Chapter 18

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Toby POV:
So I'm way better now, and me and Y/n have been together for almost 3 years, tomorrow will be our anniversary, and I going to surprise her, I have been saving up ALOT of money and I going to take y/n to Paris, I walked into my room to see y/n sleeping, she looks so cute, I must try something , I climbed up on the bed and hovered over y/n, "y/n swetie" I said leaning down to kiss her nose, "nu, Toby, don't eat my nose" she is super cute, "I bent down and kissed her lips, and she opened her eyes, then she kissed back, then it was an intense makeout session, but I split before it got serious. "Wha-?" She said confused, "Not right now, you have to wait." I said sitting up, "wait for what?" She asked, " for a surprise, that's all I'm telling you." I said standing to my feet, " right now I need my-uh-.... Wallet." I said, "uh okay, here" she got my wallet of the night stand and handed it to me, "thank you love, now I got to go to- uh- a place.." I said, I am actually going to buy y/n and me a ticket for our plain ride. "okay- uh bye sweetie." she said and I walked downstairs and left.

Y/n POV:
What's up with Toby?hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... I went to go to Raines room but I heard WIERD noises,"~~~~ oh, BEN~~~~~"
"Take off in three two..." "Ooooooh~~"............ EWWWWWWWWWW,i will come back later, I went downstairs to slenders office, * knock knock knock* "oh yes child?" Slender said, " hey slender sir, do you know what up with Toby, has been acting very wierd....?" I asked, " I don't know, why don't you go ask Raine or BEN or someone else?" He said stacking the papers on his desk, "because I believe Raine and BEN are playing space sex." I said grossed out , just ew. "oh, uh, well, sorry child, I don't know what to tell you,eh." he said, then I left his room and went back upstairs to my room, and got out my phone and put on my headphones,then I started to sing " almost lover" A Fine Frenzy.

"Your finger tips across my skin,the palm trees swaying in the wind, images. " I sang aloud

"You sang me Spanish lullabies, the sweetest sadness in your eyes, clever trick. And I never want to see you unhappy, I thought you'd want the same for me. " Tears welded up in my eyes, as old memories came rushing back ripping me into shreds.

"Good bye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream. I'm trying not to think about you, cant you just let me be. So long my luckless romance, my back is turned on you, should have known you'd bring me heartache, almost lovers always do. " what's my life made out of? Shattered memories, broken heart , what kind of world do we live in? When love is divided by hate losing control of our feelings, selling our souls for no reason,where dreaming this life away, in a world so cold.
This feeling you get when you can't find a way."I got on my knees and sang quietly to myself. * knock knock knock* "huh-" it was Jeff, " hey y/n, what's wrong?" He asked,why does he care? "Uh, nothing........." I said getting up back on my feet, " oh, um, well I came to ask if you wanted to going killing?" He asked as he twittled his thumbs, what up with Jeff, why is he not being a jackass? "Uh,sure Jeff " I said back, " k, get your stuff." He said walking out of mine and Toby's room. I grabbed my katana and went down stairs, I didn't care how I looked, "Jeff grabbed the back of my hoodie and dragged me out the door, because he said I was being slow. "uhh y/n come on!" Jeff complained, "I'm coming, why is it such a big deal???" I asked, "its not, there's just one person I really want to kill, but I can't, you can." he said, "wait what do you mean?" I asked confused, "no time, come on" Jeff said and I followed him as he ran into, what looks like an old high school, oh my zalgo- "j-Jeff I can't kill him." I said, it was my brother, if your wondering why Jeff want to kill him but can't it's because, my brother kinda bullied Jeff when he was in school, my brother is older then me and moved away, so I don't talk about him , but when dad always did something to me, brother would take care of me, help me, calmed me, loved me, and now I have to be the one to kill him, Jeff can't kill him because Jeff promised zalgo not to hurt anyone related to me, thy the other pastas have to, or mainly ME. "sorry y/n." Jeff spoke after the long time of silence, Jeff took my brothers blind fold off, he was tied to a chair, " y-y/n? Is that you? What going on?" He asked, "b/n ( brothers name) I'm sorry" I said and gripped my katana, " sorry for what ??!??!?!" He asked and he noticed my katana,"y/n, what are you doing?" He said with tears forming in his eyes, "I love you b/n." and I stabbed the katana strait through his chest. he was gone. I fell to my knees and began to cry loudly. "I'm really sorry y/n, we should get going though." and with that I got up and we left, after about an hour of walking through the woods Jeff started to talk. " hey y/n are you okay?" He asked, stupid question,silly silly boy, "to be honest, no. " We started talking about our past, he had it pretty rough, then my phone which was in my back pocket went off.

Tobes: hey sweetie
Me: hay honey, when are you coming home?
Tobes: actually I'm not, I'm with Liu, and we are doing something something I'll be back the day after tomorrow.
Me: Monday? Why so late? What are you going to be doing?
Tobes: sorry g2g, love you, miss you
Me: love you too, miss you too, bye.

I put away my phone, what going on with Toby? Instantly I remembered something. "Hey Jeff?" I asked, "yes?" He said, "are those pink underwear comfortable?" I started to laugh, "WH-WHAT, HOW, WHEN, HOW THE FU-" he started freaking out, "get on my level" I said back while walking into the mansion, "Fuck you y/n" he said, before I went up stairs I said- " sorry, but I already have a lover." and went up stair to take a shower.

Loving a killer isn't bad (reader x Ticci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now