One for All (No Matter Who Yo...

By Passing_Ghost_Friend

377K 10.8K 12.4K

Izuku has been told he won't become a hero or a Pokémon trainer. Now, he can't wait to prove them wrong! He w... More

Mataha and Dagato has Appeared!
Diana and Charlotte!
Short A/N
Deku #2!
Griffin and Mercury + Christmas!
More Friends!
404 & Duplica
Pokemon Key
All Might POV
Sir Nighteye Meets Izuku
Tangela! Dancing, Dating
Dammit Doom/Aura Training With Anubis
A Step in the Right Direction
Inko's Night
In the Near Future
The Official Start
Two Surprises in One Day
But Dad!
Because He's Nice!
Just the Beginning


9.2K 275 491
By Passing_Ghost_Friend

The day after Christmas, All Might came in disguise to their apartment since he couldn't come the day before because of his hero work. And he couldn't really escape from his nonstop number one hero duties. He came with a low bow and a long apology before Inko welcomed him in a smile.

Izuku made him a friendship bracelet with red, blue and yellow. His mother gave him a knitted sweater that she made extra large to fit his form. He really liked his gifts from his brief look of happy tear face before he broke out into a full bellied laugh.

He presented Inko with a small necklace that had little teardrop emeralds. He gifted Izuku with a collection of different incenses that helped his Pokémon.


A week after Christmas, Izuku visited Kiku's shelter since she called in to help with some new Pokémon that came in. Izuku brought along Zuzu, Anubis and Kyu with him.

Miss Kiku smiled as soon as she saw him approaching, "Hello, Izuku! I haven't seen you since Christmas. Thanks for coming. And hey, there are two little boys around the same age as you are looking at some friends, so just a heads up."

"Hi, Miss Kiku! I'm glad to help out!" Izuku responded. Anubis nodded with a smile.

"Stuf!" Zuzu replied in a short happy shout from his legs.

"We have a few new friends with us now that are still adjusting." Kiku explained as she walked him inside.

Izuku walked in to see so many new additions among the others. Yamask was still floating along with the group of Unowns. Cascoon and Silcoon was napping near a tree stump next to each other while a Karrablast walked around near the bushes. Luvdisc was happily swimming in the water with Corsola looking very serene by the shallow end. There was a Skrelp that was hiding in the deep of the water while a Barboach was just calmly swimming.

Snorunt was walking in the tall grass while there was a Burmy hanging from a tree branch above them. A Greedent was rushing up and down the tree to gather berries and not really interacting with anybody. A shuckle was just sitting by himself away from the others. Typholosion was just relaxing on a heated blanket on a couch instead of outside.

There was a boy with spiky brown hair talking to Smoochum. There was a blonde haired boy with a shiny white belt who was shyly inching his way to a Surskit.

Izuku went to work with Kiku to help some Pokémon feel more comfortable by giving them some homemade berry curry that Kiku made earlier. It seems like Greedent really liked it. After Izuku gave the rest of the curry, he spotted the shiny boy from earlier smiling as the Surskit splashed him with some water.

Kiku nodded over to the boy as she continued to oversee how the new additions were getting along with the others. Anubis stayed by Kiku to help out while Izuku decided to go talk to the other kid. Izuku walked up to the blonde boy with a smile, Kyu made a happy sound as he approached the boy.

"Hi there." Izuku greeted.

"Oh...bonjour. Uh, hello." The blonde boy greeted. Surskit greeted Izuku with a small splash, Zuzu shook her head when the little seasoned of water landed on her face.

Izuku asked, "You are making friends with Surskit?"

"Oui. They are very nice to me." The blonde boy answered.

Izuku said, "Glad to know. They are very playful, so I hope you like playing around."

"I do. I don't have that many friends so I mostly play by myself..." the blonde boy replied.

"Well, I'm sure Surskit won't let you be lonely. Right, Surskit?"

Surskit cheered with a happy blush to their cheeks.

"Alright. Don't worry. You are in good hands with Surskit." Izuku added.

"Thank you. I'm Yuga Aoyama." Aoyama responded.

Izuku nodded, "I'm Midoriya Izuku. I'll be around the shelter if you need anything."

After talking with Yuga-kun, he approached the spiky brown haired boy who was talking to Smoochum.


"Hello, I'm Rikido Sato." Sato greeted.

Izuku introduced himself, "I'm Midoriya Izuku. I help out Miss Kiku around the shelter sometimes. Are you having fun with Smoochum?"

"Yeah, she is so sweet." Sato replied.

"Cool. I'm just checking that everything's okay. You making a new friend, Smoochum?" Izuku added.

Smoochum nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, see you around! If you need anything, I'm walking around."

After talking to the two boys, Izuku headed back outside to talk to Miss Kiku. But out of the corner of his mind, he saw one of the bushes trembling. Looking closer at the bush, he noticed that it was wearing red shoes...

Hold on just a second...

Zuzu mewled before walking slowly to the bush to sniff at the tangled vines among the leaves. Kyu tilted her head as a Tangela hopped out of the bush when Zuzu came too close.

"Hi...I'm Izuku." Izuku introduced himself before Tangela ran back into another bush. "Hey. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you or anything like that. You must be scared..."

Tangela peeked out to see Izuku gently smiling. "This is Zuzu. This is Kyu. My friend Anubis is over there helping with Miss Kiku."

Tangela cautiously came out of the bush to see Izuku extending a hand to him. "Do you want to come play a game of hide and seek?"

Tangela looked him up and down before slowly taking his hand with a vine.


At school, Bakugo waltzed in with Quilava and Mankey right behind him at his sides whileTorchic rode his shoulder opposite to where Quilava used to sit.

Sometime during the class, Bakugo started bragging that he was planning on getting mega stones for Houndor and Torchic when they evolve into their final evolutions.

A girl said, "Wow, really?"

"Mega stones take a while to find, don't they?" The guy from the back piped up.

"Yeah, you have to like go on this mini quest somewhere to find a stone." One of Bakugo's groupies confirmed when Bakugo claimed his seat.

Izuku brought Ebony with him to school, Kyu was taking her normal place on his shoulder like usual. Adora, Anubis, Sakura, Koi and Tsun were in their respective pokeballs. Bakugo sneered when he saw the Golbat taking a rest on Izuku's head.

"What? Another Pokémon? Ehh, doesn't matter anyway. Golbat isn't that useful, you just skip over it when you get to caves and stuff to get to the real strong Pokémon inside."

Ebony shrunk back from his harsh words, remembering his awful time in the caves where everyone ignored him. Kyu glared at Bakugo's head as the bully began to turn around back in his seat. He let Mankey go back into his pokeball when Izuku piped up.

"That isn't true.."

"What? What did you just say?!"

"That isn't true! Ebony is a great friend to have! He has been nothing but helpful to me. And he doesn't deserve to be ignored since he is so amazing at what he can do!"

Bakugo scoffed while Izuku finished up his ranting only to look up at the Golbat that Izuku was defending. His eyes widened as he watched the Golbat's eyes glisten just before it was consumed by light.

"What the-?"

"Izuku's pokemon is evolving!"

Izuku looked up to see Ebony evolve into a Crobat before his eyes. "Ebony! Oh my goodness!"

"Wow! A Crobat. They look so awesome." One random classmate said in adoration towards the newly evolved Pokémon.

Bakugo glared as Deku stole the attention away from him only to peel his thoughts away for a moment. Deku got another Pokémon. Maybe he should make a list soon to keep track of this stuff.

Never mind that. He should just focus on his task of making his Pokémon as string as he is so he can become the greatest hero with his Pokémon friends right by his side along the way.


After a long day at school, Izuku headed for the beach. Izuku felt a bit uncomfortable since he got a bit more attention from his classmates, it just felt weird because of the usual way they would ignore him.

Anyway, he wanted to go to the beach to allow Adora some time to practice her dance before it became dark while he lets the others play.

"Come on out!" Izuku gelled, letting his pokemon"Okay, everyone. Let's have some fun before sunset."

Adora cheered before running off towards the rocks to dance while the waves hit the rocks. Tsun and Koi looked at each other before jumping toward the shallow end of the water. Ebony flew in circles out of happiness in the sky, his purple wings taking him farther into the air. Anubis watched everyone by Izuku's side before Sakura coaxed him into a friendly game of tag.

Izuku watched everyone carefully as they had fun before sitting down onto the sand softly. He took out his new special notebook.

He started a notebook not too long ago to write about his Pokémon friends. He wanted to write it because he wanted to keep track of his friend's dislikes, likes, and other things that he wanted to remember.

All of the sudden Adora made a surprised sound loud enough for Izuku to turn her way. Izuku looked to see a happy Popplio clapping on top of a rock.

Izuku stood up and walked over to her to see what was going on. "Oh hello there."

Popplio clapped her little fins together when Izuku walked over. Anubis looked over and came running to see what was the issue with Sakura right behind him.

Anubis called over to the Popplio to ask what was happening.

"She says that she just really liked to see Adora dance." Anubis said to Izuku. Sakura climbed onto the rock to join Popplio. Ebony came down onto the top of the rock to see everything that was going on.

"Oh, that's great. Seems like Adora has a fan, right?" Izuku asked. Popplio nodded before clapping her fins together again.

Adora smiled before dancing again much to Popplio's amusement. Tsun and Koi came closer, but stayed in the shallow water when they saw that everything was good.

Izuku smiled before sitting closer to continue writing in his little notebook. He sketched out Adora dancing while Popplio watched her from a rock.


Every day afterwards when Izuku brought Adora to the beach while the others trained, Popplio was waiting for her there, so she could watch. Izuku often wondered if Popplio was wild and just came up to see Adora.

But he got his answer in the worst way anyone could have imagined it.

One day after school Izuku was heading towards the beach when he ran into All Might in disguise.

"Ha, young Midoriya. I was just going for a jog!"

"Oh, I'm heading towards the beach to allow Adora to practice her dancing a bit more."

"That sounds wonderful! Let me join you to the beach since not many people are around the beach at this time!"

"Sure!" Izuku replied as he led the way. "I wonder if you can meet Adora's fan."

"Oh? Young Adora has a fan?"

"Yes! There is a Popplio that always watches her when she dances."

"Oh, she sounds like a lovely friend!"

Izuku nodded brightly before speeding up his walk when he saw the beach in sight. He went ahead and let Adora out of her pokeball to allow her to see her friend faster.

Izuku was all smiles as he walked faster and faster towards the sandy beach until he heard a cry from the rocky area. His smile dropped as he ran a bit faster to see what was going on. All Might heard it too and began to quickly follow behind him.

Izuku saw a nameless trainer pick up Popplio off the rock before throwing her to the sandy ground. "God, why won't you evolve already!?! Why do you have to be so useless?"

Izuku glared before he looked down when he heard Adora growl since she has never made that sound before. Without stopping her he allowed, Adora to aim her Ice Beam at the trainer's feet before he could approach Popplio any further.

The trainer struggled in the ice before being roughly pulled out by none other than All Might who was looking at the Trainer with the most disgusted angry expression.

"Young man, take Popplio to get some help for her injuries. I will take this boy to the local police station for them to take care of him."

Izuku nodded before picking up Popplio gently into his arms and walked home fast with Adora running beside him. Izuku got home fast while All Might dropped off the teen at police station.

"Mom! Popplio is hurt!"

Izuku yelled out when he got inside. Kyu dropped down from his shoulder to get to the medical supplies fast.

"Oh goodness, set them down on the couch. I'll get some potions and berries to help them." Inko said as she took a few supplies from Kyu's shadowed hands.

Izuku watched his mom take care of Popplio's wounds while Adora stayed by her friend's side. Zarius was by the side and comforted Adora by patting her back.

Soon All Might arrived while Popplio was feeling a bit better from her bruises that the potions healed up.

"Oh, thank goodness!" All Might exclaimed as Lucario came over to check on the young one.

"I'm glad that you got better. I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner." Izuku said apologetically.

Popplio shook her head, nudging his hand to allow him to pet her. Adora nudged her in a small little hug where Popplio wrapped her fins around Adora's neck.

"If you want, you can stay with us. I promise that we will protect you from people like that. And Adora, I, and everyone would love to be your friends." Izuku said with a smile.

"Popplio!" Popplio exclaimed with a happy nod, tears were gathered in the corner of her eyes.

"Okay...Violetta sounds like a good name. Do you like it?" Izuku asked.

Violetta nodded happily.

"Welcome to the family, Violetta!" Izuku cheered.

Violetta shined bright much to the surprise of Izuku and All Might. Inko gasped when the bright light revealed that Violetta evolved into Brionne.

"Wow." Izuku whispered as Adora celebrated her friend's evolution. All Might was stunned while Inko just patted his shoulder.


Later that night, Izuku was relaxing in the living room with soft music playing from his phone. Violetta and Adora were practicing their dancing together while Izuku watched with Zarius on the couch. Anubis nodded his head to the beat while Kyu swayed. Sakura watched calmly from her curled up spot on the armrest. Crobat and Mataha watched from up high as the pair danced. Surge was laying near Izuku's head by the back of the couch. Jamie's egg was laying in her lap as she was sitting on the couch with Della, Flora, and Morticia.

All Might stayed over for dinner, so he was snuggly fitted in the dining room chair as he finished up his bowl of food. Lycanroc looked up from his bed next to Emerson's to sniff at the air. That's strange. He never noticed the scent that All Might carried with him, it smelled familiar. He didn't really know how to put it. Emerson batted at his nose before he could really focus on it, he sneezed before relaxing back onto his nice little bed.

"Bless you," Inko whispered to him before handing him a berry along with Emerson as their small snack.

Dagato was just relaxing on the tv, enjoying the warmth it provided. Zuzu was prancing around with Mercury and Griffin. Marine was sitting on the floor next to the couch to watch over Koi and Tsun. Koi was swimming happily in his little portable pond with Tsun right next to him. Quinn was with Kagami on the chair near the couch. Diana, Charlotte, and 2 were all just leaning on the far wall to watch the show. Makaria and Lili was just curled next to each other near Lycanroc to watch the performance.

Inko looked around before she sighed at how everyone started to look crowded next to each other. All Might looked up from his empty bowl, "What's wrong?" He whispered to get her attention.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that this apartment might just be too small for everyone now. And I can only imagine that my little Izuku will find more friends to welcome in. Maybe I should look at getting a new house soon. But I don't know if any could fit the price range amongst other things." Inko paused. "Oh, sorry for rambling."

All Might offered, "If you allow me, I could help you in your find."

"I wouldn't want to bother you." Inko added.

All Might answered, "Please, it won't be a bother to me at all. I would be more than happy to help you out."

"Oh, well thank you very much for your offer." Inko said, taking All Might's bowl from him.

"No need, Mrs. Midoriya." All Might replied.

Inko smiled, "Just call me Inko."

All Might's Lucario raised a brow and smiled at his trainer when Inko turned around. All Might ignored Lucarios' knowing look in favor of watching the performance come to an end.

"Yay! You two did amazing!" Izuku said, clapping as the two took a little bow. Everyone joined in for the small applause.

The applause slowed down enough to see Jamie was looking down at her egg. Izuku looked down at the egg to see the shell was cracking.

"Oh, the egg is hatching." Izuku said in wonder. Izuku came forward as Jamie continued to hold on to the egg. Everyone stayed at a safe distance as the egg hatched fully, to reveal Wynaut.


"Wobbuffet." Jamie added, nodding towards her new young.

"You want me to name them?"

"Wobbu." Jamie nodded as Wynaut began to look around slowly.

"Okay." Izuku said with a smile. "Hi, Jessie. Welcome to the family."

Jessie looked up and declared, "Wynaut!"

Izuku smiled and patted her head.

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