High Society

By khxlix_03

20K 434 100

Everyone wants to be part of the high society of Manhattan. The place where the most wealthy people live. The... More

the deal
deep grey
first impression
big plan
gala terror
harsh reality
cold hearted

The Great Plan

1.1K 25 10
By khxlix_03

Demetre p.o.v

'Are you crazy ? That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard.'

Alberto slowly massages his temples while looking down. He is completely in shock of what I just told him. I don't blame him for it, it's pretty crazy. Maybe I have gone insane or maybe I finally have the perfect plan stippled out in my head.

'Think about it. This girl, she is only seventeen years old. She has never had someone who cared about her apart from her parents, her mom is sick. All she does is work and study.'

'What is your point ?'

He still doesn't get it even though it seems so clear to me. These last days I have been watching her closely, taking in everything she does and how she reacts to certain things and situations. I have a clear vision of the type of person Lucienne is.

'She is broken, Alberto. She has never experienced love before. I have a feeling that once she falls in love, she will fall hard because it will be a new feeling for her. Something so wonderful, она подумает', I add the mast phrase with a smirk forming.

(= she would think)

He looks at me for a second. Then his eyes wonder to the monitors, to one monitor in particular with a clear sight on a sleeping Lucienne. He furrows his eyebrows. He is deeply thinking about all of this.

Alberto was there when we drowned her. He saw it as well. The live was out of that girl. After the second drowning session, it's as if she just had accepted it. She was so calm and never gave up. If twelve drowning session didn't break her yet, it means she is already broken. Something in me tells me that when she told me she would rather die then give me money, I believed her. It's scary how damaged she is.

'She is a broken little girl', I speak.

'You are a genius', he speaks under his breath.


Lucienne p.o.v

I catch myself staring at the ceiling when suddenly the door opens. His footsteps are quiet but fast. In no time he is towering over my small figure on the bed. I keep looking up at the ceiling, not daring to look into those beautiful eyes.

'Another drowning session ?'

I sit up straight, my eyes wondering over the big bag he hands me.

'Shut up.'

'You bought me clothes ?'

'Get ready, we are leaving in fifteen minutes.'

Demetre completely ignores my question so I take that as a 'yes'. I just nod without saying another word while multiple ideas form in my mind of where we could possibly go. He quikly turns around and leaves. Maybe he decided he is done with me and will kill me, somewhere in the woods.

I look at the luxury dress in the bag. The dress is beautiful, I look at the price tag and my eyes widen a little. This is unexplainable, if he would kill me why buy me an expensive dress with heels and even make up for me to put on. Maybe he will sell me to someone else as I refuse to give him acces to my save.

I furrow my eyebrows. This is really confusing for me. Demetre confuses me. He is such a special person, the type I have never seen in my life before.

I head to the bathroom to change and get ready. The dress fits perfectly and again I have so many questions how he even knows my size. This guy is a mystery. I put my hair in a high slick ponytail. The red lipstick compliments my dress. I look at myself in the mirror. I wanted to wipe the lipstick of my face and look like a mess. But a part of doesn't want to make Demetre angry. He is still a maffia boss after all. Everyone is scared of him, including me.

I look at the beautiful necklace I am wearing. It is strange how he was just drowning me a few days ago. I mean I think it was a few days ago. And now he buys me an expensive necklace and dress. It doesn't make any sense what so ever.

I sigh.

My eyes are closed for a quik second. I just take a deep breath and with one last glance at the mirror, I leave the bathroom. My eyes lock with one of the cameras and I can shake of the feeling of being watched. I quietly sit down on the bed while waiting for Demetre to pick me up.

This night can be the worst in my life or the best, I have no idea. But something tells me this will be a horrible night. After all the man that will take me wherever we are going, has drowned me, kidnapped me and threatened me multiple times.

Demetre doesn't have a good side.


Demetre p.o.v

I take her in as she leaves the bathroom. Her eyes lock with mine through the monitor for a quik moment. My eyes scan over her beautiful body and face. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail. It fits her so well and a part of suddenly forgets that she is the enemy.

I shake the feeling of as I leave the room.


Lucienne p.o.v

Demetre looks like a god. And absolutely god in a black suit that compliments his body so damn well it hurts my eyes. His hair is still a little messy but less. He is wearing a horloge that probably costs more then my whole outift combined. I take his beauty in and he does the same.

'Let's go', he says as he is still standing in the door opening. I follow him outside of the room. It feels good being somewhere else then that room. Suddenly he walks a little slower so that we are besides eachother. I feel something warm against my hand. I look down only to see our hands being interlocked. My eyss lock with his for a second before he speaks.

'So that you won't run away.'

I just nod.

Of course.

We walk out of the beautiful mansion. He opens the door of the black mercedes, the one he kidnapped me into. I smile a little as memories of that day fill me. How his gaze on me had made me blush a little. It was so childish and stupid of me. We sit down in the back of the car. Demetre signals for the chauffeur to start the car and he does. We drive out of the parking lot and my surroundings are know only trees. I wonder how far from the city we are.

'You know you can let go of my hand', Demetre suddenly whispers into my ear. His hot breath tickles against my neck and cheeck. I feel the heat go up to my cheecks as I quikly let go of his head. He shakes his head while laughing a little. I blush even more.

It stays quiet for the rest of the ride.


After what feels like ten minutes. We arrive at a place that I do not recognise wich is weird because I know almost all of the luxury and high society places in Manhatten. This is definitely a little fruther from the centre of Manhattan. I look up only to meet a pair of grey eyes. He looks at me and smiles a little. My stomach heats up.

'Don't talk to anyone and don't try to run away because my men will be everywhere around this building.'

However his words did not make my stomach heat up. I just nod before getting out of the car. Running away was stupid because this isn't a situation where I have a chance of succeeding. This is a maffia boss and all of his men will be here the whole night. Even if I manage to get out of the building without Demetre noticing, outside I will get caught anyway.

We get out of the car. His hand is interlocked with mine again. I love the feeling of his skin against mine. It is so soft and comforting. We walk into the chique building. I have never been here before but I quikly realise we are at some gala. The building is decorated breathtakingly.

'What are we doing here ?'

'There are some people I have to talk to.'

'And why am I  here ?'

'I need a date don't I ?'

My breathing stops.

'You kidnapped and tortured me. Now you want me to be your date ?'

Confusion is written all over my face. I look down a little before looking back up into those eyes. Those beautiful eyes, the eyes that have no pity nor mercy in them. The eyes that have ruined me life. The eyes that are now making me forget about everything else.

'A lot of people have told me that I'm crazy.'

'You are.'

'You know Luce, I have always admired how you just speak your mind even when it can get you killed.'

He speaks so peacefully as if he didn't just threaten me. I shake my head in amusement.

'You want to know what I admire about you, Demetre ?'


We slowly walk through the long hallway that leads to a ball room. There are no other people in sight. I have a feeling everyone is already inside and we are late, classy.

'Absolutely nothing, you are a peace-'

My body itches in pain as it is pushed against one of the walls. My head hit against the wall as well. I feel my knees getting weak for a second. Something cold is pressed against my waist and multiple emotions overflow me at once. I can bearly inhale and it feels like I am drowning again. This time Demetre is really angered by my words. I shouldn't have said that. But god it still felt good spitting it in that arrogant face of his.

'Once again you have beautifully spoken your mind.'

His hot breath hits my face. I look up into his angry eyes. The gun is still placed into my waist while he is holding my neck with his other hand. I try to move but his hold is too strong. This is a deadly situation.

It reminds me of the first time we met, in my office when he was robbing me. We were standing in same position back then. If only I knew what was yet to come after that.

'Now tell me Luce, how did that benefit you ?'

I am pulled into reality by his voice.

Saying that I am absolutely scared to the bone, is an understatement. Even Demetre notices how tense my body has become. I have almost died numerous times. It has come to a point where I no longer fear death. But still every time that I think I will die, it suddenly gets so cold inside of me.

After what he did to me, I don't feel this ticklish feeling in my stomach anymore. He has really made me see the real monster that he is. My thoughts wonder back to those horrible moments of aiming for air but too far away. I dart my eyes away from his close face as mine tear up a little.

I just want this to be over. I don't like playing games. He seems to notice my sudden distance. However I don't dare to look at his expression.

'Are you scared Luce ?'

I slowly nod. My eyes do not move away. There is no point in acting tuff. If he didn't care about drowning me for twelve fucking times, then he wouldn't care to shoot me here and now. However, hee doesn't seem happy with my answer.

'Asnwer me.'


'Yes what ?'

'Yes I am scared', I breath out.

'Good girl.'

He lets go of me immediately. And I have no time to comprehend what he just said. I can normally breath again.

'You really like making me feel scared don't you', I speak slowly. This time I look into his eyes again. He sees how this all makes me feel even worse then I already did. Every moment with Demetre is difficult and very much tiring. Something in him suddenly switches, as if he just reminded himself about something.

'Let's just go.'

We don't hold hands anymore and I am thankfull for that. With Demetre's back facing me and a decent distance between us, we walk into a beautiful ballroom. My eyes dart away to the beautiful design of the room. It is breathtaking.

The most rich people of Manhattan are all here talking, laughing but most importantly doing business.

Demetre kind of just leaves me there in the middle of the room as he walks over to where a group of guys are standing. I feel uncomfortable going there so I just kind of sit down around an empty table. There are multiple desserts here but these past few days my appetite has disappeared. Everything I used to feel just disappeard because I couldn't take this shit anymore.

There was no point in running because running from Demetre Black was absolutely impossible. Yet my men have done nothing to save me and I ask myself how much longer I will be able to take. How much longer can I deal with Demetre Black. How much longer can I wait for my dad to save me. The answer is that I have no idea. This wasn't a human being we are talking about, this is a monster.

A heartless monster.

I look over to where Demetre is standing. He seems to enjoy the company of the woman who are all gathered around him. In particular he is holding a blonde woman by the waist while talking to the other men and women. The blonde one looks like a victoria secret model. She is the women every men would kill for.

I look away as I feel a sharp pain in my heart. What was the point of taking me here as his date if he would just stand there touching another girl. I sigh as my eyes dart down to the ground. I feel tired and embarrassed.

When I finally look up, my eyes meet a pair of grey one's. His gaze burns into mine and suddenly I feel even more uncontrollable under his intense stare. He is slightly smirking at me. Suddenly I watch him put his other hand on her waist while his smirk grows wider. I finally understand what he is doing. He knows how it makes me feel.

Even though I try to stop myself from feeling anything, my heart skips a beat and my breathing becomes messy. He is really trying to hurt me in every fucking aspect. These last few days have been hell and he makes it worse every day. But the worst of it all is that I am feeling something towards him that I cannot explain.

I hate it.

I hate my own feelings, and he knows it.

Just as I thought he would stop, he goes on and pulls her closer to him. There are literly about to kiss and I feel sick to my stomach. However as she looks at him, he is still looking at me. I refuse to look away. He is not going to win this game.

I watch him smile in amusement because I don't dare to look away even it is eating me from the inside. He won't break me again. However when he finally realises I am not giving up, he does something I didn't see coming.

His eyes slowly turn to the girl and are no longer on mine. I watch him look at her like he is admiring her beauty. She just blushes and tells him something in his ear. I watch his eyes turn darker. My mind already wonders to what she told him. The pair suddenly walks away from the group. I watch them make their way to the door. His eyes meet mine for the last time and he just smirks while walking out of the door.

I am dumbfounded at how much it affected me.


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