Life Saver

By Twizzle_n

1.5M 50K 73.5K

Tony thought he was texting Steve, but Steve, still not really understanding phones, gave him the wrong numbe... More

Chapter 1 - I don't want to be Alone
Chapter 2 - I don't know?!
Chapter 3 - Stark Industries
Chapter 4 - Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 5 - Injuried
Chapter 6 - An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 7 - Ned Is Gonna Flip When He Hears This
Chapter 8 - The Chase
Chapter 9 - Late Night Talk
Chapter 10 - The Call
Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting
Chapter 12 - Making sure you're okay
Chapter 13 -Peter Parker's Not So Great Life
Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting
Chapter 15 - How's That Spider Bite Treating Ya?
Chapter 16 - Getting Picked Up
Chapter 17 - Tower Tour
Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower
Chapter 19 - Part of a Truth
Chapter 20 - Panic
Chapter 21 - The Arrival
Chapter 22 - The Conference
Chapter 23 - What the Hell is going on
Chapter 24 - Nightmares and Confessions
Chapter 25 - Who are you?
Chapter 26 - A Calm Day
Chapter 27 - Guests all around
Chapter 29 - Everything's Okay
Chapter 30 - Acceptance
Chapter 31 - Relations
Chapter 32 - Strange Things Are Happening
Chapter 33 - The Perfect Dream
Thank You!

Chapter 28 - Goodbyes

20.8K 843 1K
By Twizzle_n

Peter's P.O.V

"Mr. Stark, I'll head out and patrol a little." I say, standing up from my desk.

"Alright kid. And by the way. You can call me Tony. 'Mr. Stark' is getting a little overused, don't you think?"

"W-well... It's just...uhh... I'm just so used to calling you Mr. Stark that anything else just feels, well... weird, to say." I explain, scratching the back of my head.

"Alright. Well, you know your curfew. No later than 1AM, you hear? I don't care if it's saturday tomorrow, you late? You...Uhh...Hmm..." Mr. Stark stops for a moment. "I'll just take away the suit or something." He waves his hand in my direction.

"Aye aye, Captain." I salute, stepping into the elevator and heading to my room. I put the suit on and jump out of the window, swinging across the city with ease.

"Spider-Man, swinging through the city once again. Here to stop thugs from ruining peoples days... Oh that's a good narrator line if I'd ever get my own TV show or... or cartoon." I land on a roof top, looking over the area.

Nothing seems suspicious so I continue to swing.

"Yeah. Or maybe something like-" I deepen my voice, faking a narrator voice. "-Spider-Man. Hero. Vigilante. Here to save the day! Yeah! That sounds cool!"

"Help! Somebody please help!" Someone screams suddenly and I swing towards the noise. The screaming came from a woman, standing outside a bank and I land next to her.

"What's wrong ma'am?" I ask and she points into the building.

"They had guns and I ran out as fast as possible... There are still people in there." She gasps.

"Alright ma'am, I'm gonna have to have you call the cops and get out of here. Leave the rest to me, alright?" She nods and hurries away. I climb up the wall enter through the second floor window.

When I'm inside, I quickly jump up to the ceiling and crawl over to where you can see the first floor. There are about 6 people, all wearing masks and holding rifles. In the middle, around 20 people are sitting.

"Oh guns... just great. Just what I wanted today." I huff. "I gotta get the hostages out of here somehow..." I mumble quietly for myself, crawling over to the stairs leading to the first floor. I stay on the ceiling and funny enough, I climbed over one of the bad guys.

Since no one seemed to see him, I webbed him up to the ceiling with me, making sure to get the weapon out of his hands.

"Shhh... you have to be very, very quiet... it's thug season. Wouldn't wanna get caught, would we? You know, Bugs Bunny reference..." I joke quietly, looking towards the other criminals. "Alright... So, 5 left. Okay, that's good, that's good..." I mumble.

"Dude, you know you're talking to yourself, right?" The guy I webbed up whispers and I look at him slightly shocked, even though he can't see my face. I quickly shoot at web to cover his mouth.

"I need to concentrate, alright?!" I whisper-yell, making sure no one hears me. "Okay, you stay here- Right, you can't move anyways..."

Suddenly, there's a small explosion at the end of the bank and the vault door falls to the ground. Three of the criminals walk in, leaving two to guard the hostages.

"I swear, it's like you guys wanna get captured." I mumble, looking to the webbed up guy, but he just shrugs. "Right, the criminals. Thanks dude."

When one of the two dudes come close to me, I web him up next to the first guy and the remaining criminal walking around the room has no clue what's about to hit him. I jump back down to the ground and sneak up behind him and knock him out cold.

I turn towards the vault, but no one is by the opening so I hurry over to the hostages and help them stand if they can't.

"Now get out of here! The police should be just outside!" I tell them and soon, they're all out. I let out a heavy sigh and turn back towards the vault. "Well Peter, time to see what banks keep in their special vaults- Wait. That... that sounded really weird- You know what, I'll just go... God I gotta stop talking..." I mutter to myself, running to the vault opening.

I peak inside, but I just see another door that's been destoryed. I jump up to the ceiling again and crawl towards the other door.

"Spider-Cop. Back in business." I whisper, liking the sound of that.

I once again peak inside and I see a whole fricking room packed with money and even gold. How cliché can it get? I quietly jump down to the floor again and the criminals are filling up their bags with money.

I lean my arm on the destroyed door frame but miss it, making me nearly fall. I quickly recompose myself and just decide to cross my arms over my chest.

"I thought they taught you stealing was bad already in kindergarten." I comment, making their heads turn. Instantly, they pull their guns out and start shooting. I avoid the bullets and start with a plan how to web them up.

There's a big buff guy and two skinnier people with him.

"You two, continue filling the bags. I'll deal with this parasite." The buff guy booms and I frown behind my mask.

"Spiders are arachnids, not parasites dumb dumb." I correct, going in for a punch but I'm too slow and he gets in a hit instead. I fly back and hit the wall hard. "Mother trucker dude... that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick..."

"You are as annoying as ever I see." He comments, reaching for my neck. But I manage to avoid his attack and I'm quickly back on my feet.

Before he can react, I kick him and web his arms to the ground. Sadly... I underestimated his power and he fricking took out the floor where his hands were webbed up. So basically, now he has some floor pieces stuck to his hands that he can use to attack me with... which he does.

A smirk curls its way up on his lips and he goes in for another attack, which I duck away from. I notice the other two trying to sneak out, so I quickly web the exit up, making sure they can't escape.

"Not today friends." I say, webbing up on of the criminals, the other ducking away before it hit them. Suddenly, my spidey sense blares up, telling me to jump. I follow and right at that moment, the buff guy was going to ram into me. "Woah buddy, take it easy. You're like a bull, dude."

I can practically see steam leave his ears, making me chuckle. But he doesn't seems amused at all. I take a few steps back and like a bull, he skits his foot against the floor before attacking me again.

"Nevermind, you Are a bull."

"You're dead Spider-Man!" He yells out, running full speed against me.

"You know, if I got a dollar everytime a villain said that to me, I'd be rich." I joke, avoiding his attack and webbing the back of his head, pulling it down towards the floor. He lands on his back and I make sure to quickly get in a punch but he shields it with his arms.

Before I can react, he stretches his arm out and gets ahold of a gun close by. He aims it at me and pulls the trigger. I manage to avoid a few of the shoots but one bullet enters the left side of my abdomen and another bullet hits my leg.

"Shit..." I hiss, jumping back in pain. The wounds start to bleed and I know I have to end this quickly. Otherwise I'll be toast.

"Not so cocky now Spider-Man." The buff guy comments, still holding the gun. He aims it at me again but nothing happens when he pulls the trigger. "Shit!"

"You really should see a doctor that can help you with your temper tantrums." I say and he turns his head in my direction. He runs towards me and punches me right in the stomach, making me fly and hit the wall hard. My body is starting to feel numb and I realize I can't move.

"I've had enough of you! Remember this face Spider-Man, for it's the last one you'll ever see!" He yells, raising his fists high in the air and just as he's about to end it, a loud bang is heard and he falls to the ground beside me, blood trippling down his forehead.

I let out a loud gasp, seeing the last standing criminal holding a gun, still pointing it in my direction. I wince in pain and the person drops the bag of money and makes their way over to me.

I can't really tell if it's a man or a woman since they have more armor-ish clothing, hiding their body shape and this one has a helmet on, hiding both their face and hair.

My spidey sense is yelling at me to move away from the person and I get a familiar chill from the feeling.

"You shot him... Why? Aren't you on the same team?" I ask, holding in another wince. The person doesn't say anything. They just kneel down next to me and reach their hand out for my mask. I quickly swat their hand away." Woah! That's a big no no."

But the person just pulls the gun up again and puts it against my head.

"Well... aren't you persistent..." I comment, giving the person a dark look from behind the mask. My spidey sense is yelling even loud at me to move but I don't think in my condition, that I could avoid the bullets that'd be thrown at me. "I really hope you guys disabled the cameras in here..."

I take a deep breath and feel the fabric come off my face. I close my eyes, but soon open them again when the person drops their weapon and a sigh leaves their mouth.

"I knew it..." I hear them mumble, their voice slightly muffled from the helmet. Suddenly, they take the helmet off and my eyes widen.

My heartbeat quickens, drums playing hard in my chest. My face turning a pale color and a cold sweat washes over me.

Her brown hair falls down on her shoulders and her chocolat brown eyes meet mine.

"M... May...?" I stammer, my breathing getting quicker. A smirk forms on her lips and her eyes... they show no emotion.

"So this... is what you've been up to... huh, Peter. I could've never imagined. Though, I had my suspicions." Her voice is like venom and I want to get out of here.

"Wha...- What are you...- What are you going to do...?" I stutter and her smile seems sad in a way.

"Oh. I won't do anything. I can't." She pauses for a moment, her head turning to the direction of the exit. "We failed the mission. Soon, someone is going to come in through that door and kill us all." Her smile stays on her face.

"Wh... What...?" She turns back to me and puts the mask back over my head. Then she stands up.

"Better call Stark. Hell's gonna break loose." She answers simply, pointing the gun in the direction of the exit.

Suddenly, there's an explosion by the exit and the room is filled with smoke. May puts her helmet back on and gunshots are heard. I make sure to keep pressure on the wounds, seeing as I can barely move.

I've faced worse... so why is this different? It hurts like being shot by a normal gun but there's an extra sting to it.

"Peter, I think it's time for you to meet the Boss." May says suddenly and once again, my eyes widden as the smoke starts to clear up.

Green light reflects on the gold bars and I feel sick to my stomach.

"We were right..." I mumble and at that moment, Green Goblin charges at May, but she avoids the attack and raise the guns, pointing them at Mr. Osborn and shooting. He avoids every attack but stops for a moment when he sees me.

"Spider-Man... Well, today could've gone a little better. Can't believe I have to kill you too." He says and his tone lacks any emotions. "But first... you." He turns his head back to May, who keeps firing shoots.

May's movements seem so inhuman. There's a thought in the back of my head telling me she was probably one of their test rats.

I try to move my legs but I realize I've lost all control over them and I'm just left sitting here without a way to protect myself.

Their battle continues to rage on and I can hear the police enter the building.
Why didn't they do that earlier...? Wait... Mr. Osborn must've told them to wait outside...

I try to crawl over to the exit, ignoring the burning pain in my stomach but suddenly, something is thrown in front of me. My spidey sense immediately goes of and it looks kind of like-


There is no sound. Everything is quiet.

My chest hurts and every cough sends a stab right at my lungs. My legs feel numb and everything feels dusty.

I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm laying on a small slope of rubble. The room is filled with dust but I can make out two figures in the debris.

My hearing starts to heal itself and as it returns a full blast of sounds return and hit me with full force. I try to cover my ears but only one hand makes it. I look to my left and see it's stuck under some debris.

I let out a mortified screech, but regret it instantly. My lungs are burning from its use and my whole body is getting numb.

Am I going to die?

Suddenly, one of the figures ends up in front of me and I look up to see May. Mr. Osborn  exits out of the dust cloud surrounding the whole room and he holds something in his hand.

I squint my eyes to try and see what it is and my heart beats harder in my chest when I realize it's a grenade. He raises his arm and May stands rod straight and she takes the helmet off.

Mr. Osborn throws the grenade and may turns around to face me.

"Goodbye Peter." Her tone is firm and a devilish smile appears on her lips. "I always loved you."

My breathing stops and my eyes widen. My whole body starts shaking and a cold sweat washes over me, sending a chill down my spine.

The grenade lands next to her feet and in the last second, she picks it up and does some kind of a super jump, landing on Mr. Osborn's glider with them both on it.

Before the grenade detonates, I hear her say,

"I guess it's the end for us both."

Then there's a bright light.


I slowly open my eyes and hear mumbling.

My glanze drifts up to the armor carrying me in the air.

"It's going to be okay Peter. I'm here... I'm here..."

The red and gold colors are too bright, forcing me to close my eyes once more.


"Tony, everything's gonna be alright. He has super healing, right? He'll be fine in no time."

"But he's fucking hurt and...- And I...- Shit! Fucking shit!"

"Tony, you can't blame yourself for this. What matters is that you got him out of there and his condition is stable."

There's a silence.

"... His... His aunt was there and..." He stops. "Apparently she... quote-on-quote, sacrificed herself... and managed to kill our villain..."


"She'll be seen as a fucking hero, when she's a villain in disguise."


"I don't know what to do... I don't- I can't...-"

"Tony, everything'll be okay. We just have to wait for him to wake up. There's no need to beat yourself down." The person stops for a moment. "You should get some sleep. He'll be here when you wake up again."

There's more silence, then a heavy sigh.

"... Alright..."




Hi :)
How are everyone today?

Didn't see that coming, did you?

This chapter is a little shorter than usual (I think? Idk?), but it was kind of fun to write...
I still suck at writting fight scenes so I'm sorry you had to suffer through that mess...

I'm sad to say that we only have a few chapters left of this story. It's nearing its end but I'm not really sure how many more chapters I'll write. We'll see.
I'll probably write a bonus chapter to this story too at the end just because.

And lastly,


This Pride Month is a little special for me because this year I joined the B in LGBTQ+.
And even though there won't be a Pride Parade this year. I'm still proud to be who I am and I want everyone to know that they matter and are valid!

🏳️‍🌈Have a good Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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