His Home | Fillie

By milevenmiracles

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He lives on the streets with his guitar. Choosing to run from a rough home life, now music is all he has to o... More

Holiday Spirit
New Comer
Silent Kindness
Popcorn Fights
Date Night
Don't Tell My Lie
Comfort in Truth
Confronting Feelings
Unexpected Call
Sober Thoughts Drunk Words
Torn Trust
Find Me Under Rain
Scars of the Past
Ounces of Grief, Flickers of Hope
Familiar (Unfriendly) Faces
Trapped In Her Own
Note + Thoughts

AM Conversations

693 16 16
By milevenmiracles

His Home

"Millie that one is so beautiful!" Sadie squealed as her friend twirled around a few times to show off one of the nicer dresses she had bought today after lunch.

The one Millie was trying on now was mainly white but it had some black ruffle trim. It was an off the shoulder minidress with puffed sleeves. She proudly found a white pair of asymmetrical open toe heels to match.

She also had purchased an all black minidress that was a silk satin material. It was more open back with billowing sleeves.

The two girls had mostly shopped at the more casual boutiques, but Millie still loved to seek out the fancy designer dresses once an awhile.

The shop was rather expensive to be in that part of Hawkins, Millie had thought because most of the stores were full of pretty small and casual things.

Contrary to her parents who called them cheap and worthless Millie always loved the smaller stores. She found them beautiful and unique in their own way.

After changing into more comfortable clothes Sadie sat at one of the bar stools in Millie's kitchen while she made tea for herself.

"That was so nice of you to leave so much for that guy today Mills. I hope he uses it for something good." Sadie smiled.

"I'm not trying to sound like a snob Sads, but you and I both know one hundred isn't much for either of us. I don't need all the money I could have. What would I do with it? Whoever that person is needs it more than I ever will. It was only the least I could do."

"I will never understand how you have such rich rude shits like your parents, but you're... well you... No offense." Sadie grimaced.

"None taken... You know I'm not fond of my parents. I learned at a young age that they couldn't actually give a shit about me or what I want in life... if I ever denied to do something or went against them they would probably disown me." Millie spoke, but neither one of them could laugh.

Deep down Millie knew it was probably more of a true statement... Robert and Kelly would hate her if she ever threw dirt to the family name. This is why her siblings never had the courage to rebel or act differently. They didn't want to be frowned upon.

Somehow no matter how hard her parents would hammer the cold thoughts into Millie's head she had always grown up with an extremely kind heart. She would drop everything if needed to help anyone with anything.

After a few minutes of silence Millie spoke up again. "Can we talk about something else? I really don't want to talk about my shitty family life more than necessary..."

"Of course Mills." Sadie changed the topic quickly and the girls went on about anything that came to mind for the next few hours until the time was almost 11:30pm.

The redhead said her good nights before heading down the elevator to her own home leaving Millie alone in the big suite for the night. It was almost to quiet for Millie's liking.

This place seemed bigger at night when it was dark and you were the only person here, but as fate had set it Millie was not meant to spend the night alone tonight...


Millie had been tossing and turning in bed for almost an hour now with no luck of getting comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Her eyes looked over to the time on the nightstand clock that now read 12:45am, five minutes more than the last time she checked.

She groaned with frustration before sitting up and grabbing her phone. She was debating on texting Sadie, but soon decided against it.

Her friend was most likely asleep by now and would be a very annoyed redhead if she was woken up at almost 1am.

Without much thinking Millie was up changing into a pair of leggings and her 'North Hawkins High' hoodie. She put on the same converse from earlier and tied her hair up in a short ponytail before making her way to the door.

Holding her phone in her hand already she grabbed her car keys off the hook and was now out in the empty hallway. Pushing the check mark on the key pad to lock the door, Millie headed for the elevator next.

After watching the little red screen in the elevator count each floor down as she went down Millie finally exited to the lobby.

Miss Buono was still on shift at the front desk. "Miss Buono I'm going out for a bit." She smiled at the women, but only noticed the lady flinch slightly at her voice.

"Yes Ma'am." Millie sighed and walked away from the revolving door to the front desk. She folded her arms over the marble top and smiled down at the blonde women.

"Hi." Millie spoke genuinely.

"Do you need anything Miss Brown?"

"Yes actually, I need for you to stop with the formalities. Call me Millie. Just plain old Millie. I also want to apologize."

"Apologize? To me?" She looked shocked, but Millie figured she would be.

"Yes, about the day I got here. I was tired and not being kind with you. I shouldn't have threatened your job by saying I would call my father to get you fired... it was uncalled for. I am sorry for what I did." 

Millie watched her dark brown eyes search for any sign of false kindness on her face before speaking again.

"Thank you I- I would have never expected this... you are not the one that should have to apologize to me..."

She looked down ashamed of herself and after a few minutes had also said she was sorry for the way she treated Millie when she first arrived here.

Before walking away completely Millie turned to say one more thing.

"Oh and Miss Buono? You don't have to be scared of me. I am not my parents and I would never threaten your job just to purposely place fear in you." She smiled. It would not happen again. Milieu hated acting like her parents.

"Thank you Miss Br- uh Millie. Thank you Millie, you can call me Cara?" She smiled and Millie nodded kindly before finally leaving the lobby. The air was cooler tonight making her glad she wore her hoodie.

She smiled proud as she pulled out her keys to unlock her very own Jeep Wrangler. It was Millie's first big purchase when she got to Hawkins.

The difference was this Jeep really was her very own purchase, bought with her own funds from her own bank accounts that she had been saving for years from different things. Now that she was an adult it was also in her name. This was the one thing of Millie's, that her parents truly had no control over. It was usually parked next to Sadie's own Prius.

She smiled wide while sitting in the drivers seat again. The interior was beautiful with black leather seats and the little iPad like screen on the dashboard.

In truth Millie didn't even know where she was driving to. All she knew was that she could not sleep and so she needed to do something else. Tonight it would be going for a drive wherever the roads took her.

After about a half an hour of driving around she found herself on the more South part of Hawkins where she had been with Sadie the past day. It was nearing 2am when Millie pulled into some empty parking lot and stopped.

She got out of her car after deciding to walk around next. Walking around by herself at night down here was probably not the smartest decision she had ever made, but these thoughts were pushed back while curiosity slowly took over her mind.

While walking for a bit and running her fingers across the benches that sat every few feet from each other Millie noticed something and started to think her eyes were trying to play tricks on her.

"Is there... someone laying on that one?" She spoke quietly to herself and almost tripped trying to look closer at one of the benches further down the empty street.

The street lamp above her provided only a bit of light but as she walked Millie could confirm there was indeed a lump of a person laying on that bench.

Her heart immediately broke, but her mind started to race with questions. Why would someone be out here right now? Are they sleeping there? Do they have anywhere else to go? Is that even safe? Are they warm enough?

She debated on running away because the next thought was that they could be dangerous and Mille had no idea what she was getting herself into, but her feet would not stop walking towards whoever it was.

Millie was so caught up in her head she didn't even realize that she was right above the lump now. The person was covered with a trench coat for a blanket. Their breathing seemed even and peaceful, and she gathered whoever it was is pretty tall because their feet went over the end of the bench.

Now what? Should she wake them up? If so... how would she do that without scaring the shit out of them? She almost screamed herself when they shifted, but Millie clasped a hand over her mouth quickly.

Curls... she saw curls now, they were short and Millie figured this person was a he, but his face was still not clear because he slept in a sideways position.

She fidgeted with her hands trying to think about what to do next... this was nerve racking in so many ways.

She gulped nervously. "H-hello?..." No answer. "Um excuse... excuse me." Still silence. Millie decided to be braver this time. She reached out a finger and started to tap his back and repeat the same few words over again.

She was not expecting him to wake up so suddenly in the next few moments. Millie couldn't stop the scream that came out of her throat when he suddenly jerked awake and shot up so quickly.

Next he yelled and started to throw a slur of mixed terrified curses into the air while Millie still let out screams of her own, her fear caused her to lose balance and fall backwards onto her butt.

"Don't hurt me! Please!" She cried loudly while tears started to brim in her eyes. What was she even thinking being here right now?!


"WHAT THE FUCK?! What in the fucking hell were you thinking?!" Finn's eyes had shot open when he suddenly felt somebody poking him and then tuned into the voice trying to wake him up. 

He would be lying if he said she didn't scare the shit out of him. He shot up quickly ready to try and defend himself only to catch sight of a girl that let her screams be heard next.

After a few minutes of the both of them sitting there in plain fear Finn finally tuned to face the poor girl sitting on the ground terrified and full on crying now. He immediately felt bad, but wasn't sure what to do...

"Hey... hey please don't cry I'm not going to hurt you." He did the only thing that came to mind, which was to carefully kneel down beside her and try to get her to calm down as best he could.

She flinched as soon as Finn tried to touch her and refused to look up at him, but eventually her breathing started to even out again while he kept trying to assure her he wouldn't dare to hurt her.

"Are- are you sure you aren't going to h-hurt me?" She looked up at him and hiccuped. Finn's eyes widened in shock not expecting to see her face again, especially not right in front of his own...

"Brown..." He didn't even notice he said the word aloud until she gave him a confused expression.

"Wh- What?" The girl hiccuped again.

"No- nothing sorry..." Her eyes, they were brown, but not even plain boring brown. With the small light from the street lamp he could still see they were a light shade of brown like pools of honey or swirls of the sweetest caramel candies you would ever taste...

But now her pretty doe orbes were mixing with his own darker ones when she met his gaze so suddenly. Millie's caramel eyes mixed with Finn's dark brown ones.

They almost reminded her of a sweet dark chocolate or a dark colored coffee, but the cause of her lighter eyes mixing with his darker ones was like the cream that could make the coffee lighter and so much sweeter... Her eyes alone caused enough of a trance in Finn for him to lose his breathe.

Millie seemed to snap back to reality first, but still somewhat dazed and somehow affected heavily by this boy's mysterious seeming gaze.

"I uh- I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you... I'm not really sure what I was thinking."

"I don't think you were thinking at all." Finn put it plain, and Millie frowned, but she knew he was right.

She reached for the hand that was now being offered to help her up after he had stood back on his own feet.

"What if I was a serial killer or something?"

"I don't think a serial killer would have just given me a hand to help me up off the ground..." Millie shot back.

"You're probably right..." Finn laughed a little which helped Millie to relax a bit.

"But seriously what the fuck are you doing out here in the middle of the night? It's not the safest place to be."

"Speak for yourself and I was... exploring. What's your excuse?"

"Exploring?" Finn laughed and avoided her question. "What time in the morning even is it right now?"

He did not miss the newest iPhone eleven come out of her hoodie pocket. "Almost 2:30am if you must know."

"So why aren't you in bed sleeping right now?" Was the next question that left Finn's mouth.

"I do not give any of my reasons out to a total stranger I don't even know the name of." Millie answered playfully.

"Well then Miss secretive I'm Finn. There now I am no longer a stranger and if you tell me your name then you don't have to be either."

He could tell she was hesitant to answer him at first. Millie eventually figured if he was going to do anything dangerous to her then he would have done it by now and would definitely not have given her his name.

"Okay... I'm Millie." She smiled when he offered his hand for her to shake.

"That's a pretty name... it's nice to meet you Millie." She sat on the bench now that Finn had previously been sleeping on.

"Thanks." She could feel her cheeks heat up slightly before Finn sat next to her on the bench.

"And to answer your question... I couldn't sleep so I went for a drive."

"Wow that was not as an exciting an answer as I was hoping for." Millie couldn't help but to giggle a little, and her laugh made Finn smile even bigger. It was nice to hear it up close.

For some reason the two people found themselves talking to each other for a little while before Millie finally asked the question that was eating away at her curiosity.

"Finn?... why- why are you sleeping out here?"

"Oh well I'm-" One thought stopped Finn's answer. What if she doesn't want to be around me after I tell her the reason I'm out here? This was new to him, usually Finn did not mind talking about his situation to people.

But now... looking at Millie's curios expression while she waited for an answer, Finn became nervous. He didn't want her to not like him, but why did one girl's opinion about him suddenly matter so much when he never cared what people thought of him?

Millie wanted an answer, and Finn was scared to tell her the truth so... he lied.

"I uh... I had a fight with- with my roommate."

"Huh?" Millie was confused now, Finn had to think quickly.

"Yeah um... we live in this apartment together and uh- we had a fight the other day and he kicked me out and told me not to come back."

"He- he kicked you out?! What the hell. He sounds like an asshole, so you have been sleeping out here for like three days?"

Finn almost laughed at her question, when in fact three days was nothing compared to five years, but he felt bad for lying to Millie so it didn't feel laughable for very long...

She seemed so concerned about him being out here alone for even a few days and here he was lying about everything, but she would end up going home and forgetting about him and this whole conversation the next morning anyway so again... what was the point of lying to her?

"I will not sit here and accept this. You are coming home with me."

"Wait what?" All of Finn's thoughts froze together, he was definitely not expecting those words to come out of her mouth.

"I said you will come home with me so get whatever you have with you and let's go." Millie stood up and Finn only remained completely dumbfounded.

"Wait Millie... what?! No- I can't go home with you! That's to much to ask of you... really I'm fine, you don't even know me!"

"Finn. I'm not letting someone stay out here alone by themselves for God knows how long. It's to dangerous especially at night, you could be robbed or worse, hurt. I won't stand by and let it happen when I could be helping you."

"Millie! I can't let you do that-"

He hadn't expected her to march up to him in the next second and stand as close as she was. Millie was shorter than him, but some how intimidating when she made sure to hold his gaze. Finn felt like melting into the concrete.

"It's wasn't really a question as if you wanted to Finn. It was a statement as in I want you to. Let me help you until you work things out with your roommate."

"Millie I can't-" he was cut off again when one of her hands came up hesitantly to cup his cheek. Millie's eyes softened. "Please let me help you Finn, I want to. You aren't inconveniencing me or whatever you want to think. Please let me help you...."

His brain was screaming the words at him. Say no, say no, say no, but Finn felt weaker the longer he looked at her... How could he possibly say no to Millie?

"Okay..." it was a soft whisper, but she still heard it and gave him a small smile in return before backing away.

"Okay then follow me." Millie seemed extremely happy that he had agreed. She was practically skipping to wherever her car was. How could he take that away from her?

After catching himself gawking at her he scrambled to grab his stuff from off the bench he had been sleeping on earlier.

Finn couldn't help but to stare some more when his eyes landed on Millie's Jeep. "Woah..."

"Like it? I'm pretty proud of it. I was able to buy it with my own money! None from parents!" This erased all final thoughts of Millie being a snobby rich daddy's girl. Well the rich part would probably be sticking.

"Just throw whatever you have with you in the back. It's open!" Millie hadn't even been paying attention to what he was carrying, she was to excited. She was kind of like a small child who felt very proud of themselves, but for good reasons. Honestly it was cute to watch in Finn's own opinion.

"Your Jeep is a amazing, what year is it?" He asked now as he jumped into the passenger seat beside her.

"Oh it's a 2021 black wrangler. It was kind of like a birthday gift to myself and from myself  last month."

"So it's from the future?" Finn joked.

"Haha wow you're so funny." Millie rolled her eyes at the dumb attempt for humor dragging out the word 'so.'

Finn would remained amazed for the rest of the night. As if Millie's ride wasn't enough to gape at, her home would definitely leave him wondering a few things about her.

He was not expecting this thing to go over a one night stay, but Finn wasn't at all aware that his story with the girl beside him was just starting to take off...

Author's Note: Welp went almost 600 words over my goal again, but that's ok. Lol, again there was supposed to be more... oops and yes I made a new cover for this story.☺️

We will just pick up right where I left off next chapter with Fillie getting to know one other. I think they are both such bbs in this.🥺 Maybe I'm biased though.🤔

Till next time!💙👋🏻

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