
By FiiJaa

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That person was his whole life. Without him its nothing. But it was too late till he realized that.... Now th... More

Author's Rambling
1. 5 Years...
2. His New Life
More characters

9. Back Home

3K 155 24
By FiiJaa


"That's not him"

"But uncle-"

"No Korn! That's not him! He's too young.. I can tell! Look at the way he's dressed! It's not that bastard! Where did you find him? What did you do to this boy?"

Korn looked down at the boy who was fighting death at the moment.

"I saved him.." he sighed. "I saw someone jump off the bridge and I went and saved him. That's when I saw him face to face.. but he's.. he's.."

Timothy sighed and leaned down to see the poor young boy who currently breathe through an oxygen mask.

"He is.. just like him.."

Just then the boy showed signs of movement and slowly opened his eyes.


"I'll get the doctor!" The tall man ran out, leaving the two people alone. The boy looked around in panic but Timothy felt like he realized he lived, and was disappointed. The tears and the sadness and the pain he saw in the boy's eyes was something he had felt for a while now.


"What is your name?"

The boy was currently sitting on his hospital bed, looking down dejectedly. He didn't answer.

"I asked your name" Timothy smiled at being ignored like that. "Well.. I can always find out.. Kao.."

Kao froze, eyes widened. The old man smiled again. "I heard they're looking for you.. you want to go back home? I know if my child was missing like this.. I would want him back home"

"I.." Kao spoke for the first time after a week of quiet. "I don't deserve to go home.."

Timothy smiled. He knew. How ironic, he couldn't what he came back to Thailand to find but found out everything there was to know about Kao, how his father left his wife and two kids to disappear. How his mother raised him all this time and how Kao has survived life. The boyfriend, his grades and his good reputation and his part time jobs and his tutoring sessions and also the scandal. He also know the kid was a liar.

"Now why would you say that kiddo?" He asked kindly and the poor boy teared up.

"I'm not that.. I'm not worthy.. I'm not.. they don't want me.. I hurt the people who love me.. I'm.." his voice cracked and he turned away to lay on his side and cried hos heart out. "I'm just a big disappointment. I.. I can't keep anyone happy. I only make.. I only.. they all left me.. I want to die.."

Timothy's heart was ready to burst hearing him sob hard and he put his palm on the miserable boy's head. He knew this boy had done nothing wrong and that he in no way was unworthy of anything.

And that was the worst thing that could happen to a person.



"No matter what happens! No one finds out about him" The old businessman spoke firmly. "No matter what. He's in so much pain... they deserve a little pain too"

Korn only bowed slightly and walked away. No questions. While Timothy turned to look at the innocent child who was currently fast asleep.


"I won't take you away from your loved ones if you don't want to child.. not if that's not what you want.."

"Why're you so nice to me" Kao had been staring at the older man who had just fed him soup and now was processing to help him clean up.

Timothy looked up at him and smiled kindly. "Because you're an innocent child. I have one too.." he looked down.

"Your kid.. I heard you said I'm not the one you're looking for" Kao said.

"Yeah, you know what.. I am a businessman. Successful. The bloody best in whole Asia. But when I came here a week ago, I was looking for this man.. a man who hu.. hurt and left my daughter alone back in Korea. She's not okay.. she's pregnant. And that.." he chuckled with a painful look. "That bastard left her after hurting her.. extorted money from her.. she left me to be with him and he left her.." he sighed. "We found out that was how Plan worked. He got together with rich girls and took money and left.. now I can give away all the money till I have my precious daughter but he.."

"She's pregnant" Kao nodded. He felt sad for her too. "S-so.."

Timothy laughed. "Kao.. child I won't make her kill her baby.. I'm her father, that innocent baby is my grandchild"

Kao let out a sigh. "Well.. you see em.. we watch lakrons.. the evil dad always want the baby gone" Kao smiled sheepishly.

Timothy laughed. "Oh son.. you haven't seen that much of real world.. there are good people.." he patted Kao's head who pouted.

"Then why're you here?"

Timothy sighed. "I love her.. I can raise the baby.. I can fight the world for her but.. she's not mentally stable.. she's.. she wants her love.. she wants him and her condition is getting worse by the day.." the man bot his lower lip. "How ironic it is Kao.. I can make the whole world bend with a snap of my finger but not when my only child is concerned.. I'm helpless with her.."

Kao looked down. Suddenly he remembered the pain and the disappointment in his mother's eyes. He remembered the last thing she had said to him..

'After all that I've done for you.. how come you become a person I can't recognise anymore?
I don't even wish to see you anymore..
You're no child of mine..'

Kao closed his eyes with a sigh. "You're right.. children put parents through tough trials I guess.. what will you do?"

"She wanted the baby but now, months into pregnancy and with all her heartbreak and the hormones, all she wants or sees is him. She wants him back.. she can not even process that he left her.. even tried to take her own life.. she is 4 months pregnant and she can't even.. she can't tell that she's hurting her own child. She can't even care for her child.." Timothy said helplessly. "She only thinks and cares about h and with all my resources, I still can't find him" Timothy shrugged with both his palms raised.

"And he.. looks like me?" Kao asked, mouth hanging open.

Timothy chuckled. "Korn saw a man fell off the bridge.. only when he saved you did he saw you and thought it was him. You resemble like twins do" he sighed. "But I knew instantly it wasn't the case"


Timothy smiled kindly. There was something about that man and his smile. He wasn't as old but he looked like tired for ages and sad.. yeah, his kind smile and sad eyes. Kao could see himself in those eyes.

"You are considerably younger than him, just a little child"

Kao huffed. "What little child? I'm 22"

Timothy laughed loudly, this freely after a long time. "Yeah.. a child" he shook his head and pointed his index. "1st rule of adult life kiddo, you want to be treated as an adult, give up on answering every action with a childish reaction. React like an adult"

Kao blinked, taking his time to process the advice. Then he smiled.

Timothy smiled too. "And that brings us.. I felt this sudden need to protect you.. like there is something about you that told me how innocent and precious you are.. see that is something about a wise man's vision. They can always spot the gem even in the middle of a wreck"

Kao nodded slowly. "So.. you want to protect me? How will you do that?"

"How ever you want" Timothy smiled. "I will always be there, right behind you.. you do what you want to do and you will find me supporting you. I will help get back on your feet.. help you to look in the mirror and not feel disappointed. I will be very proud that day"

Kao looked down. He started to think hard. After a few days, he asked Timothy with his mind already made up.

"Take me to your daughter" he said firmly.

Timothy and Korn both blinked in surprise. They shared a look and stared at Kao.

"What did you.. why son?"

Kao smiled thinly. "Let me help you too na.. we can both help each other.. I will be there with her.. as long as it takes"

That was how Michelle Ryder was married to him two month later.

6 months of pregnancy and her depleting health had stuck her on a hospital bed. With her Plan, the love of her life, the centre of her whole world, the man she had so happily ruined her life for coming back to her, she did not want anything else. She wanted to give birth to her little bundle of hope and joy and have a happily ever after with her Plan. She wasn't even sane enough to know what the name said on the marriage certificate she signed.

But happily was never written in her stars. Kao, now turned into a new person with a new life, New Ryder. He put his in heart and spent his day and night taking care of a woman who literally had ended her life with a good future ahead of her in the name of love. Jusy like he so emotionally went to do but life gave him the chance to see to it how that was not the end of the world.

But that poor girl did not get that chance at life. With the little, beautiful Hope in his arms, the hope for him to a better and happier life, his hope to a second chance, she lost the hopes for her next breath. Her imprudent love for the man that was never meant to stay and love her back had finally talen her life.


He wanted to go to P'Tim but she had been crying nonstop and he could only rock her in his arms. Well it worked on Gift but he wasn't sire why that poor tiny soul was crying so hard even after she was fed and changed.

"Hey cupcake.. aww don't cry, don't cry.. shh.." he rocked her in one arm while the other palm caressed her soft, chubby and tear stained cheeks. The last baby he'd seen was Gift. "Hey.. you are just like as I remember her.. my Gift.." and the thought of his baby sister filled his heart with pain as he looked away with closed eyes but couldn't stop his tears. Tim had mad sure even when Kao refused to go back that Gift continued to get the best education she could through complete scholarships. She didn't lose her dream to be a doctor. With her thought and with all the dreads of how she would've dealt with him just leaving without any proper goodbye made him cry out and then he froze. Looking down he found the little baby holding the hand he put on her cheek and stare at him with her big round eyes. She had stopped crying seeing him cry. He let out a chuckle.

"Hey.." he looked up from the baby to find Korn in the door. The boy looked.. messed as he looked at the bany with a thin smile. "Can I.. hold her?"

He smiled and nodded. He sat watching the man walk inside with hesitation and hold the baby in his arms carefully. The expression on his face turned to a mixture of happiness and sorrow.

"She's.. just like her.."

"You loved her didn't you phi" Kao spoke with understanding. "You were so brave to stand by her side even when she didn't choose you.."

Korn pursed his lips, trying to smile or hold his tears, Kao didn't know but he felt for the older guy and his pain.

Korn dropped a soft kiss on the baby's forehead and handed her back. "It was always just that.. a dream. Ot was never meant to be.. I'm glad she has you" with that he walked out.

"And I wish you find love in place you never expected" Kao wished for the man.

For himself?

Hope and P'Tim were enough.


"Appa who iz this?" Hope got a hold of that picture. The only one memory that he dared to bring to his new life with him because of the significance it held in his heart.

Kao froze. Not able to make up an answer and that was when Timothy stepped in.

"Oh.. that's Hope's papa"

Kao gaped at the old man while Hope jumped in her abeoji's arms.

"Papa?" She smiled too brightly for Kao's liking.



"You gave me a fright" he glared at the older man as he fed him soup.

Timothy laughed weakly. "I'm sorry kiddo.."

"Humph.." Kao looked away from him with a pout. "I hate you"

Timothy laughed tiredly. "I'm getting too old and you left me to run that hige business all alone to branch out? This all belongs to you already" he said, acting weakly so Kao won't scold him for saying that.

"It belongs to you and Hope. I'm already taking all that you gave Gift. That and being your son is enough for me" Kao said firmly though he strongly thought it was enough work for Tim already and that he needed good months of rest.

"Uncle?" Korn came with In behind him with work files that he along with New and Korn had worked on.

Korn checked up on his boss while Kao worked with In till all the files were reviewed.

"And your team that's waiting in Thailand?" Korn asked Tim who sighed.

"I've signed a huge contract, we can't breach it" he said worriedly.

Korn nodded. "It will be ill on our side and the loss too. Not to mention the opportunity to branch out to Thailand again"

"Stop adding to his stress" Kao scolded.

"But New-" Korn started

"It is serious" Tim rubbed his nape, thinking. He could send Korn in his place but still..

Kao looked at Timothy's worn face. "Fine"

Both men turned to stare at him. Kao clicked his tongue. "I don't care about the loss, we can pay it but.. if the deal is that important-"

"He was an old friend, they're his children, that is the most important thing to me" Tim spoke.

Kao nodded. "Fine.. you have P'Korn and In here to deal with everything, In is smart. I will take up that deal with Thailand"

Again the two men blinked.

"You?" Korn asked, thinking he miss heard. "You will go to Thailand?"

Kao sighed in exasperation. "You better make sure they know how hard I am to please and that I have accomodation along with Win and Team and a nanny or anything to look after Hope cuz she will come with me and you old man! You have three months! You get better and take back your project so we could come back home for her school in time after summer holiday! Three months!"

"You're still going to Thailand" Korn was still stuck at that.

Kao sighed and with a sorry, he smacked the older man's head.

Yeah.. guess he was going back to where he came from.



Ta da.

Stay safe, vote and comment.

See ya.

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