fine line (scott mccall)Β²

By anticosmic

150K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞


1.9K 78 37
By anticosmic

Stiles sat on the last step on the staircase as he waited for Theo to finally show up so that he could get his answers for what was happening to his family. Stiles was starting to play with his hands with more anxiousness as he stared at the photo his dad had hung up of him, Blair, and Scott from junior year. Stiles suddenly hating the sight of the photo considering Scott had basically put Blair in danger and he didn't even know how to help her now that his best friend had messed up her safety without telling him in the first place about his stupid plan.

Stiles finally watched as Theo walked towards the door, staring at the Mountain Ash line before looking back up at him - smirking as he stepped over it with ease as he entered the Stilinski household. The Mountain Ash doing little to keep him out but at least it gave Stiles an idea of what his boundaries were or weren't in Theo's case.

"I guess we're all telling the truth now," Theo smirked as he stared at Stiles who only glared at him coldly in response - not liking his attitude considering everything he had done to the people closest to him in the past twenty-four hours. Stiles wanted to hit him across the face out of the anger he was experiencing currently towards the Chimera standing in front of him but he knew better than to jeopardise his plan to get information on his dad and Blair.

Theo was starting to pick up on Scott's scent but Stiles and Scott already had that covered since they brought Scott's shirt to explain his scent still being in Stiles's house despite him being 'dead'. Stiles grabbed the shirt as threw it to Theo before holding his head down as he tried to keep the mourning best friend act up in front of Theo to convince him of the lie.

"Let's be honest, Stiles. Was he still really your best friend? I mean we both know how upset you were with him and how he treated Blair who's practically your sister, right?" Theo asked him as he started to taunt Stiles, Scott closing his eyes as a sudden wave of regret of everything he had done to Blair washing over him since it was obvious all of the faults in his relationships had started with that first mistake. Scott wondering if he was ever going to get a chance to possibly apologize to her for how he handled their relationship - knowing he made a lot of mistakes whenever it came to them.

On the other hand, Stiles couldn't help but grit his jaw in anger since he was well aware of why Theo pointed out the sibling bond him and Blair had since Theo wanted to prey on the residual bond the Nogitsune and Valkyrie had left between the two of them. He wouldn't admit it out loud but Stiles could feel every inch of pain Blair was in currently and he knew it was more than she could handle which is why he knew he needed to find her but unfortunately for him, his dad was dying at a faster pace.

"Are you going to let my father die?" Stiles asked as he took the attention of Scott and Blair's relationship since he knew Scott was still listening to everything Theo was saying currently. Even if the two were on rocky terms right now, there was the only person who was allowed to call Scott out on his behavior and that was Stiles - not Theo.

"If I wanted him to die I wouldn't have told you where you can find him." Theo defended himself since he had no intentions of killing the Sheriff in the first place since it would only make his plans difficult if people started interrogating him over the murder of the Sheriff. At least with Scott, he was still a teenager at High School and relatively unknown to everyone in the town who wasn't involved in the supernatural. With the amount of murdered teenagers in the last couple of years, Theo wouldn't doubt that no one would blink an eye at his death. Plus, if Theo killed too many people close to Blair - she would never agree to work with him.

"Then why are they saying his body is shutting down? That some toxin's poisoning him and they don't know how to stop it." Stiles pressed next which immediately confused Theo even if he didn't let it show in front of Stiles - Theo wasn't aware of any type on toxin put it into the Sheriff's body when he had sent the chimera to attack him which certainly didn't add up to why the Sheriff was now dying instead of healing and if he died, it would mess up all of his plans for at least another twelve hours and he had a schedule.

"I'm not the bad guy, Stiles. I'm just a realist. I'm a survivor. If you knew the things that I know..." Theo drifted off as he tried to allude to something else other than the Sheriff, his vagueness starting to get on Stiles's nerves since he wasn't getting to the point of how to save the Sheriff or even anything relatively important to Stiles.

"Yeah, but what do you know?" Stiles asked harshly as he cut Theo off before he could continue to ramble any more nonsense, Stiles now standing up fully as he glared at Theo - trying to corner him into giving him an answer at the very least.

"I know what's coming. I know what the Dread Doctors created. And I know what Parrish is." Theo answered which didn't surprise Stiles in the slightest since Theo seemed to know everything they didn't when it came to stuff happening in this town. He also seemed to be one step ahead of them on every little thing which was definitely becoming irritating to Stiles.

"Lydia figured it out. I saw it in her memories." Theo revealed to Stiles, not stating what exactly Lydia had managed to figure out when he went through her memories and put her in a catatonic state as a result.

"Right after you drove her out of her mind." Stiles spat out as he grew tense at the mention of his friend who was now lying unconscious in the hospital because of Theo wanting to be nosy and dig through her memories.

"Collateral damage." Theo shrugged off like it was nothing causing Stiles to grow angrier that he didn't even consider the injuries he had given Lydia to be any worth of his time.

"But if she's right about Parrish, then things around here are gonna get a lot worse," Theo stated after, still not getting to the point of how to help Stiles's dad which was their entire reasoning for Stiles wanting to talk to him in the first place.

"I don't care. At least tell me where Blair is. She would be much more useful than anything you're saying or anyone else around here." Stiles muttered out angrily since he felt like Theo was beginning to get off topic from the information of what he wanted to know. Stiles was desperate for Blair's help right now since she was the only one who seemed to be able to calm him down whenever he got this familiar anger coursing through him - wishing that he could at least have a hint of where she was right now.

"You should care. Because if your dad does survive he's not gonna be sheriff of anything much longer." Theo stated as he tried to walk out of the house - still not telling either of them anything he wanted to know. Theo stopping as a smirk started to cover his face when he could pick up on the desperation coming from Stiles when he asked about Blair's condition.

"And Stiles...Blair's dead." Theo lied but kept his heart rate steady as he talked - hoping that he would buy the lie so that he and the others wouldn't try and find her since that was the last thing he wanted for a while. He wanted to keep Blair and what she could do as tightly wrapped up as he possibly could.

"What the hell do you mean she's dead? Hey, tell me!" Stiles yelled at Theo as he tried to push on him causing Theo to turn around and push Stiles backward - causing him to knock out as he hit his head of the steps.


"Hayden, you can uncuff me," Blair suggested to her as she rattled the cuffs at Hayden who seemed tense with nerves at the dilemma she was currently faced with.  The morality of what she was doing was starting to weigh over her as she wondered whether or not any of her friends or family would still love her if they knew the situation she was willingly putting Blair in right now.

"I can't, what if he kills me again? Or kills the both of us?" Hayden asked, slightly freaked out about the amount of violence and death surrounding her lately - not thinking she was going to die and come back before she even turned eighteen and she definitely didn't want to die permanently before she graduated High School.

"Hayden, do you know how to fight or do anything remotely useful to get yourself out of that situation?" Blair asked slightly frustrated at the lack of effort she was putting in to try and help her get out of this situation she was in. Blair closing her eyes in frustration that she was just standing around here waiting for Theo to give her orders than actually fighting to stay alive.

"Blair, please. I don't want to die again, and I think we both know that if I let you go Theo's not afraid to kill me." Hayden stated the obvious as she pointed her hand back to her chest - the two whispering to each other since the other Chimeras were somewhere nearby considering Theo didn't fully trust Hayden yet to not buy into Blair's words.

"I need to go. I need to report the bodies as Theo told me to." Hayden explained to Blair who thinned her lips in a straight line as she stared at the back of Liam's girlfriend's back in disappointment that she was running back and forth to do Theo's errands for him.

"Can't wait to be your friend when you're done being his bitch, Hayden," Blair yelled after Hayden, being honest with her words considering she knew there was a sliver of a chance of the two eventually becoming friends once this was all over considering their mutual connection with Liam.

"I'm sorry, Blair. I need to protect my sister." Hayden apologized under her breath as she sent an apologetic look to Blair as she explained why she couldn't die. Blair releasing a sign as she finally nodded her head in understanding why she was listening to Theo so eagerly since she had family out of this that she needed to protect as well.

"Oh my god," Blair complained under her breath when Hayden left and Tracy stepped in front of her with a small smirk on her face. Blair wishing that Theo had at least assigned Corey to babysit her after Hayden instead of Tracy considering the girl hospitalized her in the first place which she was most definitely holding a grudge about.

"Hey, Blair," Tracy stated simply as she sat in front of Blair, clearly liking the new power dynamic that she had full control of the situation with the girl here considering she had heard the rumors of Blair who was supposed to be more powerful than her. Theo had repeatedly warned Tracy that he didn't want her to push Blair or irritate her in any way but Tracy wanted to prove she was better than Blair to Theo.

"Oh, how I wish I could kill you again," Blair admitted to Tracy honestly, not caring that much when she died the first time considering the injuries she had to sustain from the girl who had tried to kill one of her best friends. Even if she did take the hit for Lydia - the fact Tracy had even tried to go after her was enough for Blair to have another reason to hate her.

"I'd like to see you try," Tracy smirked at Blair, clearly on a confidence kick from her supernatural powers that Blair had already seen before in Erica, Isaac, and any other person once they turned into something supernatural. Fortunately for Blair, she wasn't fooled by Tracy's ego and knew that she could take her down a notch even if she was in shackles right now.

Blair only smiled at Tracy as she watched the black mist gathered on the floor as she watched Tracy's veins begin to turn black before she started to cough out of pain.

"Tracy, do you feel that?" Blair asked as she waited for a response before smirking when she realized that Tracy was unable to respond due to the amount of pain she was in currently.

"That's me slowly killing you and I'm six feet away. Now, imagine what I could do if I could touch you. Would you like to see what happens if I try and kill you like I actually want to?" Blair asked as she kept her grasp before a harsh sound was hit off the pipe causing her to close her eyes at the loudness of the noise near her - losing her concentration on Tracy and letting the girl free from her hold on her. Tracy letting out a pant of relief when she realized Theo had came to save her from Blair's grasp.

"Blair, that's why you won't be getting out of those any time soon." Theo's voice caused her to roll her eyes as she turned her head in the direction of his voice in the tunnels. Tracy nearly scurrying away from the two of them as Theo nearly laughed at the state Blair had put her in - impressed slightly at the antics she had been up to while he was gone.

"Can't try and kill everyone down here, Blair." Theo tried to scold Blair but he was more amused at her behavior rather than disappointed she was hurting the pack he wanted her to join. Even though he wanted his new pack to get along completely so that they could all do his bidding for him without many complaints, Blair was pretty amusing for him to watch when she was angry considering she didn't exactly think rationally - reminding him vividly of Stilinski's behavior earlier when the two talked.

"You know I was always told to never give up on your dreams," Blair answered as she pretended to think about Theo's statement about her wanting to kill everyone in the tunnels with her. Theo only shaking his head at her as he crossed his arms against his chest with a proud smile starting to cover his face.

"See, Blair. We are so much more alike than you seem to realize." Theo pointed out almost proud that they had similarities to each other whereas Blair nearly gagged at the suggestion they were alike in any way whatsoever as she would rather think she was better than him since she had never purposefully tried to ruin people's lives before.

"Theo, say that again and I will throw up on you." Blair told him as she tried to get him to stop any more attempts at comparing the two of them since she was not going to listen to some weird villain monologue where they try and excuse their actions to her - she had enough of that with Derek's ex-girlfriends to do her for a couple lifetimes.

"Fine, I'll let it go. But you know I'm right Blair." Theo pointed out to Blair as he started to walk away from her - not leaving her with any visible babysit as he went to start and handle some of the supernatural problems that he had right now due to the McCall pack right now.


"What's wrong?" Melissa asked as Scott, Chris and Malia stood at the reception area while Stiles was in the room with the Sheriff after his surgery - insisting on being there with him until he was fully and completely healed again. Although, he had only been standing there for a couple minutes - Melissa could tell that something was off with her son and something was hanging over his head by the expression on his face.

"Before we found the Chimera and everything else. When Stiles talked to Theo, Theo told us that Blair's dead." Scott announced to his mom as the emotions seemed to pour on him at once as she came around the desk to wrap her arms around Scott in an attempt to comfort him. Argent and Malia both standing in shock as the hunter checked on Malia to see if she was okay.

"Malia?" Argent asked softly, the girl turning to him with tears welled up in her eyes as she shook head - pretending that she was okay since she didn't want to show any emotion in front of the amount of strangers surrounding her in the hospital currently.

"You should check on Scott," Malia told Argent who shook his head as he wrapped his arms around Malia, bringing her into a hug while Malia ended up returning the hug as she shed a few tears accidentally onto his shirt before stopping herself from showing any more emotion in front of him.

"She was my family," Malia muttered brokenly - the memory of Blair being family strong enough for her to remember despite the complete absence of the memory of who Peter Hale was in the first place.

Melissa kept Scott in her arms as she let her son get all the tears out - he still hadn't even said anything else since he dropped the news on them that Blair was dead. Melissa looking up at Argent who was currently comforting Malia as both the adults seemed to share the same sense of confusion as to what had happened to Blair since it didn't make sense to them how Blair could be dead without either of them seeing her body yet.


"Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asked after a while - the two of them already having their moment of reunion before his dad started to shift in his place as he remembered his conversation with Blair while he was unconscious. Based on the observation that the girl wasn't in the hospital room or anywhere near - he was worried she wasn't here still.

"Where's Blair?" The Sheriff immediately asked causing Stiles to finally crack from the words Theo had told him earlier when he talked. Stiles had been in a state of denial when he was trying to save his dad - believing somehow when they were saving him, they would find Blair alive but they never did and the fear that he would never see his best friend again was starting to haunt him.

"She's dead, Dad," Stiles announced shakily as he started to shake as then went on one of his rambles to the Sheriff about the guilt that had been hanging over him all day.

"It's my fault, I should have tried to find her sooner. I should have protected her and helped her before Theo offered. I knew something was wrong and I still let her try to figure it out herself and it didn't work and now she's dead. Blair's dead. She's really dead." Stiles started to be unable to catch his breath as the tears started to stream down his face as the Sheriff reached out to hold his son's hand in an attempt to comfort his son.

"Blair wanted me to tell you if I saw you first that Theo lied about everything." Stiles lifted his head in confusion at his dad's words since his dad didn't even know Theo was the bad guy since he hadn't gotten to tell him yet about any of the problems that had happened in Beacon Hills including him being right about Theo being the bad guy.

"She's alive?" Stiles realized as he slightly jumped up, his dad nodding that he believed Blair was alive due to what he saw when he was unconscious knowing there wasn't any signs of her dying when he saw her.

"I'll be back in one second," Stiles announced to his dad, knowing he needed to tell Scott what he just found out as he sprinted down the hospital hallways to the reception area where he knew his friends were still waiting. Everyone looking up once they heard the familiar flapping steps of Stiles Stilinski.

"She's not dead, Blair's not dead." Stiles's panted out causing Argent to step forward as he helped Stiles up considering how out of breath he was with how much running he had to do to tell them the news that he had just discovered.

"Before, I told my dad everything about Theo...y'know being the bad guy. He said Blair told him that if he sees me first to tell me that Theo lied about everything. She's alive. She wouldn't have told him that message if she was dying - she would have said anything else but she's not dying, she's alive." Stiles panted out in relief to the group, Scott sharing a glance with Malia and Argent since he didn't want to give himself any false hope on Blair's condition or not if she really was dead.

"Stiles, that could be a message before Theo killed her." Malia pointed out quietly so that no one else could hear their conversation debating the state of Blair. Melissa and Scott getting up from their position on the chairs as they listened to what Stiles had to say about Blair.

"Listen, I know Blair. If she was dying, she would have told my dad something like I love you or a goodbye message but she didn't. She told him if you see Stiles first tell him Theo lied about everything. My dad emphasized the everything part." Stiles nearly yelled as he stressed to stress to the group in front of him why he firmly believed Blair was still alive out there somewhere - he just needed to find her.

"Well, did Theo's heart skip a beat or indicate he was lying or anything when he talked about Blair?" Argent asked Scott as he directed his attention toward the werewolf since he was aware Scott was also there during Stiles's conversation with Theo and that he could pick up on emotional cues and if Theo was possibly lying about Blair.

"No, he didn't have any sign he was lying." Scott shook his head as it seemed to point in the direction that Blair might be dead as Melissa's glance softened at her son that another one of his ex-girlfriends was dead.

"Well, we already know Theo's a liar so that doesn't mean anything." Malia backed up Stiles causing him to look at her gratefully that she was still supporting him even though they were broken up now. Malia avoiding his glance since she was doing this more for Blair than she was for him. After everything, she needed a member of her family to be the good guy - for them to not be evil or dead, she needed someone to stay and prove that she could be a good person too.

"You can sense emotions, right? Where you able to detect anything?" Melissa offered up, trying to find anything besides the Sheriff's message that could indicate the young girl was still alive somehow to support both Stiles and her son.

"Yeah, actually it was kind of overwhelming. It felt like he was... proud when he said Blair was dead." Scott admitted softly as Malia seemed to make sense of what he was saying, everyone, realizing what the emotional connection to what Theo said meant for Blair.

"But that could probably mean anything, right? Like he was proud that he had sold the lie." Stiles's tried to convince himself and the others but they seemed otherwise convinced that this solidified Theo's words that Blair was in fact, dead. Stiles looked to Argent last since he was an experienced hunter as he raised his eyebrows in hope that he would back him up in the slightest that there was a chance Blair was alive.

"I'm sorry, Stiles but unless we find her alive... I think she's dead." Argent confirmed slowly to the boy, already having his suspicions of Blair was dying when he had gotten calls from Isaac and Lydia about concerns of her being sick when they described her symptoms to him in detail over the phone. Argent had tried to get back the fastest he could when he heard the girl was in danger but the Sheriff wasn't picking up his calls to check in on the girl which left him with more worries before he came back to town.

"You guys seriously can't believe that, do you?" Stiles's asked slightly half-hearted as he looked at both Malia and Scott in disbelief to see if they believed that Blair was actually dead. Stiles was in a state of denial now that he had a flicker of hope that she could be alive and he wasn't going to give up now that he had it.

"Stiles, you should have seen her that night. I've never seen her that bad... she could hardly walk and she was bleeding black blood. She could barely even stay awake to talk to anyone. I don't want to believe it but..." Scott shook his head as he used his sleeve to wipe away the tears, clearly convinced that Blair had passed away in the crossfire of last night especially after the state he had seen her in.

"Stiles, I don't want to have false hope if she's dead," Malia admitted to Stiles, not wanting to prepare herself and push herself into the investigation with Stiles for Blair to be dead already knowing it would break her more if she gave herself more false hope like Stiles was giving himself currently.

"It's not false hope if she's alive." Stiles's decided as Melissa closed her eyes at how determined he was for Blair to be alive - trying to take a more gentle approach to break the news to Stiles that his other best friend besides Scott was dead.

"Stiles..." Melissa started gently as she placed her hand on his arm but Stiles shook his head at her, already knowing what she was going to say to him about Blair.

"I would know if Blair is dead. I would know." Stiles pointed out as he started to become tense over everyone trying to convince him that his best friend was dead - unable to come to terms that she was possibly dead.

"Stiles, you couldn't possibly know," Melissa spoke, knowing this was a part of the blame he would put on himself since it was clear he was in a state of denial over what was happening right now.

"No, I know. She's my sister, okay? I knew whenever she fell in France without even having to see her or talking to her. I knew when she was crying over Scott halfway across the world. She knew whenever I was fighting with Malia and she called me up out of nowhere to yell at me for not being a good boyfriend. Okay, I can't explain it but I would know. I would know." Stiles ended his rant more quietly before sitting down in one of the chairs. Scott giving the three of them a look that he had this handled before sitting down beside Stiles as he tried to control his own emotions.

"Stiles... she knows or knew how much you care about her? None of this is your fault, anytime she was in trouble she knew you would bail her out. If she's alive... you would be her first call, I know it." Scott admitted to Stiles, starting to recognize the growth that Blair and Stiles had with their relationship over the years - wondering how they went from Blair hating Stiles and finding him utterly annoying to the two trusting each other more than anyone else. Scott was starting to realize that no matter what he had done to mess up his relationships - Blair and Stiles were always there for each other and he knew it would always be like that since they were two of the most loyal people he had met in Beacon Hills.

"Scott, if I let her die because of our fight and not thinking to check in on her. I will never forgive myself." Stiles admitted to Scott who nodded his head in agreement - sharing the same blame Stiles was going through right now with what was going on between them and Blair.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you. I should have told you everything about the club too with the Dread Doctors injecting her... everything." Scott finished as Stiles snapped his head up at the mention of the Dread Doctors hurting Blair - his face paling even more at the mention of the Dread Doctors which Scott had never brought up before.

"The Dread Doctors hurt her? That's where Theo probably brought her to, isn't it? That's why you're so convinced she's dead." Stiles's seemed to realize as Scott nodded his head in confirmation to the reason why he firmly believed Blair was dead. Stiles slowly raising from the chair as he walked away from the reception area and back to where his dad was.

"Stiles, where are you going?" Scott asked as he tried to follow him but Stiles turned around as he balled his hands into fists to try and control his anger at Scott.

"She got injected by the Dread Doctors and you didn't think was a sign they would come back for her? Scott, are you serious?" Stiles's tried to stop himself from punching him as he kept breathing in and out to calm himself down since it seemed like Scott wasn't doing too good of a job of protecting his pack never mind Beacon Hills.

"Stiles..." Scott drifted off as he tried to find some way to explain himself and the dangers of the situation with Hayden that caused him to focus on someone else who wasn't Blair.

"I don't... I don't wanna hear it right now Scott. I'm going to stay with my dad, I'll talk to you later." Stiles finally decided he was done with the situation as he walked away and left his best friend standing in the hallway - distracting himself from the situation for as long as he possibly could before he had to face the reality that Blair was dead.

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