Breaking Damnation (Alastor X...

By HadalZone

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The season finally of Hazbin hotel ended a month ago, theories where arising, questions where being answered... More

Chapter 1: Fall into Hazbin
Chapter 2: Start of the show!
Chapter 3: A choice
Chapter 4: Preparations
Chapter 5: Broken Path
Chapter 6: Pains of experience
Chapter 7: Doubt
Chapter 8: Suspicion
Chapter 10: Change of pace
Chapter 11: Bystander
Chapter 12: Crimson Cascade
Chapter 13: Burnt Script
Chapter 14: What now?
Chapter 15: Whatever happens (Smut)
Chapter 16: Unknown
Chapter 17: Result of change
Chapter 18: Soul tears
Chapter 19: The doomed one (End)

Chapter 9: Confrontation

429 18 1
By HadalZone

The music and lingering chill seemed to shatter within an instance. Thoughts rushed by at light speed, trying to find something to say, trying to find some reason for him to want an explanation. "Explain what exactly?" you asked, though you tried to hide it there was that slight waver in your voice that worry could not keep hidden. Thoughts cursing at themselves for a moment but growing too frantic to focus as you watched him just casually pour a drink. Only the background music adding any sort of noise as the radio demon pushed the shot glass over towards you before pouring one of his own and immediately downing it. The mind divided between wanting the silence to continue and wanting him to elaborate on what exactly he wanted. Eyes watching as he set the empty glass aside and stood up taking a step towards you. "I don't fully understand but somehow you seem to know what's going on before anyone else does" his voice was somewhat low and whispery, not a growl but enough to show he wasn't fucking around. Instincts took over and before you knew it you were standing, trying to take a step back with every step he took closer to you. Backing against the wall fear and panic began to swell within as those crimson eyes of his began to glow. The darkness in the room growing with each step as he drew closer to you "At first I believed the oddities to simply be a result of keen observations and cautiousness but as I continued watching you proved that it wasn't. No mere mortal could pick up on something from nothing. You somehow knew what to do, how to act, and what to say. You knew to smile the moment you saw me, you knew I was going to offer a deal before the girls did, and you knew to watch the shadows when we spared" He said. Darkness seemed to completely surround the area, the only light coming from his glowing eyes "And the more I think about it the more I see that you slipped, what was once ordinary words held more meaning than you let on" he said "Even when they didn't your tone was that of someone speaking to an old friend rather than a stranger." Eyes were fixated on his movement as he reached into his coat pocket "Of course this could all be a coincidence" he laughed out "After all these things do happen from time to time, some demons naturally poses a keen eyes, some are lucky, others secretly seers who have yet to tap into their full potential." Time itself seemed to stop with the fridged aura as he pulled his hand back out into the open and held up an unmistakable item "But I highly doubt that." The very soul shrinking against the wall in cold fear at the sight of the still bloodied pin that mimicked him, the pin that you thought was lost on earth. "Seem familiar? by that face I'd say so" he said with a chuckle "Funny isn't it? After the last little scuffle Charlie had me walking around with her to try and find those two little felines and ever so graciously pointed out the spot where you fell." Thoughts speed up to nothing but blurs as he took another step closer, though he didn't make another move with his hands a dark pressure moved onto your shoulders, his shadow holding you still. "Its obvious at this point that there is more going on here that meets the eye. So then my little doe..." shadows and fear filled frost seemed to encase the entire body as he rested a hand on the wall by your shoulder. "You're going to tell me everything that I want to know" he ordered. "I-I don't know if you'd believe me" you thought he was going to kill you until you said the last part. "Hahaha why wouldn't I believe you my dear? After all, you are a smart girl are you not? You know exactly what will happen to you if you so much as think of trying to lie to me" he replied. There was no getting out of it, a lie wouldn't get past him and saying nothing would more than likely just lead to torment beyond imagination. "A-alright, you're right" you whispered "I've known what was going to happen almost immediately after I fell down here. I've seen this before, bits and pieces but enough to be able to react accordingly" you finished. Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself "I'm... I'm not supposed to be here, I-I'm from beyond the forth wall. W-where I was from this story was told in the form of an adult cartoon musical called Hazbin hotel. It told the story of Charlie and her attempts to try and rehabilitate sinners in order to stop the yearly exterminations. I saw about a single seasons worth of content split between the all those here in the hotel, Cherri, and Sir Pentious." you explained "I know it sounds ridiculous but you of all people should be able to tell that I'm not lying. For some reason I was sent to this hell instead of the one that I had been told of" you said. A fearful smile growing by instinct trying to preserve some semblance of strength among the growing darkness "I didn't want this but I fell right in front of the girls before the extermination and I couldn't see a way out, my path to the outskirts was blocked and you would have chased me down and dragged me back had I tried to leave earlier." He just seemed to glare down at you, those cold eyes searching for the slightest trace of dishonesty. Thoughts screeching to a sudden halt as he softly chuckled "Well that certainly explains a bit, I thought there was something off about you. I must admit I am well aware that there are spectators but I never imagined that one of you would actually manage to work their way onto the stage" he replied. "More like v-violently thrown onto it" you replied. "Either way you're here and are now part of the act" he said. "Though it is strange, normally fans are thrilled when they are able to join the performers in the spotlight. However, you on the other hand have been nervous and scared since the start and have been doing all that is possible to hide away in the shadows and background" though he had stepped away to do a little pacing back and forth there was still no room for fear and worry to subside. "I can understand straying away to attempt to keep the story as close to the one that you knew but that's not the case now is it?" he said with a chuckle "No, you would have figuratively jumped off the set by now if that were the case" his tone was quieter as though he was just thinking aloud. "Not really, as I said, you would have dragged me back just as you dragged Ba-" You stopped yourself mid sentence, remembering that the fish boi had yet to blow up his lab and seek refuge at the hotel "...B-back another." Alastor raised an eyebrow "Yes, I would have, however if you told me what you just had now I would have allowed you to go, and before you go saying that 'You wouldn't have believed me' I had my suspicions from the moment you threw your little toy at my shadow" he replied. Thoughts lashed out at themselves, recalling the first of the sparing matches. An effort to try and spare yourself from immediately getting maimed by the shadowy figure had come back to do more damage than what was avoided. "And though this is out of character for me, in this instance I don't mind spoilers, after all it is more than apparent another event is to occur" he finished. "W-wait, how do you know that?" you questioned "Isn't in obvious my dear, this entire time you've been in a fearful state of preparation and now you've revealed that you've seen this all before. Not to mention the tone in your voice just gave it away" he replied. "And considering how you've been wary of me from the beginning and looked at confrontation as though looking at the eyes of death I can only assume that I'm involved with said incident." Hardly a breath was taken as he once again drew close, looming over and allowing a non magical shadow to encase the body in a layer of darkness. "Am I correct." Between the songs, dances, games, and shenanigans it was easy to forget how smart he actually was, just as clever as he was dangerous. There was no use in trying to hide, he'd just see right through everything. "Y-yes" An almost scorching warmth seemed to manifest and roll across the flesh, then another, then another, then another. Tears burning flesh as though it was liquid flame, thoughts whispering how death was certain after he had what he wanted. Words coming out as nothing more than a quiet whisper, soft yet there was no way not to hear them "Vox and Valentino are going to kidnap you and Angel and control you like puppets. 215 days before the extermination Charlie will set you free and half the city will die" you whispered. A small sigh managed to work its way out, closing your eyes you just let the words flow "I don't know the day it happened but you were on your way to see someone, he came from the shadows and had his minions surround the area. He wore you down before catching you in a net like device, once incapacitated he jammed an antenna like device into your skull and that was it. Once you were his puppet Val broke into Angels room and dragged him away. Vox mocked you, showed you off, treated you like a toy, and sicked you on his rivals up until Charlie caught wind and staged a rescue." Despite the fact that god would never listen to a devil or one of the sinners damned to hell thoughts could not help but pray. Pray not for your own life but pray for the others. Pray that words would make a change, that Alastor would help himself, that other demons and sinners would be spared, that the spared ones would find their way to Charlie. Thoughts praying that if you could not survive then others would, that they would live to see the end that so many were hoping for. Though the dark thoughts were not dispelled his words were able to cut through, to where a frantic and fractured mind could register them "You spent all this time and energy planning and preparing yourself in hopes of being able to thwart the plans of an overlord, just to spare me of an unpleasantry?" eyes opened once more to look back up at him. Though his eyes were no longer glowing they still held that look, looking down at prey held within sharpened claws. It didn't matter if he didn't understand or just didn't care about the severity of the event, you had said your piece. "You certainly are an interesting one, foolish but interesting" time itself seemed to slow down as hid hand drew closer towards your head. The mind and the body frozen still as fingertips brushed against your neck. 

You didn't know what to expected and that made it all the worse, his face holding the expression he usually had revealing nothing. Thoughts blanking out as a tissue seemed to materialize in his other hand, the tears that practically burned fear frozen flesh quickly being wiped away. "Now then, now that I have what I desire I think it's only fair that we head back to the drinks I promised, don't think I had forgotten about that now" he chimed. Confusion diluting thoughts as he pulled you back over to the bar and sat you down, nudging the shot glass, that you had forgotten about, a little closer towards you. "Y-you're not going to-" "What, Kill you? Now what would I gain by doing something like that?" he asked. "It wasn't your choice to come here after all and, while limited, the information you provided will not doubt hold some value to it. Besides it will be far more entertaining if you're left alive" he continued as he poured himself another drink. "Say that history repeats itself, that the story you saw continues on the same path and that square gets the best of me. Though I doubt you'd succeed it would be interesting to see how you would attempt to rewrite the script" he finished. "Please don't" you whispered "Do not do this, I can barley hold it together as is" you finished. Though you wanted nothing more than to take the shot to try and calm yourself faster shaking arms would be more likely to spill the drink than anything else. "Normally I would just ignore your little pleas but I suppose I can give you a little breather for the rest of the night, i'll pause for now" he replied. Though a small jester it was still one that was wildly needed, especially with what he had put you through. Rather than the usual shenanigans he let the radio fill the room with music once more. With him toning it down for a night and the softer swing music filling the air nerves eventually came down from a fearful spike once again. The alcohol helping to further take away the edge, one shot taking away the edge, the second lightly blurring thoughts, the third helping to further slow them down to where they could be manageable. There was already barley any energy before you began to drink, now, all you could think of was heading back to the room and going to bed. "Care for another?" you shook your head "No, I think i'm done for the night" you replied. Though not drunk it still felt slightly off as you stood up, as though your mind was a second behind the body. "Ya, any more and i'll more than likely get drunk. I think it's best if I retire to my room" you finished. "Thank you... for everything" you weren't sure if it was the Alcohol or coming down from a fearful high but everything felt somewhat lighter as you walked over towards the door and exited back into the hall. Just as you turned the corner eyes fell upon the princess of hell, knocking on the door to a room. Knocking on the door to your room. "Hey" you watched as Charlie turned her head, looking surprised for a moment before walking over to you. "Hey (Y/N) I was looking for you" she said. "I know that you're not here very often but I thought I should let you know that there is going to be another person checking into the hotel in a day or so" she said happily. "He's a scientist, there was a little mishap that destroyed most of his lab and he has no were else to stay while it is rebuilt so he'll be staying here for a while. Since it's not a sin he is allowed to continue with his experiments but we asked that he take extra care while handling chemicals on the hotels property" she explained. "I just wanted to let you know in case you notice anything out of the ordinary" You didn't expect Baxter to arrive so soon after the twins attacked. Though the doomsday clock was still a while away from the day it still felt as though time was still speeding by. "Wait" she seemed to pause for a moment, her look of joy slipping as she slightly tilted her head "Have you been drinking?" she questioned. "I was drinking with Alastor, I was told it was fine so long as I didn't over indulge" you replied. It was easy to see her confusion and concern "Oh, well yes. So long as a staff member is with you it's alright" she assured. "So... What all did you two do, aside from drinking that is?" she questioned. "Not much, we mostly talked about everything that's been going on" you replied. Though what was said was true the princess would no doubt assume that you talked about the recent attack. She seemed confused, happy, and concerned all at the same time, understandable given what she knew and his usual habits. "O-oh, and uh... how did that go?" she asked, a small smile couldn't help but work its way onto your face as you let out a small huff "About as well as you would expect" you replied. "Oh..." "As crazy as this sounds though, I do feel somewhat better." You already knew what she would more than likely ask, before she could even open her mouth you had the response "Don't worry, I didn't make a deal with him."

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