Mob In Khr

By anime7105

198K 7.4K 765

You know, I would think reincarnation to be something fun or relaxing But NO When you're reincarnated into a... More

Chapter 1: Stuck in Khr
Chapter 2: Childhood
Chapter 3: Staying away
Chapter 4: Fuuta
Chapter 5: Survived
Chapter 6: Being Lazy
Chapter 7: Mission
Chapter 8: Alex's Rage
Chapter 9: Bullies
Chapter 10: Stupid Cliche!
Chapter 11: This is BULLSH*T
Chapter 12:*snore*
Chapter 13: When they met
Chapter 14: About to start
Chapter 15: Casually watching
Chapter 16: Date
Chapter 17: Marshmallows
Chapter 18: Story
Chapter 19: Store
Chapter 20: Leaving
Chapter 22: Building
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Scared
Chapter 25: Past
Chapter 26: Meeting ??
Chapter 27: Demetri
Chapter 28: Kill
Chapter 29: Hacking
Chapter 30: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 31: Mini
Chapter 32: Birth
Chapter 33: Cielo
Chapter 34: Fun
Chapter 35: Teaching
Chapter 36: Demon Baby
Chapter 37: Spying
Chapter 38: Chameleon
Chapter 39: Rose
Chapter 40: Phynx
Chapter 41: Why?
Chapter 42: Aftermath
Chapter 43: Anger
Chapter 44: Announcement
Chapter 45: Finally Meet
Chapter 46: Bonding
Chapter 47: Proposal
Chapter 48: Epilogue

Chapter 21: Meeting

3.5K 156 18
By anime7105

[A/N I'm changing their ages to 17]

N.O.  P.O.V.

Murkuro hasn't see Alex for a week now, and was getting worried. He made his way through the crowded streets and spotted the cafe.

'she wouldn't have stayed there? right?' Murkuro thought, he shrugged and checked anyway. He went to the counter and asked,

"Have you seen Alex this week"

The guy was confused till Murkuro said,

"The crazy girl that is always scary until she has her cake".

The  guy had a look of realization.

"Ya, she was here at the beginning of the week, and bought enough cake to last a month"

Murkuro nodded and said thanks before leaving.

'Is she holing herself up in her house" Murkuro thought confused

"Whatever, let's just go and check" He mumbled

        Time Skip

Murkuro checked the entire house and found no sight of Alex

'were is she' he thought frustrated

From the corner of his eye he catches sight of a small white envelope

He went to pick it up and after he read the contents inside he blanked out


"WHAT!" He screamed

Murkuro rushes to Tsuna's

         Time Skip

Tsuna P.O.V.

I was chilling in my house today with everyone when Murkuro rushes in and slapped me in the face with a piece of paper

"Wha-!" I didn't get to finish when Murkuro said,

"Alex left!"


"WHAT!" we all screamed in shock

"What do you mean that girl left" Hayato asked

"Read the letter" He said pointing to the paper in my hand. Everyone gathers around me and I start reading out loud

    "Dear my crazy friends,

I decide to up and leave and move to Italy! Isn't that great! I was soooo~ bored here and wanted to do something so I'm gonna open my own cafe! I won't be coming back so make sure to come and visit me in Italy, The cafe is called 'Cake's World'! Oh! Almost forgot if you ever have a party with deserts make sure to invite me

    From your lazy friend,

Alex :)

P.S.  Tell Murkuro I'm-"


"Huh, why did she just cut off" Hayato says confused

I get scared and look to Reborn

"Reborn,  Italy is full of mafia gangs!" I said nervous

Reborn just looks at me with a scrutinizing gaze

"She'll be fine" was all he said

"hm" Kyoya agreed

'Will she really be okay' I thought concerned

[A/N *sigh* Tsuna have you really forgotten about the training camp]

"?, whats this" Chrome points out. We all look towards the bottom of the page.

'drool marks' we all thought

'of course she fell asleep'

I turn over the page curious

"!, guys there's more" I said beginning to read again

"!, oh sorry I fell asleep. Hm..., what was I saying before... oh well. Bye~"

We all facepalm

'seriously' we thought

" I wonder what she wanted us to tell Murkuro" Hayato says

We all look at Murkuro and are curious too

"Hey, don't look at me" He says with his hands up

"I want to see her again" I-pin says sadly

"When Tsuna is made boss there will be a party in Italy. You can invite her and meet then" Reborn said

"I guess so" we all said somewhat sad

        In Italy

    N.O. P.O.V.

A plane just landed and a gorgeous white haired beauty walks out

'wow' everyone thought

'wonder whey everyone's staring' The beauty tilts her head confused causing some men to faint and others to have nosebleeds


The blue eyed teen realizes what's wrong

'must be because my disguise is off' she thought, 'fufu~, It's because I'm so beautiful'

[A/N narcissist]

    Alex P.O.V.

After my admiring moment I walked around the streets of Italy. I'm looking for a place to stay and get somewhere for my cafe


'why don't I get that building where It's 2 stories. Perfect! The bottom will be my living space and the top my cafe!...?...No, that doesn't sound right. Yep! That's it I meant the other way around. Fufu~ I'm so smart' I thought scanning the area

[A/N I feel like her personality switched *sweatdrop*]

        Time Skip

I got tired from walking all day and sat on a nearby bench. I notice someone else is here too and take a look. It's an old man with a tan hat that has a black stripe across the bottom.

'hm...where do I know him from' I thought putting my finger on my chin to think. I was staring to long and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Yes, do you need something" The oldy asked kindly

I wasn't paying attention and kept thinking

'He seems strong. I mean Italy is full of strong mafia people. seems stronger than others. !, He's probably the leader of a mafia group' nodding my head in satisfaction for my smartness, I finally looked up at the oldy.


'why is he staring at me' I tilt my head in confusion

    ??? P.O.V.

'so tired' I thought exhausted

I finished today's business and went out to relax. I was resting on a bench when I felt someone sit down next to me. I ignored the person till I felt a gaze on me. I opened my eyes to a beautiful young women. She was just staring at me so I decided to say something,

"Yes, do you need something"

She didn't respond so I waited. After about 5 minutes she nodded her head in what seemed like satisfaction. I stare at her in amusement and then she tilts her head in confusion. I repeated my question expecting her to flush in embarrassment but to my surprise though she sighs and says,

"A 2 story building" She says seriously

'!, I din't expect her to actually tell me' I thought in amusement

"Do you know a place like that for sale" she asks me with puppy eyes

"pfft" I chuckle

"Yes, I know a place"


"really!" she says with flowers and sparkles surrounding her

'What a cute child' I think, while motioning for her to follow

"My name's Alex! Whats your's oldy"


'oldy' I think sadly  *sniffle*


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