Where do we go from here?

By Mystic_Raven20

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A Miraculous Tale Book 1 Miraculous Ladybug AU Fanfiction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marinette and A... More

A Miraculous Tale
Chapter One: Welcome to the Dorms
Chapter Two: Dress to Impress
Chapter Three: Masquerade
Chapter Four: Five Questions
Chapter Five: Fire meets Fate
Chapter Six: Night Out
Chapter Seven: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter Eight: Hidden Agenda
Chapter Nine: The Bet
Chapter Ten ⚠️ : Play to Win
Tikki and Plagg - Part One
Chapter Eleven: Fairytale Theories
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: Dare Day (1)
Chapter Fourteen: Dare Day (2)
Tikki and Plagg - Part Two
Chapter Fifteen: Love is all around
Chapter Sixteen: The Date
Chapter Seventeen: Deadline Change
Chapter Eighteen: The Show
Chapter Nineteen: 'The' Dress to Impress
Chapter Twenty πŸ”ž: A Night to Remember
Tikki and Plagg - Part Three
Chapter Twenty One: Ladybug 2.0
Chapter Twenty Three: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty Four: Where do we go from here?
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Two: Miraculous Ladybug

2.8K 126 78
By Mystic_Raven20

The 45 minutes away from Marinette were agonising. He just wanted to get back to her and make sure she was ok. The heat radiating off her skin was nothing he's ever experienced before, and with the amount of fevers he caught as Chat he knew high temperatures.

He knocked on the door to the girls dorm room and Alya opened it, welcoming him with a worried expression on her face. Seeing the frown on Alya's face reminded him of someone ... Rena Rouge? It couldn't be? Could it?

"She hasn't been out yet." Alya closed the door and went to the fridge, throwing Adrien a bottle of water.

"Has anyone checked on her?" Adrien asked.

"We've been taking it in turns," Nino explained. "Dude, that girl doesn't half talk in her sleep! I'm sorry to tell you man, but I think she might have a kink for guys in black leather who are dressed as a cat." Alya laughed, as Adrien tried to control his flushed cheeks from his friends. That's the second time today she's been having interesting dreams about his alter-ego. Definitely something to ask her about.

"So what did you think of Mari's dress last night? She looked good in it right?" Alya stated. Adrien shrugged and opened his water.

"She looked better out of it." Adrien smirked quietly and took a sip of water.

"Woah ... woah ... woah! Did you two?" Nino wiggled his eyebrows at Adrien, he answered with a smile.

"Agreste, you sly dog!" Nino was bouncing with excitement. "I honestly thought you'd be too much of a gentleman to do the deed before marriage." Alya started laughing and Adrien turned bright red.

"I'm just going to check on my girlfriend." He strode past his friends and towards
Marinette's door.

He opened it slowly and saw she was still asleep. He lay down next to her and nuzzled into her neck. Her temperature had gone and she looked like she was glowing. Obviously the sleep had done her good. He pressed soft kisses to her neck.

"To spend a life of endless bliss, just find who you love through true loves kiss." Adrien bent over to kiss Marinette's lips when she grumbled something out.

"Did you just quote 'Enchanted'?"

"Hey, Princess. You look better."

"I feel a lot ..." her brain began to light up with ideas. "With loves first kiss the spell will break." She mumbled to herself looking for Tikki or Plagg. "I've got an idea. Don't kiss me Adrien. We need to go somewhere."

"Oh ... k? Mari, I know we've only just started dating officially but it does actually hurt when you say things like that." Marinette stood up and pulled on an oversized dress jumper then her boots

"Do you trust me?" She asks Adrien.

"Mari, what's happening? What's going on?"

"Adrien, I need to know! Do you trust me?"


"Then lets go!" She grabbed Adrien's hand and pulled him out the dorm room.

Marinette felt like she was going to explode with the power running through her veins. She realised it wasn't just emitting from her but also she could feel it pulsing out of Adrien. The combined feelings producing a strong, strange power.

As they made their way to the underground car park Adrien started to stumble. He walked a couple of steps and then dropped down to his knees screaming.

"What the ...?" He grabbed hold of his head.

"Adrien, you need to come with me now. Please." Tears began to run down his cheeks.

"This hurts so much!" Still clinging onto his head he lets out a wail. "Mari, please make it stop."

"I'm going to help you to the car ok? Then I'm going to drive to your fathers house."

"What! Why?" He let out a gut wrenching scream. Marinette grabbed his arm and slung it over her shoulder to help lift him up.

"I need you to come with me." She opened the passenger door and helped him in before putting his belt on. He scrunched his knees into his chest grabbing hold of his head. Marinette ran to the other side and jumped in the car, slowly reversing out of the parking garage and making their way to the Agreste estate.

As Adrien was comforted by Plagg, Marinette used his hands free to send Nathalie a text message.

Hi, it's LB. On way with Adrien. Need to see E.A. Will be there in 10.

Once the message had sent she took a quick look at Adrien. She needed to get him into the basement before he could transform. She really hoped this idea would work. She's always been a fan of fairytales and hopefully the power of love will help her out now.

They pulled up outside the Agreste Mansion and Marinette looked at Adrien. He seemed to have passed out from the pain. Transforming, she ran to Adrien's side and carried him out the car and into the house.

They make their way down to the basement, Ladybug still carrying Adrien as the elevator comes to a stop.

"Oh no, Adrien. Is he ok?"

"He's going to be fine, Nathalie. Can you do me and favour? You need to make sure no one comes down here. You wait for us to come back up. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ladybug."

"I also need any surveillance you have here cut off, it's very important."

Nathalie nods and leaves them, exiting back up the elevator. Carrying Adrien over to the coffin she gently lay him down.

Once Nathalie had left the room Ladybug calls out to Plagg.

"Plagg, I know I've asked Nathalie to cut the security system but I want to make sure we're all safe. Can you take out the cameras too?"

"Of course, LB."

"Chat." She whispers in his ear. "Kitty! Can you hear me? I need you to wake up for me, mon chaton." Adrien's eyelids begin to flutter open.

"Bugaboo." Adrien called out opening his eyes and looking at Ladybug. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He smiled at her before grabbing hold of his head and groaning again.

"You need to transform now. It's the only way to stop the pain."

"You know who I am?" He mumbled, then called on his transformation.

As soon as the black leather wrapped around his body he felt a soothing sensation and the pain gradually died away. He looked at his suit and saw that the once all black suit had adapted and now looked a lot more mature and contrained green edging.

"Woah! Look at me! What do you think M'lady?" He struck up a pose and Ladybug laughed. Always the same Chat she thought.

He took notice of his surroundings and realised where they were.

"Why are we here?"

"I've had an idea which might bring your mother back."

"Really?" Chat was shocked, she hadn't mentioned this at their last meeting.

"Chat ... I love you with every piece of my heart. I love you as Chat with your silly puns and your flirting, and I love the sweet Adrien Agreste. The boy that's came through so much yet is so wonderful and caring. I truly love you with all my heart."

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that from you, LB, but ... I don't know how to tell you this ... there's this other girl. She's the most incredible person I've ever met, please don't take offence from this, but I'm in love with her. I'd kill for her, I'd die for her ... I want a life and a family with her. I'm so in love it hurts." Tears were rolling down both of their cheeks.

"I'm so sorry bugaboo!" He continued seeing the tears on her face. "I know we said we'd wait forever to be with each other but I can't stay away from Mari. She helps me breathe, I hope you can understand." Marinette can't help but cry more. This beautiful boy, both in mind, body and soul was declaring his love for her in her true form.

"So you don't love me, as in, Ladybug?" This wasn't going to work if it wasn't the two halves.

"Of course I love you. I just love her too! This is so confusing, but I know I can't give Mari up. I need you both in my life. You both make my heart whole again." He looked at his mother and places a hand over the glass case and stares at her face, "I never thought I could love someone as greatly as I loved her. She was my everything. I tried to fill the gap; with Kagami, and with you and with Mari, but it doesn't seem to be filled with just one of you. I need you and Mari. Please don't leave me."

"I'll never leave you minou, as they say love can save us all."

Chat reached out and took Ladybugs hand in his. They smiled at each for a second, tears running down each of their faces.

"Tikki, spots off." Before Chat knew what was happening, his Princess appeared out of a pink blazing light and was sitting before him. He didn't know what to do; laugh, scream, hug her? So he decided on a shrieked laugh and tears.

"Purrrrincess" he put his other hand on his mouth, not wanting to let go of this girl in front that filled him completely. The girl he had been madly in love with for four years had managed to steal his heart for a second time. No one could be that lucky, he thought ... but he did have Mari's lucky charm still with him.

"It was my fault, Adrien, I'm so sorry." Tikki flew in front of Adrien's face. "We couldn't let her tell you. You had to fall in love with both sides in your own time. She was just faster at opening up." Tikki stroked the tears running down Adrien's face.

"Plagg, claws in." Adrien sat there smiling at Marinette. They both let out a giggle.

"Two halves of a whole. You just needed to accept both sides of each other." Plagg flew up to Marinette and rubbed against her cheek.

Adrien moved towards Marinette but she blocked him.

"You can't kiss me yet."

"What? Why?"

"True loves kiss is the most powerful spell, so I thought maybe we can try and bring your mother back."

"This isn't a fairytale, m'lady. This is real life."

Suddenly Adrien felt a hint of sadness from Marinette.

"Woah, are you upset at me? I can feel it!"

"That's one of the upgrades, kid."

"Ok so love conquers all ... first true love ... loves first kiss ... Tikki and Plagg we're going to need you near for this."

She handed the kwami's their desired food.

"Loves first kiss? But we've already kissed and I've kissed my mother loads of times."

"A mother's love is tinted and biased. Our powers have intensified due to our complete understanding of loving all the flaws and the ideals. We haven't kissed as our true selves yet."

"You two are above anything we've ever seen." Tikki exclaims, "especially now Marinette's the guardian."

"Kiss me!" Marinette said to Adrien.

"Mood killer!" He exclaims back with a smirk. He moved forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mari, m'lady you're the love of my life. I will do anything for you. I'm just so happy you are both my girlfriend and my partner, and I hope one day we can be more."

They leaned in towards each other. Their lips meeting softly, forming true loves first kiss. Marinette and Adrien could feel love running through their entire body, coursing through their veins, and their kiss started to gain more momentum.

Marinette held Adrien's hand and pulled him to stand. A bright green and pink light emitted around them. She moved her hands up into his hair as their lips remained together. Plagg managed to unlocked Emilie's coffin and the glass opened. Marinette moved away from Adrien seeing the glow still around him. Their magical jewellery seemed to suddenly take on a life of its own.

"I hope this works." She said before she held onto Emilie's cold lifeless hand. "Adrien, hold my hand. Tikki, Plagg we need you too."

The pink and green light began to swirl around Emilie's still body. Marinette took a deep breath and uttered her famous words.

"Miraculous Ladybug."

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