Deja vu

By ajoomma

30.1K 998 193

Seulrene now rarely happens in the public's eyes; Irene subtly ignoring Seulgi and being cold towards her. On... More



2.4K 85 16
By ajoomma

" Seulgi-san this is our last question for you, everyone's very curious about this! " the Japanese interviewer asked " what is your ideal man? " along with the audience he seemed very interested as well about what Seulgi might going to answer.

Seulgi let out a long hum before shrugging " I don't have any " she cutely answered, trying hard to go on to the ending of the interview.

" don't be secretive! " the girl co-emcee cheekily said, not letting Seulgi off the hook that easily " everyone wants to know, right!? " she pointed her mic to the crowd and everyone shouted their agreement.

" hmmm... I would like to be with someone who makes me very comfortable, laughs a lot with me since I like corny jokes " she giggled " and... looks pretty when they laugh " she nods her head.

The interviewer sighed " I think I'll be eliminated then! I look ugly when I laugh! " he exclaimed.

" I agree on you, you do look awful " the co-emcee agreed which garnered a big laugh " I would like to have this follow up question— Seulgi-san are you single right now? Seeing anybody or dating someone? " she curiously asked.

Seulgi sweetly smiled and looked at the audience who are anticipating really hard with what she'll going to answer " I am " she bravely said and continued with " I am in a relationship with my fans only " she cheekily smiled from that mini heart attack that she had caused her fans.

" woah, we nearly had a World War III there! " the host exclaimed " with the ending of this interview, I would like to say thank you for guesting and we would be hoping that you'll come back soon! "

" I would really love to come back! " Seulgi responded.

For almost three months, Seulgi has been rarely spotted in Korea. She's on tour and she really does refuse to go back to Korea even there is an opportunity for her to do so. She would smile as she steps on stage almost every day with her fans excitedly cheering for her, but they would never know that the idol that they are cheering for is just pretending to be okay.

" I hope you enjoyed your day with me!!! " Seulgi shouted on the mic " thank you for coming and seeing me tonight~ I hope we can see each other again! " the last thing she said before going to the backstage and having her bright smile fade as she walks away from the crowd.

There were times where she'll travel to three countries in a time span of 48 hours. She hadn't had a proper rest at all. She would skip her meals to comply with the schedules that she arranged herself even with some opposition from her own agency. Seulgi is being hard on herself, too hard on herself— almost torturing and surpassing the limits of her body.

Seulgi would also attend fashion shows and make friends with different types of people with different professions from her. A lot of people would love to hook up with her but she's clearly not interested in any of those. She will just refuse every time someone would try knocking on her heart's door.

She always pushes people away when the truth is she really needs someone to stay— and it's probably because she has that one specific person in her heart who she's still hoping to stay with her.

Although she does those things, she never fails to communicate with her fans through social media, posting pictures of her day and such.

She never forgets to remind her fans that she loves them, but she does forget to remind herself to rest and to love herself. She's always smiling as she goes but her heart is full of dead flowers that never blooms. She's miserable.

Seulgi chose to run away from everything with the hope of finding her happiness and a change towards her stupidity, but the only thing she acquired from this tour is being better on hiding her pain away with a smile. Fooling herself and everyone around her. Getting away didn't make a lot of change towards herself, this is just a form of escape to Seulgi. She's very afraid of getting back to Korea and going back to her foolish self.

" Are you still a Korean citizen or what!? " Sunmi shouted on the other line of the call " are you now considering living in Japan? China? Singapore? Or just a tent outside the airport since you're going there back and forth anyways!? " Seulgi distanced the phone from her ear and sighed.

" unnie chill-out, I'm going back in a few weeks " Seulgi calmly said.

" Seulgi-ya what you're doing isn't just from your pure passion, and love for your job or anything, that can be called suicide " Sumni is really annoyed at Seulgi. Sunmi has been calling the latter for every damn day just to remind her to take a rest or even just to eat properly, but Seulgi's just a hard-headed gal.

" unnie you know that I'm doing this because I have to. I'm hurting and I need a get away from everything. I know you understand me, just let me get through this times by doing this— call it wrong or what but unnie I'm feeling better being this way "

Sunmi sighed for the ninth time, she knew that all she can do now is understand and constantly remind her lovely dongsaeng about things and not let her feel alone " if you say so " she said in defeat.

" daebak! If only I knew that little dramas can shut my loving unnie, I should have done that a long time ago! " Seulgi laughed so hard, pissing Sunmi.

" ya! " and the sermon continued, Sunmi's nagging is something that Seulgi hates— Seulgi pities Sunmi's future child. I should buy the child some ear muffs as a gift, she thought to herself.

" unnie, I am happy, thank you for worrying about me. I promise to take good care of myself and pick up the phone whenever you call. I would never bring any headache to my manager ever again! " Seulgi swears.

" do you prefer those kinds of things better? " Sunmi rolled her eyes even though she knew Seulgi cannot see her. She swears that she's going to slaughter the younger girl to toying her.

" Are you seriously playing with me Kang Seulgi!? "

" Nope, I'm not playing with you. I'm actually I'm looking at you " Sunmi's forehead creased " what do you mean? " Sunmi asked in confusion.

" turn your head to the right! " Seulgi asked her " that's left side unnie! " she giggled when Sunmi missed her direction " pabo " she added.

Seulgi brightly waved her hand when Sunmi saw her, she then entered the cafe where Sunmi is and rushed towards her unnie's table " did you miss me!? " she brightly asked.

" I hate you " Sunmi pouted and even crossed her arms.

" I know you don't " Seulgi cutely said and hugged Sunmi tightly " I came here straight right after I arrived at the country. The first thing that came across my mind the moment I returned was to see you, aren't you touched or something? "

" you should have just slept. Look at your eyebags! You're getting thinner and thinner! " she pointed out.

" yes Seulgi, I appreciate you and I missed you too " Seulgi patted her own shoulder and said the welcoming words on behalf of Sunmi.

Sunmi glared at the latter " Seulgi... " Sunmi's about to get Seulgi on some serious talk when Seulgi immediately stopped her.

" unnie I just got home, can't you save that for next week? I'm just happy to see you, can't we just catch up for now? Save those for later " Seulgi calmly asked.

" so what's up with Korea? " Seulgi's mood changed quickly.

" Korea or you want to ask about a certain person or people? " Sunmi raised her eyebrow, observing Seulgi's reaction but the girl didn't get shaken up even a bit so Sunmi just shrugged and reached for her phone " I guess I'll read you some news," she said.

" Okay! I'll order some drink while you're in it " Seulgi brightly said and left Sunmi— Sunmi just shook her head, she's being weirdly in a good mood.

As Sunmi browse the news site, her fingers froze when she came across the latest article that just came out. She opened it—

" Why do you look so shocked? " Seulgi asked with a tray of hot choco " some dating scandals? " she asked again and sat down.

Sunmi handed Seulgi her phone with the article that she just saw 'Red Velvet got involved in a car accident' that's the main headline.

Seulgi froze onto her seat when she read it. She immediately skims through the article, looking for more details if it's a big accident or just a small one, but aside from the details of when and where, a picture of a wrecked car and the hospital where the girls where taken, there's nothing more.

" unnie " Seulgi looked over Sunmi, her overly bright eyes earlier are now full of worries and concern " I need to... I want to go... I... unnie... " she stutters.

" Seul, you know you can't do that " Sunmi bit her lip " the media is probably swarming all over the said hospital right now, it will be dangerous for you to go there "

" unnie " Seulgi reached for her unnie's hand and held it tightly " I need to see them and check if they are okay! Please... I'll make sure not to get caught by the media "

Sunmi sighed, how many times has she sighed this day because of her troublemaker dongsaeng? She doesn't know anymore " araso, I'll drive you there, I'll go with you," she said.

" how is Irene unnie? " Yeri asked Joy.

" yes, that's right. Ask me " Joy said, showing off her situation— she's lying on the bed the same as Yeri " and hey, you're acting cold and all but you are now asking how our unnie is. Such a tsundere " she teases.

" shut up " Yeri rolled her eyes.

" I overhead from our manager that unnie's awake now, " Joy said.

Yeri sighed loudly " I thought we'll going to die there," Yeri said, feeling her heartbeat once again " I've never been so happy to feel my heartbeat. Wah, this is so— I'm getting speechless " she said.

" We should be thankful that you won't be meeting Satan anytime soon " Joy chuckled, looking over the other bed where Yeri is lying down.

" I think I'm going to have nightmares because of this, I can still remember what happened and it's driving me crazy! " the maknae exclaimed.

" easy driving, you might crash, " Joy jokily said, comforting Yeri with her lousy jokes even she still feels very odd within herself because of what happened. She needs to look after Yeri since she's the only unnie around.

They did get involved in a car accident— it was a collision, but their car luckily didn't get highly involved in the big happening, they just got slightly involved to it. The car in front of them collided into a truck and luckily their driver was quick enough to avoid gushing into it and instead they were thrown into the side of the street, crashing through some posts.

The media just made it look like a big accident, garnering a lot of worried and curious fans. It's business, after all, the more curious people who view their articles, the more money they will get. They don't usually care about bringing out accurate stories and news.

Joy, Yeri, and Irene just had some minor injuries like bruises and swelled body parts due to force— Irene just had it pretty bad because her head got hit and she had lost consciousness.

" Wendy unnie messaged us, she'll call later— she can't call right now because she's on a meeting " Yeri announced. Wendy is in LA right now, arranging some things about her upcoming collaboration with a foreign artist.

" tell her that she doesn't need to call, just focus on her work and that we're fine and there's no need to worry about us, " Joy said.

The two girls share one room while Irene, on the other hand, had to get her own room because she will be examined furthermore because of her head that got banged on the car window. Although Irene is now awake and not feeling any pain, it's safer to run more exams on her.

When the room's door opened, the attention of the two got caught " am I hallucinating or something? " Yeri asked, even scratching her eyes and opening it wide.

The person who entered their room was their manager and their unnie who they haven't seen and talked to for a very very long time " are you guys okay? " Seulgi rushed towards them.

Seulgi had to contact her old manager to be able to get through the swarm of reporters and to easily find the room of her ex-members while Sunmi just decided to stay in the car.

" unnie... " Yeri immediately sat down and embraced Seulgi, she had missed Seulgi very much " unnie!!! " she screams like a kid who's having her tantrums while crying her eyes out. With Seulgi's sight and presence, Yeri starts to let out her emotions from what just happened, she's trembling in fear.

" unnie I thought we'll going to die there! I thought I'm not going to be able to see you before I die! " Yeri cries

" unnie " Joy walked towards the two and joined the hug as well " we missed you " Joy softly sobs.

" Are you guys okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Have you guys been treated? " Seulgi asked while the youngsters are just crying inside her hold. They are such babies when it comes to Seulgi and now that Seulgi is here, they can let their guards down and act their true selves, no no need to act tough and matured.

After the two had calmed down, Seulgi helped them wipe their tears and even blow their nose " why are we the only ones who are crying!? You should cry too! We've never seen each other for a very long time! " Yeri pouted with her nose very red from all the crying.

" if we didn't get into an accident you'll never go and see us! " Joy also pouted.

" I was... well what important now is I'm nowhere, isn't? " Seulgi sweetly smiled at the two and ruffled their hair. Even how much the two age, Seulgi will always see them as her little sisters.

They only had a little time to converse with each other because Seulgi has to leave as soon as possible, a lot of reporters are arriving at the hospital as time goes by. The more reporters standing by, the large possibility that Seulgi might get caught visiting her ex-members. Not that it's a bad thing.

There might be nothing wrong about it and this visiting might also bring happiness to their fans but everything isn't that so simple. Simple things are meant to be complicated by the SM entertainment— they banned everyone from contacting Seulgi for nothing.

" I'll get going now " Seulgi sadly smiled at the two, wearing her cap and mask as she gets ready to sneak out of the hospital.

" unnie " Yeri is about to cry once again.

" ya, stop crying— it's not like you're still a teenager! " Seulgi jokily scolded Yerim " stop crying or you'll get bad pictures when you go out of here "

" unnie, you'll come and see us again, right? " Joy asked " or we'll go to where you are! Leave your address and we'll visit you! " she loudly exclaimed her bright idea.

Seulgi looked at the manager who's frowning and clearly opposing Joy's idea so she just pressed her lips and thought about a reason for not giving her address " I'm... I'm still searching for a good apartment so I have no permanent address. I promise to give it to you guys when I find a good place to stay "

" promise? " Yeri stuck out her pinky finger " you need to promise us! " Joy did as well. They are in their twenties yet they are acting like kids— that's how Seulgi spoiled the hell out of the two.

" I... I promise " Seulgi almost choked on her words, she doesn't want to promise something she can't fulfill yet she has to in order for the girls to let her go.

They bid their goodbyes and see you soon. Somehow, meeting those two made Seulgi feel a lot better— better than what she felt the whole 3 months of escaping from everything. That little time of span did more relief to her heart.

" you have to take the stairs, if you were to take the elevator you might encounter reporters " the manager apologetically said— they are on the 8th floor and she has to take the stairs, what a workout, Seulgi sighed inside her mind.

" it's fine, thank you for agreeing for me to see them oppa " Seulgi softly smiled.

The manager sighed and tapped Seulgi's shoulders " sorry for Irene's troubles as well " pertaining to those drunken moments where Irene would go to Seulgi's apartment " and I truly wish you success and good health. Take care of yourself " he smiled. That manager had been managing Red Velvet for many years so Seulgi is not a stranger to him.

" thank you " Seulgi waved her hand and opened the door to the stairway and as soon as she closed the door, she let out a heavy sigh.

I just got home, went straight to where Sunmi unnie is, and now taking stairs— what an unlucky day.

" Seul... " Seulgi almost jumped when someone approached her, she looked at her right side and saw Irene in the hospital gown with a bandage on her head " Seul... " she's not drunk but she threw herself to give Seulgi a hug " I miss you " she's sober...

Seulgi knew that Irene is also in the accident, she had asked the manager beforehand and got relieved when she learned that Irene's in a good condition so she didn't force on seeing the girl because she knows herself too well. She'll crumble once she sees Irene.

" Irene unnie... " Seulgi weakly said, she can feel her knees getting weak. Irene was indeed her kryptonite.

" don't... don't go... " Irene hugged Seulgi tighter " just for a moment, let me lean against you " Irene sounds so desperate— my heart is racing when you're hugging me, Seulgi wanted to say those but she prevented herself and just chose to keep her mouth shut.

" Seul... " Irene softly uttered her name into the hollow of her neck " I miss you... " she's not drunk, maybe it's because she got her head hit.

" stop now, I need to go " Irene shook her head while still holding Seulgi tight.

" you left without any words... I was waiting for you outside your apartment but you've never come back— I miss you " Seulgi gritted her teeth, one more word from Irene and she won't be able to control herself anymore.

" I am exhausted about everything, while you're gone I am rained by all misfortunes that the world can give me but now that you're here with me, I feel like even I would be hit by a thunderstrike right now, I'll be okay... because you're here "

Seulgi closed her eyes with a great force " what do you mean? What do you mean by your words? Don't make me misunderstand things— don't mess with me... I'm too tired and already messed up, have mercy on me "

" When you say you miss me, what do you mean by that? I'm asking you now because I don't want to misinterpret your words and actions— stop playing with my heart, my heart is so bruised by everything and if you'll give me another one— I don't think I can take it anymore "

Irene's hold slowly loosens, Seulgi knew what that means— she can only smile bitterly to herself. Of course, Irene's action has no prior meaning or anything, she's just like that— she likes to mess up with me.

Irene completely let go of Seulgi, but instead of turning her back away on her for the ninth time, Irene looked upon Seulgi's eyes " can't we be like before? Before that night happened? We're happy back then... we're happy when we're still friends "

Seulgi shook her head " I've never seen you as my friend after I've learned my feelings towards you, I always see you as someone who I would want to spend my future with " she stepped back, distancing herself from Irene.

For a moment, Seulgi thought that different things would happen with Irene not turning her back on her, but it's still the same— it was just in a more kind of manner of rejecting her " I'm not going to be your friend. It's either you'll take me as your lover or a stranger "

" Seul... "

" that's the only choice you have— I won't play with you, the choice doesn't have a playmate on it "

" I'm sorry... "

Seulgi nodded her head " it's okay " she can taste the bitterness on her own words. How many times do I have to feel the rejection until I give up on asking for acceptance? " it wasn't your fault, you only made a choice " she said and turned her back on Irene, attempting to go—

" Please... " Irene hugged Seulgi from her back.

" please what!? What do you want me to do!? " Seulgi shouted out of frustration

" you always give me vague answers! God! If I interpret things on my own you'll tell me that I just misunderstood you! What do you really want me to do? I don't know what should I do anymore... " Seulgi said in defeat.

" don't leave me " that's it, Seulgi always feel like a loser every time it happens. Seulgi will always be the loser on the game of love that Irene had set for the two of them.

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