New Supportive Neighbours (AU)

By nothing_unwanted

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Nun. More

Shit hit the fan
Two NEW housemates
bus ride
welcome home, neighbour
Ah, new beginnings
Buried feelings
vague imperilment
Swimmin' and chillin'
pleading ignorance
Mixed feelings
Another admirer?
dysfunctional heart vs heartlessness
Peeping tom
curb your pride, Rakan.
Darkness within..
The true beginning
things fall apart
dating mr psycho
Sadistic playtime
Love/hate friendship
Envious of 'humane' beings
lethal preparations for a date
Date with a sociopath cutie
Braum's solitude adventures
Creepy sleepover
Hater obsessed
Beautiful Saturday morning!
Clingy haters
runaway date
Party on
Cliff diving
Things heavily fall apart
Chase and the boys
Psychopathic tendencies on display
A new leaf
two versions of love
Quality times
emotionally confused
New revelations
The Misery Chick
Blood, Sweat and Tears.
Back to square one
Regained Narcissism
Sinned Sleepover
Things taken too far
Calm before the storm.
Rakan in the hood
A change of heart.
Cabin Days.

Hunting the Hunter

32 0 5
By nothing_unwanted

Sudden my world became dimmer and extremely dangerous. There was a nasty ich inside of me that screamed bad news and doomsday. Exiting the room i zoomed up the stairs as i noticed the room and the surrounding area was noticeably darker. I didn't pay much attention to it though.

Upon reaching the master bedroom, i emptied out my large bag of clothing as soon as i approached it because who cares right now. I got a very short cotton sports pants that hugged my thighs right underneath my butt, and a simple pink T that was a bit baggy. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible looking for my missing boyfriend.

I'd do anything so that he can be by my side now. I have no idea why i love him so much after everything that came to light. Hm, guess i really am an asshole. Not my fault he is so fucking sexy and charming.

Yep, I am very frayed. This is so cold.

I slipped out of my jamies and into casual clothes, i noticed how dark the sky was outside while i glanced out of the window. Dark gray pregnant clouds rolled in from the horizon, as i saw birds flying the opposite direction.

"I'm glad that whoever is in the sky has a nice sense of humor." I uttered bitterly as i grabbed my phone from the untidy bed and dashed out of the room.

By the time i got ready and walked downstairs, Rakan was smoking a cigarette whilst leaning on the car.

"Of course, it looks like a storm in rolling in. Sky's black as shit." he complained as he puffed a lungful of toxic air through his nose. "I dont even know where to begin to look. Meh, we will figure it out. Might as well look in the nearest fucking circus, since the dude looks like a goddamn clown." Rakan scoffed as he grabbed the car keys from the counter as i followed him to the door.

"I wonder if Shian saw anything... we might have to drop by our house right?" I suggested, with my heart thumping.

"Sure, but she is in school right now. We cant exactly asked the former shall of ya'll friendship that has been lingering in there alone right?" He scoffed again while unlocking the door.

"Hey why you gotta be such an asshole huh?" I snapped and stepped up to him.

"Oh i dont know, maybe it's because the man who treats me relatively the best in my life is in mortal danger. Probably. I still doubt it." he said drily and pushed open the door.

The wind was tilting trees and heavily grazing the skin on my face. The clouds were legit almost black, looking like something from a Dracula film of some sort. Distant thunder was rolling. The whole atmosphere was truly sickening and threatening to the soul.

"Heh. Satan's rioting for his missing comrade." Rakan chuckled mean spiritedly as we both speed walked towards the silver car.

"This is gonna be so much headache oh my god.... He better pay me back for this shit. How did he fucked this up." Rakan further complained, and hopped in. I followed suit shortly after in the front seat.

"Maybe he's fine and he is sleeping over by this Eustass fella." I made a suggestion and shrugged.

"Braum isn't gay. Otherwise i would have known....And i honestly see no reason why he would do that. Look, try calling him again." he told me while starting the car. His brooding face along with his oiling sheen indicated that he was on edge. There was something...human about his attitude. This was not his typical macho, bad boy, irritated persona he usually portrays. No, this was genuine anger mixed with concern within his emotions. Besides the circumstance, it's refreshing to see him act normal for once.

Without a word of protest, i did what he said as i felt the car moving backwards.

Suddenly anxiety injected within my veins as i speed dialed his number. My hands couldnt stop shaking, but that didn't stop me from ringing.

As soon as i called, his phone went straight to voicemail again.

"No answer." i sighed defeated. Rakan heard me but decided not to answer.

"Hm, this is a stretch but it won't hurt to try i guess.. I'm calling Shian." I muttered and dialed her number and pressed it against my ear.

It rung a few times before she picked up.

"Hey Nia? Hiii" she causally greeted it.

"Hey um listen, Did you see Braum anytime for the past few days? Uh, he's sorta missing-"

"He isnt 'sorta' missing, he is missing." Rakan corrected me loudly enough for Shian to hear.

There was silence on the other side of the call for a moment.

"Are you serious?? What happened??" Shian sounded concerned, to my surprised. I didn't linger on it though.

"Well, some weird cross dresser dude came in out of no where and...well that's a long story. Braum left with him in a trailer i think to go get some drinks and he never came back home. This was three days ago. I'm really worried."

"That's...weird.. um well i-"

"Yeah nia put that shit on loud speaker i wanna hear too." Rakan blurted in between our convo.

"Hold on, Rakan wants to talk as well apparently." I said a bit annoyed as i put it on loud speaker and held the phone in between us.

"Yeah you can talk now." i ensured her.

"Yeah what i was saying was i saw a pink trailer parked at the end of our street for a week now. I don't know if you swing towards the highway side but i thought it was weird. You mentioned a trailer so... i think that can help you." Shian had speak with confidence.

"Ugh i could just gobble you up" Rakan squished his voice childishly and began making smooching noises towards the speaker.

"Yeah keep your eyes on the road, dummy. Anyways, thanks so much! You're the best." I said smiling. "By chance have you seen the direction it headed at least?" I asked her.

"Well...if it was towards the highway, then its most likely he came from that end." She proposed a logical idea.

"Nia why can't you be more like Shian?" Rakan insulted.

"Rakan why can;t you be more like Chase?" I snapped back sarcastically. He snarled his face but didn't say anything. "Anywaay, thanks so much again shi."

"Ugh, god. If he really went on the highway he could of taken him anywhere.." Rakan lowkey worried.

"Hmm. Sorry but i have to get back in class. Good luck."

"Alright no problem. Goodbye."

"Bye doll." Rakan said with all seriousness as he made a harsh U turn towards our house again but this time drove to the other end of the road, which i never actually travelled on except my first time moving in here. Such distant memories of a better time.

"Dude, this sucks. And it looks like a thunder storm is coming too. Fuck me." Rakan growled.

"Mhm. How did this happen?"

"Well, if your boyfriend was not such a fucking manipulative snake, then this shit wont happen."

"So why go after him then? If he's such a bad person. I mean you're not like that, so why bother."

"Awww... Thank youuu." he teased with a bright smile and a touched hand on his chest like a teenage high school girl. "But seriously though, you have to understand that this man sorta is the best thing that happened to me." Rakan defended him.

"Oh really? What about Shian? Or me?" I asked him, sorta offended. "I mean this is the man who made you into a sociopath..didn't he?" I questioned him as i shifted my body more towards the driver's seat.

"Ya'll came after. If yall had came before him then... i dont know honestly. I was already broken when i ran away, was not very wholesome. Braum just solidified it honestly. So maybe Braum would of had me in his grasp regardless." Rakan shrugged as he aggressively switched gears and the engine roared.

"That has me wondering... what sort of stuff did your father did to you? I mean, the human spirit and will power is a very powerful and resilient thing, and im sort of curious as to what made an average human personality to break." I asked him, a bit on edge as to not piss him off.

"Oh so you wanna know hm? Well for starters, my dad made me walk through glass when i was a toddler. Or what about that time he hung me upside down then dunked me into a barrel of water when i was five, choked the living shit out of me that same night? Should i mention when he threw an entire microwave at me at the age of 10? Oh man never mind, i rather tell you that time when he kicked me in the head or raped my step mother repeatedly in front of me, ruining any sort of sex drive that was underdeveloped till now, and only gets turned on when the girl is hot or initiates it first? You'd think a sexy god like me would be a sex freak, but naw." He gave me a squared, plastic smile along with deadpan eyes.

There was subtle regret within my gut after hearing all the abuse he went through. "Wow, uh. I'm sorry to hear that." i told him awkwardly.

"I'm not. I does not bother me anymore. But wait, there's more. Your cute little boyfriend smeared molten sugar on my ass and dick area and tied me down on an ant hill. Not only did ants came, other sorts of bugs as well. Hmm.. let's see what else.. he water board me, that's nice. Or this is my favorite! Soaking me with water, then suspending my body in the air while he pumped up the air conditioning to the lowest. I was sneezing for literal weeks after. With all this shit i've been through, i know i can get a PhD in being a total, cruel piece of shit. But i guess its not in me. I honestly dont give a fuck 9.99% of the time. Unlike now. I will beat the shit out of that red haired freak." he exclaimed as his knuckles pasted white by squeezing the steering wheel.

"Damn, you know, this man made itty bitty creatures ate me, or gave me the impression of drowning, or gave me fucking hypothermia, so much so that my insides were still frozen for weeks.... but lets save him!" i mocked him as a perfectly timed thunder cracked as the skies grew even more dark.

"Hmmm... this man plasters his entire fucking hand on my face, he rapes me so much that my womb is none existent and there is just a gaping fucking hole in between my legs, and threatens to behead me if i leave him.... Oh my god Rakan he is not home... im fucking worried like the two IQ'd retard that i am-"

"Oh my god my life sucks....aaaanyway i feel like stealing from my best friend for 20 years-"

"Yeah you're not funny anymore. Fucking joke killer. Go lay in the alley and get raped or something." He said while shaking his head.

"Yeah well.... Go get fucked in the ass by Eustass then." I retorted as i leaned towards him a bit aggressively.

"Woah, now that's a good one, because that will be fucking disgusting. Braum aged well. Man.. this dude's skin was so leathery and sun baked." Rakan said with a disgusted wince.

"Maybe its because he was homeless... he did say that he is at the mercy of his trailer. He has the same accent as Braum.. so maybe his skin is not accustomed to the harsh sun in this country." I told him. Rakan shrugged carelessly as we finally swung into the relatively empty highway.

"Oh well. I don't care. He did have some serious case of crazy eyes though. I mean, Braum has his moments too, but this man gives off some serious 'Braum' vibes. He's just uglier and homo." Rakan said.

"I dont think he is ugly per say.. he does have nice eyes. Very green and vibrant. But yes, he does suffer from a case of crazy eyes. Maybe it's because his eyes are wide, but almond shaped, so he has a wicked finished to him." i told him, remembering when he leaned towards me and unblinkingly asked for my name.

"Hm. Whatever. This is beginning to stress me out a little. I don't even know which way to turn." Rakan complained when we encountered by a split road at the climax of the elevated highway. "Fuck it im turning in this way." he mumbled as he violently swung towards the right, "It's more forested, plus, Im going to pay a little visit to a little friend of mine. He's one of those rootin, tootin, pals of mine. I don't think you'll like him though, he's uh, sort of slow." He said with flat lined his lips.

I scoffed and rested my head against the glass window. "Okay..this sucks. Was not expecting this week to go to shit." I uttered.

"Suck it up, life is hard. Luckily for you, you're a piece of shit like me. Stomping on people will get you above and beyond. Unless you're a rare case like Chase. Dude is just... man. I've got so much respect for that man." Rakan stated wisely.

"Then..why did you relentlessly steal from him." I asked without turning towards him.

"Hey, if i see something i like, i will take it. No one is safe from that. Not even Shian. I barely get away with that crap when it comes to Braum, though. Mans a hawk, and too observant." He carelessly stated as though its not a big deal. I felt a nasty, wince in my stomach at his nonchalance at stating that he will even steal from Shian. It reminded me of his very cold personality i forgot he possessed.

"So... it was not personal? That's why Chase stopped talking to you?"

"Uh, yeah. I mean can you blame him? I'm a fucking selfish dick, dude." he chuckled.

"So um... do you really believe that i'm an asshole though?" I asked him.

"You're worse. You're an asshole who isn't aware. Low self esteem and deeply broken people are inconsiderate by default. Inherently selfish. You don't care about anyone unless they are close to you. You get jealous quickly, you are in love with a psychopath because he is a big boi and charming, and you do not mind what he does to other girls because you see them as competition. Don't think i didn't notice you looking at that stripper's large boobs in jealousy while she was asking Braum for a lap dance. Braum wasn't even looking at her sexually, he was making eye contact. As strange as it is, he sees lusting over women that isn't his, or you, as vulgar and dirty, and he cares waaay too much about his own warped up classiness and ego to cheat. Dont mistake that for morals or respect though, he's still a really heartless monster." Rakan said with a disgusted expression. "You are shy and has an inferiority complex. You nearly broke my arm when you pushed to the floor in the kitchen when i was teasing you, and you didn't show any empathy when i got back up, remember? I'm your best friend, so i know you really good. A little again and you will fall off the deep end. To be honest, i want you too." Rakan said with a little smirk. "Shian doesn't deserve being like you, so i wont want this for her. But you? You're my broken best friend. I want a best friend that i can do crazy shit with, not force me to go to therapy." He rolled his eyes, most likely thinking of Chase.

I felt a bit flattered by his words. "We will see about that, girly." I smirked.

"See? You're an asshole alright. Low self esteem plus getting some sort of twisted validation made you felt good. Don't worry, you stick with me and you no longer will be the underdog." he told me and gave me a nudge on the shoulder.

The story of Braum shaping Rakan to become more like him slapped me harder than it did initially. History is literally repeating itself. The more i hang around Rakan, the more i see Braum's personality subtly molded into him. Chase was right. Braum really is toxin. Oof.

We were chatting up a storm, so much so i didn't even realize that we were in a very poor neighborhood and away from the highway. This place was...ghetto, but more in a hillbilly sort of sense. Old wooden houses and trailers everywhere with a thick forest skirting around the small town, sitting just underneath the black, rumbling skies.

"I'm going to talk to a pal of mine, Wade. Haven't seen him in months, though." Rakan said while pulling up to a rusty, lopsided trailer.

"Ok, does Braum know who he is?" I asked.

"Yep. Anyway, we are here. Let's make this quick, i think its about to rain cats and dogs over here." Rakan said as he hopped out of the car, without shutting it off.

"Okay then." I said, and followed suit. My feet crashed onto the dusty road as i walked into the broken gate right after Rakan.

Someone of average height, with blonde rass and blue eyes came walking from behind his literal broken home. His overall appearance was just...dirty. Brown smug all over his face which was blanketed by his bob rass hairdo.

However, as soon as his eyes landed on Rakan, he already began backing up, reading to flee.

"Hey, whoa whoa whoa whoa.. don't run you little shit." Rakan hollered harshly as he pointed at him. "Wade.. WADE." His voice boomed when his..'friend' disappeared behind his trailer home. Slowly, he came back to us, shyly peeking his head.

"Oh... h-hi Rakan." Wade said in a southern accent as he hunched his back in cowardice without making eye contact with Rakan.

"Wade. It's been some months since i've heard from you.. You didnt call me.. that's okay. Look, come here. Let's hug it out." Rakan passionately told him as he opened his arms, awaiting his hug. Wade however muttered like an unsure toddler and hesitantly walked up to Rakan.

"Come on..there you go." Rakan said as Wade nearly wrapped his arms around him...before his mouth ate knuckled when Rakan punched him straight to the ground. The poor dude skated on the dry ground.

"How dear you not check up on me huh? Can't you see that i'm fucking sad right now and my life is even more stressful?! God, people are so fucking selfish!" Rakan beseeches downwards into Wade's whimpering body as his eyes were crazed and wide.

"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry.. R-akan.. You know i have a girlfriend now a-and we are getting married and.."

"Shut up, Wade. Save it for the soap operas. I need your help. Here, get up you lazy shit." Rakan bent over and gave him a hand, in which he accepted. " missing. Someone in a trailer nabbed him up. Since you've lived in this trailer park all your life, i need you to look for him. Talk to your peeps, see whats up." Rakan instructed whilst leaning on his metal wall.

"Braum? That big fella? Uh.. i don't like h-him.. but ok. But you know its a big country and..-"

"Listen here you fuck," Rakan growled and slowly walked up to him. "I will kill you, your mother, your sister, your two brothers and your precious girlfriend. Even any pets that you own, if you don't find anything. And you know i will. Do you hear me now?" Rakan asked with his arms out stretched to his sides and eyeballed him.

"Yes, Rakan." He sighed with his head depressingly hang his head low and looked up at him. Damn, for these past for months, Rakan true colours has been buried temporarily. Completely forgot why Braum has him by his side.

" Good. Now go on and contact all your inbred buddies about what I've told you. Give me something, anything that will lead me to that pink trailer freak. Speaking of freak, he is as tall as Braum, but not as built. Long red hair in a pony tail, with long thigh high boots and makeup. Think your small brain could handle that?" Rakan dreadfully hissed at Wade, whose piercings were glittering in the light.

"Y-yes. I think so.. I think i know some fellas who can help me.. T-They usually hang out by the county bar around here. I'll just go there right now for you, yes i will." He said all skiddish as he cower backwards behind his lifeless trailer.

"Yeah, good. The next time i see you i better be heading towards his location ASAP, or your family will be resembling Braum right now." He hollered towards the fleeing teen.

"Wow, he's a charmer. How'd you find him?" i asked as i felt a single drop of rain landed softly on my nose bridge. Damn, the storm is approaching.

"Huh, i cant even remember. Ive known him for a good few years. Anyway, this storm is officially here, its drizzling. We should go to the police station."

"Wait, i thought the cops were corrupted or something? Is that smart or safe?" I asked as we both walked towards the car again.

"Exactly. Braum was a cop too remember? These guys love him if my memory serves me right. Braum was corrupted as well; used to bring in a lot of cash in the station. Don't worry i know what im doing." He said while waving me off and opened the driver's door.

"You said that two days ago." I scoffed as i paused, standing within the open door. He also paused and did the same.

"Ugh. Whatever." I rolled my eyes and hopped into the car. Rakan shortly did the same.

Unlike half an hour ago, we were really talkative; but not now. The rain began pouring no longer than 5 minutes after we drove off.

After a while we approached the highway again, and was heading towards our hometown.

More silence filled the car as we drove towards a very large police station. It towered upwards towards the pouring and thundering sky.

"Stay. I'll handle this." Rakan murmured under his breath and stepped out of the pounding rain without any shelter. He quickly sprinted up the stairs of the building and i was left alone with my thoughts.


So to avoid that i turned on the radio and immediately was greeted by heavy bass music.

Good enough.

Five minutes... Fifteen minutes soon turned into twenty minutes waiting on this fool. I can't be asked no more.

I was irritable and bored out of my mind with only the heavy rain and music keeping me sane. Rakan came running down the stairs and into the car. Subtle raindrop splashed onto me when he opened the door.

The blonde dude was soaked as he sat down next to me.

"So uh.-"

"Yeah they were rather upset. Corrupted fucks like those are as meticulous as the cartels. When they have an eye on you, they will find you. So even if this fucker's dead, we can at least dump his body in a ditch when we have it." Rakan gasped for air, as he wiped off his tanned arms and legs with an old shirt he found within the car.

"Oh wow. How cold."

"Heh, don't act like he deserves better than that." He scoffed and started the car. I didn't bother pushing it on, instead i changed the subject as soon as the engine was roaring.

"So, what now?"

"Well, we're about to go to work of course. Vi has a huge crush on badly, and she is a former cop. Not to mention that grocery is one of the biggest in the country. If Chase is there, that's great. He'll be a lot of help too." he said as we drove off.

"Oh um." I paused. I was suddenly reminded of the vile act Braum did to Chase right there in work. This will be hella awkward.

"What? Spit it out, I'm not playing any games with you." Rakan snapped impatiently.

"Well.. you see. Braum talked to me aggressively in front of Chase, Chase tried standing up to him, and uh. Braum soaked him with nasty bucket water. I felt awful.." I uttered a bit shyly.

Rakan went silent for a bit before replying. "What?? And you didn't tell me?" He growled and flew his head towards me.

"Uh, should i have?" I questioned, genuinely confused.

"Well i guess?? Look, Braum is acting all passive aggro towards Chase lately, and i think it's because of you." He hissed defensively. "But i will keep an eye out myself then." He remarked condescendingly.

"Jeez, relax. I didn't know." I whined.

"Yeah, i mean Chase is extremely efficient in- Ugh, this traffic is already giving me a headache. Nope. Not doing it." He flopped back on the creaky chair which somehow gave off the sent of Braum's plesent B.O.

"Even this chair smells of him. Ugh. Call Chase, because i can't be asked about this right now." He waved his hand towards me rudely and folded his arms.

"Fine. Hold on then." i uttered and whipped out my phone and immediately dialed Chase's number.

"Huh, you know his digits off hand. If Braum only noticed that...whoo boy.." Rakan shook his head as he indicated a slit throat with his index finger on his addem's apple.

"What? He's a sweetheart." I defended.

"You finna get Chase killed. Hm." He pursed his lips and looked out the window. I ignored him and placed the call on loud speaker.

It rung once then he picked up.

"Heyo, Nia. What can i do for today." Chase obliviously greeted me.

"Hey this might be weird um, but Braum is missing. More like kidnapped. Have you seen anyone strange with him?" I asked him.

"Really?? That's very unfortunate.. i hope he returns safely." His strong concern and worried demeanor shocked me. I know it's Chase we're talking about but damn, was not expecting that reaction. "I know he is one.. unorthodox fellow, but maybe that big headedness of his backfired on him and someone dealt with it. Very unfortunate. Can't help but pity him honestly."

"Yeah well if you only knew, Chase, i dont think even you will pity that big loaf." Rakan loudly butted in.

"Hello? Rakan is that you?" Chase asked surprised.

"In the flesh, yes." He said.

"Oh alright, well as i was telling Nia i haven't seen him anywhere. I didn't even know he was missing. This week has been so strange. You know i have saw someone who sound just like him? The accent i mean. He was tall because of those red boots of course. High heel boots mind you. A drag queen probably. Started-"

"Chase shut up. That's the dude who kidnapped him!" Rakan grabbed the phone from my light grasp. "He was there?? When??"

"Holy heck, Him??" Chase gasped in a demeanor i have never seen him in, "He was here just yesterday though, when did your friend went missing?"

"Ha, like three days ago! Was he alone?" Rakan squeezed the phone while practically bawling at it.

"Yes, he was all alone." Chase confirmed.
I saw Rakan swallowed a lump of anger and went silent and slumped back on his seat.

"Oh.. that doesn't sound good.." Chase lamented. My heart slightly began poking my chest. If Braum was not with him, then maybe he is.. dead? "I will accompany you after work. No worries." Chase kindly offered his assistance.

"Yeah okay, cool." Rakan agreed immediately. "Its a 6 man team now. Great. Oh Chase! Did he told you anything that maybe a clue?" Rakan asked.

"Well....... he was telling a co worker of mine that he is new in town and that he had..he had a guest over." Chase lowered his voice in realization.

"So the bastard DID kidnapped him!" Rakan growled. Now that it was confirmed, my heart sank lower than it was before.

"He bought chains and a duct tape which in retrospect didn't tick anyone off. But now that i think of it, it is worrying me now not because of the obvious, but another remark he made. He jokingly asked my same coworker of mine if seasoning human meat would be the same as seasoning beef."

My mouth unhinged at that moment. Rakan audibly grunted. "This was premeditated. All of it. Im sure. He would know Braum more than anyone. But why would he buy duct tape and chains and all that other bullshit after he kidnapped him.. You see nia? What did i tell you.. this man is on par with Braum. What the hell are we gonna do?" Rakan hissed quietly away from the phone.

"Hello are you hearing me?" Chase asked.

"Yeah. I'm thinking.. is that all? Come on dude try to remember everything."

"He bought sun screen and lot's of seasoning and garbage bags as well. This isnt good honestly. But.. when he did leave, he went into the direction of Pittsburg though. That's a straight forward drive to the thick forest. It make sense that he will be there right? I mean its really raining up a storm here, literally. So are you going to wait until this died down or.."

"Chase are you fucking kidding me right now dude? I'm going there now. I'm grabbing Wade and you and heading there right now. " Rakan made an illegal U turn which brought and orchestra of angered beeping horns and shouts from other cars.

"Aw, do you still bully poor Wade? Leave him alone dude." Chase sympathized.

"Please, i can't believe you fall for his shit too. He killed people already. Dude has neurotic problems is all." Rakan stated which honestly shocked me.

"His dad was abusing him, he fought back, and accidentally killed him. No need to bully him even more, can't you put yourself in his shoes though?" Chase pitied.

"Literally no, you know this." Rakan bluntly clarified.

"You told me you can still sympathize. Empathy and sympathy isnt the same but they dont need empathy to symp-"

"Ah-ah-ah.. do not baby me Chase. You know how much i hate it. If you want to be all soft and shit then good for you." Rakan snapped at him.

"Anyway, pick me up after work, okay guys?" Chase moved on without a hiccup in his stride.

"Yeah." Rakan muttered and rudely toss the phone towards me.

"Okay Chase, well so long." I told him.

"See ya" he said before i hung up.

"Alright so this man somehow one upped Braum; he's a bloody cannibal. To be fair he thinks that people are trash and below him to be eaten. Wait.... oh boy.. nia. I need to tell you something. You remember the cake he baked you many, many months ago? Well, The reason why it was red wasn't not because of colouring, it is because it was human blood. So Braum is a cannibal too? Bro i never saw this dude eat anyone before though." Rakan casually speed down the road as though he didnt drop a large fucking bomb shell on me.

"You're fucking with me right? Because we only took one slice. It tasted normal, and a few days after it started getting... lumpy. It smelt so bad. I forgot to mention it. We ended up throwing the entire thing away." I got a nasty chill down my spine and got over it pretty quickly. Yeah, my light is really dying. This is something i would of freaked about, but no. Its just meh.

"So anyway, where are we going now?" I asked Rakan.

"We're picking up Wade, then Chase, then we are heading off towards the forest." Rakan grunted.

"What about Shian? Isnt she coming?"

"This Eustas fella is fucking insane. I have a feeling just as insane as Braum, i could never bring her. So no." Rakan exclaimed.

"Alright, well then. Let's do this." I proclaimed, a little scared.

Oh boy.

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