The Queen

By CDRossBooks

994 135 29

You've read it as a Biblical tale of courage, now experience the beloved story of Esther as it springs to fre... More

Note From the Author
Preface / Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Ten

33 5 1
By CDRossBooks

He sighed with pure delight as he held the document in his hand. This was it. The law that would put an end to those Christians once and for all.

He smiled with satisfaction at his ingenious plan. This proclamation would allow him to hang the treacherous traitors right in his own courtyard.

He laughed maliciously. He had already commissioned the building of a seventy-five-foot tall gallows to begin. That was his wife's brilliant idea. She was always the one with the flare for showmanship.

It would easily be seen from almost anywhere around his property. That delighted him greatly. He wanted nothing more than to demonstrate to all that this is what happened to people that crossed him.

He was sure the king would not mind. He would see the need to rid himself of traitors to the crown as well...and if he didn't well, it wouldn't really matter anyway.

It wouldn't be much longer and there would be no king. That was if everything went according to plan. And it would, of that he was sure.

Everything had been planned out. It was just a matter of time before the king would be assassinated and then without a hire to the throne, Henry would rule.

Leaning back in his chair, Henry linked his fingers behind his head, grinning like an idiot. It was almost too easy.

A knock caused him to turn his attention away from his marvelous scheme. A guard entered and informed him of his visitor.

The king's mother, Charlotte. What could she want?

Perhaps his wife, Zelena had invited, that couldn't be it. Today was bridge day, she would be at the country club all day.

He stood as the guard announced her. She entered and sat in his leather back chair before he even had a chance to greet her.

She crossed her legs and propped her purse on his desk.

"Sit down, Henry. I have a great deal to discuss with you." The muscles in his face twitched. He hated being ordered about. Especially in his own home. Still, he sat as she instructed.

"What can I do for you, Madam?"

She laced her fingers together on her lap and lifted her chin. It was a dig-in-her-heels, ready to battle gesture he had come to recognize.

Funny reminded him of Katherine. Over the past months of the competition, he had observed the same trait used by her on numerous occasions when the need would arise.

"Tell me about her, Henry. I want details." His mind immediately thinking of Katherine again. What she could possibly want with her, he could only speculate.

"To whom are you referring, Charlotte?" He had done business with her in the past and had known her enough years to address her by her first name he felt. But the look on her face and the further flattening of her lips told him that she did not reciprocate his conclusion.

"You know whom I am referring to. Katherine. The maid. The one my son is infatuated with."

Henry leaned on his desk and weaved his fingers together. "All I know is that if you want anything done, you'll have to do it yourself."

"I beg your pardon?" That was more of a statement than a question. It was apparent his answer was not the one she was looking for.

He sighed, "Look, you know as much as I know. She's gorgeous. Her prior occupation was that of a maid and your son thinks she hung the moon."

"Yes, I know all that, but what I want to know is: why? It's not as though he hasn't been around beautiful women. If I understand correctly, you've been quite involved in providing him many such antiquates at certain points his life and yet he never acted like this before. So what's different about this one?"

Henry sighed and leaned back in his chair, "She is the personification of all that he cannot have."


Tapping his fingertips on his desk, he pondered over her request and hesitated. "She's all he can never be. She can come and go freely. She doesn't have looming expectations over her head. She can be herself without fear of ending up as front-page news. She can speak her mind without starting a war — He can never be free like that. And if I'm being perfectly honest, she is incredibly kind which is extremely rare to find in a woman that is as beautiful as she is. It's impossible for him not to fall in love with her."

Charlotte sighed, "Show him that she could never be Queen."

Henry shook his head, "No. The King has already warned me to stay out of it or it will cost me my position as Prime Minister."

He stood and crossed the room to gaze out the window at the construction of the gallows as he continued, "That may not seem a great cost to you, but I have worked far too long and done more than you can possibly imagine to get where I am today and I'm not going to jeopardize it for you or anybody else!"

She straightened her back, grabbed her purse, and stood, "I suppose that is your final word on the matter?"

He nodded.

"Then I suppose I will just have to do it myself." She huffed and exited the room.

* * * *

Katherine placed the book of Gardonian law down on the table beside her and rubbed her eyes. She glanced at the clock. She had about an hour before she was going to meet Alexander's mother.

She wondered how the other ladies had done. It was quite crucial to impress his mother...she glanced down at her engagement ring. She wondered if the Queen Mother would notice and if she did what she might say.

A tap on her door made her jump. Maxwell entered the room at her bidding, carrying a vase filled with a bouquet of wild violet lavender. He glanced at her ring and made no comment as he placed the vase down on the table beside her.

Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a small note and laid it beside the bouquet. "Your Majesty, the King asked me to deliver this. Congratulations on your engagement." He gave a slight bow.

She arched her brow, "Don't you think it's premature to address me as Your Majesty? I'm still me...nothing is going to change that."

He sighed. If only that were true. He had seen time and time again how the weight of the crown forced one to mold them-self into its liking. But he wouldn't lay that on her shoulders now.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. Forgive me. I'm afraid I haven't been quite myself today."

She nodded, "I haven't really been myself today's all so surreal."

He glanced out the window and inhaled, "Yes, I can imagine."

He could imagine a great deal — but that was not his place, he reminded himself with enormous regret. Clearing his throat, he queried, "Are you ready to meet the Queen Mother?"

She shook her head, "I'm a little afraid to meet her. What if she doesn't like me?"

His features softened and suddenly he found her in his arms as he wrapped her in a warm, yearning embrace, "It's impossible not to love you, Katie."

Realizing he had just crossed a line he hadn't intended to, he withdrew his arms and graced her with an encouraging smile, "Just be yourself. I'll be back in a little while to take you to meet her."

The look in her eye told him she had noticed the slip in his statement, but before she could say anything or ask where he was going, he was gone. Hoping she would forget what he had said.

He needed to be careful. She was the future Queen and the love of his best friend. He couldn't allow his own personal feelings to get in the way of serving his King and more importantly — he refused to allow himself to betray Alexander's trust.

Leaving now was only for his sake. He had to compose himself and come to grips with the outcome. Like it or not.

* * * *

Katie turned to the bouquet of lavender and smiled. Her heart gave a little flutter as she picked up the note. The smell of the King's cologne drifted up off the page. Her pulse took a leap as she thought of the warmth of his touch and the tender taste of his lips.

Breathing deeply, she opened the note:

My Dearest Katherine,

I haven't been able to stop thinking of you. I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to keep our little secret...I'm more than ready to take you as my bride now. But they say good things come to those that wait.

However, waiting has never been my strongest attribute. I'm not the best when it comes to patience. Not that it should come as any surprise to you.

Don't worry about meeting my mother today. She may seem tough, but she's really an old softy.

I am sure you will capture her heart, just as you have mine, my country and it's people. If you can get away, meet me tonight in the hedge maze at midnight.

Forever Yours, 


Katie smiled. He was keeping his word. He was finding time to be with her. She wasn't sure how she'd sneak out without being seen, but she'd find a way.

* * * *

Maxwell stopped at the door with Katie as the guard announced her. Giving her arm a gentle squeeze, Maxwell whispered, "Always wear an invisible crown."

Katie smiled. She was thankful for Maxwell's constant support. Even if she knew he was beginning to feel something stronger than friendship.

Katie neared the Queen Mother who turned to her and extended her hand. Katie performed a curtsy as she took her hand, "Your Majesty." Charlotte gave her a small nod of approval.

Turning from Katie, she asked her attendants to leave the room. Knots twisted in Katie's stomach. The middle-aged woman patted the spot beside her on the sofa, "Have a seat, dear." Obeying, Katie sat carefully beside her.

This was Katherine's first chance to see her up close. One feature was quite familiar. There was no doubt that her son had inherited her eyes. They were a deep chestnut brown, mixed with their own share of grief, but still soft and kind.

Drawing in a deep breath, the King's mother asked, "Do you like it here?" She nodded her head, "Yes, Ma'am."

Sighing softly, the Queen confessed, "That's good...its important to like a place if you spend much time there. But to be quite frank, I think you need to return home." Katie shook her head, "I'm afraid I don't understand."

Charlotte nodded, "My dear, its nothing against you personally. You simply lack not only the ability to conduct yourself as a Queen but you also do not possess the education nor the social grooming to handle the pressure of the crown. The press would eat you alive. You simply are not qualified. You do not have the pedigree required for such a role."

Katie sighed, "Perhaps not in your eyes; however, I have already encountered the press on numerous occasions now and they seem to like me. But if your son picks me, I hope it will be for his love for me, not for my pedigree."

The Queen Mother laughed, "His love for you...don't fool yourself, child. My son knows his role. His duty is to the crown and to the country of Gardonia. He knows what he must do and he will not allow his personal indulgences to wave him from his duty. The crown will always win. It must. If not, why have a monarchy?"

Katie bowed her head and tugged at her dress, "That is very sad." The Queen Mother cut her eyes at her, "Perhaps, but it is our duty. A role that we are born into and we cannot run from it. My son knows better than most. To be perfectly honest with you, I quite like you. But my approving of you and my liking you are two very different things. I know my son adores you, but I have to do what is best for the crown."

Glancing at the ring on her finger, Katie summoned up courage and inquired, "And what about what is best for your son? Doesn't he get a say in this? He is the King after all."

Charlotte nodded, "Katherine, my son is the King, but even a King must answer to the laws of the crown. It weights heavily on his shoulders and each day it grows to be more of a burden for him. That is all the more reason that he needs a strong woman, of noble upbringing by his side..." The Queen sighed and whispered under her breath, "If only he had stayed married to Victoria."

Katie furrowed her brow, "He was married before?" She hesitated then nodded, "Well yes, I'm surprised he didn't tell you...especially if you two are as close as people believe."

"I'm sure he has his reasons for not telling me," Katie said reassuring herself more than the King's mother.

Raising her eyes to meet Katie's, Charlotte explained, "Victoria was his cousin on my side, she was beautiful, graceful and of royal blood. A perfect fit for Queen."

Katie asked appalled, "He married his cousin?" Immediately thinking how weird it would be if she had to marry Mark.

The Queen Mother pressed her lips, "As do most royals. It was an arranged marriage. His father and I thought her best for the role. She was practically born for it. He had no choice if he wanted to be King he had to be married. He wasn't pleased with the arrangement, but he did his duty."

Katie shook her head, "What happened to her?"

Charlotte placed her hands upon her lap and sighed, "I suppose this conversation is getting us nowhere. You have no intention of leaving, do you?"

Katie shook her head, "Not unless the King himself ask me to leave."

She nodded, "Well you can't say I didn't warn you." She stood and extended her hand to Katie one last time, "For whatever its worth, I do hope you find your happiness."

Katie shook her hand and as she when to withdraw it, Charlotte took hold firmer. She raised her hand and appraised the ring. Cutting her eyes at Katherine she stated, "What a lovely ring. Wherever did you get it?"

Katherine withdrew her hand from Charlotte's hold and managed a smile. She could lie, but she knew better. She had to have seen this ring thousands of times before and knew it was one of the crown jewels.

It could be another test. Katherine sighed, not knowing what she should do. The King had sworn her to keep their engagement a secret for now.

Realizing she owed her an explanation, Katie confessed, "It was a gift. An old family heirloom I believe."

Charlotte gave a knowing smile and nodded her head, "He has quite good taste doesn't he?"

"Yes, but not just in jewelry," Katherine stated, driving her point home. Charlotte gave a slight nod, understanding Katherine's subtle meaning that the King was more than capable of handling his own matters of the heart.

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