High Society

By khxlix_03

20K 434 100

Everyone wants to be part of the high society of Manhattan. The place where the most wealthy people live. The... More

the deal
deep grey
first impression
big plan
gala terror
harsh reality
cold hearted
The Great Plan


1.1K 33 5
By khxlix_03

Demetre had disappeared after his little drowning session with me. After we finished, he finished ,the maid that previously brought me my food had released me. She walked to my room with me while I was a wet mess. My dress was completely ruined and all of my hair was sticking onto my neck. I was still heavily breathing.

Even the girl looked with pity at me. I looked back at her with curiosity.
'So how did you end up here ?'


'Hello ?'


'Are you going to answer me ?'

Still silence

We arrive at my room door. She quietly lets me in and I turn around to face her again.

'I need new clothes.'

She quikly nods and leaves. I hope she went to get me at least something to wear. This dress, from the gala, had been on me for so many days now. It didn't eveb look like a dress anymore. I thought about showering, but right now I couldn't do anything physically anymore.

My whole body is tired and limp but I still keep walking. As I am about to open the bathroom door, my knees give up on me. I fall onto the floor while my head hits the ground.


I look up to the ceiling. My gaze is a mess, I bearly make out anything with my teary eyes. I was so damn tired of this, all of this. I just wanted to go back home, back to my mother. I needed my mom the most right now, right here. I needed her more then I did when she had just told me that she had cancer. I needed her more then when I had experienced something bad or sad. I needed her so much. But I would never feel her welcoming arms around me or her delicate soft voice again.

All because of him.

My eyes slowly close when suddenly I hear the door open. Thinking it was my made, I didn't say anything, I didn't have the energy to even get up. Instead I closed my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheeck. Then I feel a strong grip around my upper arm, pushing me into someone's warm chest. A strong pair of arms hold me up, my eyes open slowly, adjusting to those beautiful grey eyes.

'You can't even stay on your feet Luce ?'

'Maybe if you didn't drown me twelve times I could', I hiss back while my cold body makes contact with his hot one. I am uncontrollably shivering. Demetre noticed as well but he doesn't say anything about it. When I realise how intimate we are right now, I pull away from him. He furrows his eyebrows.

'Are you scared of me little Luce ?'

'If I say 'no' are you going to drown me again ?'

'Don't act like that.'

'Like what ?'

'Luce', I can feel him getting angry.

'Just don't fucking touch me.'

'Last time I checked, you didn't mind my touch', he smirks and I am even more disgusted.

'Last time I checked, you drowned me twelve times.'

He sighs in frustration and gets up. I also try getting up and weirdly succeed. He looks at me again to make sure I can stand straight. Then he proceeds to take a step closer to
me but I flinch and take a step back. I don't want to be near this psychopath.

'I will get you new clothes', he says and walks out of the room without another word. I make my way inside the bathroom. My body leans against the door for support. This has been the worst day of my life.

Today I have faced my biggest fear, I almost died. All of that because of him, Demetre Black the man that everyone fears. At first he didn't seem that bad, because his beauty had blinded me. I didn't think he would really do anything bad to me. He bearly touched me in a way that I didn't want. He never made me do anything against my will, sexually. Of course he had kidnapped me but still I never got seriously hurt or raped. It made me believe that maybe he had a kind side to him.

A small light of kindness.

But today, I learned the hard way that I was completely wrong.

I lightly touch my neck, then I touch my lips, I couldn't breathe and he didn't care. I wonder how someone could be so cruel. My eyes closed again, I was too tired to keep them open. My body slowly gave up on me and in no time my knees were on the ground again. Tears start rolling down my cheecks, I couldn't hold them in any longer. Everything was just too much for me. I was still a teenager, I was drowned today, twelve times over and over again. My pain had become numb at that point.

But right now I was feeling everything. It fucking sucks to be missed and cared of by absolutely no one. I had no idea where my dad was and if he even knew that I was kidnapped.

Demetre was right after all.

'Welcome to the real world, little girl.'


After I have showered, I wrap one of the towels around my body. In the mean time I have only been thinking what will happen next. Demetre knows there is no use in torturing me. So he is up to something else, I can feel it. I just wonder what exactly it is that he is going to do.

There are folded clothes placed on my bed. I quikly grab them and go back into the bathroom to change. The smell of these clothes are amazing.

After I have put on the black hoodie and grey sweatpants wich are a little too big, I realise these are most likely Demetre's. Once again I think about not wearing them, but then again I can't walk around in my underwear. Definitely not with cameras in my room and Demetre watching my every move.

I leave my room.

That's when I see him sitting in the chair against my bed. I didn't even hear him entering my room. It's horrible how he just has that quiet aura of his that makes my hold my breath. He looks so calm and fearful at the same time. I scan over him and he does the same for me. Demetre takes his time to wonder up and down my body.

'My clothes look  good on you', he calmly speaks while looking up at me.

'Gee thanks', I roll my eyes and make my way onto the bed while still facing him. I make myself comfortable, sitting down while facing him. I move my head to the side a little, I part my lips to speak when he still remains silent.

'So what are you going to do now ?'

'What do you mean ?'

'Well you know now that your plan with drowning me didn't work out.'

'I have another plan.'

'I'm excited to hear it.'

'I'm not telling you.'

'Hmm it won't work anyways.'

'How come you know ?'

'Because I would rather die then give you one single dollar.'

'Feisty aren't we', he smirks at my comment. His stupid smirks annoys the fuck out of me.

'You are so full of yourself.'

'I could say the same about you.'

'How am I full of myself.'

'You think you know it all, you think that just because your dad gave you a big role in the company wich by the way you also fucked up, that you are all of a sudden self made and hard working. It's pathetic how you believe your own lies.'

'Wow says the drugdealer.'

I really shouldn't have said that. But even if I will die, I would still say it again just to annoy the fuck out of him. He gets up from the chair. In no time my hands are besides me head on the bed. I am facing Demetre upwards. He hovers over me without touching my body. His knees are placed on both sides of my hips. I can read the anger in his eyes.

'What are you going to do now, rape me ?' I speak with confidence, not letting him see how scared I was inside.

'Shut up.'

'Firts kidnapping me, then drowning and now raping', I say 'god you are such a cool guy.'

'Shut the fuck up', he puts more force on my wrist. I close my eyes in pain when he puts his finger right on my wound.

My eyes shoot open when I feel his breathing on my cheecks. I am greeted by a pair of grey eyes. He has never been so close to me and it feels comforting but at the same time fucking scary. I slowly inhale while my eyes are still glued to his. He holds both my wrists with one hand while the other one is placed on my tigh. He slowly goes up to my hips with his hand. He pulls the waistband of my sweatpans a little down. His fingers make slow circular motions on my bare skin.

I try to act as if I don't like it even though deep down I really do.

'Luce', he breathes out.

'Stop it.'

I slowly whisper while trying to get loose of his grip. He looks back into my eyes. He slowly lowers his head even more. His chest slowly touches mine and I suddenly forget how to breath.

But I really stop breathing when his lips make contact with my neck. I feel him suck and bite on some spots. I start breathing louder while my hands slowly release from his other hand. I tell myself to push him away now that I have the power for it. But something in me has turned. I have no longer this hate towards him. It's as if I suddenly forgot why I was even mad at him in the first place.

I place my hand in his hair and the other one on his neck. I can feel him smirk against my neck. However he starts leaving wet kisses everywhere on my neck and jaw.

I almost moan.

Grey room

I massage his hair.

Glass with monitors and computers.

He plays with my hair while his other hand takes a hold of my hips.

Water filling up the room.

I breathe into his ear. My legs touch his and my hands slowly go down his muscular arms.


Demetre is pushed of the bed. My hands are uncontrollably shaking. He looks at me with swallowed lips and worry in his eyes. He can't seem to make out why I pushed him of me.

'You drowned me', I whisper as my head is in between my knees. I place my hands on my ear as if there is a loud noise in the room. I hear him leave out a regretful sigh.


I ignore him.

'Luce look at me.'

No answer.

'Luce, please.'

I look up at him as I speak once again.

'That's what I said ?'

'What ?' he looks even more confused.

'That's what I had said when you were about to drown me. please.'


'Stop calling me fucking luce as if we are friends.'

'Everything would be easier if you just gave me the damn money.'

'As I said before, I would rather die.'

'Then die cause I ain't babysitting you if I can't get anything out of it.'

He says as he walks up to the door. As if we didn't just share an intimate moment. I ask myself if he does that with all of his captives. Demetre opens the door and is about the door when I stop him.


He turns his head.

'Can't wait until the next torture session.'

He smashes the door shut. My fake smile disappears. I wonder how much longer I will have to go through. And how much can I take ?


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