Jaded Between Shades

By TPrettyP

221 6 2

Jade is someone who throughout her life has lived up to her first name. She's been jaded by love, but has had... More

When the Line Blurred
Poly Protection
Darker Shades Reveal or Heal?
Shred Me, Shatter Me
Brighten Up, Butter Cup
Just A Shade Darker
Shady Shady Ma'Lady
A Dark Shade of Love
Going Deep In
As We Were
Intertwined, Interlaced,Inter-sexed
A Shade of Poison
Shade Resistant Light
Shade Of Shame
I Do, Do I?
Solid Shade of Jade
To Be Wed or Not To Be Wed
Jade's Promise

Don't Rain on My Sunshine

8 0 0
By TPrettyP

                                                                                             Present Day

Another  week has passed and I realized that that it was one week until my ex friends wedding. Jasmine and Andre have stopped trying to contact me, which I was grateful for, but my mind still wonders about them.

*Jasmine& Andre's Perspective*

Sitting on the couch of their apartment is Andre, Jasmine, and Jasmine's sister Kayla. The wedding planner sits in the chair opposite of them. 

"So that's everything, we have the rehearsal dinner Wednesday evening, the Regents Gala venue, flowers, center pieces, your wedding dress, photographer, the catered food..."

Andre's face practically falls through a crack after hearing the word photographer. He looks over a Jasmine who seems to be really listening to the Wedding planner, then over to Jasmine's sister.

"This isn't right."

"What's not right?" They all simultaneously exclaim. 

"This, all of this without Jade."

Jasmine's sister gave him the most incredulous look, the wedding planner paused, and Jasmine looked puzzled. 

"Will you both excuse us, this won't take long." Jasmine took him to the side. 

They both left the living room and went into the kitchen, but not without Jasmine's sister giving Andre a dirty look. 

"What the fuck Andre?"

"You know this isn't right Jazz"

"What the fuck do you want us to do, find her and kidnap her to make her come to our wedding? She don't want us in her life anymore."

"She may not right now, but I can't picture having a different photographer there instead of her."

"What the fuck are you saying? Do you not wanna get married now just because she's not here?"

"No, I just...it just doesn't feel right knowing that she's not here."

"Andre...our wedding is next week, don't tell me you're having second thoughts now."

He looked her in the eye and wanted to say no, but no didn't come out.

"Get the fuck out." was her next words. 

He started to say, "I'm So-"


He walked out and she broke down in tears.

The wedding planner, and her sister come back out.

"Well...I know this a bad time, but just wanted to let you know that there are no refunds on the deposit for the venue or anything else for the wedding. Call me if everything is as planned for Wednesday." She quietly excuses herself out the door. 

Her sister comforts her as she continues to sob.

Meanwhile Andre drives and drives away. He  finds himself back at the high school where they all first met. The old gym was still up and the door was slightly ajar. He walked in a sat on the same spot that  used to sit to take pictures from. He sat there remembering all the times he had with me and then to the moments of when he was with me intimately. He remembered how devastated my face looked when he told me that he was going back to Jasmine for the second and third time.

"This ain't right!" he screamed. As it echoed through the gym he stood. He looked back at the old gym one more time before leaving. Back in the car he remembered the day he told me that he was finally going to propose to Jasmine.

"I'm gonna do it Jade."

"Do what?"

"I'm gonna propose to Jasmine."

"Good she can finally shut up about it...sorry that came out more harsh than I intended."

"She's been talking shit huh?"

"Practically every day. "

"Well I was wondering what you thought about it?"

"What does it matter what I think?"

"Jade...you know why"

"You made your decision...twice. There's nothing for me to say."

After remembering the stone cold look on my face as a facade he could see straight through, he knew he broke my heart again. Despite of everything he still chose Jasmine. He knew what he had to do.

*Back to Jade's Perspective*

After getting home from work and having a little phone conversation with Zo. I was at peace sitting in my living room. Watching yet another stupid romantic movie, I heard a knock at my door. I go to the door and see through the peep hole that it was Andre.

My heart immediately hammered in my chest.

"Jade...Please... Please open the door. I'll gravel and let this whole floor know that I need you to listen to me."

I couldn't say anything, not even a "no, go away." My voice just wouldn't let me.

"Look the wedding is a week away...I...I don't know if I can go through with this. I mean Jasmine has everything all set up and ready to go and I....all I can think about is the fact that you been gone for almost two months and I can't take it anymore. I feel like half of me is missing. We have a new photographer and I don't like it. "

"Probably because they're charging you a sky high bill" I automatically snided. 

"No... well yea, but no. I need you. Please open the door."

Every part of me that knows what's good for me demanded me to keep that door closed. I was finally in a good and honest relationship that felt wholesome and true. I was happy. Jade Jackson is never happy. I hardly even know how to spell the word is how out of touch with happiness I have been in my life.So it must seem like I have lost all my sense and needing to go back to the psychiatric ward when I realize I am quietly creaking my door open and taking in a huge Andre hug. He closes the door behind him and tries to kiss me.



"No. You do not get to start doing that. You will not start this again with me.I said I would listen, but these lips don't belong to you anymore. They haven't for a very long time."

"Jade...I fucked up."

"Ha...what else is new?" Acid shot from my mouth. 

"I chose wrong. I..."

"So let me get this straight...you wait until it's a week before your fucking wedding to tell me that you made a mistake and chose the wrong girl?"

"I know it sounds stupid, but it's the truth."

"Yea well too little too late. And guess what, I am fucking happy! that's right Jade here, me, I am fucking happy that you and Jasmine have been out of my fucking life for the past two months. I have had restful sleep, having intense sex, and cherry on top I HAVE SOMEONE!  That's right, I am in a whole fucking relationship that doesn't involve you, or Jasmine.So take that bullshit somewhere else."


"Oh are you shocked? Cause Jade never has anyone but you two to fuck my life sides with? Shocker right? Yea."

"No, you can't...you"

"I can't what? Have someone else? Yea so much for how highly you think of me."

"That's not what I mea-"

"Save it!" my voice boomed. "Matter of fact due me a favor and walk your sorry ass right back out the door. Happy Honeymoon mother fucker, hope you and Jasmine have lots of toxic babies running around."

Stunned he walked out the door without another word. I closed the door and locked, I texted Zo immediately afterwords.

*Andre's Perspective*

She's in a relationship with someone? When the fuck did this happen? This is so bad. And that shit didn't go the way that I hoped it would. What the fuck was I thinking? I can't keep doing that to her. But I can't picture my life without her. This is so fucked. Who the fuck is she dating?

I decide to go back to Dave's and see if he knew. I haven't been there since the engagment party. I need a drink after what just happened. 

When I get there it was packed for a Monday night, then I see the promotion for Monday Night Brewing. I sit up at the bar and order a Gin and Tonic. 

"Well fancy seeing you again, hiding from your bride to be already?"

"Something like that." He hands me the drink and continues talking to someone at the end of the bar. I over hear him say, 

"Where's your better half tonight?"

"She didn't feel like coming out. She just wanted to sleep in. I'll save her a glass though, thanks Unc."

"Yea well you tell my sour patch she shouldn't miss out on the goodies on promo night."

Wait the fuck a minute. He calls Jade sour patch. Does that mean...

I look down at the end of the bar to see a darkskin man with dreads talking to Dave. Wait  he also called him Unc... that's Dave's nephew? Dave comes back over to me.

"When's the wedding?"


"You don't look too happy about it."

"I...am happy, just... second thoughts I guess."

"Every man has second thoughts about marriage. No big deal. You're only making a huge step for the future is all" He stated sarcastically. "You been with the girl for long time anyway, y'all will be just fine." 

The guy sitting next to me says "Don't do it man, worse decision I ever made."

"Roman you're still married." Dave pointed out.

"Yea because it's 'cheaper to keep her' okay, divorce is expensive as fuck."

"Y'all just had twins"

"Kids are even more expensive." 

Dave waves him off.

"Mr. Playboy down here, what do you have to say?" 

"Unc you know I'm dating Jade now, and I'm not a player, I never was."

"Uh huh, well you better be or I'll fuck you up."

"I know Unc. And maybe, hopefully she and I will make it down the aisle, but I think marriage is worth doing."

Over my dead body. 

"Says the person who isn't married." Roman bitterly stated.

"Well son, do you love her? You've been dating since yall were teenagers, surely you don't have this many second thoughts."

I take a huge gulp of my drink and say "I'm starting to."

"Well you better hope you stop before the 'I do's or you'll catch a lot of hell from Jasmine."

That's when I see homie from the other side of the bar with his ears perked up.

So Jade has told him about me.

We glare at each other in recognition, then he says to Dave

"Hey Unc, think I'm gonna go see Jade, catch you later. Thanks for the glass"

Yea I bet you are gonna go see her. Fake ass Bob Marley looking motherfucker.

*Jade's Perspective*

I didn't expect to see Zo that night but he came through like a tornado. As soon as he was through the door he was all on me. He picked me up and fucked me up against the door. He kept repeating "mine" Over and over again in my ear as some sort of primal chant.  I was too spent to ask him what had gotten into him, but whatever it was I was nothing but grateful.

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