kiss me thru the phone | myg.


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[COMPLETED.] yoongi likes music, sushi, and vine references; one day he gets a text from a drunk, naive girl... More

kiss me thru the phone
i: coward
ii: i'm not a creep
iii: petnames
iv: rankings
v: thee friends
vi: groupchatting
vii: saturday
viii: yoonganne the scammer
ix: taehyung
x: final countdown
xi: bienvenido
xii: manchester
xiv: wait what?!
xv: flowers
xvi: pressure
xvii: waiting
xviii: fancy you
xix: anaconda booty
xx: hot latte
xxi: a new life
xxii: don't lie to me
xxiii: sprout
xxiv: gowon
xxv: eco-friendly
xxvi: epilogue

xiii: the rooftop

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jurnee met up with konnie and faith the following day that she arrived in manchester. there were a lot of tears and hugs involved but the three friends were too happy. yoongi noticed that jurnee was dressed and asked her where she was going and when she said that she was gonna get on a taxi to see her friends, he quickly shut that down. it was hard to reject yoongi's offers. so, jurnee took the offer of him driving twenty-five minutes to drop her off at the coffee shop that she was meeting her friends at.

"don't forget to tell me when you're done with your friends," yoongi reminded jurnee when he pulled up at the front of the coffee shop, "i don't want you to be stranded." jurnee nodded with a smile, "thanks for doing this. you didn't have to, i'll see you later. please drive safely."

jurnee got out of the car and entered the coffee shop. what she didn't expect were her friends to be at the table closest to the door. konnie and faith quickly got up from the table to hug their friend tightly. "YOU'RE HERE!"

jurnee giggled as she felt the waterworks coming, "I AM! I MISSED YOU GUYS, OH MY GOD!" faith used a napkin from her purse to wipe jurnee's tears, "you cannot be crying, you'll ruin your makeup!" jurnee looked at her friend fondly as she held onto them tighter. it took about two minutes for konnie to suggest them to sit down. jurnee knew that the attention was on them but she didn't care. it had been YEARS since she had seen her best friends in the flesh.

"so we saw the guy," faith said as soon as they sat down, "he's hot, what the fuck! how did you manage to get a hot guy before us?" jurnee picked up a menu that was on the table to cover half of her face and murmured, "oh please, it's not like that!"

konnie scoffed as she looked at jurnee, "he looked at you like he wanted to protect you from all the madmen in the world." jurnee's eyes widened but then she quickly looked down at the menu, "soo i am thinking of getting the red velvet hot cocoa. what about you guys?"

konnie and faith shared a look towards each other then picked up their menus. they all ordered cookies with their drinks. jurnee got her red velvet hot cocoa with chocolate chip cookies, konnie got chamomile tea with oatmeal raisin cookies, and faith got a caramel frappe with sugar cookies. the three friends chatted animatedly while they ate, took pictures, and even paid for a taxi to take them to a mall. which jurnee secretly hated because she knew that the last few funds she had were going to be gone. jurnee hated using her card so she preferred having physical money.

at the mall, the girls went to the salon that was in the mall. despite jurnee's resistance, the girls treated jurnee to the salon that was in the mall. they all got lash extensions, manicures, and pedicures. they all made sure to get white toes and some different nail designs for their manicure. however, they all came to the conclusion that jurnee had the best.

"my eyes are burning," jurnee blinked her eyes repetitively when the stepped out the salon, "we're done now, right?" it took a while for them to even leave because konnie mentioned eyebrows and it was a good thing jurnee already had be brows microbladed and shaded from a few months before.

"no!" faith quickly said as she held onto jurnee's wrist. "we have one more treat for you before you can go to your little boyfriend!"

jurnee groaned but nonetheless followed after her friends into one of the biggest boutiques in the mall called, stylishme. jurnee never heard of the store but if her friends  had liked it then jurnee knew it was something good. konnie was arguably one of the most stylish people that jurnee has met. all jurnee insisted on her friends getting her was an outfit, but her friends were extra. they added a cute purse and heels to the outfit and then they were done.

the three girls settled down with frozen yogurt at the food court. they were in the middle of talking as always and jurnee was oblivious to her phone's notifications going off. "oooh," faith said as she was nosey and moved to see what the notification was, "mr. yoongi had messaged you. twice in ten minutes, ooh girl!"

jurnee quickly moved to unlock her phone, "why'd you say it like that? what's so special about him texting me two times in a row?"

"i'm not even gonna answer that," konnie clicked her tongue, "i hope you see the light."

jurnee shrugged her shoulders at her friends' weird behavior and opened the unopened messages.



hey, are you ok?


i'm okay!!!
im @ the mall and we're almost done!

send me ur location
i'll swing by and get you


jurnee looked up from her phone to look at her friends who were totally sneaking her cookies n' cream frozen yogurt, "ignoring the fact that konnie's spoon was in my cup to ask how're you guys getting back to your dorms?"

"a friend of ours," faith answered, "he stays off campus and ten minutes away from the mall. what happened? d'ya need a ride?"

"no, yoongi is going to pick me up."

"aww," konnie cooed as she dipped her spoon in jurnee's cup, "well, go ahead and tell him the address and when he's here then we'll get calvin to come pick us up."



[location shared]
im gonna be in front where the movie theaters are


when yoongi arrived, jurnee turned to her friends with a small smile. "i'm so happy we got to do this. it felt just like old times." konnie sniffled and wiped under eyes to capture the forming tears that were close to falling down her face, "to see you after what felt like five years, i'm happy too. i cannot wait until we're the ones paying you a visit."

faith pulled the two girls into a hug, "we'll always be good friends. no matter what and if any of us are dealing with problems then we need to tell each other. it doesn't matter how far away we are from each other. communication will help us."


jurnee smiled sadly at her friends and gave them one last goodbye with a hug before she went over to yoongi's car. yoongi had reached over from his driver seat to open the door from inside his car. "thanks, i could've opened it!" jurnee said once she was inside of his car, she closed the door and adjusted her seatbelt before he said anything.

"you look different," yoongi observed as she felt his stare all over her face, "did you do something to your face?"

jurnee chuckled before she answered, "yeah, the girls—i tried to refuse their offers, they're so nice. they paid for my lash extensions and then took me shopping." yoongi smiled a little, "i never knew there was such thing as lash extensions."

"yeah, you'll be surprised how much exists... do i look good?"

yoongi answered without missing a beat, "you look just as good without them. even if i was to say i didn't like them on you, it wouldn't matter."

"it would to me."


jurnee reluctantly admitted, "you're just... i told you this before you're so cool and i value your opinions." yoongi only blinked a few times—probably from shock, jurnee concluded. it felt like it took centuries for yoongi to finally drive off from the mall. the drive was nice with yoongi's lofi playlist playing from his phone connected to the car's speakers. jurnee stared outside of the window the whole drive and found herself almost falling asleep multiple times.

there was nothing jurnee wanted to do than take a nice, hot shower and to cuddle amongst warm blankets. however, when she got out the car with yoongi, he wanted to show her something. jurnee couldn't say no to yoongi if she even wanted to. he held some type of emotional power over her without even realizing it.

"a rooftop?" was what jurnee said once yoongi took her to some clubhouse of the townhouse complex, onto the elevator, and to the rooftop. it looked nice and the view was something that would get photographed and put on pinterest. "do you always go up here?"

yoongi shook his head as they both took a seat on the ground of the rooftop, "i just discovered this place while you were with your friends. wanted you to feel comfortable i know it's nothing compared to your roof at home bu—"

yoongi was cut off by jurnee wrapping her arms around his torso and squeezing him, "thank you! you're too sweet. you're making me wanna stay forever." yoongi relaxed under jurnee's hug and he slowly rested his arms on her upper back, he wanted to remain respectful.

"do you wanna sit out here and talk for a little bit?"

jurnee released herself from hugging yoongi to nod and skipped over to sit on one of the benches that were on the rooftop, "yeah, come let's sit!" jurnee smiled anticipatedly as yoongi made his way to sit by her. "you remind me of a carebear, always so happy."

"not true," jurnee rolled her eyes playfully as she looked up the sky, "i have my off days. hell yoongi, me being unhappy led me to meeting you so maybe i don't have to be happy all the time. when i'm sad i can always lean on you." jurnee kept her eyes towards the sky, mainly to look at the stars and to avoid yoongi's facial expression. it wasn't until yoongi was calling her name that she finally looked at him, "i don't want you to be sad in order to talk to me. i'm not your therapist, i'm your friend, right?"

jurnee felt her stomach flutter. what the hell was happening? "right, you are my friend. i'm yours too."

yoongi nodded as he explained, "exactly so i don't give a damn if you're happy, mad, or sad. you always have my number and now you have my address so you can always talk to me. i mean it so fix your face." jurnee giggled at yoongi's scold at the end but smiled eventually, "if i weren't here right now, i think i'd be back in charles' arms, again. thank you." jurnee felt more intimate since she wasn't looking at the sky anymore, the only stars she was seeing were the ones in yoongi's eyes.

"give yourself more credit," yoongi said with his hand on jurnee's shoulder, "without me you'll still be great."

"great with a guy that stole my first kiss, yeah."

"how did you want your first kiss?"

jurnee didn't wait a beat to answer, "i wanted it to be with someone who really cares for me. i deserve a fairytale like kiss, i deserve the best. my first kiss would be on my second date, not my first. on my second date, me and my date would do pottery. i always liked ceramics but i never continued pottery class. oooh or maybe a greenhouse too with some rented bicycles or something. like an eco-friendly date or some shit. i—" jurnee choked back on some tears. "i don't know. i know there's much more to life than some stupid kiss or a date but—my dad always told me that i should strive for what i want, for what i deserve... i can't help but feel like i let him down."

jurnee tried to blink away her tears but she failed, "god i probably sound so bratty right now. people are actually struggling out here and i'm fucking crying over a fucking first kiss and a dream date." yoongi gently wrapped his left arm around jurnee's shoulder, "you're not a brat for crying over this and you shouldn't feel guilty. jurnee, you are struggling. you got manipulated, you fell for a statutory rapist, you were damn near risking your life."


"no listen," yoongi continued to speak with stern in his voice, "you are allowed to feel this way. and i know your dad loved you so much that he wouldn't blame you for being manipulated so please, please stop blaming yourself for this." yoongi was basically pleading and jurnee felt her heart burst. "you're a great person and i know it's hard to believe coming from me cause i've never known you for a long time but you're amazing. a pedophile will never take that away from you, jurnee." jurnee finally stopped crying and instead laid her head on yoongi's chest, it was silent. there was nothing that needed to be said more, jurnee felt and heard yoongi's steady heartbeat from his chest and somehow that led to her dozing off.

however, yoongi jutted forward quickly and jurnee frowned, "hey! that wasn't nice!"

"look up at the sky right now, jurnee." yoongi's voice was calm but jurnee noticed his legs were bouncing up and down. confusingly, jurnee looked up at the sky and there it was. the thing that she was looking for: it was a shooting star. jurnee stood still with her eyes wide, she couldn't believe it. "did that just happen?!" her good luck sign was right in front of her and she made sure to soak that up all the way in a mental way. her thoughts were scrambled and so was her mood, she didn't know how to feel. she didn't know if she felt close with her dad at all."

yoongi responded back in shock, "yeah, it did. how do you feel about it?" jurnee didn't know what to feel or anything, "i don't know. i feel numb but content? i don't know really i'm just so tired... i want to take a shower and sleep."

yoongi nodded, "that's understandable. you had a long day and you deserve that so come on."

jurnee took her shower, brushed her teeth, and washed her face when she got back into yoongi's place. she went to sleep immediately after she finished, she was too tired to even tell yoongi goodnight. that didn't stop her from going to sleep with memories of the rooftop on her mind along with the fluttering feelings that yoongi made her feel while there.

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