The Queen

By CDRossBooks

994 135 29

You've read it as a Biblical tale of courage, now experience the beloved story of Esther as it springs to fre... More

Note From the Author
Preface / Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Three

31 5 1
By CDRossBooks

Katherine's lungs stalled as she made her way up the steps to the throne room. Beginning her long journey down the hallway leading to large golden doors guarded by two of the King's security.

They bowed as she neared them. Then informed her she was not allowed inside. She nodded, "I know. Open the door."

"Your majesty, don't you realize you will be killed if you go in there?" One guard asked.

She met his eyes with her gaze, "Yes. Open them anyway."

Reluctantly, they obeyed and allowed her entry. Every eye turned to her as she entered the room. A moment of fear waved over her. It was just like her dream. Same faces, same room, same feeling.

Drawing in a breath, stepped forward. Confident and sure of her destination. Alexander stood as she neared him. His brow creased. His eyes narrowed as the guards surrounded him, blocking her from getting any further. They drew their swords as whispers of treason and breaking the law rumbled through the crowd.

The Prime Minister stood and nodded for the guards to remove her. Katherine fell to her knees before the King. A sword was lifted over her head. The Queen prepared to meet her maker. Believing this was the end.

I'm sorry, Mark. I tried.

The clinging of metal against metal loomed over her head.

"Stop! Don't touch her!" She heard Alexander yell at the guard.

Katherine raised her head to see the King holding his scepter under the sword. His eyes pinned the solider with a mixture of disappointment and anger. The pressure from the scepter forced the guard to back down.

Her eyes filled with tears. The King had saved her. The guard holstered his weapon and bowed, backing away from the King.

Alexander knelt to her, took her hand in his and placed it on the top of the scepter, "She has found favor with King and I will hear her request." He took her hand in his and helped her stand. Gasp and echos his words drifted through the rafters.

The King locked eyes with Katherine and shook his head as his features softened and he whispered, "How did you know I had my scepter with me? I didn't have it yesterday."

She sucked in a deep breath, realizing just how close she'd come to death and whispered her reply, "I didn't." His face dropped. Then with a grin, he turned and took his seat on the throne as he asked, "So, my Queen, what is your request? Ask me anything and I will grant it to you, up to half my kingdom."

She glanced at Henry then wrung her hands together. She knew better than to blurt out her true reason for coming. A situation like this had to be handled with care. She drew in a shaky breath and hoped that the old saying was true: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. With that in mind, she bowed before him once again.

"If it pleases you and if I've found favor in your sight to grant my petition...I was hoping that you and Prime Minister Henry would join me for a banquet I will prepare in your honor. Then I will make my request."


He just stared at her. No expression.

Her stomach clenched and she closed her eyes, stifling her disappointment. She should have known better. At least she'd tried. "I, uh, I know you're busy. I just — miss you, but you're a king so I completely understand that you have far too much—"

"Whoa! Hang on a minute."

He smiled at her and shook his head. He stood, neared her again, and knelt down, raising her to her feet once more.

Much to the surprise of the royal court. A King never knelt down before anyone. For any reason. Yet he had just done so twice.

He continued on without paying them a mind, "There's no retracting allowed. I would never say no to you. You just took me by surprise. It's really refreshing to find someone who asks for nothing but your company. When would you like us to be there?"

Her heart gave a little flutter. "Will seven-thirty work for you?"


His response was so quick she wondered how he'd been able to be that sure of his schedule without checking with someone.

Surprised it was going in her favor, she smiled nervously, "Then I will see you both tonight."

"I look forward to hearing your request." The King said with a smile.

"It will be our pleasure to join you, my Queen." The Prime Minister chimed in.

Knots twisted in her stomach. Henry was the last person she wanted to share a meal with...but it would be better this way. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so they say.

With a final curtsy, she turned to leave. Stopped by a firm grip on her upper arm, she glanced over her shoulder as the king leaned in and softly whispered in her ear, "I miss you too."

Her features softened as he released his grip allowing her to go on her way.

She retreated out as quickly as she could; she had a lot to prepare for.

* * * *

Alexander smiled as she exited the throne room. He hadn't realized just how much he'd missed her till that moment. He loved her in a way that he never realized existed.

And her coming here, breaking the law — just to ask him to dinner — added a new trait to her he hadn't seen before, but he liked it.

She could have just as easily sent him a letter or sent Maxwell to petition her request, but instead, she had done something incredibly stupid as well as courageous, just to ask him in person herself. Yet he made a mental note to always keep his scepter in the throne room.

She had warmed his heart today and reminded him why he loved her so much. She was real. She cared about other's feelings and most importantly, she loved him too.

"Nothing is more dangerous than a beautiful woman who is focused and unimpressed." murmured Henry.

The King grinned, "Indeed. So you would be wise not to anger her." Taking his throne again he gave the go-ahead for Parliament to continue as the words of his father echoed in his mind from their last conversation years ago:

"Heavy is the crown and yet she wears it as if it were a feather: there is strength in her heart, determination in her eyes and the will to survive resides within her soul. She is a Queen. She competes with no one, and no one can compete with her. She is the kind of Queen that knows her crown isn't on her head but in her soul. She has the mindset of a Queen and the heart of a warrior. She is everything all at once and too much for anyone who doesn't deserve her. That's the kind woman you need to find. And when you find her, make her your Queen."

He smiled to himself. I found her dad.

* * * *

Ms. Hannah placed the finishing touches on the table as Katherine spoke with Maxwell.

"Please be careful tonight." Maxwell cautioned.

Katie nodded, "I will be." She wrung her hands together and glanced over her shoulder towards the doors. They would be here any minute.

Maxwell studied her with a saddened expression. Then he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick hug, "You looked like you needed one." He said as he released her.

She sighed, "Thank you, Maxwell. I did. I'm scared."

He cocked his head, "Of the situation or the people?"

Her mouth hitched up into a one-sided grin, "Both. Mostly Henry. I'm terrified I might say or do the wrong thing, revealing my intentions before I'm ready."

Hannah sighed, "Well...that's just about as good as I can get it."

The Queen smiled, "It looks perfect, Hannah. Thank you."

With a bow, she and Maxwell left the room only moments before Alexander arrived.

He tapped the door frame lightly, "Excuse me, but I believe I have a reservation."

She smiled as he neared her and wrapped her in a warm embrace, "How I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Alex. I'm sorry I broke the rules today...I just had to see you."

His features softened and his eyes grew warm, "It doesn't matter...I'm just glad you're safe. I would never harm you, you should know that. But you're lucky I had my scepter today. It was a last-minute decision too."

Her hands shook as her mind recalled the close call earlier that morning. She dared to ask, "Um, did Prime Minister Henry decide not to join us?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "He said he'd be here."

"And so I am!" Henry exclaimed as he entered the dining room. "As they say, better late than never. Forgive me your Highness's for the delay in my arrival."

Katherine dipped her head, "We're delighted you could join us."

They sat to a wonderful meal. Katherine had made sure to have all their favorites. Buttering them up a bit.

The conversation was mostly dull. Full of political propaganda greatly encouraged by Henry. Finally coming to the latest agenda of the Christians having meetings.

"So what's the problem?" Alex leaned back, crossed an ankle over his knee, and linked his fingers over his abdomen.

Henry sighed, "Well, as I said the other night, they are gathering together in large groups. This surely proves they are up to no good. They failed at their prior attempts and they are clearly trying to find a way to overthrow you."

Alexander muttered something under his breath. Annoyed by Henry no doubt. He asked, "My love what do you think of the Prime Minister's claims?"

Henry raised his hand in protest, "Facts, sire. Facts."

Katherine grinned and lifted one shoulder. "Well, you have to admire their persistence in their praying."

"Some might call it treason," Alexander stated staring at Henry.

Henry gave a nod. Katherine sighed and glanced at the plate she'd barely touched. Then she pinned her eyes on Henry, "Please do not underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak and notice more than you realize."

Taken by surprise, Henry fumbled a question, "Then how do you dispute the fact that the King's life is in danger?"

She shook her head, "I can't dispute the fact, but I do dispute the conclusion."

"Excuse me?" Henry inquired with an arched brow.

"I do agree with you, the King's life is in danger, but not by the Christians."

He chuckled, "Oh, really? Then whom do you think is the real threat?"

Alexander shook his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, dear. This isn't the most relaxing dinner conversation. In fact, I'm quite tired of it. Let's change the subject. I'm most intrigued to hear your request. Unless I should wait for Henry to leave."

He chuckled, cutting his eyes at the now uncomfortable Prime Minister.

Katherine graced them both with a smile, she was grateful for the save from the heated conversation, "Well, I wonder if you might be willing to join me again for dinner tomorrow night? Then I will ask you."

Henry grinned and raised his glass in a salute to her, almost mockingly, "I would be most honored to accept, my Queen. You must have quite the request to go to all this trouble a second time."

Alexander shot Henry a disapproving look, "She can ask me for anything and I'll gladly give it to her. Up to half the kingdom if she wants it."

Katherine grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, "I don't desire the kingdom."

Alexander kissed her cheek, "Of course we will join you for dinner. You must forgive the long hours I've been keeping. I should be having dinner with you every night."

The Prime Minister dabbed the corners of his mouth with his napkin and sighed with satisfaction, "Well, I for one have been most delighted with such a delicious feast. Thank you for inviting me, your majesty."

The Queen gave a slight nod, "Thank you for gracing us with your presence Prime Minister."

He stood and bowed, "Until tomorrow then." He exited the room and closed the door behind him. Alexander also stood and helped her to her feet.

He kissed the back of her hand, "Are you sure you won't tell me what your request is?"

She smiled and shook her head, "Not until tomorrow."

He grinned, "You know I don't like waiting."

She nodded, "I know."

With a sigh, he led her into the gardens.

"I must say, I am quite jealous of the people who get to see you every day." He confessed, "Their quite lucky indeed."

She grinned, "Well, you at least have the luxury of coming to see me whenever you desire. I, on the other hand, must break the law in order to have the pleasure of your company."

He turned to face her. Taking both her hands in his and smiled, "Katherine, if you love me, even a fraction as much as I love you, then I know we can rewrite tradition and create something new."

She cocked her head, "Even if it means rewriting the law?"

His brow furrowed. He studied her. Finally, he sighed, "Katie, you know the laws are unbreakable if sealed with my royal signet...or any of the past Kings."

She nodded, "I know, but once I was asked what I might have you do if ever we had an unbreakable law that needed to be changed. Do you remember what I said?"

He thought back and pondered a moment then smirked, "Yes, you said you would have me write a new one. An amendment or clause. Allowing me to change the law as needed."

She nodded, "Is that a possibility?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. It's never been done before."

"But you just said that we could rewrite tradition if we loved each other enough."

He shook his head and chuckled, "You know what? You're right. I am the King after all. Perhaps there is a way to reverse laws..."

Staring off into the distance he considered it. Then turned to her again, "I can do it, Katherine."

She smiled with excitement, "You're sure?"

He nodded, "All I have to do is create one that says that the King can change any law if he deems it necessary. That way they are still unbreakable laws, just amended."

Katherine beamed with joy. If this was possible then there was still hope for saving her people.

Maxwell approached them. Alexander shook his head, "Let me guess. The Prime Minister needs to speak with me again."

"Am I that predictable?" Maxwell asked with a grin.


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