. Where Henry had dark brown hair, Flynn had shades of blonde strands in his. While Henry loved cooking and owned a YouTube channel with Simone, Flynn was a computer geek. I could still remember the first day Myles and I set eyes in the twins, the joy it brought us, we were just twenty-eight, expecting our second child after Simone, but we got to the hospital after our surrogate called us, to meet two beautiful baby boys.

"Okay guys! Let's go," Myles said from behind me, dragging me out of my thoughts.

I spotted Henry waving a girl who was walking away from him, Carlos now stood beside me and Simone was now walking towards me.

How long had I been thinking?

I turned to Myles nodding, following him, Flynn was beside him. We had a short walk to the room, that was in the first floor, the kids and Myles teasing Henry about the girl from before who I found out her name was Carrie.

We put them in their rooms and went to ours, resting for the night. The next morning, we both checked on the kids, and had breakfast after calling up the room service, since it was a vacation, we let the kids order what they want, at least we knew they weren't sugar freaks. And an hour after breakfast, we were all out of our rooms, heading to the beach.


"Where'd you keep the sunscreen?" Myles asked me immediately we set up, the kids not far from eyes, still in eye and eat range.

"It's in the green bag," I said, realizing thats the bag the kids took along with them, I stood up walking towards where they took for a stand, since Henry wanted to stay close to his new friend Carrie from yesterday.

"Hey," I heard Flynn say softly.

I stopped to listen. I hardly ever heard his voice that soft towards Simone, he was about to apologize, I wasn't interrupting that.

"What is it?" Simone said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry okay? For hacking your phone." Flynn whispered audibly, bowing his head but still spying Simone.

"Yea sure," she said without looking at him.

"I'm serious, I'm sorry," he said aloud.

"Well sure it ain't late for that already,"

"Simone! I said I'm sorry, I just" he started, but she cut him short

"What?" She spat.

"It's nothing." He said sadly, taking a seat.

"Hey, you can talk to me, I was just pissed off at you," she sighed "and I'm sorry too, I didn't mean it when I said I hate you."

"It's fine, I probably deserved it." He told her.

"No, you don't." She day next to him and held his hand.

Flynn looked at her "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." She smiled.

"So uhm," He stuttered.

"What?" She looked at him expectantly.

"I think I uhm" he stuttered.

Since when did he stutter?

"Just spill it already," she hurried him.

"I like boys." He said.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Dad?" Simone shouted looking at me from behind them.

"It's rude to waves drop" she sasses.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, I just uhm, got here" I defended my self, standing upright.

And just then did Myles decide to show up, "What's taking you so long, you just kept standing there."

"Right." Simone looked at me, obviously no longer convinced I had just arrived.

"What's happening, why do you all have that face." Myles asked looking between us.

"Our son is gay." I told him blankly.

"Flynn?" He scoffed disbelievingly, looking at Flynn

Flynn nodded looking at the both of us.

"He's ten, he might not be sure." Simone waves her hand at us.

"What ever it is, we love you." I said opening my hands to hug him.

Simone smacked my hands away. "He told me, he cane out to me first, I get to hug him." She said, hugging Flynn who couldn't stop smiling.

I went in for it and hugged the both of them, Myles following after.

Soon after we heard Carlos scream, "group hug!" as he and Henry wrapped their hands around us.


The rest of the vacation went by fast and it was serene, Simone and Flynn didn't bicker since the coming out incident, which we got to find out he and Henry figured out for a while now, and also found out Flynn already had his first kiss, from another boy named Adrian in his class.

I got back home today, Allen dropped me off since my car broke down at the hospital this afternoon. Glad he did, since he was in a hurry to pick up Alyssa and the kids from the Airport. Alyssa grew more beautifully as we got older, she and Allen has two kids, Micah and Wren.

I unlocked the door to see Myles sitting on the dining with his hands in his hair, cursing.

"Whoa, take it easy,"

"Christian!" He breath out before he dropped him self on me in a tough hug. I hugged him back, probably felt like he needed this right now.

After a moment of silence, I asked. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't get promoted."

"i thought you already got promoted." I wondered.

He sniffled, "I know but I thought this time around, I'd get promoted to being a board member at the company."

"Hey," I looked at him in the eyes, "it's okay, you still got pretty good position."

He laughed, "yea."

I hugged him, spotting Simone spying form the corridor, I signaled her to come over here and she did, hugging the both of us, I could feel Myles smile against my neck immediately he felt Simone.

"Is Simone also gay?" Henry asked when he cane into the living room to meet us hugging, making us all burst into laughter.

They all started on dinner as I went to freshen up, Flynn and Carlos helping out setting the table for dinner.


Being with Myles has been the best thing that I could and can say has happened to me, loving him and being loved my him is truly amazing. Despite both our stubbornness, because I will not and I repeat will not take the glory of the stubborn train alone, we've been strong.

Proud fathers of four amazing, talented children and loving grandfathers to two wonderful young girls.
PS; Myles and I are still waiting on the twins to get hitched.

I have a experienced a nice and wonderful lifetime, with Myles strongly rooted by my side. With him, I truly knew what falling in love meant, because in him, I found love.


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