The Queen

By CDRossBooks

994 135 29

You've read it as a Biblical tale of courage, now experience the beloved story of Esther as it springs to fre... More

Note From the Author
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Preface / Chapter One

85 10 2
By CDRossBooks

Alexander raised his glass of seventy-four-year-old Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 1945, closed his eyes and sniffed the complex bouquet of the ruby red wine. The slightly rugged scent of mint, dried green moss, vanilla, and dried pine needles drifted upward.


Then again, at twenty-three thousand dollars a bottle, it should be. But the cost was of no consequence. It was a small price to pay in comparison to his costly divorce.

After years of abstinence — he sipped the crimson liquid. His face grew grim as the taste of dried soil, raspberries and sweet dried cherries flowed down his throat and the taste lingered on his tongue. The flavors did not sit well with his palate anymore.


There was a time when he would have savored every drop in the bottle...but alas, there was a time when he would have done a great deal differently. He found the very thought of it quite humorous now.

With a rueful sigh, Alexander tossed the glass into the roaring flames of the marble fireplace and with it the bottle. The glass shattered, along with his thoughts.

What have I done?  He asked himself. Perhaps I made a mistake.

He shook his head. That was a ridiculous thought. There was no other way. He knew that and yet, he could not seem to find happiness.

The door shook as another man entered the room and bowed. Merely paying him a half glance, Alexander queried, "What troubles you, Maxwell?"

The man named Maxwell wrung his hands together as if he were trying to get the last drops of water from a rag, "May I speak freely, sir?" Alexander gave a slight nod.

Nervously, and though quite reluctant, Maxwell whispered his plea, "Your Majesty, the country needs a Queen."

Chapter One

Another blissful morning dawned in the suburban streets of Siena, Italy as Katie awoke and prepared herself for work. As the sun peeked its head over the trees, the autumn leaves drifted softly through the crisp October air.

She could never grow tired of this season. The weather was at a perfect degree, as the colors, sights, and smells ushered in the holiday season. The feeling of immense possibilities filled the air.

Katie stirred the creamer into her coffee and sighed. As much as she loved this season, something was missing. Gazing out the window at the couple walking by hand-in-hand sharpened her memory.


Romance was missing. Not only in the season, but in her life. This time of year always made her a little melancholy in the fact that she would be celebrating the holidays alone yet again.

She wouldn't be completely alone, she did have her older cousin, Mark that she lived with. Though he had always been more of a father figure to her than a cousin, being nearly thirty years her senior. Mark took her in after her parents had died when she was just a small child and he was the only family she had ever known.

Peering over his newspaper at her, Mark broke her trance, "I thought we could go to the festival later." Katie nodded, never looking up, "Oh...yes, I suppose we could go to the festival."

Mark chocked his head and arched his brow, "Okay, what's wrong?"

Katie shook her head, "Oh, it's nothing. Really."

Mark smirked, "I know you better than that, Katie. You've been talking about the festival nonstop and when I finally tell you we can go, you don't seem to care. What's troubling you? Dreams again?"

Katie glanced back at him over the rim of her mug, in a whisper she replied, "Yes."

Mark set down his paper and folded his hands, "You want to talk about it?"

Katie shook her head, "I don't know, Mark. It's the same dream every time and I don't know what it means. It's really starting to bother me."

Mark nodded, "Tell me the dream."

Katie sighed and sat her mug to the side, "It always starts with me walking into a large room...a room I've never seen before and even though I'm surrounded by people, I feel like I'm completely alone. Like everyone in the room is against me or that I'm not supposed to be there at all."

"What happens next?" Mark questioned.

Katie drew in a deep breath, "I continue to walk forward until I reach a man at the far end of the room, I can't see his face, but he seems to know me. He holds out his hand for me and as I reach to take it —" She paused, seemingly shaken.

Mark encourages her to continue, "You reach to take it."

Katie glanced sharply in his direction, "Then another man with another face I can't see, points at me and two others grab me and they —" Her voice caught as her eyes swelled with tears.

Mark leaned forward in his chair, "They what?"

She blinked and blankly stared at him, "They put a sword to my throat and then I wake up." A tear trickled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away, "Mark, I know its just a dream, but it's so real...I can feel it! I felt the heat of their breath on my neck, the cold, sharp edge of the sword, the brush of his fingertips against mine..."

Mark nodded, "Dreams can often feel real, Katie."

Katie shook her head, "This is different, Mark! It's real. I know it sounds crazy, but its not just a dream. I am there! I'm in that room!" Mark shook his head and reached for her, "I thought you stopped having these kinds of dreams."

She nodded, "I haven't had one like this in years. Not since..." As her voice trailed off, Mark finished her statement, "Not since your parents died."

She nodded and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know what to make of it."

Mark placed his hand on hers, "Well we both know better than to ignore your dreams. Perhaps God has shown you the future again."

A buzzing sensation vibrated under her skin, pulling her from her thoughts as she glanced at the screen of her pager. She frowned as the message "CALLED IN SICK. SORRY." was displayed across the screen. She sighed, it seemed that she would be walking to work yet again today.

I really need to invest in my own car. She thought to herself. Oh, well. It's a beautiful day for a walk.

Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she clocked into work at the Siena Grand Continental Hotel. Entering the wardrobe room, she took out her uniform from her locker. Quickly dressing and grabbing her cart, she swiped her key-card as she entered the staff elevator and assented to the top townhouse suite.

This was the largest suite, measuring six thousand three hundred square feet. It would take her most of her shift just to clean this one suite. She knocked swiftly on the door and called, "Housekeeping!"

No response.

She swiped her key-card and entered the locks code. Twisting the handle, she opened the door and pulled her cart inside.

She gasped as she entered the room. The place was a mess. She sighed...whoever had this suite was clearly more interested in throwing a party than conducting a business meeting. She groaned as she tried to decide where to begin. She glanced at the check-in list.

The name H.R.H. Gardonia was listed for the suite for three nights, beginning the night before. She rolled her eyes. "Well Mr. Gardonia, I guess I'm your personal maid while you're here."

Someone cleared their throat and she turned. A man dressed in a black suit entered the room, he grinned slightly as he informed, "If I may be so bold, it is not 'Mr. Gardonia' miss. Gardonia is a country, not a person."

She blushed, taking a step backward, creating a space between them, "Oh, I—I'm so sorry. I apologize. I thought I was alone."

He smiled and extended his hand, "No need to apologize, miss. It's an honest misunderstanding. A very common one in fact. I'm Maxwell Dunwick, and I feel it is I who should apologize."

While she did wonder if his apology came from his own attribution to the increase in her work or for someone else, she only shrugged her shoulders in response, "I'm Katherine. It's alright, it's my job."

He nodded, "Yes, well. I'll leave you to it then." He bowed slightly and exited the room. She shook her head. That was odd.

Seven and a half hours later, Katie tucked the last sheet cover under the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally...all done.

She pulled her cart out the door and began pushing it towards the staff elevator.


She hit something. "Hey!" A man's voice bellowed over the cart. Katie stood on her tiptoes and peeked over the cart. A dark-haired man furrowed his brow as he began dusting himself off. Katie gasped, "I'm so sorry, sir! Please forgive me I didn't see you there."

The man scolded her, "You should watch where you're going! What is your name? I have half a mind to report you to the head of your department!"

Another man that she could not see steps in, "Let her be, Henry." His voice was stern yet kind.

The man from before nodded, "As you wish, sir." Quickly Katie pushed her cart out of their way and hid behind it.

Grateful her day was now complete and she hadn't managed to get fired, she hurried to the changing room and clocked out.

Wrapping her scarf around her neck, she stepped out the door. Hew...what a day. All I want to do is go home and take a long, hot bath and Her thoughts halted as she turned the corner.

The sidewalk was flooded with reporters, photographers, and cameramen. Though she didn't know the man they were talking to, she did recognize two of the men beside him. The man named Henry whom she had hit with her cart just minutes earlier and Maxwell Dunwick.

She glanced briefly at them, gave a smile, and began pressing her way through the crowded press. Maxwell smiled, then turned and whispered to another man beside him.

That man searched through the crowd and headed straight for Katie. He took hold of her elbow, causing her to come to a stop.

She turned to him, "May I help you?"

He whispered in her ear, "Mr. Dunwick has requested your presence." Glancing towards him, she puzzled to herself, then with an understanding nod she followed the man back to the group surrounded by the press.

Maxwell Dunwick stepped to the side to greet her, "My lady." He bowed and extended his hand. She took it and as he kissed the back of her hand, he asked, "My employer and his entourage are new to your fair city and although we have had the pleasure of experiencing the political highlights on our venture, we have yet to share in any of the local activities. Would you be so kind as to tell me where one might go to unwind a bit, out of the ever prying eye of the press? I believe my employer would be quite grateful for any help you might be able to give."

Katie, although confused, smiled at her new acquaintance, "Well, I may have a few ideas, but if you guys are trying to shake the press you really need a professional." Maxwell smiled, "Well, I have full faith in your ability. What do you say?"

Glancing passed him and at the rest of the ever-growing group behind him, she pondered his request. He followed her gaze and with a knowing smile he assured her, "They shan't harm you, Katherine."

Katie's eyes and face softened, "Well, I don't think the press would be covering the festival tonight. It's near the border of the town. I don't know what your boss is looking for, but it is usually just a local gathering every year with local vendors. Not much of a touristy attraction, but there is always a lot to do there and even riding trails nearby that are quite relaxing. Your boss might like that if he's looking for relaxation."

Maxwell smiled with satisfaction, "Excellent!" Turning from her, he said a few words to the man whom she now assumed was a guard, then turned to her once more, "Miss Katie, it has indeed been a pleasure meeting you. Perhaps I might be able to introduce you to my employer later at the festival?"

He continued without giving her a chance to respond, "Excuse me, I must see to his majes— er, I mean, my employer that is." He gestured to the limo parked behind her.

She stepped aside as he opened the door, followed by two guards, Henry and the man that spoke to the press slid into the limo.

Her eyes locked onto the man she did not know. He was tall, with dark black hair and an olive complexion. As he took his seat in the limousine, he flashed a billion-dollar smile at the press and gave them a wave as Maxwell closed the door and took his place upfront with the chauffeur.

Through the window, she watched as the man's smile faded and he glanced at his shoes. She studied him in pure amazement at how quickly his demeanor had changed.

She didn't know him, but she could clearly see that he was sad and that his smile had only been a facade. That made her sad too and she didn't understand why, but she suddenly found herself wanting to be the reason he smiled again.

Glancing around at the activates and booths, Katie smiled. She loved the festival. Most of all, she adored the apple tart with caramel sauce that Mark was bringing to her. "Mm...thank you! My favorite!" She exclaimed as she eagerly took it from Mark's hand.

Laughing at her childlike enthusiasm, he nodded, "I know, that's why I buy them."

Taking another bite from her dessert, she inquired of her cousin, "Anything interesting happen at the police station today?"

He nodded, "As a matter of fact, I found out that there is some kind of fancy fella in town looking for the most beautiful, unmarried women to enter some kind of beauty pageant. They didn't say what the winner gets, but I figure if he sees you, you'll win for sure."

Laughing, Katie nearly dropped her apple tart, "Me? Be serious! I don't know a thing about pageantry. I'm a maid."

Giving her a disapproving sigh, Mark encouraged, "The most beautiful maid I know. A maid with a purpose."

Without looking up, Katie took another bite, "Yes, eating as many apple tarts as possible before the festival ends!"

Mark stifled a groan. He did not want to see her wasting another minute, "No, you need to go talk to some young people your own age! Preferably some young men. It's a beautiful night, your a beautiful girl...a recipe for romance, don't waste it."

As she started to debate she glanced at a familiar face. Maxwell Dunwick. She smiled as his gaze met hers. Perhaps she should take her cousin's advice and talk to someone her own age, if for nothing else, at least it would free her from him trying to fix her up himself.

She waved at Maxwell and turned to Mark, "You know, you are so right, Mark. In fact, I see a friend of mine now."

Hurrying over towards him, Maxwell gave her a smile, "Ah, the lady of the hour!"

"Lady of the hour?"

Maxwell nodded and complimented Katie on her selection, "Yes, you know, when I asked if you knew anyplace away from public view I was picturing a small tavern or something, but you far surpassed my exception. This is perfect. My employer is quite pleased."

Katie smiled, "It was my pleasure."

A smile lifted his lips, "I've always believed in omens...and meeting you this morning was a good one."

Katie returned his smile, "I'm flattered, although I really only told you something that you could have found out from anyone."

A spurt of adrenaline set off a tingle in his nerve endings, and he angled himself away from the other patrons at the festival, "I doubt that they would have brought such pleasant company along with the information. I would very much like to introduce you to my employer if you would be so inclined."

Thinking back to earlier that day, she wondered if his employer was the grouchy man whose foot she ran over with her cart or the other man with an attractive smile. She hoped it was the latter rather than the former.

With a permitting nod, Maxwell led her through the crowd and near the stables were the small group of men from earlier had now gathered.

Nearing the group, Henry grumbled under his breath at Maxwell, "How dare you let a commoner come near him."

Katie turned to Henry, "I'm also a maid and if that makes a difference to you, I won't bother you gentlemen, any further with my presence if it is such a displeasure for you."

Without hesitation, she turned and walked away from the group. Ashamed she had let her temper get the better of her. So much for meeting Maxwell's employer.

Maxwell called after her and ran to meet her, "Miss Katie, please wait!"

Stopping with a sigh, she turned to face him and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sorry...I let my temper control my tongue. I should go apologize."

Relief washed over him and he graced her with a smile, "There's no need to explain. I beg of you to forgive his rudeness. He had no right to say what he did."

Shaking her head, she dismissed his plea, "Maxwell, you needn't apologize for his actions. Please tell me you don't work for such a terrible man..."

He chuckled and shook his head, "Oh no, thank goodness. I could never survive working for the Prime Minister."

Surprised, she questioned, "That man was the Prime Minister?"

Realizing his mistake, he bit his lip, "Yes...but my employer is much different than him. Let's just say we have an understanding."

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