His secrets || TodoBakuDeku |...

By -Bakuhoe_Simp-

52.8K 1.3K 472

Izuku Midoriya, the innocent cinnamon roll of class 1-A now 3-A and... The next ruler of the Demon Kingdom? ... More

Important Info
1-Feild Trip?
4-Mineta's Torture(and assigning rooms with british robots)
New(ish) story

3- Fight

6.5K 212 90
By -Bakuhoe_Simp-

Me and my friend painted rocks so I painted that^ pretty much sums up my life

BoomBoom's POV
"Alright everyone make way" Ash says as we walk through. When we get to the inside of the circle I saw something I didn't think I'd see for all long time if at all.

Deku was sitting in top of some guy beating the actual shit out of him with a murderous look in his eyes. To be honest it was kinda hot.

"HOLY SHIT IZUKU YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM" the Ash kid shouts as he runs over and pulls Deku off of the beat up boy.

"GOOD" Deku yells trying to get out of his grip. 'Deku wanting to kill a guy wtf' I think. Inko then walks over and slaps him over the head and he seems to snap out of it.

"Now sweetie will you tell me what happened" Auntie says with a smile.

"That BITCH was TOUCHING Izumi inappropriately" he responds venom dripping from his voice. 'Ok now Deku cursing is definitely hot'

"Oh in that case continue just clean up the body" Inko says with an eerie smile and walks over to the hag who I just noticed holding a shivering girl.

"Ma'am with all do respect I can not allow this student to kill another." Aizawa says activating his quirk.

"Now there will be no need for that this doesn't happen often but if someone hurts, takes advantage, etc. of Izumi or any of the royal family unless training, necessary, or with permission it's a death penalty and everyone knows that correct" she says turning to the crowd who nods and goes back to watching the 'event'.

"Ok who the HELL is Izumi" I question.

"Ah Katsuki my boy it been forever you probably don't remember me I'm Izuku's dad Hisashi" The guy Inko slapped before Deku says walking over to me.

"Oh I remember you" I say honestly happy to see him again he's was like a second dad to me but I haven't seen him since I was eight.

"HOLY SHIT YOU KNOW THE KING BAKUBRO" Pikachu yells surprised

"Yea I do- WAIT KING!?" I yell processing what he said

"Yup I'm king, Inko my LOVELY wife" he says rolling his eyes at the lovely part. "is queen, Izuku our eldest is prince and next king, and Izumi our youngest is princess" he informs us.

"Yo dad you think you could help me bring this body to the pits" Deku yells hoping up from the now dead body wiping his hands with a satisfied look. 'DAMN'.

Icy-Hot's POV
Midoriya just finished with the guy and is skipping away happily with his dad and the body. That whole thing was something I never expected the cinnamon roll of the class to do but damn it was hot. Ash just rolls his eyes. Now that I think about it he looks familiar.

"Hey ash" I say. He turns over to me with a shocked look in his eyes.

"Holy- Shoto is that you? I haven't seen you in years" he says confirming my suspicion, he's my cousin from my moms side.

"Yea it been a while" I respond.


"Actually I'm from here" Tokoyami says earning an distressed screech from Kaminari.

"Does this happen often" Ash turns to me with a concerned look.

"Yup" I respond. "Does that happen often" I ask referring to what just happened.

"Yea but just not the killing part" my eyes widen at his words. "Why are you so surprised Izuku's literally the devil" he asks confused.

"Not back at UA" I say. "He was dubbed the class cinnamon roll and if you even said or did something 'dirty' to him the whole class aside from Bakugo would come after you"  I finished.

"Well damn he's like almost fucked every guy here. Surprising enough he's still a virgin though" he says causing me to choke on nothing. The whole class turns to me and asks what wrong.

"N-nothing just found out Izuku is NOT as innocent as we thought" I say getting over my coughing fit.

"What do you mean by that Todoroki-Kun" Uraraka asks. I turn to Ash.

"Oh my cousin here was telling about how Izuku was a cinnamon roll and super innocent at UA so I told him how he's almost fucked every guy here. But don't worry he's still a virgin" Ash says cheerily causing the rest of the class to either chock, panic, or just stand there shocked.

"E-even you" Uraraka finally spoke up. Oh heavens no. We made out like once when he came back and before we became friends but that's all" He responds causing me to chock again.  

"Hey y'all we're back" Midoriya says skipping back.

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