Ben 10 X Kamen Rider Zero-One...

By Heroes2020

5.8K 98 26

(Y/N) (L/N), a 10-year-old boy, spend his summer vacation with friend Ben and his family until a magical devi... More

Washington B.C.
The Krakken

And Then There Were Zero-One

3K 44 12
By Heroes2020

*A/N: (y/n)- your name

             (l/n)- last name

            (y/c)- your color

             (h/c)- hair color

It was the final day of school. One boy, (y/n)(l/n), 10 years old, having (h/c), a (y/c) shirt, and jeans, was waiting in his classroom for school to end while scrambling in his notebook while trying to hid it. Inside the notebook was a drawing of a yellow armor with a writing of it weakness and strength on a side of the drawing. 5 minutes left. The teacher was a man with black hair wearing a button up shirt and a tie speak up brought his attention toward the teacher.

Teacher: "Alright kids, remember, you can still sign up for summer school if you have nothing else going on. I along with a few other teachers will be staying for it."

He looked back up to the clock, waiting for the school alarm. He was about to leave on a big summer trip with his friends's family since he is an orphan, all they left him was he's name, a note say they love him, a belt and two progrise key, that is grasshopper and falcon. 

After (y/n) try to uncover the secret of the belt so he secretly study at the orphan, (y/n) found out that belt name is Zero-One Driver. There even a manual hide in the note. After testing at a secrecy place, (y/n) have figure it out how it work it. When (y/n) press the grasshopper progrise key, a giant yellow grasshopper materialize in front of him from the driver and changed him into an adult with a yellow armor looking like a grasshopper. Since (y/n) smart enough, he write all progrise key power he able to reverse engineer the progrise key created more of it.

???:"Hey (y/n), Just one minute left then it's summer vacation." with smiled at him

(y/n): "I can't wait." grin at his best friend, Ben Tennyson

Ben, a ten-year-old boy with brown hair, green eyes, a white T-shirt with a black stripe down the middle, green pants and black and white sneakers. He invited (y/n) since his family also planned it because he feel for (y/n) and thanks him of the years he been there for Ben and they even had an RV specifically for this occasion.

(y/n) and Ben are best friends since start tutor him because (y/n) is top of their class. (Y/N) is smart, physical fit and also popular, he even join the soccer club with Ben, that how they first met for this is the first time he talked to Ben outside the class. When the principal called (y/n) to help him with his studies helping him getting better grade and that how their friendship began. 

(y/n) always come to Ben's house every Saturday and Sunday to tutor Ben but sometime he came when he want to hangout. He also met with Ben's family including with Gwen, him and Gwen bonded quickly since they both are smart. Gwen also enjoy spending time with (y/n) and challenge him for smartest person in the house. Unfortunately, (y/n) always beat her in mind battle. They also talked about their favorite topic that is karate, science and history. She consider him as a rival and a best friend on that day.

They know about (y/n)'s situation so, Ben's parent allow him to come to the house if he need any help. Ben's parent like (y/n) since he came to their live it, Ben's grade get better and sometime he help around the house. They notice how different their personalities, Ben is stubborn and leap into action without thinking while (y/n) is calm and collective. They laughed at the thought of Ben and (y/n) personalities just like fire and water. 


(y/n) snapped from his though as the bell rang. The class bolted out of the school ASAP, while (y/n) just pack his stuff inside the bag calmly and saw the Zero-One Driver inside of his bag with a progrise key in it. Looking around, (y/n) saw the teacher wasn't there so he quickly zip his bag and walk out of the classroom.


 Going outside of the school (y/n) see two boy looking up at the tree with he easily recognize Cash and JT, the school bullied. Cash was a tan-skinned kid wearing a grey shirt. JT was a shorter kid wearing glasses, and was widely considered to be his toadie. They were hardly ever apart, but JT would suddenly be all high and mighty when he was around Cash, since Cash was one of the toughest guys in the school. They would always bullied people around including Ben but whenever (y/n) around they would him and Ben since he an athlete and popular in the school.

(y/n) just sigh and walk toward them after he saw Ben and a random kid being wedgie up on the tree.

(y/n): "Alright guys fun time over let them down." putting his hand on their shoulder surprising them.

JT: "Cash, it's (y/n) what should we do!" turning around to see Cash in hoping a solution.

Cash: "Let get out of here!" running away with JT behind him.

(y/n): "Well that one problem down. So how it hanging Ben, enjoying the view up there." looking while laughing at Ben.

Ben: "Hardy Ha Ha! can you just get us down from here." with an annoying face.

Before (y/n) can do anything a RV stopped behind him and he saw Gwen with auburn hair, matching green eyes, a blue long-sleeved shirt with a cat head in the center, white pants and white tennis shoes. waved happily and an elderly man also waved at him from the window. That was Max Tennyson, Gwen and Ben's grandfather who has grazing hair, dark brown eyes, a red Hawaiian shirt with blue jeans and brown shoes. They are Ben, Gwen and Maxwell Tennyson. (y/n) just smile and waved back.


After getting Ben down they were in the RV. Well did not like it when he found out that his cousin coming along for the ride.

Ben: "Granpa, why is she here."

Gwen: "You think I want too spend my time with you dweeb. My parent asked me to spend time with my family." while stared at Ben with an angry face 

(y/n): "Well I enjoy you being here Gwen." with a smiled

Gwen: "Thank you (y/n) and I also enjoy you being here too unlike someone." quickly change mood after (y/n) said

Max just sigh at this but thank to (y/n) being wise for diffuse the situation. Max just shake his head and start driving.


After we arrived at the campsite, we set up our two tent. One for (y/n),Max and Ben the other one for Gwen. Currently, they were waiting for Max prepare the food. (y/n) and Gwen were on the table catching up while Ben on the other side of the table playing video game.

Max: "Alright kids, It chow time." Max said putting the bowl on the table.

All of them except for Max were looking at the bowl dumbfounded.

Ben: "Ok, I give up. What is that?" Ben asked.

Max: "Marinated mealworms. Hard to find them fresh in the states. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some states." The other just looked disgusted.

Gwen: "And totally gross in others." Gwen said as Max picked up and eat it.

Gwen, Ben and (y/n) felt like puke after seeing it.

(y/n): "When I say camping I didn't think we have to salvage for food." while Max eat more, that one wore where he lick his finger after eating eat.

 (y/n): We'll never talk about this. Ever! " They all nodded

Max: "If these don't sound good to you two, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge." Max while continued to eat the worms with a pleased look.

Ben: "Ugh. Couldn't we just have a burger or something?" Ben asked.

Max: "Nonsense. This summer's gonna be an adventure for your taste buds. I'll grab the tongue." Max said heading inside as I continued to eat the mealworms.

Ben: "Ok. I've got a half eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar in mg backpack. What do you got?" Ben asked Gwen.

Gwen: "Some rice cakes and hard candy."

(y/n): "I got two sandwich and another bag of corn chips which is not eaten yet." 

Ben: "Think we can make them last the whole summer?" Ben asked as Max got yet another handful of mealworms.

(y/n): "Yeah, we gonna need more than that." while looking at mealworms.

Ben and Gwen: "Yup."

In Space

We see a robot standing in front of a large test tube with a mangled up alien with a octopus-like face. It name is Vilgax.

Robot: "Their propulsion systems have been destroyed." The robot informed.

Vilgax: "Prepare to board. I want the Omnitrix now."

On Earth

(y/n) and Gwen was laying down on the ground admiring the night sky and talked about constellation while Ben was playing a video game. Max walks out of the RV with a bag of marshmallows.

He looks to Gwen and Ben who are preoccupied with their devices and sees me star gazing.

Max: "Who wants to roast marshmallows?" Max asked as both Gwen and Ben didn't respond.

Ben: "No thanks grandpa. I think I lost my appetite." (y/n) agreed with him

Max: "Okay, how about some scary stories?" Max asked as I smiled.

Ben: "How about the one about having to spend a summer with your freak of a cousin?" Ben said laughing.

(y/n): "Come on man." I said with a deadpan look.

Gwen: "I'd like to, grandpa, but I'm busy doing a web search on cures for extreme doofusness. Nothing yet, Ben, but let's not give up hope." Gwen said to Ben.

(y/n): "One day I swear I going to die by listening you two bicker." I said to the two kids.

Max: "Oh, come on, you two. We're all in this together."

(y/n): "Max is right guys. You can mope around like this all summer, or we can have some fun. Now what do you say?"

Ben: "I vote for moping." Ben said as he turned his game off and got up. "I'm gonna take a walk. Smell you around Gwen."

(y/n): "Well I'll take those. Do you want some Gwen?" Gwen just shake her head

In The Forest

Ben: "Oh man, this is gonna be the worst summer ever." Ben said

Ben: "Whoa! A shooting star." Ben said with a smile, that was until the alleged star moved to where he was. He got out of the way and the object crashed. He both got up and looked into the crater and noticed a round metallic sphere.

Ben: "Wow, looks like a satellite or something." Ben said as he got down into the crater. Soon the pod opened up to reveal a black and gray watch like object with a green and gray hourglass shape in place of the hands and numbers of a normal watch. This was the Omnitrix.

Ben: "A watch? What's a watch doing in outer space?" Ben asked as he got closer.

Ben: "Aah! Get off me! Get off! Get off!" Ben yelled as he tried to remove his watch.

With (y/n), Max and Gwen

Gwen was still on her laptop and (y/n) was secretly stared the grasshopper progrise key thinking why his parent created it while Max was walking out the RV.

Max: "Hmm. Ben have been gone for a while." Max said looking at the direction Ben walked off. (y/n) quickly hide it. "Well I guess he can't t into too much trouble out here." (y/n) intercept him.

Gwen: "Unless Ben wound up bear food. Hey, I can dream, can't I?" Gwen said with a smile.

With Ben

Ben was still trying to remove the watch until he the watch he had beeped. Ben was amazed when he saw a symbol on the faceplate.

Ben: "Cool." Ben then pressed own on the faceplate, causing him to get engulfed in a green light. Once the light dissipated, Ben was something entirely different. He was a fiery humanoid somewhat covered in red lava rocks, four fingered hand and two toes on each foot. He was also taller than he was before, at least a foot higher than me.

When Ben noticed his transformation, Ben first reaction was to panic.

Ben: "AAAAAHHHH!" Ben screamed as he panicked.

Ben: "I'm on fire! I'M ON FIRE!" Ben said as he panicked.
Ben: "Heyyyy, I'm on fire, but I'm okay." Ben said actually liking the new look.

Ben: "Check it out. I'm orally hot." Ben said chuckling.

Ben: "Whoa!" Ben said igniting a ball of fire in his hands and fired a fire stream at a tree.
Ben: "That's what I'm talking about." Ben said but he then noticed the damage he caused. "Wait. Stop!" Ben said trying to get the flames to stop, but they continued to spread out of control.

Ben: "Oh no" Ben said with shocked face.

With (y/n), Gwen and Max

Max: "What is that?" Max asked as he saw the flames from their location. "Looks like the start of a forest fire." Max said.

Gwen: "We better let the ranger station know." Gwen said she grabbed a fire extinguisher.

Max: "Probably some darn fool camper out there messing with something he shouldn't." Max said as he, (y/n) and Gwen went wide eyed suddenly.

(y/n) Gwen and Max: "Ben."

(y/n): "Let's go." as he grabbed his bag and ran towards the forest.

Max: "Hopefully he is okay." Max said in worry.

With Ben

Ben was still struggling to stop the fires, even though he only making things worse.

Ben: "Oh man. This would be so much cool if of weren't so not cool." Ben said as I was panicking.

Suddenly he sprayed with ice breeze dousing the flames, looking at the direction he been shoot at. He saw an adult that has a light blue and yellow armor that look like a bear with a belt on his waist. Ben just jaw dropped at this.

It was (y/n) in one of his Zero-One form.

Zero-One: "So you the cause of the fire." Ben started to panic "whatever you are. I going to stop you." as he rush to Ben and punch him on the jaw. Ben was on the ground but quickly get up when Zero-One try to freeze him.

Zero-One: "Give up now or it gonna end bad for you." 

Ben quickly replied in defense " Wait, this just a big understanding."  Zero-One rushed again and punching Ben as Ben dodge try his attack. Ben throw a fire at Zero-One but he rolled out the way and dousing Ben fire.

As he about to finish Ben, he notice Gwen then noticed us and we noticed her.

Zero-One: "Oh boy." he said but Gwen screamed.

Ben: "Look, I know we look weird, by there's no reason to be scared." Ben said as he got blasted with Gwen's fire extinguisher.

Zero-One: "Please calm dow..." he said before got bashed by the fire extinguisher on his stomach, making him knelt down. "Oh god my, I gonna feel that in the morning."

Gwen: "I don't know what you two are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you!" Gwen warned us as Ben used his powers to cause a small fire on Gwen's shoe, causing him to chuckle and Gwen to douse it out.

Gwen: "I warned you two." Gwen said angrily getting ready to strike us with the fire extinguisher.

Ben: "Don't think about it freak." Ben said as Gwen went wide eyed and realized who she was facing.

Gwen: "Ben? Is that you?" Gwen asked as I got up.

Zero-One: "Ben?" Ben and Gwen looked at him as he pulled out the progrise key in his driver changing him back to (y/n).

(y/n): "What happened to you?" as they still surprise of the revealing identity

Gwen: "Same thing, We could ask you."

(y/n): "Long story."Suddenly Max came running up.

Max: "Gwen, are you all...what in blazes?" Max said wide eyed seeing Ben.

Gwen: "Hey grandpa, guess who." Gwen said motioning to me and Ben.

Ben: "Hi, grandpa." Ben waved.

Max: "Ben? What happened to you?" Max asked

Gwen: "He not the only one who turned into something weird" Max looked at Gwen confused as Ben began to explain, but (y/n) cut him off.

(y/n): "We'll explain later. Right now we got a forest fire to snuff out."

Ben: "But how do we do that?" Ben asked as Max had an idea.

Max: "Backfire." Max said.

Ben and Gwen: "Huh?"

Max: "Start a new fire and let it burn out the old one. They'll snuff each other out." Max said but (y/n) knew what he was getting at.

(y/n): "What Max mean is fight fire with fire. You guys go get out of here while me and Ben stop the fire from spreading. " before anyone can said (y/n) pull out a red progrise key with a tiger symbol on it and and press

"Fire!" and he insert in the driver 

"Authorize!" a giant burning tiger materialized from his driver as he flip the progrise key before he insert to the driver.

(y/n): "Henshin!" (y/n) shouted and transfomer into an adult but this time his armor were red and looked like a tiger.

 "Progrise! Gigant flare! Flaming Tiger! Explosive power of 100 Bombs." the driver annouce as they other just watch in awe.

(y/n): "Let's go Ben!" snapping everyone and went along with Max's idea as (y/n) and Ben go to fire while Gwen and Max go the other way.

In space

Vilgax: "What do you mean it's not there? This battle nearly costs me my life and you say the Omnitrix is no longer onboard the transport?" asked, anger clear in his tone.

Robot: "Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship just before boarding. It landed on the planet below." The robot informed its boss.

Vilgax: "Go. Bring it to me."  as a drone was launched from his ship to earth.

On Earth

Its been hours since the fire started, Max's idea worked and both fires died down. Ben and (y/n) as his civilian form were back at the campsite but Ben still as fire alien. Then start with (y/n) explaining first before Ben. They were shocked that advance technology like that existence. (y/n) already given it name, it called Kamen Rider Zero-One since his parent called it project Zero-One, the Kamen Rider is a Japanese name for mask rider because it looked liked a motorsport type of armor and it sound catchy in Japanese.

After a long explanation, Max understand and let (y/n) hold on to it since he know the risk when people find about the Kamen Rider existence and it technology. Now, Max turn to Ben for his explanation.

Max: "And you clamped onto your wrists?" Max said as Ben grabbed a marshmallow.

Ben: "Yeah. But it wasn't my fault this time. I swear." Ben said while (y/n) added.

(y/n): "Minus the forest fire part." he said as Max nodded.

Gwen: "So are he gonna remain monsters forever?" Gwen asked.

Max: "They're not monsters Gwen, they're aliens." Max said as (y/n), Ben and Gwen looked at him.

Max: "I mean look at him it kinda obvious that thing not from around here." Max said as if were like to cover something up.

Then Omnitrix symbol beeped and in a red flash of light, Ben was back to normal.

Ben: "Hey, I'm me again." Ben said.

Gwen: "Aw, too bad. I liked you better when you were a briquette." Gwen said as Ben try to take off the Omnitrix

Ben: "I still can't get it off." Ben said as he struggled

(y/n): "Look like that thing's never gonna come off." (y/n) said as Ben sighed in defeat.

Max: "Well, better not fool with those things Ben. I'll go check out the crash site. You three stay put until I get back." Max said as he got up and walked off.

The Crash Site

A large robot appeared and noticed the pod was empty. It shot a laser, destroying the pod that once contained the Omnitrix and shot out two disc-shaped drones before walking off.

The Camp Site 

Ben was seen fiddling with his Omnitrix until Gwen spooked him by surprise.

Gwen: "Caught ya!" Gwen said scaring Ben, chuckling. (y/n) wasn't too far behind her.

Ben: "Heh heh heh. Very your face." Ben said turning his attention back to his Omnitrix.

Gwen: "Grandpa said not to mess with that thing." Gwen said as I nodded.

(y/n): "She's right Ben. Let's wait until we know more about it." he said with his arms crossed.

Ben: "Yeah. So, what's your point." Ben said ignoring them.

Gwen: "Did your parents drop you when you were a baby?" Gwen asked.

(y/n): "Ben, listen. These things aren't toys and we know so little detail about. They're probably the most powerful devices known to man even for Zero-One. If these fall into the wrong hands, who knows what may happen." 

Ben: "Come on. You can't tell me that you aren't a little bit curious what else this thing can do." Ben said as (y/n) shook my head.

Gwen: "I don't like this one bit." Gwen said as I couldn't help but agree.

Ben: "Look. I can figure this out, maybe I can help people. I mean really help them and not just, you know, make things worse. Plus, (y/n) can help me out with his cool armor." Ben said as (y/n) just stared at Ben and the Omnitrix for a moment.

(y/n): "Well, maybe we can start with the watch can allow you to change your DNA into alien." he said in defeated knowing that Ben determined to figure it out.

Gwen: "So how did it feel to go all alien like that?" Gwen asked Ben as (y/n) was puzzled.

Ben: "It freaked me out at first. It was like I was me, but it was also like I was somebody else."

(y/n): "From your prospective, it look like the watch is mainly for  the wearer experience what it's like being in the shoes of other alien life forms." he said as Omnitrix began to Ben and glow green.

Ben: "Hey, I think I figured it out." Ben said as I began to explain.

(y/n): "Huh, the watch transformations seem to has a recharge. We should probably counted how long it take to recharge" I said as Ben looked at me and Gwen with a smile.

Ben: "Should I try it again once." Ben asked as (y/n) took out his phone and open a timer.

Gwen: "I wouldn't." Gwen said.

Ben: "Yeah. You wouldn't." Ben said as he slaked down on the faceplate again. This time he transformed into a quadrupedal orange creature with no eyes or nose, sharp teeth and claws and quills on his back, and a wore a brace with the Omnitrix symbol on his left shoulder. Ben let out a roar to finish the transformation.

Gwen: "Ew! This thing's uglier than you are normally." Gwen said as Ben roared 

Gwen: "Wow. Put a flea collar on this mutt. And no eyes? What good is this one? It can't we." Gwen as (y/n) look at Ben to get some insight.

(y/n): " This type alien have gills on its necks must be to provide superb hearing and smell like a fish." he said grabbing a nearby branch and got ready to hit Ben with it to test his theory. Ben sensed this and jumped on top the RV before (y/n) could strike him.

(y/n): "Hmmm, Interesting." he said as Ben hopped down in front of us.

Gwen: "Ew! Two words: breath mints." Gwen said as Ben ran off into the woods.

Gwen: "Ben, get back here!" Gwen said but Ben didn't listen. "Ben, I'm gonna tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky animal monster thing and went swinging around the forest when he told you not to. This is a majorly weird day." Gwen said with a sigh while (y/n) press his phone and it change into a bike.

Gwen: "Whoa! That so cool" Gwen said as (y/n) give her an extra helmet.

(y/n): "Thanks, we better go in after him. We don't know how much time he has left." He said as Gwen climbed on (y/n) bike.I sped off toward Ben direction.

In The Woods 

Ben as alien dog was in the forest and appeared to search for something. He then sensed something coming his way and jumped onto the nearest branch. What he sensed a drones. 

When the drone had its guard down, Ben pounced on it, clawing at it and biting at it. The drown tried to shake it off but Ben bit out its circuits. The Omnitrix timed out, reverted Ben back to normal. Ben sees another drone flying towards him.

Ben: "Oh, not good." Ben said as the drone was then hit by a bike.

(y/n): "And stay down." he said as Gwen hoped off and check on Ben.

Ben: "Whoa!" Ben asked.

(y/n): "Your lucky I manage to get here in time. It look like you can hold your form at least ten minutes top." he said

Ben: "Never thought I'd say this,I glad to see you." Ben said to Gwen.


They currently went back at the campsite. After a minutes ago (y/n) grab his notebook and start writing down Ben's alien with the knowledge that he has for the time being.

Gwen: "I was worried you might get popular with that thing." Gwen said to Ben as I realized something.

(y/n): "The droid were only were locked on to you. So whoever want the watch pretty much gonna come after you." I said as Max came up.

Max: "That's why I asked you not to fool around with those." Max said, getting their attention.

Ben: "Sorry Grandpa." Ben said as he looked away ashamed. 

Ben: "But at least I figured out how to make of work. All you do is press this button. Then when the ring pops up, just twist it until you see the guy you want to be. Slam it down, and bammo! You're one of 10 super-cool aliens." Ben said.

(y/n): "Of course it does have a limiter. It lasts for ten minutes before recharging." he said as Gwen asked something.

Gwen: "What about staying a super-cool alien dude and not transforming into pizza face anymore?" Gwen asked.

Ben: "I kinda haven't figured that out yet. (y/n) maybe you can figure it out with your nerd thing, right?" Ben asked me as (y/n) was thinking about.

(y/n): "Well, that would be a problem because if once your stuck as an alien and don't revert to normal, you'd be not you anymore." he said as Ben, Gwen and Max were shocked.

Ben: "Whoa." Ben said a bit shocked by the info. Suddenly a radio went off.

Radio: "Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're being attack by some sort of...I know you're not gonna believe me...but robot.

Ben: "Sounds like those things that attacked me."

Gwen: "Must be looking for the watch."

Ben: "Those people are in trouble because of us. I think I can help them. (y/n), you with me?" Ben asked me as (y/n) thought about it and nodded.

(y/n): "Well, someone have to watch your back." he said as the Omnitrix started beeping again.

Ben: "Yeah. Eenie meenie goes" Ben said as he selected his alien of choice and transformed into a crystaline humanoid figure composed of durable pale green crystals. He sports four crystal shards on his back and has a sharp head. He also wore a uniform which was black on the right half and white on the left with a black patch on the left shoulder where the Omnitrix symbol was.

Gwen: "So what can this guy do?" Gwen asked Ben.

Diamondhead: "I don't know. Well it worth a shot." Ben said as (y/n) put on his driver on his waist 

"Zero-One Driver!" and pulled out a grasshopper progrise key press it.

"Jump!" as he put it on his driver.

"Authorise!" as a giant yellow grasshopper materialize and he flip the progrise key.

"Henshin!" he shouted as he insert to he driver.

"Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick."

Gwen: "Whoa! So that's grasshopper armor?" Gwen asked.

Zero-One: "Yep! Now with that done, let's take down that rusty pile of bolts."


Later people were screaming as the giant robot began its rampage. When we got there, I noticed that it was one of Vilgax's bots.

Diamondhead: "Looks like papa robot this time. We'll get gearhead's attention. You get the campers to safety." Ben said as (y/n) pulled out a briefcase and turned into big black sword with a yellow line on it.


Zero-One: "Time to send this bug guy-eyed rust bucket to the junkyard." he said as him and Ben ran off to the robot whole Gwen and Max ran to help the campers. The robot picked up a ranger who began to scream for his life.

Diamondhead: "Leave him alone! Try to pick on someone on for your size." Ben said as the robot scanned Ben and (y/n) and noticed the Omnitrix symbol and began dropped the ranger and blasted a laser at them. The robot scuttled off, but Ben cut his way out of the rubble while (y/n) listed away the debris off him.

Zero-One: "I have an idea Ben." he said whispering to Ben about the plan. Gwen and Max helped the ranger the robot dropped.

Ranger: "What's going on here?" The ranger asked Max.

Max: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Now come on." Max said as the ranger ran off, Gwen round up the other campers. (y/n) and Ben were still fighting the robot. Suddenly a tree was about to fall on Gwen.


 But luckily, (y/n) was there and use his ability to speed to Gwen and grab her away from the tree.

Zero-One: "You alright there red?" he asked as Gwen nodded.

Gwen: "Yeah. Thanks." Gwen said as he gently dropped her before she ran off to Max. He then ran back to the fray as (y/n) nodded to Ben, signaling him to start. Ben then summoned a large crystal spike from the ground, trapping the robot. (y/n) pushed his progrise key.

"Rising Impact!" jumped as high as he can before aiming his leg to the robot head.

Then (y/n) kick the robot and land on the other side the head explode. 

Diamondhead: "Well done dude." Ben said patting my back.

Zero-One: "Thanks, you too." he said as Gwen and Max cheered them from a near by.

Max and Gwen: "Alright! Way to go Ben..." They said as a group of people liked at him 

Max: "Uh Diamondhead and Kamen Rider Zero-One!" Max said correcting himself to not give away Ben and (y/n) identities. 

Diamondhead: "Oh, yeah! Who's bad?" Ben said as (y/n) put his hand on Ben's shoulder.

Zero-One: "Well, looks like we gotta run." he said as Ben and him ran off back to the campsite.

Man: "Who were those guys?" A man asked as the other people shrugged.

In space

Vilgax: "Failure? Unbelievable!" Vilgax said in a fit of rage. "Though this information is interesting." Vilgax said in interest

Robot: "Indeed, Master Vilgax. I never expected Earth have a protector and it the only advance technology of weapon in Earth." The robot said.

Vilgax: "Yes. Once I eradicate the earthling and it protector, I'll have an Omnitrix and a new weapon at my disposal. Its two for the price of one." Vilgax said sinister.

At the camp site

They were packing things up, but Ben seemed to be nowhere in sight.

Gwen: "Where's Ben?" Gwen asked Max and me.

Max: "I haven't seen him since breakfast." Max said as a blur suddenly appeared in a cloud of dust, only revealing it was Ben as XLR8.

XLR8: "Don't worry guys I got it." Ben said as he used XLR8's speed to help finish loading everything into the RV before reverting back to normal.

Ben: "I think this is gonna be the best summer ever." Ben said.

Max: "Indeed. This is definitely going to be interesting." Max said he got into the RV.

Gwen: "So where were you anyway?" Gwen asked Ben.

Ben: "Just had to take care of a few things before our summer really got rolling." Ben said as I had a knowing smile on his face. 

Meanwhile, We see two boys, Cash and JT who are the bullies at Ben's school. As both boys were hanging on a tree branch by their underpants,

Cash: "Dude, how'd we get up here?" Cash asked JT.

JT: "I'm not sure. It all happened so fast." JT said while the cars passing by.

Cash: "Hey, somebody, anybody! Little help up here, please!" Cash called out desperately.

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