Supernatural Imagines *REQUE...

By tilly_venae

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Imagines for your favorite show that includes characters such as Dean, Sam and, Castiel. These include Daddy... More

Greetings! (Authors Note)
Coming Home (DDM)
The Song You Dance to at Your Wedding (DDM)
The Winchesters (BSM): Happy Birthday, to me...
Your Wedding Dress and Their Reaction Prefrence
When They Hold You For the First Time (DDM)
T-shirt (Dean X Reader)
Out of the Woods (Castiel x Reader)
What They Do When Your Sick Preference
Nightmare (Dean x Sister!Reader)
How You Kiss Preference
For Realzies
It's Been a While
Quick Anouncement!
TV Shows You Watch Together
The Things You Want, But Can't Have (Sam x Reader)
The Letter (Sam x Reader)
How They Propose Preference
She's With Me (Dean x Reader)
Maybe We Can Nope Our Way Out of This Situation Pt. 1 (Dean x Katerina)
I'll Be There For You (Castiel x Reader)

Possession Pt. 1 (Sam x Abigail)

229 5 0
By tilly_venae

Requested by: abbychristinej

Imagine: Sam and Dean tell Abigail that she can't go on a hunt with them because it's too dangerous. But while their sleeping, she goes by herself and gets into some trouble.

Word Count: 1472

Warnings: None


"You're not going! That's final!" Sam argued closing his laptop with just enough force not to break its screen. "Abby, it's too dangerous."

"Sam, c'mon. I know what I'm doing. I've hunted before a few times and it came out fine in the end." Abigail pleaded as she looked down at her boyfriend who was sitting at his desk chair in his bedroom.

"Those were salt and burns. We're talking about vamps, werewolves, demons, you name it. Unless it's a ghost, I'm sorry but, you're not going." Dean added as he was eating some leftover Chinese takeout from the night previous.

"Dean, stay out of this." Abigail snapped.


Night had fallen over Maldover, Maryland where Abigail and the both of the Winchester brothers were on their next hunt. Abigail was always considered part of the team, even if she never actually went on hunts.

She mostly just did research and was just a few feet or a phone call away if Sam, her boyfriend of two years, and Dean needed help with something. When Abigail first got into the hunting side of life, she was okay with it at first, scared that she'd get hurt or something else tragic happening, like getting possessed by a demon or getting turned into something like a vampire or werewolf. But now that she had been in the gig for a while, five going on six years, she figured that she could finally involve herself by doing something more than sitting behind a laptop, phone, and countless lore books for twenty-four-hours a day, seven days a week.

Sam had thought about letting her join in on simple little hunts, like salt and burns or even just going on investigations like pretending to be the FBI, park rangers, or homeland security but Dean often reminded him that even the simple things could be royally screwed with the slightest inconvenience.

She knew that she was clumsy and maybe a little careless, but she knew she wouldn't royally screw it up (Maybe just a little).

At about two AM, once both of the brothers were asleep, Abigail decided it was time to strike. She got out of her and Sam's bed gently rolling out from under the crusty motel bed sheets and comforter that have been slept on and under by who knows how many other people and what had been done on them. Even though she knew they had been washed many many times before she got to them, it was pretty unsettling to her.

Sam shuffled around a bit and Abigail froze in her place as she held the covers in her hands, about to place them back, making her side of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and opened them slowly. Sam was a decently heavy sleeper but not feeling the weight of Abigail next to him made him wake up. "Abby?" he asked quietly, with a tiredness in his voice. "Why are you up?" he looked at the clock seeing what time it was.

"I-" she tried thinking of a lie since she was leaving. "I'm going to go on a drive. I can't sleep." she spoke just above a whisper. Her lies were quite convincing.

"Mmm." he rubbed his eyes again and ran a hand through his chocolate locks. "I'll come with you." he sat up and about got out of the bed.

"No!" she whisper-yelled, her plan about to become foiled. "I mean, no." She spoke calmly. "I'd rather go by myself. I promise you can come next time. Alright?" She gently grabbed his hand and placed a soft kiss on the top of it. "Perhaps a walk in the morning when I come back?"

It was too early in the morning for Sam to think about if she was lying or not so he gave her the 'ok'. "Just be back before the sun rises. Please." He looked her in the eyes gently, even though he couldn't really see anything in the nearly pitch-black room, the only light entering was the street and sidewalk lights peeking through the closed white blinds.

"I will. Don't worry." she pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Sammy."

"I love you too." He softly kissed her and laid back down on his side.

Abigail sighed in relief quietly, glad that her plan was somewhat going right so far. Next, all she had to do was change out of her gray cami and black athletic shorts and into her usual hunting clothes which were some steel-toed hiking boots, an olive green cargo jacket that's similar to one Dean has (except it has a hood), a pair of loose-fitting skinny jeans, and whatever shirt she grabbed from her bag first. Of course, these would be her usual hunting clothes if she actually ended up hunting something.

The difficult part now would be grabbing Dean's keys to the Impala since you all rode in it to get here from the bunker. She never actually knew where Dean kept them, but something told her that they were in the drawer in the nightstand, under his pillow, or in the dresser. They were never usually in plain sight.

"Mmmm." She groaned quietly. The only solution she could think of was waking ol' Deano up and asking him about them but she knew that: 1. He never lets anyone else drive the impala unless it's an emergency 2. He'll get suspicious and tell her to go back to bed.

She figured it was a terrible idea to wake Dean; so she quickly, and quietly looked around the room and saw the keys dangle off of Dean's limp hand. Abigail sharply breathed thinking this would be the end of her life here on Earth. If she woke up Dean and he caught her with the keys, it would be the last thing she ever did.

Luckily enough for her, they were just about to fall off of his pinky, which the keys were oh-so gracefully hanging from; and with a swift movement, she caught the keys right before they dropped and hit the ground. "Yes!" She silently cheered to herself as she hauled ass out of the motel room and into the night, closing door thirteen behind her.


Soft indie music played through the old speakers of the Impala as Abigail drove her on the outskirts of town where she found an old abandoned colonial-style mansion sitting behind a group of oak and pine trees. "This looks like a fucking horror movie." She whispered to herself as she turned down the radio and turned her beams on from high to low. She shivered, goosebumps causing the hair on her arms and neck to stand up as she threw her hair into a medium ponytail to keep it out of her face.

She got out of the impala, gently closing the door, careful to not disturb anything and let the demons know you were there. An old duffle bag that once belonged to John Winchester sat in the corner of the trunk while you propped it open with a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun. A can of hot pink spray paint, a flask of holy water, some salt, and the demon blade that some demon that Sam was affiliated with years ago gave to him were just a few of the things that she put into it. A couple of other things like a handgun and bullets marked "Demon" in Sam's quick handwriting was placed into the bag as well just in case the blade happened to not work like she was told it would.

Abigail walked up to the mansion once she closed the trunk and gripped onto the large olive green duffle bag and gulped. "Maybe this is a bad idea." She thought about what she was getting into but shook it off ignoring her logic. "But I'm doing a good thing..." She told herself, trying to convince the imaginary angel on her shoulder that it was a good idea. "Maybe..."

The building was covered in English Ivy and a few bricks near the foundations were moldy and mossy, creating a raunchy sort of smell, though it also could have been the sulfur that the demons left behind since there was a farty undertone to the stench. A few windows were boarded up with rotten wood planks that were carelessly nailed up when the place was first abandoned about fifty years ago.

Abigail heard a swooshy type of sound, like something flying past her ear. Stupidly she called out, "Hello? Anyone there?" forgetting that she was in the middle of a hunt.

Nothing responded, but after turning around she saw a black cloud of smoke in the air flying towards her mouth, nothing after that she could remember.

Just emptiness.


Hey gang! So to my older followers and readers of this book, you may remember something similar to this one. If you do remember, this chapter is just rewritten and added more to. I was going through some things, like spring cleaning of sorts, and came across the old publication of this. I was disgusted with what I was reading since the original came out either in 2017 or 2018! My writing style has evolved so much over the years, I wanted to try my hand at this one again.

I also would like to formally apologize to the person who requested this since there was supposed to be a part two following it. There will still be a part two, so don't worry! Hopefully, that will come out within the month.

I had a ton of fun writing this, and I hope you had equally or more fun reading it!

If you enjoyed this imagine, feel free to comment and vote, it encourages me to write more stuff for you guys! And if you don't follow me already, you're welcome to since I post updates on my conversation page and follow me on Instagram (mentioned on the bottom of my bio)!

Stay safe and healthy,


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