My blue eyed saint (sequel to...

By Kay0993

28.7K 1.1K 180

Olivia and the saints have been in ireland for 8 long years. After losing her baby and almost her boys, this... More

My blue eyed saint (sequel to Murphy's angel)
Something's happened
True macmanus
Award winning start
I can handle it
Memories even murphy didn't know
Where's gorgeous?
By my side
She's a woman
I just want my wife back
Last breath
Wrong family
The end!


1K 42 8
By Kay0993

Olivias pov

Well our plan was already off to an award winning start.....NOT. Did I expect for Romeo to do something stupid? Yes, but did I expect him to duck tape and gag a janitor? No. Sighing,i leaned against the door of the broom closet we were in with my gun in hand trying to listen for anything outside.

"Here's the situation, Lloyd. Me and a couple of friends of mine are fittin' to do some killin' here tonight. I'm talking bullets and blood, custom-wholesale slaughter. You following me, Lloyd-O?" Romeo days.

I turn facing him with wide eyes. Did he really just say that?! Lloyd nods in fear and looks over at me pleadingly to help him. I look at him apologetically and then turn to Romeo,


He ignores me and continues talking to Lloyd while he waves his gun around,

" Good. Now, I've run into a little snag. I need to figure out a tag line. You know, something cool to say when it's all over like..."I'll be back,"but mine, y'know? I need to own this one. I think this'll help me get through the quote, unquote event. Im going to take your gag off and you and me are going to riff a little, o'kay?" He says.

My eyes widen even more as if it was even possible and I bring my hand against my head. Shaking my head back and forth, i turn and rest my head on the door trying to drown out the idiot behind me. The sudden wave of nausea hits me again and I'm quick to fight it away. I didn't think I was nervous, but if must be more than I thought. Sighing, I close my eyes and breathe slowly becoming more irritated with Romeo by the minute. I hope murphy is having better luck than I am.

Murphy's pov

The cool night breeze blew in my face as the lift started to lower us outside the building. I fought back my irritation long enough with Connor until he brought up the damn rope. My nerves were already shot when I saw Romeo actin like a pussy. He's got ma wife wit em. He better man up cause if she comes up wit even a scratch on er, we're havin Mexican for dinner!!

"Creative! It's a creative plan!" Connor yelled over to me as Duffy helps with our harnesses

" It's ridiculous! Probably based on some stupid shit ya saw in a movie! And here I am AGAIN all tyin' myself up with rope! What is the deal with you and rope?! Honestly!" I yelled.

"It happens ta be a useful thing!" Connor yelled.

"You didn't get this from a movie...did you?" Duffy asked.

All was silent as I starred down my brother. This better not have been from a fucking movie.

Connor looked hesitant from me to Duffy and to greenly and then shouted," The "Eiger Sanction," Clint Eastwood! And it worked like a fucking charm for him!"

"You gotta be fuckin kiddin me!" I shouted fighting off every urge to push my brother off the lift.

"All your negativity ain't helpin!" He yelled.

"Dis ain't just our lives dumb ass! Olivia's in der too!" I yelled.

"Just shut up and follow da plan!" He yelled making me growl.

As Duffy finishes up getting us hooked, all it can do is glare at my brother when suddenly we are jerked. Gripping onto the rail so we don't fall, we all regain composure and notice the scaffold stopped moving. My heart started to accelerate as we looked at greenly who was freaking out just like we were.

"What the fuck?" Connor says.

"I don't know! It just stopped!" Greenly exclaimed and started hitting buttons on the machine.

"Well, get it fuckin' goin' again!" I yelled anxiously.

"It won't turn back on! It just died!" Greenly exclaimed.

My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to be sick as my brother and I look over the edge and say,


" How much time?!" Connor exclaims fearfully.

"Sixty Seconds!" Duffy exclaimed looking at his watch.

I looked at my brother fearfully as he starred back. I knew he could tell that on the inside I was screaming my head off. He understood and nodded at me as I exclaimed,

" We gotta go now!"

"What are you talking about!?" Duffy objected.

"If we're even a few seconds late, liv and Romeo are dead!" Connor exclaimed looking up to see how far down we were.

"You guys are crazy!" Duffy yelled.

Turning to him I glared,"dats my wife!"

He just nodded fearfully as I looked back to my brother "We're down thirteen stories! Eleven more to go! Ball park it!"

I nodded and we started counting out lengths of rope by feeding them through our hands and extending our arms out to the sides. With every inch of rope, my insides screamed. This may not work. We may not make it in time and that means Olivia is dead or even worse. Shaking my head of those thoughts, I look over at my brother and growl,

"The fuckin' Eiger Sanction."

"Shut the fuck up and concentrate!" He yelled.

It was only then that I saw the true amount of worry in my brothers eyes. He knew the potential outcome of this too. I nodded and we continued until we thought we had the right a out of rope. Connor and I inched towards the edge and I yelled,


"Oh god...6 seconds!" Duffy yelled.

I looked over determinedly at Connor.

"5....4!" Duffy yelled.

We both nodded seriously at each other and looked back out to the city.

"3.....2!" Duffy counted down.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"1" Duffy yelled as I opened my eyes and Connor and I jumped.

Olivias pov

"Uh..."Take that, suckers!"" Lloyd tried.

"Not cool enough." Romeo paced.

I rolled my eyes and hit my head softly in the door annoyed.

"Oh God, uh, how about "Eat it!"" Lloyd tried nervously.

"What are we at, a buffet, now?" Romeo growled.

I was about to turn around and snap Romeos neck when I looked down at my watch and noticed it was time.

"Thank god" I whispered and grabbed Romeos shoulder.

He looked at me with an arched eyebrow and I point onto my watch. He nodded and looked over at the fearful janitor,

"Thanks for nothin Lloyd" he grunted as he made his way out of the closet.

I looked over at Lloyd and smiled apologetically,"sorry" as I followed behind Romeo.

Romeo started pushing the laundry cart again and I walked alongside him to a door with a large man standing guarding it. He stopped us immediately and before anything was said, shots were heard from the room. Romeo looked at me and I nodded as Rome shot the man in he chest and we busted through the door to an all out blood bath. At the end of the hit, the macmanus bro there's had concezio on his knees with two guns to his head. I starred and it was like a flashback of his father in the same situation. Once prayer ended, so did the scumbags life.

"Ding doing mother fuckers! Ding dong!" Romeo exlaimed.

We all looked at him with arched eyebrows as the brothers complimented him.

"Fuckin aye" murph said.

"You said it" Connor agreed.

Smirking I turned toward him,"see now did you really need to torture poor Lloyd?"

"Shut up"he joked.

I was completely caught off guard when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me in the air. Chuckling, I looked down and saw murphy. Once he put me down, he kissed me passionately which surprised me. I needed to breathe so I pulled back and saw murphy smirking.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"Didn't know if I'd find ya in one piece after I left ya with him" he joked looking over to Romeo.

"Hey now she's fine see! Not a scratch on her!" He exclaimed.

Connor came up behind him gripping onto Romeos shoulder making him jump,

"Aye, ya did good lad. See if ya didn't murph and I would have been havin Mexican for dinner"

We all laughed except for Romeo who just rolled his eyes. Later that night, we went back to the bar. Romeo had to go apologize to his uncle for completely dismantling his place. We were getting ready for bed when I turned to walk out the door, only to be stopped by murphy grabbing my arm,

"Where ya goin?"

Smiling, I shook his arm off,"I'm gonna call Eunice. Apologize"

Connor entered behind his brother both looking at me skeptically until Connor smirked,

"Aye olive finally realizes she was jealous"

"No! Fuck you Connor!" I yelled rolling my eyes and walking out of the room.

"Incest little sister!," I heard him yell along with a smack and an,"ow! Dammit murph!"

Chuckling, I knew murphy smacked him. I walked out to the cold night air at the back of the bar and pulled out my phone. I didn't fully lie to the boys, I was calling someone, just not Eunice. Dialing the number, I waited until an Irish accent answered on the other end.

"Olivia?" He said.

"Hi Noah" I smiled knowing he couldn't see me,

"Ello lass, how are tings" he asked.

"Alright" I said when nausea hit my stomach again causing me to groan.

"Ya alright?" He asked.

I was going to answer when I quickly pulled the phone from my ear and vomited all over the pavement. When I was done, I wiped my mouth and said,

"Ya I've just had this bug for a while. First I thought it was nerves ya know getting back into the business"

"How long ya had dis?" He asked.

"Few weeks" I chuckled nervously.

"Liv ya sure yer not..." But I was not able to hear the end of his question because right before he finished a sharp pain hit the back of my head causing me to drop the phone and black out.

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