fine line (scott mccall)Β²

By anticosmic

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in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞


1.8K 84 54
By anticosmic

"Can one of you please just shut up?" Blair asked after a couple of seconds as she took her hand away from her head - glaring at both Theo and Tracy for the amount of arguing they were doing about whether Blair should be going with them or not. Blair honestly didn't care about either of their arguments since she was being forced to be here and she didn't want to listen to Tracy explaining why she was useless.

"You don't like me and I don't like either of you, now can we go before the sun comes up. I want to go to sleep and not waste more time trying to find a beast because you don't like me." Blair snapped causing Tracy to roll her eyes as she left the tunnels, giving up on her argument against Theo to force him to try and leave Blair behind.

"Couldn't have done that five minutes earlier?" Theo asked in a sigh as Blair grabbed her gun off the table as the two of them followed Tracy out. Blair giving Theo more time to hopefully be rude to Tracy since she was tired of watching the girl be obnoxious to everyone else because of her evident crush on Theo.

"Maybe if you said something instead of trying to preserve her feelings so she still has a crush on you, we could work a little bit faster," Blair suggested with a smile as she watched Theo's expression dropped when Blair realized the reason why he had taken so long in his argument with Tracy since he didn't think Tracy's crush on him was that obvious to the others.

"Shut up." Theo pointed to her as he started walking backward in the direction of Tracy. Blair putting her hands up in surrender as she pretended to not be amused about the situation since it was the only form of entertainment she had down here.


"Did you see it?" Tracy asked the two of them as they jumped down from the buses - Tracy opting to run rather than being fast when it came to tracking down the Beast.

"It was too fast," Theo answered as Blair rolled her eyes since that was an understatement considering the thing was six times the size of them. Blair wasn't able to comprehend how Theo could think that either of them could run fast enough to catch up to that thing in the first place.

"But it's here?" Tracy breathed out, clearly in fear of the creature Theo had been describing to the pack in detail for the past couple of days.

"No, it's in Los Angeles," Blair answered back sarcastically since she thought it was obvious that the Beast was here otherwise she wouldn't be wasting her weekend searching for it with Tracy and Theo.

"Yeah, it's here. So keep your distance." Theo warned the two of them, hoping that neither of the two girls would be dumb enough to try and go against the Beast themselves.

"Sounds good to me." Blair pointed out as she went to walk away from the two of them, hoping to use his words as a chance to getaway. Theo closing his eyes in frustration before grabbing Blair's arm and pulling her back. Blair frowning at the sudden force as she pouted at Theo for forcing her back.

"From the Beast, not us Blair," Theo emphasized what his sentence meant as Blair crossed her arms - disappointed she was still stuck with the two of them. Theo starting to wonder how much work it was going to be until Blair was useful to him without being incredibly difficult every step of the way.

"Look, we're not trying to catch it. Not yet." Theo empathized with the two of them causing Blair to stare at the side of his head in confusion - wondering why the hell he was even trying to catch this thing in the first place. The loud growl coming in the direction of the school caused the three of them to share a glance before Theo and Tracy started to head towards the High School.

"Why the hell does everyone go in the direction of the noise?" Blair groaned under her breath as she followed the two of them since she didn't have much choice - starting to question why everyone she knew always wanted to run towards the direction of trouble rather than away.

"It's the same message, isn't it? What are they trying to tell it?" Tracy asked Theo as Blair stopped beside her - already being caught up in the message that was left in the tunnel when Theo and Tracy had started a fight with Scott and Stiles. Tracy accidentally revealing to Blair that Scott was still very much alive much to Theo's distaste since he would rather Scott be dead and for Blair to believe that he was dead either way.

"Trying to get it to remember who it was," Theo announced as Blair flashed her eyes like Theo had taught her as she read the hidden message on the walls - not having a clue what the Latin meant on the walls compared to Theo.

"So, we have a werewolf with memory issues. Shouldn't we just check into Eichen?" Blair offered as she turned to Theo and Tracy - neither of them taking her up on her offer to just check the beast or whoever was underneath into Eichen so they could figure their issues out themselves rather than any of them trying to do the work.

"But isn't it just a teenager like us? Isn't it just a kid underneath?" Tracy asked them causing Blair to raise her eyebrows at the girl - half surprised that she was concerned about whoever was underneath the Beast. Blair expecting Tracy to be more focused on killing rather than saving anyone.

"Didn't you take out like six people with your tail alone? Kids are dangerous." Blair answered for Tracy, still holding a grudge against the girl from the events of the Sheriff Station even if Tracy wasn't in her right mind when it happened - she would still be upset about the injuries she was forced to suffer as a result.

"They don't care about that. The Doctors, needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the Beast out of thin air. That kid underneath, whoever it is, just a side effect. All the Doctors care about is the Beast." Blair watched Theo as he talked, noticing how he only really got serious when it came to the conversations about the Beast - Blair picking up on the last sentence as she narrowed her eyes slightly at him. Blair was still trying to piece together the relationship Theo had with the Dread Doctors since it seemed more complicated than she had originally thought it was and Theo wasn't moving on giving anymore hints as to the full extent of what it was.

"So what happens if it does remember?" Tracy asked while Blair walked over to the lockers as she observed the scene more for herself to try and figure out why the memory thing was such a key thing for the Beast in the first place.

"I'm not sure. The thing probably doesn't even know it turns back to human during the day." Theo answered, Blair, moving back to the two as she crossed her hands against her chest - trying to think of how they were supposed to get close to catching this thing anytime soon when it didn't even know who it was.

"It also has an identity crisis, great. I'm sure a therapist would have a field day with this thing." Blair pointed out to them sarcastically, Theo turning his head at her as she flashed him a smile instead of insulting him again - Theo trying to figure out if that was a step of progress or because she was too tired to think of anything to insult him with. He decided it was the latter rather than letting himself fall into the trap of Blair's charm.

"I read that the Beast of Gevaudan killed 113 people," Tracy announced since she had done some research after Theo had told her the name of the thing they were trying to track down.

"You sure that wasn't Theo's diary, you read?" Blair asked her sarcastically as Theo and Tracy both snapped their heads towards Blair who held her hands up in surrender that she was stopping for the moment.

"She set me up with that one." Blair pointed towards Tracy as she pretended to look innocent under the glares - clearly happy with the amusement she was now getting out of these conversations now that she could agitate both Tracy and Theo beyond belief.

"Is that true?" Tracy asked, Blair, getting bored again as she went over to the lockers, flicking one of her claws out as she opened it out of curiosity - neither Tracy nor Theo thinking anything of it as she went into Lydia Martin's locker. Blair double checking they weren't paying attention to her as she messed a couple of things around - knowing Stiles would pick up on the smallest difference in anything to do with the pack. At least, she hoped he would investigate it. Blair knew Theo was smart enough to figure out if she had direct contact with the pack which is why she needed to try and give them silent signals that she was still on their side.

"The Doctors told me it was closer to 500." Theo corrected with a slight smirk causing Blair to lean her head forward more as she blinked at the news that thing had managed to kill 500 people during its reign of horror.

"Why can't we ever have nicer creatures that only kill like one person?" Blair asked before they were interrupted by one of the doors near them opening and closing. The three of them turned their heads in the direction of the noise. Blair watched as Tracy flicked her claws out and went directly to the noise. Both Blair and Theo walked slowly behind her as they let her take on whatever caused the noise first.

The sight of the Dread Doctor caused Blair to step back as Theo held lightly onto her arm before she could trip over herself. Tracy tried to hit the Dread Doctor which didn't even cause any reaction before the Doctor lifted his arm and knocked Tracy against the lockers without much force.

"Leave." The Dread Doctors told the two of them, Blair moving out of the way of the argument as she kneeled on the floor and tried to help Tracy so that they could get out of here. Blair didn't care that much about fighting the Dread Doctors, she was only trying to minimise the casualties being on Theo's side.

"Where is it?" Theo asked as Blair placed her hand on Tracy's arm, remembering how Scott used to take others pain as she tried to help take care of her lying on the floor - wanting to get out of here as quick as possible and get away from the Dread Doctors before they tried anything else on them.

"You already have your pack." The Dread Doctor told Theo as Blair lost her concentration as she started to listen to the conversation between Theo and the Dread Doctor. Both of them ignoring her prying eyes as Blair watched the two of them - wondering how long Theo was desperate for a pack that he was willing to work with these things to get in the first place.

"It wasn't enough. Look at my eyes. They look red to you? I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even a real werewolf." Blair watched as he flashed his yellow eyes towards the Dread Doctors - clearly more affected by how he became a werewolf than Blair had originally credited. The footsteps coming from behind them caused Blair to get up from the floor as she tried to pull Theo away from making a mistake that would get him killed.

"Theo, we need to go," Blair mumbled as she tried to pull Theo to leave the High School as the two of them watched as the Beast started to walk towards the group.

"That thing is seven feet tall and looks like it ate big foot for breakfast. Can we please go?" Blair asked again as she gritted her teeth, Theo slowly nodding his head as Blair leaned down and forcefully dragged Tracy off the floor as she tried to bring them back.

The Beast started howling, taking the three of them back as they covered their ears in pain at the loudness of it. Blair checking on Theo standing beside her who nodded that he was okay before she realized the Beast and the Dread Doctors had managed to disappear.

"Where the hell did it go?" Blair asked confused as they both looked down the hallways to see that there was no trace of them anywhere. Blair turning to Theo who looked equally as lost as her when it came to where they had gone.


"You going to be okay while I'm at school today?" Theo asked after he dropped Blair off at her place - knowing she was most likely going to stay inside all day to avoid blowing her cover. Blair seemed closed off more than usual ever since the incident with the Beast and Theo couldn't figure out what she was thinking no matter how hard he tried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Make sure Tracy is okay after last night." Blair warned as she started to head back to the apartment building. Theo trying not to smirk at the fact Blair was already starting to care about the Chimera pack even if she was trying not to show it.

"You're back early," Blair called out when she opened the door - not needing to look up as she saw Braeden sitting next to the window. Braeden nodding her head as she grabbed the food and brought it over to Blair.

"The boy you were talking to that's Theo, right?" Blair nodded her head as she happily took the bag of food out of Braeden's hand before going to the kitchen to finally get something to eat. Braeden watching her curiously as she walked after her - waiting for the updates of how her night went.

"Did you find it tonight?" Braeden asked, placing her hands on the kitchen table while Blair got comfortable with her food.

"It's like seven-foot-tall and as wide as the hallway. Doesn't look like a werewolf looks more like a demon from hell." Blair explained over dramatically before taking a bite out of her food. Braeden nodding her head at the news as she checked her phone before looking up at Blair.

"I think Derek solved a part of your problem," Braeden revealed, passing her phone across to Blair who caught it easily. Blair picking the phone up to see Derek had taken a picture of a couple of unconscious bodies with the text I hope these weren't your friends.

"I wasn't really worried about Derek in the first place. He's almost as paranoid as Stiles." Blair pointed out the obvious as she passed the phone back to Braeden - not having worries when it came to Derek being able to protect himself against any of the hunters Theo sent his way.

"Maybe, you should have more trust that Isaac and Cora will figure out the same." Braeden pointed out as Blair nodded her head slowly before Braeden turned her phone off and shoved it in the back of her pocket.

"If you want time to come up with a plan, do it today. Malia's going to talk to Theo, she'll distract him enough today and tonight. Whatever it is you think you can do to clean up his mess. You have to do it today." Braeden gave Blair the information who nodded her head as she scrunched up the rubbish before throwing it in the bin.

"Braeden... do you think he would be disappointed in me?" Blair asked as she changed the topic - surprising Braeden that she was actually asking her a personal question rather than sticking to the facts and figures of the situation.

"Blair, you are more like Derek than either of you will admit. Derek's going to understand every decision you make because he thinks nearly the same way as you. He also loves you just as equally if not more than his biological family. You don't have to worry about disappointing him, he wouldn't feel that way about you. Ever. What is it that you're actually worried about?" Braeden asked, wanting to know what was actually running rampant in Blair's head when it came to her insecurities about her situation. Blair usually wasn't one to be open with her feelings or hesitancy about anything and everyone around her knew that.

"Stiles. We don't talk about it a lot but ever since the Nogitsune... it's like I can feel every thing he feels inside me. His anxiety is through the roof lately and me knowing that and still being here...he's going to hate me forever and he's my best friend Braeden." Blair finally opened up taking Braeden by surprise at how much Blair seemed to care about the little things in her pack. The uncanny similarity between her and Derek to look for the tiny things in their pack and notice it and hide behind a threatening facade was unremarkable.

"You're the one in danger, Blair. You're a Chimera. You need to watch your own back. If Stiles cares about you, he'll know and he'll forgive you. Now, it's time to save your own back." Braeden loaded her gun as she passed her the gun in her hand. The cold metal in Blair's hand making her close her eyes as she stared at the weapon with a hint of regret - knowing she was digging a deeper and deeper grave for herself.


The pounding on the McCall door interrupted the conversation Scott and Kira were having with Liam and Corey. The four sharing confused glances as everyone's attention went towards Scott to figure out who it could possibly be.

"Are you expecting someone?" Mason asked confused, Scott shaking his head as he went towards the door - opening it as the person stormed in without saying to any of them.

"When the hell were you going to tell me that Blair's dead?" Isaac nearly yelled at Scott causing Kira, Mason, and Liam to turn to Scott with wide eyes since he hadn't told them the news about Blair being dead yet. Scott was much in denial about everything happening around him and refused to admit it out loud knowing that he would finally be pushed to his breaking point if he spoke out loud that Blair was dead.

"I was planning on telling you, Stiles and I just found out." Scott tried to explain, knowing that the others were going to be upset with him as well for not telling them the news immediately either. Scott and Stiles both delaying the inevitable as much as they could when it came to telling the others to avoid the truth.

"Braeden told me, Scott. How the hell did Braeden know before me?" Isaac asked as he held up the phone to Scott who took it out of his hand as he read the message from Braeden that only stated Blair is dead. Come back.

"I'm sorry Isaac, it's true." Scott apologized to Isaac who turned to the shorter guy who seemed to be listening to something outside. Liam seemed to be listening to something that the others hadn't caught onto yet due to Isaac's presence.

"Did you bring a friend?" Liam asked confused, Isaac shook his head as the two of them and Scott went outside to see what Liam was talking about.

"What did you hear?" Isaac asked as Liam led the way over to one of the bushes next to Scott's house before turning his head slightly disgusted. Scott stepping around Liam as he stared at the dead body on the ground - opening up the jacket to see the different weapons hidden inside.

"You had someone trailing you," Scott announced to Isaac who seemed equally surprised at the news that someone had managed to follow him from France to Beacon Hills.

"Hey, what's that mark?" Kira asked as she finally caught with the three of them while Mason stayed behind to avoid throwing up at the sight of the body. Scott turned the body around to see the claw marks extended against his back before dropping the body.

"I guess someone else was following that guy." Isaac pointed out, Scott staring at the whole thing confused on how he had managed to miss someone getting killed outside of his house.

"I'll call Parrish?" Kira suggested as Scott nodded his head that was probably the best idea they had right now when it came to getting help from any type of authority figure.

Scott stepped closer to Kira who seemed to be more frightened out the whole group, the heightened emotion Isaac managed to pick up radiating from behind a car across the street caused his attention to perk up. The scent was unfamiliar and he couldn't quite see the hair but when he finally got a glimpse of the person's face in the rear view window it didn't take him more than one glance to recognize the heartbroken expression of his best friend.


"You're late," Tracy noted as Blair got off her motorcycle and walked over to Tracy who was standing next to her car. Tracy was bothered that Blair had taken her time getting here when they were supposed to being considerate of their time with the plan considering it was time-sensitive.

"Not all of us have a car, Tracy." Blair pointed out to the vehicle behind Tracy as she turned to Hayden with a much friendlier smile as she took the girl's hand and brought her to her side instead of forcing her to be next to Tracy since that was a level of torture she didn't want her to endure.

"I don't understand why we need you again," Tracy mumbled under her breath - clearly still bothered with Blair's presence since it put a dent in most of the time she wanted to spend alone with Theo considering he always wanted to add Blair to all of his plans. It was like he didn't believe in any of them to get stuff done without a chaperone.

"Considering none of you have ever won a fight without getting your asses handed to you or killed -  that might be the reason." Blair pointed out sarcastically causing most of them to send her glares par Hayden and Corey since they knew she was telling the truth that they didn't have many fighting abilities compared to everyone else in town.

"Well, are you going to stay there Tracy? We're running late." Blair added as she linked her arm through Hayden's before guiding them through the location since she knew exactly how to track down the person Theo wanted them to find.

"This isn't a good idea, is it?" Hayden asked Blair nervously, the girl speed walking them away from the rest of the Chimera pack since the two wanted more space from the rest of them. Hayden had deemed Blair the only person in the pack she could tolerate on a friendly level and

"You did everything I told you for tonight, right?" Blair asked Hayden vaguely, who hesitantly nodded her head causing Blair to smile at her - glad that Hayden had listened to her and went to Liam to tell him about Theo's plans. It wasn't really hard to convince Hayden to go back to Liam - love always seemed to control the head and Blair knew to use that to her advantage.

"You know, I think they need you more than we do." Hayden opened up to Blair as she gave her a sad smile - knowing that Blair wasn't aware of how much her friends had managed to fall apart in the past couple of days in her absence.

"Don't worry about anything Hayden, we've got each other's back down here, okay?" Blair reminded Hayden of the secret arrangement the two had come to. Both of them fully aware that they were the only ones the other had some genuine trust in the pack. Blair was thankful for Liam's relationships with the girl since it gave them a link of trust since they both cared about him and wanted to protect him. Plus, Hayden and Liam having some contact with each other gave Blair another source of information about the pack from someone besides Hayden.

"Yeah." Hayden hesitantly agreed, Blair, lowering her hand as she squeezed Hayden's in hers with a small smile. The two of them letting go when they heard the rest of the pack catching up with the two of them.

"You guys should stay out here. Tracy and Josh, why don't you two get the car ready?" Blair told the two of them, Tracy standing in her spot for a couple of seconds before Josh forced her to move considering Blair intimidated him more than she did Tracy and Theo had told him stories about the infamous Valkyrie - they were all terrifying. Blair waited until she heard their footsteps completely leave before she turned to Corey.

"You're dating Mason?" Blair asked for reassurance of the information that Hayden had given her. Corey stared at her for a couple of seconds before finally nodding his head - not knowing what she was going to say after that.

"Great, okay welcome to the club. I'm the President, Hayden is my Vice President and you are the only guy in the club. Congratulations!" Blair congratulated him with enthusiasm causing Hayden to let out a light laugh at Corey's extremely confused expression at Blair talking to him.

"What's the club called?" Corey asked mostly scared of what the two girls were planning for him since it seemed like they had something up their sleeves that he wasn't expecting.

"It's basically where you're going to listen to what I tell you what to do instead of Theo. That's the first rule. You break it, you have to tell Mason and we're friends. You want to disappoint Mason?" Blair asked, causing Corey to look at Hayden for her input as she shook her head no to encourage him to answer that he didn't want to disappoint Mason in any way. Blair smiling before patting them both on the shoulder.

"Wait, what's the other rules?" Corey asked confused since the first one was the only rule she had listened to. Blair tilting her head as she opened and closed her mouth as she tried to figure out how to explain to Corey given the limited time they had.

"Second and last rule - if anyone asks I'm dead. Okay, see you two in three minutes." Blair patted them again before running away to avoid all of the possible questions Corey had for what she just said to him. Corey turning to Hayden with his mouth slightly agape who only closed her eyes that Blair had left her to handle questions.

Blair didn't need to break in or put any force into kicking down the door as she pushed the door open gently before entering Deucalion's apartment. The man faced away from her as she closed the door behind her quietly.

"It's lovely to see you again, Valkyrie." Deucalion greeted Blair as he turned around in his spot, using his cane to guide him over to her. Blair smiling as she walked over to the older man before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. The two of them surprisingly being able to communicate with each other after Scott checked in to make sure he was still on the right path.

"Did you get my message?" Blair whispered in his ear as quietly as possible before pulling away. Deucalion nodded his head in confirmation as Blair let out a sigh of relief considering she needed him to be on her side for this to work out.

"There's something different about you this time, isn't there?" Deucalion asked, Blair, forgetting he didn't know about the entire history of the Nogitsune and her losing her Valkyrie side just for Scott and Theo to help her out with that part.

"You have no idea, Demon Wolf," Blair answered as she pulled away from the Deucalion who had a small smirk on his face at the reminder of his old nickname since he had long forgotten his days of terrorizing people.

"I'm sensing Scott doesn't know about this plan of yours," Deucalion added as he raised an eyebrow at Blair - the amount of scheming he had to learn in a short time before Blair arrived in his apartment lacked any real planning and preparing for what this girl was trying to pull off.

"Is it that bad of a plan?" Blair asked, slightly offended that the plan she had come up with didn't seem up to the Demon Wolf's standards of her pack.

"Nothing I could ever see the True Alpha signing off is all. Now, are you ready Valkyrie?" Deucalion asked as he held his cane towards Blair - trusting that she would return it to him once this was all over. Blair taking in a deep breath considering she had never actually done with the amount of force needed without killing someone before.

Blair placed her hands on top of Deucalion's concentrating as she slowly began to take his energy, watching as his knees began to buckle as he flashed his eyes at her before going unconscious. Blair continuing to take his energy as the feeling consumed her - quickly snapping out of it when she realized how much she accidentally enjoyed the feeling of draining Deucalion of his life source.

"Corey, Hayden. Come here." Blair ordered the two of them as she passed Corey his cane - knowing he would want the easier task out of the two when it came to handling Deucalion. Corey looking slightly pale at the sight of Deucalion on the ground.

"You didn't kill him, right?" Corey asked slightly nervous as Hayden and Blair both halted in their spots from trying to lift him off the ground.

"Corey, the third rule of the club. Don't ask stupid questions." Blair only said in response as she and Hayden took an arm each and wrapped it around their shoulders as Corey held Hayden's hand as he kept the four of them invisible to avoid being caught by anyone in the apartment building.

"You did it that fast?" Tracy asked in shock as Corey opened the back seat of Tracy's car while the two girls threw Deucalion into the back next to Josh who seemed to move disgustedly away from the unconscious man.

"Yes, now make sure you get him back to the tunnels. No slacking Tracy." Blair warned Tracy as she pointed a finger towards the girl who put the keys in the ignition before driving away. Blair standing alone in the parking lot as she heard her phone beeping in her back pocket - expecting a text message from Theo since he was the only one who had her phone number and knew she was alive.

Thanks. The one-word text from Isaac made Blair smile before she deleted the text. Whether he fully figured out the truth or not in the couple hours he had been back in Beacon Hills - he was starting to piece it together faster than the others were just like she knew he would. Theo may be smart, but Blair was smarter and she was going to win this chess game.

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