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Welcome !

This is a new story I am writing and I can not wait for you to read it. This story is about the people that both lived a completely different life until their paths crossed.

The story can contain a lot of sensitive topics and word use. So if you are sensitive to these kinds of story's, I suggest you do not read this story.

But for all the other horny teens, keep reading :)

Lucienne Grimaldi

                Lucienne's name is known by everyone. She is after all a Grimaldi family member. The Grimaldy family practically rules over the economy in Manhattan. You either love or depsise them, there is no in between. But do not let her beauty and young age trick you, she is cold hearted and emotionally depressed. Her life has no purpose nor a desire for love until she crossed paths with Demetre Black.

Demetre Black

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Demetre Black

          Talking about cold hearted, Demetre has a whole other story behind his back. His name is also known by every sinlge person that lives in Manhatten. But it is better if you don't know his name, it means you are save. He is a maffa leader, the most feared one in the city. He has done way worse things then sell drugs or rob a bank. He is the person to contact when you need to rob something from someone very pwerfull, for example Grimaldi industry.

 He is the person to contact when you need to rob something from someone very pwerfull, for example Grimaldi industry

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This story contains very strong language. There are multiple sensitive topics mentioned like mentall health, depression, losing someone, death and murder. Also this story has multiple intimate moments and mentions of drugs, alcohol, illegal buisness and more.

Thank you for reading.

Enjoy !

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High society

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