Ziall-Let Me Go

By zialllover

54.8K 1.7K 182


Ziall-Let Me Go
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Nine

3.7K 140 12
By zialllover

Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. I think they'll be one more chapter then it'll be ending. Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

The ambulance ride was agonizing. As I looked at Niall strapped onto the stretcher I couldn't help but feel guilty. I did this to him. I caused him so much hurt and pain that he felt hurting himself was the only way to make it stop. How could I not see this? How didn't I notice there was a change in him? This was staring me straight in the face and I didn't even notice. I've hurt the person I love. The person I swore I'd look after, I've hurt him in the worst way possible. Guilty. I feel guilty. It didn't have to come to this. It shouldn't have come to this. The paramedics were asking me questions about what happened. I could hardly speak. The only words that did leave my lips were 'it's my fault'. Once we arrived at the hospital I watched on as Niall was rushed inside the doors closing behind him. My heart sunk into my stomach. After a few minutes of just staring at the door I knew I had to call the boys and Niall's family. 

"Zayn is he alright? Have you heard anything?" I looked up when I heard Liam's voice. 

"Have the doctors told you anything?" Louis questioned.

"Guys come on give him some space" Harry said softly as he approached me, I slowly got to my feet. "Are you alright?" He asked me. I shook my head and tears filled my eyes. 

"I can't lose him" I chocked out, Harry pulled me straight into his arms and I cried desperately onto his shoulder. Liam and Louis slowly rubbed my back. 

"You won't lose him. He'll be alright. Niall's a fighter you know he is" Harry assured me, We pulled away from the hug and all of us took a seat. 

"How could I have not seen? How didn't I notice something wasn't right?" I exclaimed.

"It's not your fault mate" I looked up at Liam. "None of us knew what was going on. As far as any of us knew Niall was fine" He said. 

"But he wasn't. I'm his boyfriend I'm suppose to know somethings not right" I whispered. "He was cutting himself" I revealed, All the lads eyes shot open. 

"You mean that cut? On his arm that day? He did that to himself?" Harry chocked out, I nodded my head. "Oh my god" Harry cried out, Louis placed his arm around him.

"I caused all this. If I hadn't agreed to that stupid pr stunt none of this would have happened. I'm the reason he'll have those scars. I'm the reason he hurt himself. It's all because of me that he's in here!" I stated. 

"No! No alright?!" Liam said, I stood up from my seat. 

"Where you going?" Louis asked.

"To ring management tell them to shove it. None of this is worth hurting him. I caused this and I have to make it right" I stated before walking out the waiting room.

"Hi it's Zayn"

"Zayn great! How's Niall doing?"

"He's in hospital how do you think he's doing?!" I snapped. "Look I didn't call to give you a update. I called because I can't do it anymore. That stupid pr relationship, I want out"

"Zayn lis-"

"No you listen! Because of me agreeing to this I hurt the person I love that might not mean anything to you but it means something to me. To you were nothing but money making machines nothing else. What you don't get is we have feelings and hearts both of which can be broken so easily! I did everything you wanted and thought nothing of what it was doing to Niall. I swore I'd love him and look after him instead I turn around and do the opposite. He was harming himself and I didn't notice because I was never around long enough. I'm not doing this anymore. You can find someone else to pull this stunt off because I'm done with it. You are going to announce that Perrie and I have split up then I'm going to come out and tell the whole world that I love Niall. That him and I are together and I don't give a damn what you think about it!" I spat before hanging up the phone, I then inhaled deeply. 

"About time" I heard Louis speak, I looked up and chuckled slightly. 

"Should have done that a long time ago. Niall's more important than any of them" I said, Louis nodded his head.

"Well you know all of us are behind you and so are the fans. You and Niall coming out won't change anything" I nodded. "The nurse said we can go see him. The lads and I thought you'd wanna go first" Louis informed me, I quickly nodded and Louis walked back into the hospital with me. 

As the nurse guided me towards Niall's room I felt the same feeling I had during the ambulance ride. I was scared. I was scared to see him. When I walked into the room Niall was sat up in bed, He had colour back in his cheeks. 

"Hi" I whispered loud enough for Niall to hear, Niall smiled weakly.

"Hi" He replied.

"You scared me" I walked over to Niall's bed and sat down beside him gently taking his hand in mine. "I kept thinking I was going to lose you" I exclaimed.

"It was stupid. I'm sorry" Niall mumbled.

"No don't be sorry. I'm the one that has to be sorry. I did this. I caused this Niall. I should have seen something wasn't right" I stated.

"You couldn't. I got so good at covering everything up nobody could see" Niall said. 

"But I'm your boyfriend. I'm supposed to notice" Niall looked down. "I called management" Niall looked up at me. "I told them to shove the stunt. Told them I'm done with it"

"I-really?" Niall chocked out, I nodded my head. 

"I'm not going to hurt you anymore then I have. I should have stepped up a long time ago and I'm sorry I didn't. Niall you mean more to me than any of them. Nothing is worth hurting you. I want everyone out there to know who I love. I want the whole world to know were together, If you still want me?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I've always wanted you" Niall cried out with a smile on his face. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. 

"When we walk out of here we walk out hand in hand and we announce it to everyone. It's you and me Ni" I assured him, Niall nodded his head and quickly kissed my lips.

"Me and you".

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