Just Like This (Lloyd Garmado...

By ariiandtheart

3.1K 62 28

*****REWRITING!!!! Marked as complete so people know I'm Not editing anymore!!!****** Not everyone gets a cho... More

Starting Information
Episode 1
Episode 3
Authors Note
Episode 4
Authers Note and update (Sorta)

Episode 2

394 9 2
By ariiandtheart

The ninja had a pretty boring night if they were honest. Other than tying up the thugs that had already been taken care of for the most part when they arrived, it was an uneventful evening. It was a rare occurrence for them to have breaks, so it was nice.

"For once, I'm not exhausted." Nya chuckled, stretching her arms above her head to stretch.

Jay took the opportunity to swoop in and wrap an arm around her waist, which she neither commented on nor objected to as she relaxed, making her way into the monastery that had, on and off for the past five or six years, been her home. Been all of their homes. "Agreed! It's nice to not get into fights for a change."

Even Cole was glad for a night off, and he was usually the least sore of them all after a long night of scaling roofs and climbing around. It was a general consensus of a good night.

"I see you all had a good night on patrol in Ninjago City." A wise old man, their Master Wu, appeared from inside the monastery as the ninja all entered the courtyard. "Absolutely Master Wu. Piece of cake." Kai replied, smug as ever. The wise old man narrowed his eyes, allowing his gaze to shift between each of his students. "Well, then seeing as none of you are tired, you should have no problems staying up the rest of the day and training."

They all froze in their tracks, and immediately a chorus of complaining and trying to back out. "Come on sensei." Kai dropped his posture, and his head. "We've been up since yesterday morning." "Yes, but if you have enough energy to call a night of a patrol a piece of cake, you have enough energy to stay up. I suggest you get into your training Gi's and get started."

Wu was the only one to notice that Lloyd hadn't said anything. He hadn't come back as jovially as the others, but he wasn't complaining about staying up either. It was like he wasn't even paying attention.

"Lloyd." The blonde young man shook himself out his thoughts, having barely registered their flight home, and looked at his aged teacher. "Yes sensei?" "I'd like to speak to you in private first."

The green ninja looked to his friends, concerned for his safety, and they all shrugged. "Good luck man!" Called out Kai, rushing in to change. Jay thrust a fist in the air, a half-hearted smile on his face. "We're rooting for you buddy!"

The green ninja had a feeling he'd fucked something up and was about to get an earful of it, but he remained outside to face his teacher none the less.

"What's the matter?"

Lloyed went from concerned, to down right confused. "What sensei?" "I asked what's the matter. You didn't say anything about the patrol, and you didn't even blink when I told you all to stay up." Wu was a wise and observant man, and he thought of Lloyd like his own child, as he did all of his students. He placed a wrinkled hand on Lloyd's shoulder, his eyes filled with concern for the student who had most certainly the most burdens on the team. "I'm old, but not blind. I can tell something is bothering you."

None of the others had sensed anything off, but Lloyd had practice keeping his troubles to himself. At least, from everyone but his mother and Wu.

He released a heavy sigh from deep within his core, and leaned up against one of the wooden pillars that supported the monastery. "While we were on patrol, we ran across these thugs who were attacking a man and his daughter. Before we could intervene, a girl came out of nowhere and started taking them. She put up a hell of a fight. I intervened at the end, but she took out three of them before I could."

I'm sure it's fine. I've had much worse.

"Well, while we strive to arrive faster so people like that man and his daughter don't get hurt, I don't see why a girl being a good citizen and helping them out should distress you so much, especially when you all arrived in time to finish the job."

It wasn't about that. Lloyd didn't care that she had interviened. He was glad that she had, since she bought enough time for them to arrive.

It was her attitude about getting hurt.

"Sensei...while we waited for the police to arrive, I noticed she'd injured her hand pretty bad. I mean, like already turning black and blue bad." He paused, recalling every single tone in the bruises that had formed on the strangers hand. "Lloyd, you know that fighting causes bru.." "She didn't care."

Wu paused, confused as to why his student had inturrupted him, and looking so guilty at that. "What do you mean she didn't care Lloyd?"

He sighed, running his fingers through his blonde locks to try and curb his frustration. "I mean just that sensei. She didn't care. I told her she should get it check out, and her response was that she'd had it much worse. Not 'It'll be alright. Not 'it's not that bad.' Her exact words were 'I've had much worse.' How is that okay? She risked her life! She nearly got clubbed with a pipe and, instead of having a reaction, it was if nothing happened."

Wu realized what was going on. Lloyd hated seeing other people get hurt. He was a fighter and a warrior in his own right, but he hated seeing others get hurt, especially when he could have prevented it, had the circumstances been different.

"Why does that bother you so much? You can't blame yourself Lloyd...." "Why not? If we'd been faster she might not have gotten hurt. And bruises like that shouldn't be normaOWW!" Lloyd yelped, reaching to his right thigh where Wu had slapped his staff. "What the hell was that for master Wu?"

Wu raised up his chin and removed his staff, placing it on the ground once more. "You had a bruise there." "I have bruises everywhere sensei." "Exactly." He began walking towards the Jojo in the monastery, and Lloyd soon followed, rubbing his bruise just a little.

"You have bruises all the time. As do all the others. You had all but forgotten about it until I hit you. For you, getting a bruise is normal." "Yes, but I'm a ninja." "That is true." Wu paused for only a second, and looked over his shoulder to Lloyd. "But you don't know anything about her. Maybe she bruises easily. Maybe she's been in a car accident before. Maybe she's used to fighting."

"A..um..." Lloyd hadn't thought about it that way. Sure she didn't look like someone who would be getting into dangerous situations, not with those kind [E/C] eyes, but there was no guarantee. He didn't know anything.

"I hadn't thought about it like that." He didn't exactly feel better, even if sensei was right.

"Exactly. So don't worry about it. You have enough on your plate as is." Wu made his way into the Dojo, where the monks who also now called it their home after the dismantlement of his brother's monastery were meditating.

"Let it go."

Lloyd wasn't entirely convinced. Something about the whole thing just seemed wrong. It was exactly like her WANTED to get bruised up all the time. He held his breath for a moment, as if that would actually help him think.

Wu watched as Lloyd tried to process his feelings on the matter. He hates thinking it, but sometimes the boy cared too much. "Why don't you take some time to think on it. I need a few things from the city anyway. I'll tell the others that I sent you on some errands."

He smiled, but it was clear he didn't really mean it. "Thanks sensei. I'll be back later."

Gentle rays of the morning sun crept through the windows of my room, shaking me from my sleep. It was a soft awakening, unlike the shrill demands of my alarm. Peaceful and pure.

Until I realized that the light was there.

I bolted from my sleep, causing my heart-rate to skyrocket with the revelation. "Oh shit. The kids are gonna be late for school!" The sheet that I had pulled over my form at some point in my slumber vanished, thrown to the floor to be forgotten. I was still dressed, so that was one less thing to worry about.

I lashed out for my phone, only to find that it had died, having been unplugged since the afternoon before. 'Dammit. I really don't have time for this. I don't even know what time it is! ' I couldn't believe I'd slept in this late. I don't even get to sleep until 9 am most days.

I rushed to my shoes that were discarded in the floor and yanked them on, nearly falling in the process. The night before was completely forgotten. I only had one task in mind now.

"KIDS! GET YOUR STUFF! YOU'RE ALREADY LATE FOR....." For a moment, I was just confused. The kids were all sitting at the table, staring at me like a crazy person, with their faces stuffed full of chicken nuggets. "W....what?" They looked as confused as I was, so for a moment there was just awkward silence. "Why are you guys eating chicken nuggets?"

Why THAT was the  question that came out of my mouth, I will never ever know. Regardless of the strange choice, I stuck with it, crossing my arms and immediately regretting it, the pressure of my left hand under my right arm almost unbearable.

'Keep it cool. Don't let them know that you're injured. Just pretend it doesn't hurt [Y/N].' "Beeeecause it's lunchtime?" Nicole remarked, the only one whose mouth wasn't completely stuffed with food. "And we didn't have anything else in the freezer." I couldn't believe it was lunchtime. And that lunch was for tomorrow! Wait a minute, why am I worried about the nuggets? It's LUNCHTIME.

"Why didn't you guys wake me? You missed school!" I realized I had fucked up as soon as Dannie started tearing up. I rushed to him and scooped him into my arms. I shouldn't have yelled at them. "Sorry sis." Alexander spoke up. "You looked exhausted this morning, and when you didn't get up, I figured you could use the sleep. And, I figured that missing one day couldn't hurt."

How could I be mad at them? They had been thoughtful enough to keep the noise down so I could sleep. And, as much as I hated to admit it, they were right. What was one day of school. "Alright. But only this once. You guys are going right back on Monday." I reached across the table and grabbed a nugget from Alex. "HEY!" "That's for not waking me up. Besides, you just ate lunch for tomorrow, which means I have to go to the store today."

I still had work, so I had to go now. I ate my 'lunch', more monster and a breakfast bar, and left. The joys of being an adult.

This time I did take the car. Couldn't exactly carry groceries for five. That would be some impressive strength. And I'd need like three extra arms.

We didn't eat the greatest, but thankfully they got free breakfasts and lunches at school, so I could make sure they at least had food that was...decent for them. I would eat whatever was fast. I didn't have much time for anything else.

It was nothing more than average trip, but it would be one that I wouldn't soon forget.

I neared the end of my trip when I arrived on at the isle holding one of the most important items: Caffeine. Unfortunately, the flavor that I drank was all the way at the top shelf, and I couldn't reach it easily. I attempted to do so, but was unsuccessful. I was about to give in  and grab something new, when an arm appeared in front of me, grabbing the case and held it towards me.

I turned to come face to face with quite possibly the strangest contradiction of any human being I have ever seen. Upon first glance, he was a tall, strong, and very attractive looking young man, about my age. He was an adult, but his ruffled blonde hair gave him just enough boyish charm to be absolutely shocking.

Then came his expression. His eyes sparkled with quite possibly the purest and kindest expression that I could imagine. It was a crime for someone to be so attractive and yet, so kind looking at the same. Well, not actually, but it should be!

"You looked like you could use a hand." I froze up, unsure of what to do. I was normally in control of everything. I had to be. This was completely unexpected. He continued to hold the case out to me, but I realized that he had noticed my freeze up. Shit.

"Ah yes. Thanks." "You saved me the trouble of hoping I liked another flavor." 'That sounded so dumb what the hell is wrong with me?!' He just chuckled, waving his hand. "Don't worry about it. I totally get it. I don't like switching drinks either."

HOW was he so adorable?

I had to keep calm. It was absolutely nothing. He literally just handed me some drinks. Nothing to freeze up over. Nothing. Nope. "Still, I appreciate it. Saves me the hassle." "No problem. Glad I could help."

I reached to grab the case from him, but the case of drinks was a lot heavier than I  remembered it being. Oh wait. Wrong hand.

My injured hand completely gave way as I grasped for it in pain, and I completely dropped the case. What would happen next flashed before my eyes. As I grasped my hand, the drinks would fall to the floor and go everywhere, soaking the isle in energy drink.

Except it didn't. In an instant the man dropped down and caught the case, saving me from having to pay the price of two cases for one, and having to tell someone I'd spilled a weeks worth of monster in the isle. "You okay?"

I wince in pain, allowing myself to look at my hand for a moment. I was certain it wasn't broken, but it was probably wore injured than I was willing to admit. It had been years since I had punched anyone or anything, and I had outright slugged that thug with every once of force I could muster last night. I had definitely bruised some of the bones.

My eyes looked up to his, and he was concerned. For some reason, it was familiar concern, like I had been looked at this way before, which I seriously doubted was anything more than my brain getting flustered.

"I'm okay. I hurt my hand last night and...I kinda forgot about it. Sorry about that." This was absolutely embarrassing. I could just die. I reached with my right hand but he side stepped me, setting the drinks in my cart for me. "It's alright. Really. Though, that is a pretty nasty bruise. You might wanna get it looked at."

There was that feeling again. I ignored it. "It's alright. It's just bruised. But thanks for the concern. And for catching the drinks. Looks like I owe you one....." "Lloyd." "[Y/N]"

I nodded my head in greeting, a weird habit I picked up from an old teacher. "Well, [Y/N], you don't owe me anything. I'm just glad I could help." His gaze skipped to my hand for a moment, and the corners of his eyes morphed from their jovial expression to something of worry. "If you need help loading your groceries I'd be more than happy to."

My better judgement told me to deal with it on my own. I could load everything with my right hand if it was too heavy for my left. There was no need for me to need help. I never did.

"Actually, that'd be amazing." 'FUCKING MOUTH WHY?' I can't believe I just accepted an offer from a total stranger to help me load my groceries. I'm an astronomical moron. Worse than that even. "I mean...uh...I can manage it my own really you don't have to...." Too little too late. The damage had already been done. "Alright! I'll go check out the things I have and meet you outside!"

He walked off, offering a wave and a neigh animated smile as he left, leaving me completely frozen in the isle.

I finished the rest of my trip uneventfully but in a haze, thoughts murky as I replayed what had just happened over and over again, holding it at the front of my mind. Even as I checked out, my regular cashier had to call my name three times when I zonded.

"[Y/N]! You alright?" I was mortified. Why was this getting to me so badly? "I'm fine Yun. Thanks though." "You seem distracted...but as long as you're good." "Yeah I'm fine. I just...met someone." His concerned face made so many changes in a split second, until he landed on a smug expression. I Had royally messed up. "Oh you MET someone! I get it. Spill. There's no one behind you. I wanna know. Were they cute? Where they tall? I bet they were tall."

The blood could not have run to my cheeks faster. It was a feverish feeling, and I just knew that my [S/T] skin had turned bright red "Yun! It's not like that." "You sure? Cuz, I'd don't think I've ever seen you blush like that. I don't think I've even seen you blush actually." I rolled my eyes.

Sure both of those things were true.....but it was definitely NOT what the middle aged man was implying. "I'm blushing because you caught me off guard genius." I reached for my wallet to pay for the groceries, taking a moment to regain my composure. "Sure. Sure. I'm just saying." "Well don't say Yun. You're a gossip and everyone knows it. He was just nice."

Lloyd had left the monastery to get a few things. Wu wanted some specialty teas from town, and he wanted to get some snacks to hide in his room, mostly so that Jay and Cole wouldn't eat them. So, it was a great surprise when he ran into the girl from the night before. It wasn't like he'd followed her into the store like a stalker.

He hadn't even realized it was her until he'd seen her hand. They inky clouds that blanketed the sky above ninjago city had made sure of that. The only think he'd managed to make out with the small of lighting in the alley was the massive bruise that stood out. It had spread a little since the night before, but it was her.

And she was still just as calm about it. As if it was nothing.

But for a moment, that took a complete back-burner. He tried to figure out why the hell he had offered to help her load her groceries with nothing but a name. Maybe it was because, regardless of the strange circumstance, the first thing he noticed about her was just how beautiful she was.

It wasn't as if he didn't see pretty girls. Both Nya and Pixel were quite pretty in their own ways, but they were both like family. And he'd seen girls who looked pretty when he was out and about.

This was entirely different. This woman whom he'd seen twice in two days, not that she'd know it, was a different kind of beautiful. Her hair looked...well it was definitely a bit of a mess. She looked tired, and probably a little frustrated. She wasn't layered with makeup to hide her tiredness, which undoubtedly stemmed from the events the night before.

She was just herself, and she was absolutely stunning.

"Brain why are you like this? You just met her. I'm just helping her load groceries and nothing else." He continued to mutter to himself as he waited outside the store, giving himself a mental facepalm. He might have been a ninja leader, and a fairly good one at that, but he hadn't the faintest clue how to actually interact with human beings.

There was a strange silence as I led...Lloyd that's it. As I led him to my car and he helped me load everything in, which was mostly him grabbing thing out of my hands as soon as I picked it up. I wasn't sure what to say, and he seemed content to just help.

Once everything was loaded and the door shut, I rolled the cart to the bin next to me. What can I say? I always park next to the cart box for a reason. Now to head out. "Thanks again. I really appreciate it."

"No problem! Anytime." There he goes again at it. It was almost unnerving how sweet this guy looked, despite the fact that he could easily pass as a typical asshole sports guy. It was unnatural.

We stared at each other for a moment. I should have just gotten in my car and left it alone.

"Well this is awkward." I just died laughing. It was so shocking that he said it out loud that was the base reaction. Side effect of taking care of a five and seven year old all the time I suppose. He looked humiliated, like a kicked puppy, so I tried to compose myself. "I'm sorry! I'm not...I'm not laughing at you. I promise. I just wasn't expecting that." It wasn't long before he realized what I meant and we were both cackling in the parking lot like a couple of morons.

I hadn't laughed so hard over nothing in a long time. And it seemed like he hadn't either.

"I'll admit it. That sounded way better in my head." We both just chuckled some more. "But thanks for laughing. I needed that." I opened the door because, as much as a deep part of me wanted to stay and chat with someone my age for a change, I had frozen food and needed to get back before the kids killed each other. "We'll have to do it again sometime then."

I stepped in and shut the door, but rolled the window down long enough to write down my phone number and hand him the paper. "Shoot me a text. If you need a laugh, I've got plenty of memes I can send!" "I'll take you up on that."

The car cranked, though not without a sputter or two, and I headed home, not having any idea that Yun had seen the entire conversation from his place at the front of the store and was sure to give me hell about it the next time I was in.

Not that it really bothered me. It was the first time that I'd talked to anyone my age in a long time. My coworkers were all older than me and the patrons at the par were either older or too intoxicated to actually interact with them.

It was nice.

It wasn't until a few hours later, after a nice nap before work, when I finally got a text message from him.

4: 41 pm

~Hey [Y/N]. It's Lloyd. From the store.

I figured it wouldn't hurt to chat for a few minute before I made dinner for the kids.

                                        Hey Lloyd. Wassup? ~

~ NM

~ Working out with some friends


                                     Getting ready for work~

~sounds boring


                                               gotta be done tho~        

                                                           image sent~ 

I had always been the meme kid in high school, so I was glad he could appreciate it. . It was my coping mechanism for stress. Sure that might sound a little morbid, but to each their own. I looked at stupid pictures and jokes.  Unfortunately I did still have things to do, and only a short amount of time to do it. I was going in early at the bar to help set up and make some extra money.


~ that's hilarious

~hope it's not that bad

                                                                    oh it is ~

                                  gotta go make dinner. ttyl ~


Before I put my phone away though, I decided to put his name in my contact. Not like it was gonna hurt anything. Lloyd....I had no idea what his last name, so I just added an emoticon

Lloyd ( ^-^ )_旦


4128 words

Lloyd texts either like an old man or a midde schooler in 2009. There is no in between.

Change my mind

I dare you

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