Ben 10 X Kamen Rider Zero-One...

By Heroes2020

6K 104 26

(Y/N) (L/N), a 10-year-old boy, spend his summer vacation with friend Ben and his family until a magical devi... More

And Then There Were Zero-One
The Krakken

Washington B.C.

1.5K 26 0
By Heroes2020

*A/N: (y/n)- your name

             (l/n)- last name


There was a building on fire, and people, fire trucks, police cars and ambulances were surrounding the building.

Inside a mother and her son were trapped in the burning building. The roof was about to collapse, but before the two were squished, they look to see (y/n) and Ben, both as Heatblast and Kamen Rider Zero-One Freezing Bear.

Kid: "Who are you?" The kid asked the two.

Zero-One: "I'm Kamen Rider Zero-One and this here is my friend Heatblast." he said.

Heatblast: "We're here to help!" Ben said as he threw the burning debris. (y/n) and Ben both lead the mother and to the stairwell, but the stairs then collapsed.

Zero-One: "I have a new idea! Get behind me! Heatblast use your power" (y/n) said as the mother and kid did as instructed.

Heatblast: "Got it, dude."

He then created a ice tornado around the two and himself and flew out of the building in it. When it dissipated, we were outside the building, where a firefighting crew already was, with some other people who had left the building.

"Freezing Impact!"

(y/n) then used his powers to douse the fire.

Heatblast: "Well, done, dude!" Ben said to (y/n) as he and (y/n) both high-fived and a bunch of new repoertersd came in to interview the two.

Zero-One: "Heatblast, we need to get out of here......." (y/n) said when Ben had his sights on a golden card the kid had.

Heatblast Ben: "No way! A gold sumo slammer card! Where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for that" Ben asked the kid while (y/n) had a deadpan look and facepalmed.

Kid: "It was a prize inside a box of sumo smack cereal." The kid said when the horn to the Rustbucket sounded.

Gwen: "Yo, super doofus. The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jelery store robbery." Gwen said to Ben.

"Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick."

Zero-One: I gonna head up first!" (y/n) said as he go first on his Rise Hopper and Ben ran ito the RV.

The robbers weren't too far off, and Max drove to catch up to them. As Max drove, a burning smell was present. It was Ben, still as Heatblast burning the seat.

Max: "Knew I should have bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance." Max said.

Ben: "Sorry, grandpa. I can't help it. I'm hot." Ben joked before being blasted by a fire extinguisher held by Gwen.

Gwen: "Any alien on that stupid watch and you picked the one with the flaming butt?" Gwen asked rhetorically.

Ben: "Jealous?" Ben asked Gwen before being blasted by the fire extinguisher gain.

Zero-One: "Let's take em down!" (y/n) said as he summoned his blade under the tires of the getaway car, making them pop.

"Blade Rise!"

The car was losing control and eventually crashed into a wall.

Heatblast: "Nice!" Ben said as Ben and (y/n) went to the crashed car, scaring the crooks.

Heatlbast: "Unless you punks want a permanent sunburn, then I suggest you put your hands against the wall!" Ben said as (y/n) morphed back to civilian form and head back to to RV, letting the cop do their job.

(y/n): Ben, let go you have a few minute left." he whisper to Ben but Ben just ignore him.

Ben's Omnitrix beeped and flashed red before he changed from Heatblast back to Ben. The robbers turned and saw Ben there.

Ben: "You punks picked the wrong day to be bad." Ben said, unaware he reverted back to normal.

Robber: "Hey, it's just a kid! Get the jewels!" The robber said as Ben finally noticed he was back to normal. Thankfully the cops arrived.

Ben: "They're all yours, officers." Ben said to the cops. "Now, I know y'all want to thank me, but..."

Cop: "Step aside, son. This isn't playtime." The cop said to Ben. Thankfully (y/n) wanted to help ben out.


At an apartment complex, a man was knocking at a door.

Landlord: "Yo, Animo, I know you're in there." The landlord said as the door opened on is own. The and lord entered and saw there were many animals in cages and tanks everywhere.

Landlord: "Phew. Smells like a zoo in here." The landlord said as he saw a tank with a couple of frogs in it.

The landlord turns and sees a man with white hair and yellowish skin. This was Animo.

Animo: "How did you get in?" The man asked in anger.

Landlord: "Passkey. I am still your landlord, remember? Maybe not since your rent is a month past due." The landlord said with impatience.

Animo: "All my funds go to my research." Animo said before walking off. "Now get out! You're disturbing me."

Landlord: "Looks like you were disturbed long before I got here, pal." The landlord said wierded out. "Listen, Doc. You and your furry friends are out on the street unless you pony up the green." The landlord said with little patience.

Animo: "Pony up." Aimo chuckled at that. "Interesting choice of phrases. You must be an animal lover. Then you're going to love this." Animo said as he puts on a metallic dome-like helmet with weird antennae on it. The landlord just laughed at this.

Landlord: "What's that? You a member of the moose lodge or something?" The landlord asked.

Animo: "This is my transmodulator, phase number one. It creates and accelerates mutations at the genetic level. Observe." Animo said as he turned a dial on his chest and fired a beam at ont of the frogs, making it bigger with two small horns on its forehead and two bone horns coming out of the sides of its head. It has four red eyes and orange lumps. It has an olive, spiky tongue.

The landlord screamed as the mutant grog gobbled him, his muffled screams coming from in the frog's mouth.

Animo: "I'm sorry. I can't hear you. Sounds like ou have a frog in your throat." Anio said before laughing at his joke. "Or is that the other way around?" Animo said as the frog spat the landlord out. The landlord groaned before going unconscious.

Animo: "So close to having what is rightfully mine. All I need is a few lousy components to finish my work." Animo said when he heard the television.

TV: "So whatever your needs, from hairspray to state-of-the-art electronics, you'll find them under one roof at the grand opening of the district's newest Megamart." The TV said, the information catching Animo's attention.

Animo: "Ah. Just what the doctor ordered." Animo said, his plans coming close to completion.

At Megamart

(y/n), Max, Ben and Gwen were wandering the place to do some grocery shopping. (y/n) was admiring how large the facility was.

(y/n): "Huh, neat." I said in amazement.

Gwen: "No joke." Gwen sad as Ben ran off and saw a display case of Sumo Slammers cards.

Ben: "Sumo slammer cards. Cool." Ben said as he saw the golden one

Max: "Hmm. Only canned octopus." Max said as he was browsing for some bizarre ingredients. "I thought the store prided itself on wide selection." Max said.

Gwen: "Uh, Grandpa, no offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, one that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?" Gwen asked.

(y/n): "We not going to survive like this." he said as Gwen nodded.

Max: "Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?" Max said as he went off to search what he's looking for while Gwen and (y/n) went to look around until Gwen noticed a green flash not to far off.

Gwen: "Ben?" Gwen asked, knowing he was going to do something something stupid.

(y/n): "*sigh* We better make sure he's not causing trouble." he and Gwen went into the cereal isle, and noticed there were boxes everywhere.

(y/n): "Oh, Ben, when I get my hands on you..." I said angrily when Gwen noticed a moving box.

Grey matter: "Oh, man. Another red card." Ben said as Gwen grabbbd the box.

Gwen: "Got you!" Gwen said as she grabbed Ben and fished him out. Ben looked us and he knew he was I'm some deep shit.

(y/n): "Ben? What the heck!?" I said in pure anger.

Gwen: "What are you doing?" Gwen asked Ben.

Grey Matter: "Looking for the gold sumo slammer card. Duh!" Ben said.

(y/n): "Ben, we are supposed to keep our powers hiding from people, not looking for some stupid piece of cardboard and ink.

Gwen: "Oh you are so busted." Gwen said when the sound of throat clearing startled us. We turned to see an unhappy store clerk, Gwen managed to keep Ben hidden behind her back.

Clerk: "Just what do you two think you're doing?" The clerk said unhappy, but luckily, I managed to come up with a lie.

(y/n): "Uh, well...we found a bunch that young hoodlums were vandalizing the whole aisle. Sadly though, the little troublemakers ran off before we could confront him. Plus, their faces were obscured so we could not get any faces." he said, the clerk easily bought (y/n)'s lie.

Clerk: "I see. We'll get to finding those little hoodlums." The clerk said as he walked off. (y/n) and Gwen sighed in relief.

Gwen: "Man that was close." Gwen said.

(y/n): "Yeah. I'm surprised he bought it." he said as she got Ben out of hiding.

Gwen: "You consider yourself lucky we're out of trouble." Gwen said to Ben.

(y/n): "But just so we're clear, you owe me! Big time!" (y/n) said to Ben, making him shake in fear.


Max: "So, you mean Ben cause all of that mess, just because he was looking for some golden card?" Max asked, looking at Ben sternly.

(y/n): "Yep." he said with a scowl towards Ben.

Ben: "Well, we would have only had to buy the one that I found the gold sumo slammer card in if Gwen and (y/n) had not butted in." Ben said.

(y/n): "Uh, I beg your pardon? You were the one trashing the whole damn cereal aisle just to find that card. Not me or Gwen. You were just lucky I had to lie to get you out of trouble." I said to Ben in anger.

Max: "Ben, now, I can appreciate how much this card means to you, but don't you think you're getting a little obsessed?" Max asked ben.

Ben: Maybe you're right. I don't deserve a gold sumo slammer card. I mean, it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that." Ben said.

Gwen: "Superhero guilt: Pretty low." Gwen said in disbelief.

(y/n): "Ben, that just takes pettiness to whole new heights." he said with a face palm.

Ben: "Hey, whatever it takes." Ben said before walking off.

(y/n): "Remind me why we're friend." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Ben was far off and saw a display case of sumo slammer cards.

Ben: "Huh? Yeah. Whoa! Sumo Slammer cards. A complete set." Ben said as he eyed the golden card.

Max, (y/n) and Gwen were looking at the pet section.

I saw a cockatiel.

(y/n): "Aww. Hello there, little sweetie. Aren't you just precious?" I said to the little bird, the bird cockatiel sqwaked in response.

Gwen: "Wow. It seems to like you." Gwen said as she smile at (y/n).

(y/n): "Yeah, I think so too." he said as he and Gwen look at each other not noticing how close their face was.

Ben was eyeing the golden card with a smile.

Ben: "Someday, you will be mine." Ben said when suddenly there was a light rumbling. Soon Animo on his giant frog made himself known. Ben felt the urge to do something about it. Animo went to steal a couple of electronics, then hopped back on his frog when he got what he needed.

Ben: "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Ben said, getting Animo's attention. Ben went to dial his Omnitrix, but it was still in recharge mode.

Animo: "Don't be a hero kid. Just run along and play." Animo said the frog unleashed it's long spiked tong at a bunch of boxes behind him, making them fall on him.

Cops: "Freeze." The cops aimed their guns.

Cop 1: "Get down off that giant frog and put your hands up." One of the cop said but Animo and his frog hopped away.

Cop 1: "We got a grab-and-dash in electronics. Male, 5'6", riding on a giant frog or tod. Trust me, you can't miss him." One of the cops said through a telecom on his speaker.

Animo fired a few lasers at a hamster and cockatiel, mutating them. And the bad thing was, (y/n), Max and Gwen were near theme.

Animo: "Arise to your full potential, my pets." Animo said, (y/n), Max, and Gwen looked towards him.

(y/n) looked around to find a hiding places to transform but there are too many people.

Ben: "What kind of pet foo are they selling around here?" Ben asked as he ran towardsus.

Animo: "Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me from getting what I deserve. Mark my , I will make history, or should I say prehistory?" Animo said.

Everyone avoid Dr. Animo as his giant front ram forward.

(y/n): "I can't transform. There to many people.

Gwen: "If you didn't go cereal-diving, one of those heroes could be helping saving us from becoming hamster chow." Gwen scolded Ben as they were avoiding the mutated hamster. The giant hamster was about to charge at the two kids, but (y/n) quickly used his head and pushed a cart at the hamster making it crash into a few aisles.

(y/n): "That gonna slow him down." he said as the hamster go back up.

Animo: "Young Fools! You cannot stop me!" I will turn Washington D.C., into Washington, B.C." Animo and his giant frog hopped away. The store clerk approached us.

Clerk: "You saved the store. If there's anything we can do to repay, anything you want...." The Clerk said to us in gratitude.

Ben was about to say something, but (y/n) cut him off.

(y/n): "That's generous of you sir, but I'm afraid we'll have to decline. Seeing that nobody was hurt is good enough for me." he said as the clerk nodded. We were on our way to stop Animo.

Ben: "Dude! I was gonna finally score the gold sumo slammer card." Ben said with a groan.

(y/n): "Right now, we got a mad doctor to stop!" (y/n) said to Ben with serious look.

At The RV

(y/n): "Do you anything about that guys, Gwen?" he asked.

Gwen: "Yeah. Dr. Aloysius Animo. He was once a promising researcher in veterinary science. However, his career was cut short when it was discovered that he was performing twisted genetic experiments on animals. He had hoped that his research would win him the Verities Award, which is an award in veterinary science. Because of the nature of his research, he lost the award to another doctor, named Kelly. This drove him mad and he went off the map for five years until he could perfect his research." Gwen elaborated the gang.

Gwen: "Who does that remind me of?" Gwen asked rhetorically while glancing at Ben. Ben just looked away.

(y/n): "Ben, I understand how upset you must be, but being a hero isn't about knowing you did something good; it's about you knowing you did something good." I said to Ben.

Max: "He's right, Ben. Being a hero is it's own reward." Maxi said as the parrot we were following flew off.

Max: "We've lost him." Max said.

(y/n): "Well, he said Washington B.C. And before humanity existed, there were dinosaurs. So, he heading to the museum of natural history!" he said.

Max: "Then we better beat him to it." Max said as he drove to the museum. Once we arrived, we saw a giant feather.

They entered the museum, looking for Animo. But he found them.

Animo: "You're very persistent. I hate persistent." Animo said bitterly.

(y/n): "Face it, professor! We know all about you and your messed up experiments, Dr. Aloysius Animo! It's over" I said in rage.

Animo: "Quite the contrary. It's only just began. See, I only needed a few components to push my work into phase 2." Animo said.

(y/n): "If I'm not mistaken, judging by where we're standing, I would have to guess that your device can reanimate dead tissue. Like resurrecting a T-Rex skeleton back to its former glory." I said.

Animo: "Very perceptive of you. Yes. I am able to breathe life back into that which has been long since lifeless." Animo said as he fired a beam at a T-Rex skeleton, reviving the king of dinosaurs in less than a minute. Once the beast was fully resurrected, it roared in might and supremacy.

Then fired another beam at a stuffed mammoth, reviving the tusked wooly behemoth as its trunk trumpeted.

(y/n): "Ben, get ready to do the dinosaur!" I said to Ben, he nod. he transformed while Ben turned into Four Arms.




"Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick!"

Zero-One: "You take Jumbo while I deal with Animo. Gwen, you and Max find a safe place." I said as e and Ben charged while Max and Gwen hid.

Animo: "Well, is that an interesting tech?" Animo made a pun as the T-Rex sung its tail at me, only for me to slash its tail.

Zero-One: "Well, let me show you what it can do!" he said, as he summoned his blade

"Blade rise!" he attack at Animo's dino.

A giant cockatiel appeared in front of Gwen and Max. Gwen grabbed a broom and spun it before smacking the big bird.

Gwen: "Ben's not the only one with skills." Gwen said in victory.

Ben spun the mammoth around before sending it flying at Animo's T-Rex.

Four Arms: "You and Barney are going down, peanut!" Ben said with he and (y/n) walked towards Animo and his two pets. But Animo's T-Rex then swung its tail, sending us both back flying.

Animo: "I'd love to stay, but I need to claim the award I so rightly deserve." Animo said as his T-Rex got up and stomped forward with Animo on its head.

The mutant cockatiel shriek as (y/n) saw the bird heading toward Gwen he use his super speed to reached to Gwen but it was too late the bird grabbed Gwen with it's talons and flew off.

Four Arms: "Gwen!" Ben said as the mammoth went to charge at him, But (y/n) finished it.

"Rising Impact!"

Zero-One: "We need to after him!" I said Max drove the RV near us.

Max: "Somebody call for a Taxi?" Max asked.

Zero-One: "Ben, you do with your grandpa while I take the sky." he said as he bring out a Progrise Key and pressed it.


With Gwen

Gwen: "Spend a summer with your grandpa, honey. It'll be an adventure." Gwen sad, mockingly imitating her parents. Suddenly she sees a pink color that shape like a human fly towards her.

Zero-One: "Red, you ok." (y/n) said as he grabbed Gwen.

Gwen: "Yeah, thanks." Gwen said as the bird flew towards them, only to be blasted by green goop from what looks like a big bug with four eyestalks, a long stinger, four legs and the omnitrix symbol on his forehead. (y/n) flew Gwen to the RV, landed her near the vehicle

Zero-One: "Alright, Gwen, we here." (y/n) said as she still holding him tightly.

Gwen: Oh yeah, thanks again." Gwen said while looking away with a blushed on her face before flew back up.

Zero-One: "Alright Ben, let's get going." (y/n) said as Ben flew towards the RV and reverted back to normal before hopping it while (y/n) followed them in Zero-One.


Dr. Kelly was showing his biggest achievement to some colleagues of his.

Dr. Kelly: "And here is my verities award." Kelly said he showed his biggest achievement.

Dr. Kelly: "Of course it was an honor just to be nominated with a distinguished group of scientists." Dr. Kelly said when suddenly, Animo and his T-Rex barged into the place.

Animo: "Kelly, I believe you have something of mine." Animo said as he went to grab the verities award. "I'd like to thank the committee for this honor." Animo said jokingly before going to hop on his T-Rex, only for him to be blocked by (y/n) as Zero-One Flying Falcon grabbed the award and flew towards Kelly.

Zero-One: "I believe this belongs to you, sir." he said as Kelly just grabbed it, unsure how to react. "You guys evacuate the place while I deal with this mad man." (y/n) then flew towards Animo as Kelly and the others did as they were told.

The T-Rex swung his tail at (y/n) but (y/n) quickly reacted and press his driver.

"Flying Impact!"

(y/n) dogde the T-Rex tail by flying upward and spin foward as he bring out his leg and kick the T-Rex head. Bringing the T-Rex and Animo down.

As they were knocked down (y/n) flew to Animo and grabbed his Transmodulator and smashed it. The T-rex reverted back to bones.

Animo; "No! No!" Animo said in bitter defeat as the skeletal remains of the T-Rex fell apart.

The cockatiel back to normal flew to Gwen.

Gwen: "Don't even try to kiss up to me now." Gwen said to the bird. Before it flew to (y/n), who had reverted to normal.

The next day

Animo was handcuffed and carted to a police car.

Animo: "Let me go! I deserve that award! I've got it coming to me! I want it!" Animo said before being stuffed into the back of the police card.

Ben: "For some reason, that sounds kind of familiar." Ben said.

As soon as Animo was driving to jail, they were on the road.

Ben: "I didn't get that gold sumo slammer card, but at least I snagged a trophy from Animo." Ben said as he placed the broken transmodulator in a box.

Ben: "Plus, I guess saving the city from Dr. Wacko is its own reward." Ben said, feeling good about himself.

(y/n): "I'm proud you learned something out of this." I said as he walked to Ben.

Ben: "Yeah, well, that's what we heroes do best. Rescue dweebs." Ben said, making (y/n) sweat drop.

Gwen: "You're such a major doofus." Gwen said with narrowed eyes, before the two shared a laugh.

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