Forever Mine

By mrlolzies101

73K 624 356

F!Lucario x Male reader (art by Winick-Lim) the aftermath of the destroyed village, a lone Lucario comes to... More

1. Prologue
2. The Visitor
3. Vermilion
4. Before
5. After
6. The Fight
7. Sense of Adventure
8. The City of Water
9. Ville De Stoechas

(Extra) How Markus and Mewt met

2.4K 20 14
By mrlolzies101

Heya! It's your favorite Wattpad creator who hasn't touched his account in 20 years! This is a little come back gift. I'm working on a draft for another world and forever mine rn and I just want to make this as a little quip, because if not Lucario, Mewtwo is my second favorite Pokemon (in more ways than one owo) and I also wanna develop Markus a tiny bit so he isn't so static. He's supposed to be your "Right-hand man." Enough of me rambling, let's see how these questionable Lovers met.


    "What do you mean I have to 'follow in her footsteps'?!" I say in air quotes. "Her being a trainer is what made her spiral into that mess!" I exclaimed to my dad, who sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Please, Markus... Don't say that about your mother, it shouldn't stop you from trying it as well," he gets in a serious tone. "She wanted you to do this, don't let one of her slip-ups deter you" "Slip-up? That 'Slip-up cost her life!" I make a long sigh as I think of a decision. "Fine... But It's not like I'll get far anyways... Everyone is going to be a good year ahead of me," I make a long face. He pats me on the back and smiles. "Then get ahead, I believe in you, and I bet if she were here, your mother would too just as well" He gets up and goes into the pantry, digging through a dusty box. "Ah! Here they are!" He tosses me a Poke' Ball, a Luxury Ball, and a yellow crystal. "Uh, what's with the glowy paperweight?" I look at him. "It's a revive, it'll bring your Pokemon back if they faint," he says. "Yeah... If I catch one," I murmur, standing up off the couch and grabbing one of my thin jackets. My dad waves me off as I open the front door. "Good luck Markus!" He winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk outside.

I take a deep whiff of the outside air. A lovely summer breeze rolls over my face as the warm yet bleak air heats my face. It's a stereotypical summer day, a perfect day for ice cream or to go to water parks, watching kids play with their Squirtles or Magikarp and whatnot. I walk down the road, taking a turn onto the One-hundredth and first route.

To my surprise, there is a plethora of Pokémon infesting the forest. The bushes rustle with life while I walk meekly with my hands in my pockets. There aren't many Pokémon that interest me honestly, not that I planned to be a Pokémon trainer. They were like wonders when I was a little kid.. but after what happened to Mum... my whole view of them was turned upside down, stretched in and out, and torn into pieces. Could I blame the mon's themselves? Of course not! But it always gives me a nagging feeling whenever I think of them. I almost broke my friend's nose for mentioning the name "Giratina," Arceus save them if they start talking about the incident.

I take out the Poke' ball, opening and fidgeting with its design. It makes me wonder what they used to tame Pokémon before their invention. My spacing off is interrupted when I notice that I'm fingering the air.

"H-Huh? Where'd it go-"I look up to see a troop of Aipom toying with the ball. "Hey! Give me that back, you monkey!" I lunge at them, with the Aipom swiftly dodging without hesitation. They make an annoying guffaw before climbing onto another tree and getting on the branches, taunting me with the ball. "Why you little-"I chase after the mon holding the ball as it swings branch to branch. I do a short hop and grab onto its tail, making the Aipom scream its head off. As I'm mid-flight, I notice the small but bottomless pit right below me. All a sudden, the Aipom flies out of my sight, and I'm surrounded by dark. I'm no Kirito, so this fall might actually kill me. Too bad I lucked out and landed on the arm, breaking my wrist. I don't know what was louder, the snap or my scream. Probably the latter.

I roll in pain on the hard rocky ground for a few seconds, but I manage to hold back my tears. I stand up slowly, holding my left forearm as I cringe in severe pain. My first couple minutes into my journey and I already broke a bone. "FFFUUUCKKK!" I let out my rage by kicking a rock.

I grab my glasses off the ground, wiping them and taking a look around. I'm in a suspiciously glowy cave, with amethyst like crystals lighting a few spots. The rock is also robustly smooth to the touch, I'd be afraid to scratch it up if it were my kitchen tile. I start slowly making my way through the cavern, making painful grunts as I feel around the walls.

    "I gotta get out of h-here.." I think out loud, looking for a direction.

    Holy shit! I've been in this labyrinth forever! If I have to round any more corners, I'll lose my mind! It's not like the searing pain in my wrist is making this any better-

    "Seed bomb!" A series of explosions happen in the distance, I say a good 100 feet from me. For a split second in the blinding light, I see two people. The next millisecond a body is sent flying towards me.

I fall to the floor, the mass trapping me on it. My eyes go as broad as plates! Purple tail, large posture, and a horrifying aura... There is no mistaking it! It's the legendary Mewtwo! And it's fainted..? In my arms? "Did you faint it? We were supposed to capture it, jackass!" I hear in the distance, it's a feminine voice. "Let's just check before we jump the gun, woman" A guy grunts. They're making their way over to me! I try to shake the large mon'. "Mewtwo! Mewtwo! Wake up!" I shake its body. It's unresponsive. I go into full panic mode, thinking of what to do. But I remember what my dad said! The Revive! I dig into my pocket and search for the weighty crystal, frantically grabbing at it. "U-Uhm!" I'm confused about what to do with it, but now is not the time for uncertainty! I put the revive in Mewtwo's hands and force them to grip it, making him hug it tightly in his palms. "Revive!" I say. The Revive dissipates in his hands, glowing brightly and dissipating into Mewtwo's hand.

Mewtwo's eyes open with a sudden burst of energy, first laying eyes on me then to the couple with Pokeballs in their hands. They have large R logos on their clothes. Mewtwo makes an enraged grunt, floating me and him upright. He stands me up and makes a dash towards the "R" group.

    "W-Woah!" I hear both the voices echo away from me, growing in distance, then stopping with a loud 'Thud!' assuming at the cave wall. My eyes are still closed while I wait for everything to clear up.

I think the adrenaline must have worn off because the horrible pain in my wrist comes back in the most opportune moment to make me scream.

"AAAAHH!!" I yell in agony, I must have moved it a lot. "OH HOLY ARCEUS FUCKK!!" I roll around on the floor in extreme pain once again, grasping at my wrist. I roll over on my face and try to stand up without using my arms. I slouch up from the floor and look behind me, wondering where the psychic Pokemon went before getting up. I limped my way over to the corner I rounded, only to run right into the Mon' itself. "I-I" I struggle to focus on the figure. So much was happening at the time I was overwhelmed... and I was starting to get really... sleepy-

    "AHG!" I do a sudden jolt from my sleep. As I stand up, I slap my wrist. "W-What the?" My wrist doesn't hurt anymore. I looked around to see that I'm in another section of the cave... and me still sleeping on the ground..? The Mewtwo is above my body, his eyes closed and his hand on my head. He looks like he's focusing on something. I put my hands in front of my face. "This isn't real.."

    "You're right..." My heart stops as I hear another voice around me. "H-Huh?!" The Mewtwo opens his eyes and makes a menacing look directly at me, his hand still on my body. "You can see me?" I say pointing at myself. "Mhm, too bad he can't..." he nods his head towards my body. "H-Hey! What are you doing to-" "Fixed your injuries... That bone in your hand, right..?" I feel my wrist again, it doesn't have any pain. He did fix it. "How?" I ask, scaredly curious. "Ergokinesis... Manipulation of energy..." I look down to think for a moment before a final question. "Why...?" He looks away, before looking back at me. "Wake up, Markus..." He takes his hand off my head.

I finally opened my eyes for real, seeing the Mewtwo's glowing eyes. I don't move out of fear, studying him carefully before he backs off. I feel my wrist again, preparing for pain... But none ever came.

"You really did fix it.." I slowly stand up so as to not startle him. "How long was I out?"

He makes a confused grunt at me. "How long was I asleep?" I recorrect myself. "4 hours..." He says telepathically. "4 hours?! It's been too long! I need to call my dad-" I reach for my phone, but Mewtwo already has it in his hands. He crushes it into a cube with his powers. "What the hell? That was expensive!" He grunts as he floats towards me. I recoil back in anticipation.

"With all my might... I tried to probe your memories..." He sighs, slowly sitting on the floor. "You were depressed... but you won't admit it, right..?" I lower my stance and look down at Mewtwo. "Why should I tell you, huh?" I question, suspicious of some ulterior motives. "Pity...

Along with slight Affinity..." I sigh; his feelings are genuine, I guess. I sit down in front of him and close my eyes, trying to remember the scene.

September 14, 20XX

I grab my backpack off my hanger, today is the first day of school! I scramble for my glasses on the table. Dad probably left to go to work, as he always did in the morning. After scarfing down the last of my cereal, I rushed over to the front door hoping for a leisurely walk... to... school... The black void was almost sucking the air out of my house as I'm left wide-eyed at the picture. I look out one of the windows, everything is fine. Same old Viridian city, unchanged from the last time I saw it. But... The front door, pitch black. It's as if it's some sort of portal leading to another world, maybe! My morbid curiosity urges me to walk in, but still taking precautions. I hold onto the door frame while pulling myself through.

    "H-Hello?" I squeak. My voice rattles through the void. I put one foot forward, feeling for the ground. It's like stepping thick cornstarch, plaguing my foot as I try to move it. I move the other leg in, stepping in and looking around. Nothing but darkness. No odor, no color, just black.

    "What do you mean we won't have much time? We're talking years!"

Mom?! I hear my mother talking behind me. I 180 around the exit of the portal, looking behind it. It's my mother and her Sylveon. She's having a conversation with... With.. this caterpillar with wings. It makes a series of weak roars and groans as if it's talking. "M-Mom..?" I weakly peep towards her. She stops her sentence and looks at me with a face of sudden horror. "What's going on-" The Caterpillar makes the loudest growl I've ever heard, flapping its wings and making a beeline towards me. My mother makes a horrified shriek. Time was moving like normal, but it felt so slow at the time, I didn't know why. A quick pink beam streamed past the Pokemon, It's mom's Sylveon!

    "Sylv!" She headbutts me out of the portal, staring at my eyes before it shuts. "M-Mom..?" I open my front door over and over again, awestruck and dumbfounded.






Flashback over wooshhhhhh

Out of every Pokemon I thought about, Mewtwo was the most wide-eyed out of all of them. I wave my hand in front of him, "You okay..?" He closes his eyes and then looks at me.

    "Catch me" His face is around 5 inches from mine as he stares at me, with his always unreadable expression, "What?" I say in a confused shock. "I feel... a deeper meaning behind this... strings being pulled... I want to come with..." He makes the statement one more time as if I didn't hear him. "Catch me, Markus."

    I take the last ball I had in my backpack and tap it on Mewtwo's head. He dissipates into the Luxury Ball, making it roll in my hands 3 times before making a satisfying click. My heart skips a beat as I hear that sound... My first time catching a real Pokemon and it just so happens to be the one and only rumored Mewtwo that wasn't even confirmed to be real! I think of all the things that could have happened instead of this as I press the button on the ball again, releasing Mewtwo out.

    "So... What now?" I ask.

"We train... We will find your mother... Stop Giratina... she's planning... A mischievous act..." My lip quivers as I lay my hands on his shoulders, looking up at him. "Y-You'll help me find my mother..?" I hold back the tears in my eyes. "Yes, Markus, we can find her together-" I hug him tightly, nuzzling his chest. "Thank you..." He's shocked at first, but he gives me a light hug back and looks away. He then gives me a silent pat and lets go of me. "Alright, let's go to my house, I need to introduce you to, uh," I make an audible gulp. "My dad," I straighten my glasses. "He is going to freak out, so I have to hide you for a little bit" I grab the ball back out of my pocket, but he pushes my hand down. "Ball... Sign of ownership... But I wish not to be contained..." He telepathically says it to me in a calming tone. "Alright," I reassuring nod, putting the ball back. "Let's get out of here" I lead the way out the section, the legendary Pokemon floating closely behind me.

After Mewtwo did some psychic stuff and teleported me out of the hole, we started walking down the path at a slow... pace... We got quite a couple stares from the trainers on the route. "Woah, is that *the* Mewtwo?!"

"How did he catch it..?"

"I didn't even know it was here!" It went from a few to a little crowd following shortly behind us. "M-Mewtwo, stay closer to me" He floats a little closer, moving to my side and wrapping his tail around me while I walk around. It gets to the point when a few of them even start challenging me to a battle while I walk! I take one of Mewtwo's hands and run off down the road. Mewtwo follows behind me as I dodge person to person, eventually reaching my house. I have to get the people away from me, or they'll be here all night! I look back at Mewtwo and did some quick thinking. "Run the other way and distract them! When you get far enough, teleport to me, okay?!" I yell at him in the commotion. He lets go of my hand and makes a turn down a broadway. I make a dash at my fence, jumping my backyard, and rail vaulting the fence, then landing horribly on my face. I pick myself up and wait for Mewtwo to return.

I take a deep breath and knock on my sliding door. My dad gets up from the couch, spooked at first, but then he sees me.

"Markus! I haven't heard from you all day! Where have you been?" He pats me on the head enthusiastically. "Doing uh... stuff," I say, twiddling my fingers. "Let me guess" He puts his hands up. "You didn't catch anything?" he says, looking down at me. "U-Uh," I think of what to say. "It's alright! Your mother was the exact same!" He exclaims, walking back near the living room. "Come have a seat" He looks back at me. "About that..." I say looking also behind me. "What? You don't want to talk about it-" Mewtwo's hands grab onto the sliding door, ducking his head under the frame and rising back up into the house. He goes as wide-eyed as Mewtwo was, not moving a single muscle. "Mewtwo, this is my Dad," He floats over and shakes his hand, my dad still unresponsive. "H-How?" He finally opens his mouth. "Team Rocket was trying to get him back, and I happened to just catch him. Now, he's under my protection" He looks up at Mewtwo and shudders. "J-just, don't do anything stupid" He goes to sit down on the couch, holding his head as if he's thinking. I shrug and beckon Mewtwo to come upstairs with me. I show him in my room. It's as messy as I left it, unkempt after my mom went missing. Sodas and other fidgets and gadgets strewn all over my desks, yet the floor is clear of any debris so I could still move around. My computer is neatly tucked under the table next to the bed. I must have left it on, it's screen displaying a project plan. "This is my room, messy, but it's home" Mewtwo looks around obliviously, touching a few of the trinkets on my desk and messing with them.

"Markus! Come down!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs.

"I'll be right back, alright?" Mewtwo doesn't bat an eye as he keeps fidgeting with the toys.

(aAAA Mewtwo Pov because me big lazy)

The cube spins in my hands as I study its many intricacies. Nine colors on six sides, yet so... Complex. I look at it a few more times before revolving the puzzle. Perfect. All of the colors matching. I put it down and look for more of these puzzles. Metal balls that stick together, a circle that will stretch at will, all of these things to occupy time! It's all so... Interesting. After I've used all the things, I realize there is one more thing I haven't touched. Markus said it was a "Computer..?" I take a closer look at the block. It has steel and gold boards that send electricity to another point on it. Maybe if I... control the firing of it... I can use it...

(back to Markus owo)

I open the door and look for Mewtwo

"Hey! I'm back-" Mewtwo is staring at the monitor of my computer, his hand on the side of its case while he stares at the monitor. It looks like he's learning. I leave him be and wait for him to be done. While I wait for him to be bored, I see something yellow and black pull up on the screen as Mewtwo gets a deep blush. "AaaAH!" I snatched the mouse and closed it, snapping Mewtwo out of his trance. "W-What were you looking at?" He gets up and looks away.

"Nothing important," He says quietly in my mind. "Nevermind," I wave him off. "My dad says he might have some people over, I don't know why." Mewtwo takes note of this, floating a bit closer until he's right up in my face. He physically takes his hand and puts it on my head, rubbing it. "U-Uh, what are you doing?" I look up at him. "I do not know... I want to feel you..." He messes up my hair and takes his other hand and puts it on my cheek, squishing it and moving it. My reaction is priceless as he makes a sort of giggle. He lowers his upper body, matching his eyes with mine as I see a new profound lust in them. I stood absolutely still as he moved closer, stunned by his actions yet, almost hypnotized. He opened his mouth to give me a kiss but was interrupted with a knocking that was heard throughout the house. He gets off me, startled. I shake off his actions in the moment, opening my door and looking down the stairs at the front door. Mewtwo takes cover behind me, listening carefully. My dad sleeks over to the door, opening it to show the Team Rocket couple! "M-Mew, it's Team Rocket!" I whisper loudly to him. He tenses up for a second as if to think.

    "Markus! Come downstairs, please!" My dad is calling me down. I felt like biting my fingernails as I get some analysis paralysis. "T-The window! Let's go!" I take Mewtwo's hand and head for one of my windows in my room. I open it and push Mewtwo out on the roof. I don't think I could come back to my house after this... I look back at my computer and snatch the USB attached to it.

"Can't you just do your teleporting thing?! I don't like heights" I say looking down

"Head will ache... Can't transpose too much..." I grunt, annoyed. "Just help me down then!" After we both get off the roof, we make a Deja Vu-ish run down the road. People would stare and stare, but I didn't care, we just need to get out of here. Everything is going to shit right now, I don't think I could go back to my own house now! Mewtwo must have a price on his head or something. What kind of twisted fate have I taken on? "I'm ready..." He puts his hand on my head. "Wha-" We go from the street to behind a building. I break off from his grasp, recoiling a few from the nausea that comes from teleporting. "F-Fuckin' hell, you could have warned me first" I hold my head in my palm. He shrugs in reply. "W-Where are we?" I ask. "The place you humans call... Vhur-ridi-an?" Oh, Viridian city. That's a good 5 miles from my town. "WHAT?!" I exclaim. "WHY SO FAR?" I exaggerate in the moment, freaked out. "Getting away from Team Rocket... Keep you safe..." "Uh-" I can't argue with that reply, he's too blunt! "It's fine I guess... I won't be going back I assume" He nods at me.

I sit down on the rough asphalt, leaning my head back on the wall. "...So what now?" I look at him. "We can't do actual matches since y' know, Rocket will be on our heads," "Then we train in secret..." He interrupts my train

That also brings another strange question to my head... "Mewtwo... Did you try to kiss me...?" He stares at me blankly, a blush slowly crawling over his face. "It was so hazy I didn't question it at the time, but I think about it now-" Out of nowhere, he picks me up with Psychic, slamming me to the wall. "Markus... I've tasted the forbidden fruit~" He caresses my chest. He holds my chin up to look at him. It's that moment again, everything is buzzing in my head. I've never had my first kiss before... All the girls I know are taken, with cooler guys and even girls. All little old me by myself. My face is becoming all hot, my cheeks puffed, hands shaking, all that jazz. He moves his mouth on mine before recoiling back swiftly. He drops me to the ground as I look at him, spaced out. "Wha?" I hear telepathic grunts and yells. Mewtwo also drops down to the ground in a sort of sob. "I'm s-sorry Markus..." He stammers, shaming himself to death. "I only now realize it's wrong... I've never had these feelings since I was born... I wanted to indulge..." He curls up into a ball, tail between his legs and his face in his knees. "No!" I tackle him into a hug. "I know the feeling... Originally I thought no one thing was like me, but I realize the feeling is mutual, even with things that aren't human! You're living proof of that" I slowly pull his head up to look at mine. "A-And I kinda liked it anyway..." I'd never thought I'm gay up till now, it's never crossed my mind. But Mewtwo is someone I deeply relate to, and he's looking too. "You can continue," I say shakily. I push his head onto mine, catching him in a passionate, heartfelt kiss.

    Holy shit! He's a really good kisser! His tongue swirls around mine as if doing a delicate dance. I hold his large head while I keep at it, eventually stopping with a need for air. This feeling, it's so foreign yet so familiar. To think that of all things, a Pokemon has stolen my heart in less than half a day. Already so attached to me... Feeling needed like this... It's a special feeling only love like that can give, and it's like a hammer on the head. My moral absolutism for this type of stuff melds into some amalgamation in my brain, because this just feels right.

    "Markus... You really feel that way about me?" We're eye to eye again as I can practically hear my own heartbeat. S-Shit, he must have read my mind! "It's more of an educated guess than reading a mind..." He finishes my sentence. "But I can read emotion clearly... And I want to tell you that I feel the same" if my heart was chocolate, it'd be melted to the point where it was boiling. "I'd push aside anyone or anything that gets in my way of you... Markus... We have not known each other for long... But you already mean everything to me..." He makes a sort of telepathic chortle. "To think the strongest Pokemon would be this weak... It's almost lamentable, isn't it...?" I wrap my arms around Mewtwo and hug him as tight as I can, straining myself to tear up into his chest while he hugs me back. Something so precious, so special in my grasp. It's more than a once in a lifetime thing.

    "Do you wanna let go Mewtwo?"


    "Then please, don't ever let me go"

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