Edge of Darkness (Confessions...

By topazfairy

10.2K 144 88

Cat Marshall is no longer your average teen. When her mother passed away a series of bizzare and frightening... More

Edge of Darkness (Confessions Book 2)
Edge of Darkness (Confessions Book 2)
Edge Of Darkness Chapter 2 (Confessions Book 2)
Edge Of Darkness Chapter 3 (Confessions From My Dead Mother Book 2)
Edge Of Darkness (Chapter 4
Edge Of Darkness Chapter 5 (Confessions Book 2)
Edge of Darkness Chapter 7 (Confessions book 2)
Edge Of Darkness Chapter 8
Edge Of Darkness Chapter 9

Edge of Darkness Chapter 6 (Confessions book 2)

671 5 3
By topazfairy

Edge Of Darkness

Chapter 6


That one word was a breathless scream aimed to bring the one person who could teach me how to fight and may be even how to fly.


Lucian appeared looking rattle and my mother was beside him. "Teach me to use my wings, teach me to fight." My words left them both staring at me shocked.

"What's changed your mind, Cat" Lucian sounded like he thought he might have been hearing things.

"Let's just say I've had an epiphany." I'm glad I sounded more confident than I felt. If Lucian or mom had any idea what was really racing through my mind then, they would be more likely to lock me away than help me.

"Cat, don't take this the wrong way sweetie but just hours ago you were determined not to fight and now suddenly you're screaming for Lucian to come and teach you. It doesn't really make much sense to me so why don't you tell us about this epiphany of yours."

Mom never was the type to let me off the hook if she thought I was up to something that could get me in trouble. I had to think fast because if I acted like I was up to something or took too long to answer Lucian would probably just read my thoughts and I would be in a boatload of trouble with them. "Well I know you said I needed to learn to fight and I agree now, because," I started chewing my bottom lip not a good sign but hey it was all or nothing, "I want to save the others and I don't think I'll be able to if I can't fight." There it was out and it actually was the truth. I mean I had a feeling that I couldn't save the others from where ever they were if I couldn't fight.

One thing I had already figured out since meeting the reaper, this mission of mine to save Cole, I couldn't do it without them. I really didn't believe the fate of the world rested on my shoulders only the fates of Cole and my friends and the rest of the fallen. I have to find them and save them, mom. I can't lose Cole and them too." It in it's own right was a ploy but a very true one. If somehow I failed and couldn't save Cole I had to have the others, they were the only thing that would be able to hold me together.

"We know honey, believe me we know, but we also know you're not being honest with us or yourself." Moms words could only mean one thing, they knew, I hated it whenever they knew some thing I wanted to keep a secret. I tried my best to pretend innocent but the looks they were giving me caused me to open my mouth and blurt out everything. I even told them about how the reaper said we knew each other. When I was finished I looked up at both of them, "Now don't you see why I have to fight, I might be able to save Cole."

They stood there staring at me for what seemed like forever. A whole bevy of looks passed between them leaving me anxious about what they were going to say. I was never any good at this whole waiting on the adults to figure it out thing but I didn't have a choice and I had a feeling they were going to tell me that I couldn't do this. I probably shouldn't have told them about the reaper telling me to step over into the edge of darkness to save him. When they finally did speak I had a serious case of the rattles. I wanted so badly to save Cole and this was probably the only way.

"Lucian," mom spoke so softly to the angel that I could barely hear. Her face showed such concern and regret that I almost left the room to give them privacy.

"No, I can't and I won't." Lucian was pleading with my mom, I had no idea what this was about but I had the feeling that whatever it was I wasn't going to like the answer. The thing was though despite everything they turned toward me and my mom she began to speak and what she told me turned my blood to ice.

"Cat, this girl that you refer to as the reaper, I've met her." If they didn't already have my attention that one would have grabbed it. Dead or not I didn't like the thought of my mom meeting the reaper girl. Yes, she was undeniably beautiful but deep down there might have been some a little sinister about her. "I met her the night I died, Cat you need to understand, you cannot trust her."

Before my mom could say anything else her and Lucian vanished as quickly as they had appeared but something told me that this time around they didn't do it themselves.

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