The Business Proposal

By Littlepearl95

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Ivy Thorn had worked hard to rise through her father's company. And just as she was enjoying her success, lie... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Five

688 23 2
By Littlepearl95

Ethan stared into his glass of whiskey. His mind muddled by all the drinks he'd consumed, but still he continued to drink more. No matter how much he drank, Ivy was never far from his thoughts.

They'd barely spoken to each other since their return from Bali. An uncomfortable silence followed them whenever they were together and it didn't bode well considering their wedding was in three days.

They were both going through the motions, pretending to be the doting couple, but it was taking a toll on both of them. He felt exhausted and fed up.

He'd all but refused to be in the same room as her and his family. Even he had to admit he'd had more work emergencies in the last few days than ever before and he felt like that excuse was wearing thin. At least his mother seemed too engrossed in wedding details to notice.

He'd half expected Ivy to call off the wedding and rip up their contract, but she'd remained steady in her determination to continue on. She'd thrown herself back into planning. Spending hours on the phone with suppliers and wrangling out deals that even he thought would be impossible.

He could see the strain it was taking on her but every time he went to comfort her, or even talk to her, the memory of their argument reared its ugly head and made him turn his back on her. In the few forced pleasantries they'd exchanged the argument was never mentioned but it hung over them like a black cloud. It was impossible for any of their previous joy to shine through.

Although they still lived in his apartment, it was like they were living two separate lives. Work had been no good as a distraction for the first time in his life.

Instead, he went to the house he'd bought them and for the first time in his life he ignored work. He followed the instructions of the builders and moved materials from place to place, helped unload vans, and became a general dog's body. And mostly it helped.

At the end of each day he dragged himself to bed and passed out into a dreamless sleep. He would have done just about anything not to be plagued with visions of Ivy. Those dreams always left him thoroughly aroused but hollow, knowing they were far from his reality.

Despite his exhaustion, he still missed Ivy's small, warm body next to him. Missed hearing her laugh echo through the apartment, missed the way she smiled and talked to him whilst he made breakfast. His life felt cold and lonely even though they were only a few feet apart.

A hard hand clapped him on the back and a body slid into the stool next to him.

"This is some bachelor party," Liam chuckled without humour as he turned to look at George singing some terrible duet with Kai on the karaoke machine.

Both were wasted and if he'd been in a better frame of mind, Ethan knew he'd find his brother's actions amusing. As it was, he could only muster a slight smile before he lapsed back into his more typical brooding expression.

He hadn't even wanted a bachelor party, but Kai had insisted. His brother had surprised him by inviting Liam and George, but Ethan found he quite enjoyed their company.

He'd been waiting all night for one of them to mention his argument with Ivy, but they'd said nothing. A part of him wondered whether Ivy had shared their argument with anyone else, but judging from the warm reception he'd received from her two friends, he thought not.

He picked up his whiskey and took a long sip, feeling it burn down his throat, but he couldn't feel its warmth. Although the bar was a complete dive, he couldn't fault the selection of whiskey on offer and he was happily drinking himself into oblivion.

"So you and Ivy still not talking then?"

Ethan choked on his whiskey whilst his wide eyes found Liam's. For a moment he floundered, not sure what to say.

" do you know about that?" He coughed out, placing his drink back against the bar.

Liam just shrugged next to him, sipping at his own drink. "Ivy told me," he said easily, giving Ethan some time to process it.

Ethan's eyes widen. He couldn't understand how Liam could be so calm. This was one of the men that had tried to bribe him to leave Ivy alone. And yet he just casually sat next to him, probably thinking he'd cheated on one of his best friends.

"And you haven't killed me yet?" Ethan asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

Liam chuckled with a little more humour before looking Ethan up and down.

"No, I couldn't kill a person who loves Ivy almost as much as I do." He nonchalantly raised his glass, a ghost of a smile on his face at the look of panic on Ethan's face.

"L-love?" Ethan's voice shook as his mind tried to wrap itself around the word, but failed.

"Come on, Ethan. You can lie to yourself, but I was at your engagement party. I was the one that watched you have dinner with Ivy. And I've been the one watching you trying to drown your sorrows all night just because the girl you love won't talk to you." The ghost of a smile on Liam's face became the proper thing as Ethan fell apart in front of him.

It felt like Ethan's head was cracking apart at the knowing look on Liam's face. Was it possible? Did he really love Ivy?

Rather than running from the unknown feelings weighing him down, he let them go. The ache in his chest seemed to burst and embarrassingly he felt tears spring to his eyes.

He felt silly for not knowing what his emotions were trying to tell him, but how could he have ever known? He'd never been in love before and yet Ivy Thorn had weaved her way straight into his heart without him even being aware of it.

"Finally figured it out, huh?" Liam raised his eyebrow at Ethan and patted his back in consolation. "Yeah love can make you feel like shit sometimes but trust me you don't want to let it go." He nodded at Ethan's watery eyes in empathy.

Ethan drew in a few ragged breaths. He turned his attention from Liam's understanding face to watch Kia and George pick another song. His universe felt turned it on its head. And he knew the exact woman to blame.

"You and your brother deal with your emotions the same way. He will have a hell of a hangover in the morning."

Ethan turned to watch Liam staring at the two karaoke idiots.

His brow crunched in confusion before he realised what Liam had meant. He turned his head back to look at his brother, noticing the bags under his eyes and his rumbled clothes that had nothing to do with drink.

"He's in love?" Now he felt really stupid. He hadn't even realised his brother was seeing anyone. "Wait, how the hell do you know that?" He rounded on an amused Liam.

Ethan's annoyance spiked when he just smirked at him.

"Same way I knew you'd argued with Ivy. I'm a sympathetic listener, Ethan. It's why Ivy and Paige both come to me when they need to vent. Ivy is like my little sister, without her I wouldn't be the man I am today and Paige is one of the few people I class as a friend. I protect the people I love just a friendly reminder to you and your brother." Liam said it with a smile but his eyes were hard. The threat in his words was very much real.

But Ethan couldn't focus on that, he was too consumed with the thoughts of his brother falling in love. And not just with anyone. No, he'd fallen for Ivy's friend Paige.

"When the hell did this happen?" He wondered out loud before downing the rest of his whiskey and ordering another one for him and Liam.

"That's for him to say, not me."

Ethan wanted to get angry with Liam, but he couldn't. He couldn't get angry at a man who protected his friend's secrets, even if it was about his brother.

He thanked the barman and took his drink gladly. They both moved back to their table to better watch Kai and George on the stage.

Ethan stumbled into the chair, sitting down heavily as thoughts of his current situation with Ivy crashed into him.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" He asked helplessly to Liam, but before he could answer George and Kai joined them.

His brother collapsed against the table, his eyes shut and wordless mumbles sounded from his mouth. George ignored all the seats and instead sat on Liam's lap.

Ethan felt a pang of jealousy go through him when Liam wrapped his arms around George and snuggled him into his chest. For a moment he had to look away, unable to control how much he missed Ivy.

When he turned back George's head was lolling against Liam's chest and his eyes were closed.

Liam looked at Ethan with sympathy. "Fuck knows, man. But I missed out on a lot of years with my snuggle muffin because I wasn't brave enough to talk to him. Don't make the same mistake."

For a moment George's eyes opened lazily, and he smiled at Ethan drunkenly. "I'm his snuggle muffin." He said pointing to himself and smiling dreamily, making both Liam and Ethan laugh.

"That's right, baby. How about we call it a night?" Laim whispered down at his partner, already seeing his eyes closed.

"'kay." George mumbled out.

"What about you, you going home?" Liam asked him.

Ethan thought about it but he wasn't sure he was ready to face Ivy with his new found realisation.

"Think I'll stay for another hour, just get my head straight." They both knew he would carry on drinking, but Liam only nodded and lifted his husband up.

Ethan helped get all three of them into a taxi, with Liam promising to look after Kia before he went back towards the bar.

A fresh group of people had taken to the stage, and Ethan had to admit Kia and George hadn't been all that bad, though in his drunken state he wasn't sure if that was really a compliment or not.

He ordered another drink from the bar and watched as more of the bar's patrons left for the night. Despite the aching feeling in his chest, he actually felt better than he had in days and he knew it had nothing to do with the alcohol.

He'd been so confused about how he was feeling, but now he knew, it was like he could breathe again. It wouldn't be easy to patch things up with Ivy, but he refused to continue living life like this. With Ivy he could have the family that his parents had always wanted for him. Something he hadn't realised until he'd met her that he wanted as well.

As he'd watched their house improve he'd imagined what it would be like to live there. Chasing his children around the vast kitchen-living area, throwing family barbeques on the patio, and relaxing on the settee with Ivy cocooned in his arms.

He hadn't realised he was building more than just a house for them until his talk with Liam. He now realised he was building a home for him and Ivy and the many children he wanted to have with her. And subconsciously he had wanted to make it the most perfect place for them. Only now he realised why. He truly loved Ivy Thorn.

He bowed over his drink so didn't immediately notice the person standing next to him.

The killer high heels were the first thing he saw. His eyes followed the long legs up, passed her hips hugged tightly by a white wrap around dress, passed her ample chest that strained against the material, until his eyes fell onto the very woman he did not want to see.

Adriana smiled and took the seat next to him, her leg rubbing suggestively against his. Just how did this woman keep finding him? Calling into this dive of a bar had been purely by chance. Not even he had known they'd be there. And yet still she'd tracked him down.

"Seems like you're a little lonely." She purred next to him, shoving her large breasts in his face as if he hadn't already seen them.

He felt bile rise in the back of his throat. This woman couldn't possibly think he still wanted her, not when he had the most perfect woman wanting for him back at his apartment, the one woman he loved.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I thought I made it clear that I didn't want you anywhere near me," he growled out, his words slurring ever so slightly.

Rather than backing off, Adriana only pouted prettily up at him.

"You did." She bit out and for a moment he could hear the anger behind her words, but then she smiled at him as if it had only been a trick of his drunken brain.

He sipped on his almost empty drink, hoping that the alcohol would clear his brain, too drunk to realise it would only make it worse.

"So why are you still here?" He questioned her, his voice still as cold as ice.

She shrugged her shoulders delicately and brought her hand to his, but he quickly evaded her grasp. He could tell she wasn't happy, but then she shielded her emotions.

"I came to apologise." She said looking at him with a pleading expression. "I behaved appallingly and I should never have overstepped myself. I was just frustrated that you didn't return my feelings for you, though now I realise that isn't a good enough excuse for the way I behaved. Can you forgive me?" Tears formed in her eyes as she begged him.

But still, Ethan was suspicious. This wasn't the Adriana he knew, and he was cautious. She'd already come between him and Ivy once, and he was loath to see her do it again.

"Okay." He drew the word out, watching her reaction. If she wanted to play games, then he'd play along until he knew what she really wanted.

She sniffled dramatically for a moment before smiling up at him.

"Thank you, Ethan. I don't know what I would do if I knew you hated me." Her words seemed genuine, but he was still unsure.

"I know, why don't we toast to you and Ivy. My treat."

Before Ethan could disagree Adriana had upped and left him to go to the bar.

He downed the rest of his drink and felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He picked it out, realising he'd missed numerous texts from his bodyguards, who he'd given the night off to, and Stevens was trying to call him. For a moment his hand hovered over the answer button, but before he pressed it two large glasses of whiskey were placed in front of him.

"You can answer that later, for now, we toast. To you and your beautiful future bride."

He put his phone back in his pocket and raised his glass. "To me and Ivy." He knocked back the whole glass feeling it slid down his throat as Adriana came back to sit next to him.

After the burn faded, he went to reach for his phone, but his fingers were fumbling too much. Instead, Adriana plucked the phone out from between his fingers and turned it off. He went to grab for it, but it was like his arms were made of jelly. All he could do was watch her place it in her bag with a cruel smile.

"You won't be needing that, darling."

He felt his body slump forward, so he rested against her.

He fought against his eyes closing, but it was like there was nothing he could do to stop them. Mastering his strength, he tried to pull away from her but her hands were wrapped around him like restraints.

"W-what...dddid..." But his sentence trailed off as his mind struggled to form the words.

"Just a small concoction of drugs a friend made up for me. You won't have much fight in you for the next 30 minutes and then after that I think you'll be a little more suggestible to my offers." She giggled, grabbing his hand and rubbing it across her breasts. "Don't worry baby, I'm going to take good care of you."

He knew he should be panicking and screaming at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't force himself to move. As she moved his hand around, he realised he was more or less a puppet for her to do as she pleased.

He didn't notice when four hefty arms helped him stand, nor when they helped him into the back of a car he was sure he'd never seen before.

No, his mind was too busy thinking about Ivy. She would never look at him the same after this.

Eventually he lost his fight against the darkness and allowed it to consume him. Sinking into its comforting blackness to escape the reality of what was happening. His last thoughts rested on Ivy, his only light in the looming blankness. I'm sorry, Ivy.

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