By CandyTuft_1002

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Every one has their own set of perspective of seeing things around, so I've collected some which caught my at... More

•Every day Life learnt Lessons•
Life Philosophy
Humorous Reality
• C/N Quotes •
The Pygmalion is Planting Seeds
• Unveiled Emotions •
Random Knowledge
Wattapads Not Just Quotes

MY Remarkable Novel Memoirs....

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By CandyTuft_1002



♥In life, there were too many changes, one would never be able to tell when a storm would come, and if the incoming wave would turn everything upside down or not. All those painfully repressed emotions and hidden words ultimately still found a place to exit. Nothing is for sure, and the only thing that one could do was to treasure whatever one presently had.

♥It was weird but how things in life sometimes panned out. One could muster all his/her effort into something & come up short, yet in other times try something casually and have an inseparable bonds for life.

♥ Living is useless without enjoying daily life.

♥ There were few miracles in this world. The hardships of reality meant that many lived and passed on in an  abyss of hatred, while those who were able to look on the right side of things did not always manage to attain happiness. However, being alive was always better than being dead.

♥One that had never fallen from grace and fought their way back up from the Jaws of defeat would never understand what was most important to them. The  precondition in everything in life was that one must be alive for it to mean anything. Therefore, staying alive was of utmost importance

♥There are ups and downs in life, along with hellos and goodbyes. Everything in the world depends on affinity.

♥"The sun rises and sets naturally each day is destined. I hope you can fully let yourself float freely in the river of fate".

♥ Only cowards feel sad and only incapable people complain. I will not.I'm not sad and never have been.

♥One stone can create thousand of layers of waves

♥Age did not define how old a person was, only experiences could.

♥Life is a bed of thorns.If one's self and heart remain unmoved, one will not get hurt . Once it gets moved the pain will pierce all the way though to the bones, making one's life a living hell.

♥Time is the best healer and also the most cruel killer in this world. With passage of time, even the vast achievements were covered in dust as dreams vanished like mist, and like the tall grass at the end of autumn, swaying in the wind with the withered leaves, mocking others in laughter at their past promise.

♥The changes in Fate were ever so amazing. Even movement by a single step results in an unknown that one could never fathom. Despite that, One must keep walking on.

♥Fate is cruel and it loves to make mockery of ur life, so believe in fate but never depend on it.

♥Just like life and death, it is impossible to reverse the past.


From : "Li chuan's past "

What kind of world is this ? When someone is said to be good, others are doubtful. When someone is said to be evil, others might not believe it. One is devoured if one stays silent. Everyone is filled with malicious intent.

Book :The moon and sixpence
Chinese 90s  song 'friend' by Emily wakin chau
Chinese singer : Faye Wong

The most frightening thing in the world is not the few psychopaths, its the majority of normal People and their desires hidden deep in their hearts. Its  just that those who lost their ability to hide their desires are called psychopaths and the one able to hide it become commoners

At the end of the day its somebody among ourselves with the flithest heart & greediest desires   brings destruction for ones selfishness to mankind.

The mentally ill may've born differently, but the most frightening thing is not them. "Its yourselves".

♥ We were not born as slayer nor bandit.Under the premise of ensuring the survival, just maintain your ability to differentiate good and evil.

The world is unkind. It treated everything like sacrificial offerings. From being esteemed and of high value before the rituals, to being chucked aside and shunned after the rituals. The difference between annihilating and saving the mortal world was separated by just a Thin line.

From Ding mo novel :  Our Glamrous Time )

♥ Sun Tuzu's thoughts;

~Give someone a taste of their own medicine~Borrow someones else knife to do the dirty work~Threaten east while striking west~Put wood at the city gates~Conserve energy while encouraging the enemy to spend theirs..(EXPLANATION)
[♥“Pay someone back in their own coin.”~“Use a cat’s paw to get rid of someone.”~“Feint somewhere and attack in another place.”~“Suit the action to the word”~“Wait at ease until your enemy is exhausted.”]

• From past to present, and for every industry, the more you want to do the best, the more you should be earnest and down to earth. If you want to make some extraordinary products, you need to study the market before marketing."


All of us once had the most beautiful time; all of us once had the best season. And when I was in those seasons, I might have been innocent and ignorant, I might have been walking and tumbling on the road of life. But when the time had finally pa.s.sed and when my hair turned grey, when I looked around, I realize that in the end what I, anticipated the most in life, was to not disappoint.
I didn't want to disappoint that young and wild time; I didn't want to let others' expectations and gentleness go to waste.
My heart, my young and ignorant heart which was neither strong nor sober enough. There were so many temptations coming my way, there were so many crossroads where I needed to decide on which path to take, how could I continue without wandering astray?
That was our glamorous time. It was rough and full of uncertainties, but because I was fortunate enough to meet you, the special one, we could brace through hand in hand, and everything was not the same.
It had nothing to do with wealth, status, fame, or power. Even if I were to lose the world, even if I were to lose my mind.

♥ The more domineering a man, the more of a sense of security he offered. They were controlling, but protective as well

♥You've to go beyond best to become winner in every race of life

In history, there were people who were born at the wrong place and at the wrong time. If they lived in the right time or place, they would have had better lives.................................................


The Youthful You Who Was So Beautiful

•We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

•Every person will inevitably experience injustice. No one will have a completely smooth-sailing life. There are only those same few types of setbacks, and only after you have experienced them can you know how to deal with them. It is merely a matter of sooner or later.

• There is truly no such thing as an “unsolvable problem” in this world. If one encounters any such “unsolvable problem” it is simply because people have yet to expend sufficient effort, and grant adequate attention, in resolving such an “unsolvable problem”.

• In the world, good things happen every minute, and bad things do too in similar intervals. Good and evil are in people’s minds. They are defined by intention good or evil, heaven or hell.

•In psychology, there is an effect called maternal effect. People deem it as a common phenomenon because of their own concern. For example, pregnant women will find that they often meet pregnant women. Those who drive Mercedes-Benz are more likely to see Mercedes-Benz. Those who have a LV bag will notice many people have LV bags on the street. These are called psychological projections.

•From a psychological point of view, you like a person because you lack the traits possessed by this person, and they are what you greatly admire and are eager to possess. This is also known as a “shadow personality” possessed by the other party involved. The traits that you cannot manifest, namely.
Of course, there is also a saying, people always love themselves most. Therefore, people will love those who are very much like themselves as much as they love themselves.

• “Danger is always lurking; one can never be… fully protected by others.”One can only rely on oneself.Youths always have hearts filled with the desire to mature into adults; they tremble with feelings of anxiety and restlessness; they are akin to arrows that, despite being on the edge of release, are obstinately held back by the hands of the archer.

•  The unique characteristics and personality ‘possessed’ by underaged offenders are often superficial and false in nature; even if an underaged offender commits the exact same crime as a mature offender, their trains of thought when committing the crime are extremely different. In fact, many underaged offenders have yet to truly form a criminal personality when they commit various crimes.
The absence of a criminal personality was the exact reason why rehabilitation and education could pull these underaged offenders back from the brink they were tethering upon; conversely, severe punishment and the lack of forgiveness would inevitably push them over the brink, and result in them growing to become greater menaces to society.
What about the victims? how the victim felt when confronted with the leniency afforded to underaged offenders – after all, despite being a police officer, he himself was unable to control his emotions and unhappiness. If there was no punishment, how could their evil deeds be forgiven? How could the frustration and hatred of the victim be appeased? Perhaps, humans simply needed to learn whilst there are times when we need to invest our entire energies into accomplishing a certain objective, there are other times when we simply simply need to learn how to accept our inabilities and helplessness.

• From :
              ( Supernatural Girlfriend powerful quotes )

~  “Regardless of who you are, we all have a different side to us. For example, the way you act towards your parents and teachers would be different. The way you interact with your friends and lover would be different. Perhaps I didn’t have the intentions, but I felt like I had to do it. Or maybe, I wanted to do it but I felt like something was stopping me from acting. Humans tend to contradict themselves. Only when they are alone, are they truly themselves.” -Chapter 17

"There is a fine line between a genius and a madman." -Chapter 40

"Deep down, thanks to emotions, all of us possess the seed of destruction. All of us have a measuring cup inside of us. No one knows its marked scale until the negativity has exceeded its load."

"Since every single human possess emotions, there isn’t an absolute good or bad person. No one has the qualifications to judge a person based on their characteristics. Who created the labels? What’s the boundary to a good and bad person?" -Chapter 44

"Goodbye always has a tendency to arrive without a sound." -Chapter 49

"Those who are the most dangerous are people like myself. Since we have nothing, there’s nothing for us to lose." -Chapter 75

"Regardless of where you go, people tend to bond over their dislike of a person. I was the person who was sacrificed…" -Chapter 96

"The human heart is quite resilient. After experiencing negative emotions repeatedly, it will turn numb. Then, it will treat others coldly." -Chapter 105

"The truest emotions are always unplanned." -Chapter 121

"People are often scared of ghosts, but humans are much more dangerous than ghosts." -Chapter 123

“I heard that photos can also record speech. From looking at the person’s expression, you could tell what emotions they were feeling and what they wanted to express.” -Chapter 136

"He was someone I didn't want to remember but couldn't forget." -Chapter 140

"Perhaps my heart was only able to seek peace in the darkness." -Chapter 151

"If death cannot be avoided, I would want to leave in front of you." -Chapter 152

This novel is so deep, sad, exciting, cute, sappy, depressing, and unpredictable at the same time

• ‘An ignorant person isn’t guilty, but treasuring a jade ring is a crime.That means , Not knowing the worth of the treasure makes you innocent, but knowingly hogging the treasure to yourself is a crime.'

• Things were not as good as they seemed to be.It was because different people had different moral values.
It had nothing to do with age and status.
Some could still live a good life after committing crimes.
It wasn’t as if they would lose anything.
Even if they did, they wouldn’t lose too much.
Debasement is the password of the base!

Book : A Billion Stars Can't Amount You.

♥ At that moment, a sudden line came to mind: "The glorious Spring fell into the Autumn waters, the Summer days shine on the Spring mud . From here on out, you are the only one in my heart . "

Faced with the temptations for a man, did my IQ end up getting fed to the dogs?!

♥ Time really was a powerful and beautiful thing . It could change a person's view on another, and it could bring two people closer together . . .

♥ Do you know what a woman's most afraid of ? A woman isn't most afraid of falling for you completely, sharing all her secrets, or completely trusting you whole-heartedly, but she's afraid of you not loving her . "

♥"Never blame nor regret, walk until physically and mentally exhausted, love was a whole misunderstanding, pain is a type of practice . "

♦"From comforting one another to being speechless, to endure or to retreat, they're sad all the same . "



•   伤春悲秋 Shāng Chūn Bēi Qiū: feel sad with the advent of autumn ; shed tears over the changes of seasons
The world is boundless, the boss is the greatest, if he wants you to stand living, you cannot die sitting .

• To live, one must live like a human but act like a dog .

• I also want to be quiet for a period of time, my injured heart wants to hide to recuperate . Although my heart is very rough, but just like when you’re injured it’ll also hurt, bleed, it’ll retreat like a hermit crab, slowly crawl back into one’s shell until it thought it was safe.

• Once a beauty explodes, of course she won’t be a Hello Kitty

• When we’re in love with someone, we are humble and pitiful, as long as we’re given a little bit of charity, we would feel happy.
But the depletion of self-esteem, we would usually just get hurt.

The meaning of life is the continuation of it, in this world, the most tenacious of life . During the earthquake in Nepal, it consisted more than 100 hours of survivors being rescued, there was a optimistic student who lost his parents yet he was the hero who saved two nine years old other students…… They never gave up trying to escape, they always adhere hope, even before the seemingly common ordinary doctor, also after such great grief, still straighten his spine .
The situation I’ve encounter with is nothing .
Just because I have a small bean in my head(tumor) doesn’t mean I have to give up little soy bean(child) in my womb . I’m the creator of life, this is the embryo of my bone and blood . It’s God’s gift to me, no matter what I also cannot give it up .

Why would women make things difficult for other women, the thing I hate the most is when men still look for an excuse to humiliate women’s feelings . What I love her body, I don’t love her soul, what a night of passion, after they finished playing then flung to the side, in the end the one who’s injured are always the woman!

• "Love is not equal, the amount you give out, does not necessarily be how much you’ll harvest in-return."

“You’re right, but I took a long time to understand, but also waste a lot of time to acceptance the facts . ”

“Being young,” He said disapprovingly, “Of course it is like that . ”

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