Love Me Back β™‘ || Skz Minho f...

By BubbleTAE4

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You saved me,healed me..But why can't you love me? A Lee Know ff written by @Bubbletae4 More

Ch. 1||~ Goodbye~
Ch 2|| ~Minho??~
Ch.3 || ~Roomate~
Ch.4 || ~I miss you~
Ch.6 || ~Period~
Ch.7 || ~Dumbass~

Ch.5 || ~Conversation~

159 9 4
By BubbleTAE4

"I miss you"

Seyeon : What!??Already??

She chuckled slightly but she stopped when she saw my face which was down the whole time.

Seyeon : Wooyeon-ah!You have to get used to staying there.Its only been a few hours since you've gotten there and not seen me.

Wooyeon : H-How can I get used to staying
with him--a guy?

Seyeon : If you maintain good friendship with him.Then,you'll automatically be comfortable staying with him!

Wooyeon : And How can I do that??

Seyeon : Okay,Listen.

Seyeon : First,go approach him when hes free and start a conversation with him.

Wooyeon : How to fricking start a conversation??

Seyeon : You ask him if hes free or not.

Wooyeon : Yeah okay!

Seyeon : And start a conversation!!

Wooyeon : I swear to god--

Seyeon : Okay!!Okay!!Okay!!

Seyeon : You go ask him if hes free or not and if hes free then,you ask him things like "What do you do",
"Whats your passion","What are your favourite food,drink or anything","What are your hobbies",Ask him about his family,friends,girlfriend??

Seyeon : Got it??

Wooyeon : Ok!!I noted down everything you said.Now time to remember all these and go talk with him!!

Seyeon: Wait,aren't you like scared to approach him and start a conversation with him??

Wooyeon : A bit,I guess??

Seyeon : ONLY A BIT!???

Wooyeon : Yeah...You know what?I'm hanging up.I need to go.Bye!!

Seyeon : Uhhh...Bye!!

~Seyeon's POV~

I hung up the phone and started staring at the wall blankly.

How can she not be hesitant to talk with a complete stranger!??She didn't used to talk me too after what happened to her but now shes talking to me sooo confidently and shes not even hesitating to talk to that complete stranger!!

~End of Seyeon's POV,Wooyeon's POV~

Ok.Wooyeon,you got this!!You can do this!!

I peeked through my door of my room and saw him in the living room,sitting on the couch watching TV.

In the count of 3,you go to his room




I opened the door loudly causing him to blink and look at me while raising one eyebrow at me.

"What do you want?" He said,his eyes still glued on me.

"I-I just wanna..Um--talk with you like get to know you more..I guess??"I akwardly laughed.

"Oh sure!Come sit here"He said closing the TV and patting the seat beside him.

I slowly walked up to him and sat beside him but not where he told me to,it was wayy too close to him like only a veryy few centimeters.And I can't handle that.I was sitting like a very disciplined child.My back was straight and my hands were on my legs which were joint and I was avoiding eye contact with him.

"Why did you sit there tho??"

He came closer to me but I couldn't go any farther because I was sitting on the corner of the couch.

He now was so close that our both's bodys were attached with each other.He then held my face and made me face him.Oh gosh!!Can I just go and die!??
He let go of my face and chuckled.


Yeah..Thats what all he said.

"Uhhh...So" I was trying to say one of the questions my sister said to me but they were just not coming out from my mouth.

"So?"He said while smiling at me.

"W-whats your name?"


"I-I mean..Tell something about yourself"I said calming myself down..OMG!!This is already soo awkward.

"What should I say?"


"You say first" He said leaning back on the couch and tilting his head.


Ok!!Here goes nothing.

"My names Wooyeon,Kang Wooyeon.I'm 20 years old.I was born in October 25th 1999 at Seoul and I was raised in Seoul as well.I'm a pure Korean.I have both my parents and I have an elder sister,Seyeon.I have Philophobia and anxiety since I was 17.I am a
Sagittarius.I am a veryyy big Introvert.I love all the foods in the worlds except some fruits.My hobbies are reading books.I was a topper of my school back then.I really like Psychology,Biology,Chemistry,Physics,Astronomy,
Geology and all those Science related stuffs.I'm pretty good at Maths as well.I find English pretty hard.My dream job is to become a Professor at a very big University."

"That.Was.Long."Minho said with his eyes widened big.

"I know right" I replied.

A/N : Thanks for checking the 5th Chapter of
          "Love Me Back ♡I know this chapter was kinda
          shitty.Its because I had no any ideas in my
          mind..I'm sorry about that but anyways,

This series was inspired by Ink And Paper by
minho-the-meanie Please go check that out as well
Its just amazing UwU     

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