Edward Cullen: Purse Snatcher

By LittleMissD07

37.9K 890 163


The Dare
The Purse
He Did It
Leather and Kisses
Little Miss
She Does What Now?
Shotgun Shells Part Two
Outtake - Meeting Nana


1.5K 38 14
By LittleMissD07


I flipped Jasper the finger as he passed me up for the second time on the way to the campgrounds. Whenever Edward, Jasper and I got together, there always something that we turned into a competition. Whether it was racing, swimming or even belching, we competed until we found a winner. It was fucking tradition. Our camping trip would be no different.

And I couldn't wait to get Bella and Edward back for all the crap I had to go through in that tiny nine-by-nine cell and gutting fish. Not to mention the funky smell that had me dipping my ass in a lemon-douche water concoction. How the fuck was I supposed to know not to dip in it completely naked, especially if you had an open wound. Fucking manscaping; that shit stung.

Oh yeah, it was high time the happy couple got what was coming to them.


Once Emmett and Jake were in my review mirror, I knew I was safe until the next chance for him to pass came up. I looked over at Bella and smiled. "You know Emmett's going to try something, right?"

She laughed and shrugged. "That's fine with me. I can take him."

I took her hand in mine and pulled it to my lips. "Oh, you've proved that this morning, love. Are you willing to show me a few moves?"

Bella bit her lip, cocking her head to one side as she regarded me. "I don't know, Edward." She shrugged and smiled coyly. "What's in it for me?"

"Peace of mind," I said easily. "And if a mugger chooses to hold us up, I don't have to look like ass and let my wife take care of it." I was baiting her, because I knew that shit wouldn't be taken lightly. She was a feminist at heart, at least about certain things.

She cocked in eyebrow in question. "Are you saying you wouldn't protect me anyway?" Her bottom lip trembled as moisture started to gather at the corners of her eyes.

Holy shit! Had I really made it sound that way? Then the brat started to laugh. "Oh, you better not turn on the water works like that again." I growled playfully. "I said it jokingly. Baby, I'd take a bullet for you, even a bazooka shell."

She sighed. "Clearly, my father decided to show you his collection. He had emailed me a picture of the modified shell, painted with your likeness on side with a target on your chest."

I shuddered. "Your father has way too much time on his hands."

She giggled and agreed. We talked about Charlie and Heidi's upcoming nuptials. I asked a question without thought. Just blurted it out like a dumbass. "Is Heidi okay with not having children?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "Edward, my father is only forty-two years old. And as Heidi all ready mentioned the nauseating information to me, he's very capable of having children." I groaned, sickened with the mental image of Charlie testing his spunk to make sure his soldiers were still in prime condition.

"What's strange is the idea that Heidi and I might get pregnant at the same time."

I cringed and shuddered again. "Um, yeah, that is really weird." A thought crossed my mind, there were still things I didn't know about Bella. They were the type of things that would affect our future together. "How many kids would you like to have?"

"I'd like to have one of each, at the very least, but three seems to be the right number to me."

I smiled and kissed her hand again. "That does sound perfect. I hope she has your eyes." Already picturing our future daughter, I was awed by the dreamlike image of the pint-sized beauty.

Bella gave me a brilliant smile. "I hope our little boy has your –" she looked thoughtful, and I knew then she was baiting me. Fuck, I loved that she would do that with me every day for the rest of our lives. "Teeth."

I barked out a laugh and shook my head. "My teeth? You can do better than that."

She grinned. "All right," she said, rolling her eyes. "I hope they have the same patience you have. I know being with me hasn't been easy but you've stood by me, time and time again. Though both of us have made some mistakes, we still managed to stay together. That takes commitment, love, communication, and as I said, patience."

"No, our relationship hasn't been easy," I said thoughtfully. Moved by her words, I struggled to put my emotions behind my own. "What has been was falling in love with you, Bella. So damn easy, and though things haven't run smoothly, I wouldn't change a thing. We'll make mistakes, but that's part of life and learning. I love you, baby."

"I love you," she whispered, nuzzling my cheek for a few moments. "And your hair, I hope our son has your hair."

"He'll be a lady killer," I teased. She giggled and pressed her lips to my neck. "So, that's three kids, a four bedroom, two bath house and two cars. Any chance we can add two-point-five pets?"

"We'll see," she replied, patting my thigh affectionately. "Should we look for a place of our own or is my house adequate?"

"I don't have a job currently," I said softly. "And though my parents have helped me for years, I don't want to be a burden on them anymore." I shook my head, clearing my throat before continuing, "Having said that, I want to work. I don't want to leech off you."

"You know I'd never see it that way, especially once we're married," she replied simply. "I understand where you're coming from, though. How about we compromise? You can move in once you've graduated next spring, and work part-time to help with the utilities. The rest of the time can be devoted on setting up your own company."

"The way the economy is," I said warily. "The chances for success in either venture may prove difficult. Even part-time jobs are tough to find nowadays."

"I want you with me," she whispered. I could hear the fear in her voice, but also acceptance.

"I'm not worried, baby," I said, watching her sigh as she settled fully on her seat. "I'll agree to move in together by spring but I'd like to add the stipulation that we'd be married by then."

"Aww," she cooed, rubbing my stubble covered jawline. "You want to make me an honest woman."

I snorted. "If that was a case, I wouldn't have used my tongue—" Her hand clamped over my mouth, her eyes narrowed.

"You can't bring that up while driving," she hissed, squirming in her seat. Damn. She was aroused. Dev patted me on the back, while wiping away imaginary tears from his eyes. "Now, let's discuss the two-point-five pets."

Licking her palm with the tip of my tongue, I grinned when her breath caught. Teasing her was fun.


Teasing was fucking painful. At least when Bella teased me to the point that I'd been hard for the past few hours. Once we arrived to our campground, each little group worked to get our campsite set up. Bella was quite helpful, since she seemed to be the only one that understood the instructions to our new tent. However, the evil, sexy seductress either touched me while no one was looking, or gave me enticing looks down her sweater.

Dev promptly indicated that DeviBella had completely taken over our sweet angel, and in all likelihood, had to do with the fact that we were finally doing it. Personally, I wanted to believe that she was as insatiable as I was. What was that saying? Once you pop, you can't stop.

Angel slapped the side of my head and told me not to say that out loud. I wasn't stupid, but I was pretty sure that Emmett would've gotten a kick out of it. However, I wasn't the type to um…kiss and tell.

"That's it," Bella said, stepping back to look at the finished product. She gave me a smile and unzipped our tent. "At least it's tall enough so that you won't have to hunch over." I smiled, stepping inside with her. I zippered up the tent and waggled my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes, but cocked her finger for me to come closer.

As if I wouldn't. The moment I felt her arms around me, I kissed her soft mouth, sighing since it felt as if it'd been days since I last tasted her. She moaned softly and all I wanted to do was grab her ass and settle myself in between her thighs.

However, Cockblockers 1 and 2, decided to walk right in our tent. "Hey, hey now," Jake said, with a dopey grin on his face. "Leave that for when you're at home. Out here, it's only supposed to be things all natural. No electronics or battery operated machinery."

"Yeah," Emmett snickered, checking out our tent. "We all know you have to use a vibrator to get her off."

"Fuck off," I growled as I pulled my mouth from Bella. However, my sexy ass fiancée bit my lower lip and sucked it between hers. I groaned and kissed her hard once more.

Bella gasped as she pulled back, giving me a naughty smile. "Edward takes care of me without help and he's so attentive. 'Five times since last night' kind of attention." Well, apparently Bella had little problems with kissing and telling.

She turned toward Jacob and Emmett and grinned mischievously. "Do we need to have another demonstration like this morning?"

Both of their eyes nearly popped out of their heads as they cupped themselves. "No," they said in unison.

"I can't believe you have your girlfriend fighting your battles," Emmett grumbled.

I laughed. "Jealous? I'm fine with it, but she promised to teach me."

"Damn," Jacob hissed. "Why does that sound so fucking dirty?"

Bella rolled her eyes and shooed them out of the tent. "That's because men think with their dicks over ninety percent of their day."

"Do not," Jacob hissed. His gaze lowered to Bella's scoop neck sweater, completely mesmerized by the flesh on display there. Bella slapped the side of his head.

"You were saying," she said as she walked over to get the rest of our things from the truck.

"What? They were just there," he said, watching her ass.

I smacked him, too. "Stop drooling over my future wife," I said with a roll of my eyes. "You are not going to be my best man, that's for sure."

"Aw!" Jacob whined. "I'm only looking." He slapped his hand on my back and pulled me into a headlock. "I'd never actually touch. Plus, you need to get used to it."

"I know," I said. I had to be secure enough in our relationship, and I was. And it was the main reason I wasn't trying to kill Jacob for looking at Bella like he had. The ass messed up my hair more and laughed. Slapping his hand away, I wrapped my arms around his waist and we landed on the floor in a heap of laughter and flailing limbs. We scuffled for a few seconds when I saw Emmett walk away.

"Guys," he said almost sweetly. "Grow up already. We need to finish setting up." He gave Bella a big smile and hauled down some of our things. Bella cocked an eyebrow in question, but when he only smiled, she turned her attention to me. Yup, the man had plans for us. We would have to be on alert all the time, and never take a drink from him. God knew what he'd do to us if we fell into a medicated sleep.

I wouldn't put it past him; he'd done it before. And to Jasper of all people, and that was something that Emmett was still watching his back for. Apparently, he hadn't learned his lesson.

I landed a punch to Jacob's solar plexus, causing him to become winded. He groaned as I rose to my feet. I ran toward Bella and hid behind her. She laughed and handed me our bags of clothes. I brushed my lips over hers and took off toward our tent just as Jacob lunged toward me.

Laughing, Bella threw something toward Jacob, forcing him to catch it. "Finish setting up," she chastised. "Then you can try kicking his ass."

"Hey," I said firmly, trying not to laugh. "I see how it is, I use you as a shield once and it lands me in the dog house."

She shook her head and walked into our tent with our pillows and few blankets. "You're not in the dog house. I just think it'll make him feel better. He did get his ass handed to him by a woman."

"A tiny little thing, too," Emmett sang from the tent next to ours. Fucking assholes decided to put their tent so close, it almost felt as if we were sharing a damn wall.

"Fucker," Jacob hissed and I heard Emmett exhale loudly. "She kicked your behind, too."

After we finished setting up, Bella and I decided to take a walk along the shore. It was a little windy, so we both put on some heavier sweaters. As we left the campsite, we could hear Emmett and Jacob sing, "Edward and Bella f-u-c-k-i-n-g, first comes love then comes marriage…then comes Edward with a dad-mobile."


"Remind me why we put up with them?" I grumbled, taking her hand. She shrugged and seemed to be as clueless as I was. We passed Alice and Jasper while they finished unpacking their things from the Alice's SUV.

She popped her head out of the tent and smiled. "Where are you two off to defile?" Alice asked sweetly. I raised an eyebrow in question. "You can't be that clueless, Edward. Walks are the perfect way to get some alone time. You can bet that Jasper and I will be taking a walk later this afternoon."

I choked and gagged, and all the while, Alice and Bella laughed. Tugging Bella behind me, I quickly made my way down a trail. The horrid images that confession had trudged up made me want to bleach my brain. It seemed that I could finally understand why Emmett had such a hard time seeing Bella as a sexual being. He saw her as a sister; one that he probably hoped would've stayed the sweet, innocent girl he met in an elevator. And since Alice was my cousin, the idea of her and Jasper doing it in the woods…I couldn't even finish the thought without bile rising in my throat.

However, I cackled internally, since I had corrupted all that innocence in less than a month. Dev stood on my shoulder, all debonair in a suit, stroking his mustache as he laughed evilly. Immediately, the image faded when Bella slapped her hand on my chest.

"I have to wonder, if Dev and Angel are making more appearances or less," Bella teased. "I know for a fact that my angel hadn't made one since I met you."

I growled at her tone and more so as I threw her over my shoulder, slapping her behind. "You are a devil in disguise, babe."After a few more squeals from my fiancée, I set her down after we hadn't seen anyone in quite a while. "Now, that we've discussed our future a little more –" I pressed my mouth against her neck, walking her backward while my arms held her close. "We haven't discussed a date and how big our wedding will be."

Bella sighed softly, allowing me more access to her delectable neck. "The sooner the better," she whispered, gasping when my teeth raked over her flushed skin. "But it might be a good idea to wait until you graduate."

I shook my head. "There is no way I can handle wedding plans, studying and starting a business at the same time. Do you want a big wedding?"

I pulled back in time to see her shake her head gently. "Considering the way the media handled my comeback, I can't even begin to imagine what they'd say about me getting married at my age." I stilled. Did that mean she'd make me wait even longer? Her hands framed my face, forcing my gaze onto her. "However, if we kept it small and moved quickly, we may be able to avoid it. Or, at the very least, be prepared for it. Keep it simple and then I'd have my people make an announcement afterward."

I nodded, sighing in relief. "I have to talk to my parents." Though I had made my plans clear to my parents and Nana the night that Bella had dinner with us, I needed to know how they felt about a simple ceremony. The where and how mattered little to me, only that Bella would be there was what was important.

I loved her, and soon, the whole world would know it, along with the fact that she had pretty pink nipples. I stilled cringed whenever I thought about the night I had confessed to all sorts of things concerning my Bella to a reporter.

"We have to talk to your parents," Bella said firmly. "Nana said that she'd have my hide if I hurt you, so we need to tell her I said yes. And I have no intention of letting the paparazzi destroy our chance at a lovely wedding."

I nodded. "Nana had said that if you said 'no', that I should kidnap you. She said in that tone of hers, that under no circumstances was I to allow you to walk away."

She smiled up at me, laughing softly. "As if I would."

I grinned and waggled my eyebrows. "It's my sexual prowess that did it, right?"

Bella giggled and wrapped her arms around. "I said yes before we had sex," she said, kissing my chin and then nibbled. She had to know what that did to me. I growled and tightened hold her hips. "But I have to admit, your willingness to learn may have been in your favor."

I laughed and kissed her soft lips. "I knew it. I am fucking phenomenal. Call me Edward, sex god!" She laughed against my lips, protesting when I backed her against a tree. "It's also a good thing I was a boy scout." She raised an eyebrow in question. "Left front pocket," I added, lifting her and wrapping her legs around my hips. "I'm always prepared." She laughed when she pulled out a condom and a pre-packed wipe. "Less mess." With another kiss, I covered her breast with my palm. "Now, what color panties are you wearing?"


Hours later, our entire group reconvened at our campground. Bella, Alice and Jasper set up the two camp stoves we brought to start dinner. Our lunch earlier had consisted of simple sandwiches and warm chicken soup. However, Jasper wanted to cook up something else and completely refused to cook the fish that Jacob had caught.

"What the hell is wrong with my fish?" Jacob complained, grumbling as Bella cubed some meat for chili.

Bella laughed and gave him a smile. "My Dad punished him and Emmett by having them gut three dozen fish."

Jacob's eyes widened and then he burst out laughing. "Oh, man! I'd love to see that shit. God, I can't imagine how they must've smelled afterward."

Alice groaned and hissed. "I made Jasper go into our backyard, strip, and hosed him down."

I started to laugh, covering it up with a cough when Jasper leveled me with a glare. "The water was fucking cold!"

Alice laughed. "You should've seen his face when I brought out fish to make for dinner the other night. I never saw him look so green or run to the bathroom so fast."

Bella wiggled her eyebrows. "Maybe we should fry up your fish, Jake." He nodded and said he gutted them himself. Jasper gagged and walked away from the table, and right out of the campsite.

Alice watched him go and gave Bella a look. "Now I know what I can do when 'I got a headache' doesn't work."

Bella looked questionably. "Are you saying there are times you don't want to have sex?" I snorted and coughed some of the beer I'd been drinking. She had asked the question as if the idea was beyond reason.

Jacob cursed and shook his head. Our eyes met and I was sure we were thinking the same thing. I am one lucky bastard.

Alice put her hand on her hip and cocked an eyebrow. "Yes, Bella, there are times I don't want to have sex. Like when I've had a bad day at work."

Bella shrugged. "Well, considering that having an orgasm often cures a headache, I can see why Jasper wouldn't believe that excuse for a second. And if you're having a bad day, I'd think cuddling up with your loved one would make it better."

Alice sighed and shook her head, grumbling under her breath. "You'll understand one day, my dear."

Bella shrugged as if she still didn't understand, and frankly, I hoped she never would.


"Dude!" Jake screeched at an epically girlish level. "Your fiancée makes Carrie look like an angel." He shivered and ran toward the safety of his tent. "I'm going to bed."

"Jacob, I promise not to use that voice again," Bella whispered in a haunting voice. "I won't even tell anymore ghost stories."

Jacob's head popped out of the tent and growled. "You're using it now. You're fucking scary. I'll have nightmares about you for weeks."

I grinned, tucking Bella against my side. "As long as you don't dream or fantasize about her," I said firmly.

Jacob scowled and glared at me. "She totally killed any fantasies with that voice. I almost expected her head to spin."

We had all gathered after dinner to tell scary stories, usually we'd all have a laugh. That was until Bella started. She had a way to pull you into her story, a mesmerizing voice, and the way she described the images in her mind. She told the story with her expressions and her hands, pulling us further into a sense of comfort. Then bam! She'd scare the fuck out of us with a scream or a voice that bordered on Linda Blair scary.

Bella laughed, but it wasn't her regular, floating sweet laughter. It was downright bone chillingly haunting. Jacob hissed and zipped up his tent, with him safely tucked inside. Bella gave me a smile and a sweet kiss, leaving me breathless and glad that, despite the demonic voice she had, that it was all make believe.

Emmett stood from his seat across from us and grabbed two sticks, creating a cross. Bella watched him with glee evident in her glowing eyes. He held them up to her and watched for signs of something. "Just making sure," he said with a laugh, tossing the sticks into the fire. "You won't melt or burn if throw holy water on you?"

Bella smiled a crooked grin, one that usually left me wondering when the bomb would drop. She lowered her eyes and said, "You don't have any holy water on you, Emmett."

He shivered visibly, shaking his head. "No, but I'm an ordained priest."

"What?" I asked. "When and why would you do that?"

Emmett shrugged. "When they were saying that it was easy to do on the internet, I checked it out. Now I can marry anybody, as long as they have marriage license, of course." He grinned. "How about it, kids?"

Bella shook her head. "No. I won't have you marrying us and finding out months later that we're not legally married."

He laughed and patted Bella's head. "I would never do that to you." Bella quirked an eyebrow in question at him, because we all knew he was lying. "I'd tell you a few days later." Bella slapped his hand away; she hated when Emmett petted her hair.

"That's what I thought," she said, batting her lashes sweetly. It was totally unlike her, at least lately. Dev and I could plainly see that she was playing Emmett like a fucking violin.

"You would never do anything to hurt me, right, Emmy?" She widened her eyes, a wash of unshed tears glazed over them, there was even a slightly tremble of her bottom pouting lip. "That's because you love me."

Emmett's shoulders slumped and he let out a deep breath. "No, Bella. I'd never do anything to hurt you." He pulled her up in his arms and hugged her close. "But Edward is totally up from grabs."

Damn, she was good, very good. She practically assured her safety from him while camping.

Bella giggled and playfully smacked his arm. She gave him a smacking kiss on his lips, laughing when Jasper suggested that they get a room. Emmett scowled and mentioned something about voodoo and witch doctors under his breath.

Since we were all exhausted from setting up and our hike, the rest of us decided to call it a night. I pulled Bella into our tent, swiftly lifting her sweater over her head.

"Now, my love," I crooned softly, because as always, I was horny. "Any chance you can be quiet as I make love to you?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Who was the one that woke the neighbors last night, huh?"

I grinned and shrugged. "What can I say? You make me lose control. And we were outside." She laughed, pulling my t-shirt from my jeans, cupping me in the process. I bit a groan and said, "Like you are now."

She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and pushed me onto our air mattress. I bit the inside of my cheek, as I watched her crawl over me. She looked hungry, and considering how much she ate earlier, I knew it wasn't for food. God, I loved this woman!

She tugged hard on the button of my jeans, causing me to bite my fist to avoid making some kind of sound. Considering how close Jacob and Emmett were, I knew I had to keep quiet. She was right; it would be me that would expose us.

I will not groan and whimper like a fucking teenager. I will not groan and whimper like a fucking teenager. I will not groan and whimper like a fucking teenager.

However, my internal chanting came to an abrupt halt when she took me in her mouth. I brought my pillow over my face and groaned deeply. Then she popped off and I could feel her cheek, resting against my thigh. The image that conjured alone was enough to make me come. I gestured with my hand, hissing into the pillow, "Please continue."

I felt her giggle as she closed her lips around me again, I groaned, bucking my hips helplessly. After a few minutes, I was desperate to see what she was doing to me. It took everything in me not to groan like a fucking school boy, when I saw her looking up at me through her dark lashes.

Not sure what to do, I gave her a smile when I desperately wanted to come and sing halleluiah. I also wasn't sure what to do with my hands, plus I didn't trust myself. What if I put them on her beautiful head and pushed her to take me deeper? That would be bad, I was sure of it. It would upset her.

So I gave her a one handed wave. Apparently, it was not the right thing to do, because she stopped. I wanted to cry and whimper, my cock missing the warmth of her mouth. Her eyes were wide and her mouth pursed thinly. Oh shit.

"A wave?" she hissed. "Why did you wave?"

"I can't make any noise," I whispered. "So I wanted to make sure you knew I liked what you were doing." She waited, because she knew there had to be more. "I don't know what to do with my hands!"

She slapped my thigh, causing my balls to tighten a bit. "Do the same thing I do when you taste me."

Why did such a simple suggestion make me want to do it? I shook the thought since it was obvious that she didn't like me waving at her as she went down on me. Seriously, what was the big deal?

I must've asked my question out loud. "First, that was awkward. How would you feel about all the effort you're making and all you get is a tiny wave? And now that I think about it, you've been extra careful with me since the bite incident, holding back. Don't pretend you haven't."

I grumbled and pulled her over my chest. "I admit I have been," I whispered, nuzzling her neck. "I don't want to hurt you. I've bitten you twice, and made you cry both times."

"Dude," Jacob said. "You made her cry?" I knew it'd been too quiet. There should've been snoring that would give grizzlies something to be jealous about coming from the tent next door.

"I'm gonna kick his ass," Emmett said loudly, followed by the sound of a zipper. Bella and I scrambled to put the blanket over us. In seconds, he was inside, fuming like a bull that'd just seen a waving red flag. "You bit her?"

Bella then screamed like a fucking banshee. Emmett closed his hands over her years. "Holy fuck!" Jacob cried out from behind Emmett. "She's a scream queen!"

"Get out!" Bella screamed. "Yes, he bit me." She tossed the blanket over me, since my pants and boxers were around my ankles and pushed off me. "It was a while back, and he couldn't help himself. Not get out before I scream again."

Emmett growled and stomped outside, not before taking Bella by the arm. Jacob grinned and laughed. "Got caught with your pants down, huh?" I growled and threw a pillow at him. He laughed as he made his way out of the tent. I jumped to my feet and pulled my clothes back on.

Tossing the tent flap aside, I looked for Emmett, Bella and Jacob. I'd known Emmett was protective of her, but this was ridiculous. I jogged toward a trail since it was obvious that they hadn't gone in Emmett's tent, but I found Emmett and Bella in his truck.

Jacob stood outside of it, trying to listen in. Emmett was clearly not pleased as Bella spoke to him. After a few seconds, he stuck his fingers in his ears, singing la, la, la loudly. Bella rolled her eyes and hopped out of the truck.

Grinning, she took my hand and tugged me toward my tent. Obviously, she put her foot down with Emmett, which was a good thing. I looked back at my cousin to find him laughing, and then fucking waved. I groaned. She told him!


Since Bella's unearthly scream woke up everyone, we all decided to have a drink to help us fall asleep again. Though Bella was underage, she took the shot glass from Emmett. She eyed it and shook her head. "Can't I have it in some hot chocolate or something?"

Emmett nodded, since Alice had refused the alcohol, she had already started to make something else to drink. "Sure thing," he said and helped Alice with the hot chocolate.

I tried to keep an eye on him but Jacob kept making faces at me, waving comically. As if I'd given Bella a royal wave. When I thought back to the incident, I could see how stupid I must've looked waving at her while she had me in her mouth.

The thought had me aching and desperate for another walk. Jasper slapped the side of my head. "Let the poor girl sleep," he mumbled under his breath. I shrugged and tossed back the clear liquid in my glass. I shuddered as it warmed me throughout. She'd sleep all right, after I made her come…twice.

About twenty minutes later, we all said good night and made our way back into our tent. Unfortunately, we found that our air mattress had sprung a leak and had a hole. Emmett had brought a couple of extra ones, but they were twin size. After a lot of cursing, we had them aired up and pushed together.

"This sucks," I whispered, holding onto Bella's hand. The mattresses kept slipping away from each other and if we tried to sleep on one, it felt like we were sleeping on the ground instead of cushioned on the mattress.

"I know," she said softly. "We can try it like this tonight, and then tomorrow, we can try something else." I heard her yawn in the dark, pulling her close. She yelped when she rolled onto the ground.

"Sorry." I helped her back onto the mattress, since she was safely cocooned in a sleeping back. "This feels like we'd been duped."

Bella giggled. "Of course, it does. Why else would Emmett have two extra air mattresses?"

I laughed when she yawned again. "Sleep, baby, I'll protect you." She nodded, pecked my lips once and found sleep easily. After a few minutes, I found myself drifting to sleep.


I awoke to the sun bright over head and the sound of birds chirping. When I opened my eyes there were clouds and blue skies overhead. I sat up quickly, cursing when I fell into the water.

Fuck! The water was fucking freezing!

I screamed like a little girl, trying futilely to climb back on the air mattress that floated nearby. At the shore, I could see and hear Emmett laughing like the asshole he was. Oh, he'd pay.

I slapped my hand on the mattress and started the swim back to shore. With Emmett in my reach, I threw my soaked t-shirt at his laughing face. "I can't believe you fell for it," he said, still laughing. My sweats were water-logged and heavy as I made my way to my tent.

"Laugh it up," I hissed. "I'm setting Bella on your ass." He pretended to shiver in place. When I pulled open my tent, I saw the drag marks near the entrance. I should've known he spiked something we'd eaten or drank the previous night.

I called out to Bella and found her air mattress gone. I had to hide my smile as the perfect opportunity arose. "Where's Bella?" I turned to Emmett almost frantically. He laughed and pointed to the water behind. "You did the same thing to her!"

When his eyes widened, he nodded. "Of course I did. You both deserved it," he said stubbornly.

"She doesn't know how to swim!"

"What?" he roared and turned on his heels, running for the lake. I smiled and watched as he dived into the water. Bella came out from behind our tent, drying her hair.

"You're mean," she said, wrapping a towel around my shoulders.

"He was meaner," I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "You okay?" She shivered and nodded.

"I left him a little present on the mattress," she said. "I was about to come get you, but you woke up."

I laughed. "I'm fucking freezing." She nodded and we watched as Emmett reached her mattress, calling out her name. The moment he realized he'd been tricked, his head went underwater. Moments later, he jumped out and onto the mattress.

Alice, Jacob and Jasper joined us and we watched as Emmett waved the white flag, made out of a thin branch and Bella's sock. He had surrendered – finally.

We laughed together, and I was sure, though we'd won the battle, that the prank war would continue for years to come. I pulled Bella into my arms, and realized that I had a partner in crime, a general that would surely bring us to victory – together.

After all, the war all started with a prank, an ugly ass purse and the girl of my dreams.

AN: Only an epilogue left. God, I'm going to miss these two.

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