Loving a killer isn't bad (re...

By Phan_Howtler

7.7K 63 44

❌❌THIS WAS WRITTEN WHEN I WAS TWELVE LMAO IM SO SORR❌❌❌Your always depressed. You cut yourself for the escape... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five special christmas tea party
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Honey moon
Pregnant? And bad news?
Its the time...
author chan
its me!
Author's note
sorry again

chapter 11

215 2 2
By Phan_Howtler

Y/n POV:

so its been about a year or so since the cocky( XD hahah....) incident, toby has healed and every day he will not stop appoligizing about the whole drama from a year ago! well today i have to go to an 'official creepypasta meeting' slender will not shut his non existing mouth about it, im a little worried for BEN though..... he has been locking himself in his room for hours a day, i tried asking but he wont answer, im going to figure out whats going on, i walked up stares to BENs room, i tried to open his door but it was locked as usaul, so i knocked three time my habbit......*knock knock knock BEN knock knock knock BEN........... still not answering, "BEN SO GOD HELP ME I WILL BREAK DOWN YOUR DOORIF YOU DONT OPEN UP." i yelled, "y/n leave me alone.'' (btw i have a power to go through things when i want) so i went through BENs door to find ben on the ground with his knees covering his head......"BEN what is going on? im worried for you, i want you to tell me." i gently said sitting by him, "every....." he mummbled, "i counld not hear you." "EVERYONE'' he yelled, that hurt, "what do you mean?"i asked, "your with toby, janes with jeff, sallys with silver,clockworks dead, and im with no one, that means no one loves me." BEN said with tears forming in his eyes, i went over to hug him( he is wearing a sweater) and his sleeve rolled up for me to see scares, "BEN dont tell me you.." i said crying . i mean other then him being a perv he is sweet,i hugged BEN and told him" BEN you more than this, all of us love you, your like a little brother to me even though your older than me, please dont hurt yourself." i got up and walked out of his room to go to the meeting downstares, " okay everyone im serious about this, we are having a new creepy pasta, and nothing like clo- i mean whome name shall not be said, she is about BEN age, but BEN shall not be a pervert to her." slenderman said glarring at eah one of us, "so thats basiclly what a meeting is like, its boring." i whispered in tobys ear who was sitting by me, "she is coming tomorrow" slender said while he calmed, "oh and Toby I need to see you in my office", and that was the end of the meeting, I sure hope this girl is nothing like clockwork!

Toby POV: I went in slender mans office and sat in a chair, "yes slender sir?", "It's about y/n," slender said, "what about her?" I asked worried, "well the new girl is y/n's old friend, a good friend too, but I wiped her memory of her, her friend is Raine Wolf, she met her when she was twelve but Raine was in her Human form,

........FLASH BACK..........
Y/n POV: I was left here in the park, all alone , my daddy tried to get rid of me, but right then I seen something in the woods move,"Who is there?" I hollered, then again something move quickly past me , and I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw, a girl, she was pretty, she asked what was wrong and I had told her my dad left my her alone on purpose, because he is abusive and tries to hurt me or get rid of me, since my mother died in a car wreck, and ever since then he blames me, " oh don't worry kid I'm sure one day you will get help but in the mean time I'll be your friend." said the girl, "oh by the way, I'm y/n" I said holding out my hand, " I'm Raine." and she shook my hand. ever since then she has been my best friend, until she was kidnapped by the guy who works at the store down the street, and was killed,but never found.

.............End of flashback...........

"See child, y/n and Raine were best friends, but Raine escaped and ran away, but y/n thought she died. But child you must not tell y/n." slenderp looked at me, "yes, sir." I said, "you may leave" he said opening his door,

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