fine line (scott mccall)Β²

By anticosmic

155K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞


2.7K 71 30
By anticosmic

"Blair?" Hayden whispered gently, slightly more relieved that Blair was here with her since she didn't trust any of the other Chimeras in the tunnels with her considering the limited interaction she had had with any of them. The girl had been unconscious for longer than she had expected considering she had been like even when Hayden even was brought into the tunnels with the rest of them.

"Is she one of us?" Hayden asked Theo cautiously as she used her sleeve to wipe some of the sweat off Blair's head for her. Blair's breathing starting to increase as Hayden turned her head around to see Blair starting to open her eyes causing her to let out a sigh of relief that she was okay and not dead.

"She's awake," Hayden announced in relief that her friend was okay as Theo moved her out of the way as he sat in front of Blair to check on her current condition considering he was starting to wonder if something had happened during the Dread Doctors operation that had caused her to be out for so long compared to the others.

"Blair? Can you hear me?" Theo asked quietly as Blair stared blankly at him before suddenly spitting at him directly in his eye causing him to let out a laugh before wiping it off quickly. Blair's face remaining blank as she stared back at Theo without reacting to him laughing at her anger directed towards him.

"It's good to know you still have your spirit after your surgery," Theo commented sarcastically - glad that it was at least successful but Blair didn't think the same as she moved forward to try and hit Theo but Hayden grabbed her and pulled her back before she could get into a fight with him since the younger girl was in the dark of all of the things Theo had done to the town and to Blair's friends.

"Blair, he brought us back from the dead." Hayden tried to explain to her but it only caused Blair to yank her arm out of Hayden's grasp since she wasn't going to calm down just because Theo had tried to help her in his own twisted sense since she didn't want to be brought back from the dead if it meant this.

"Yeah, he might've done shit for you but that doesn't mean anything to me," Blair explained to Hayden frustrated who was trying to figure out this whole Chimera situation herself but she knew she had to calm Liam's friend down before she did something to piss off Theo since it was clear he was stronger than most of them down here. Hayden wanted to stay on Theo's good side but it seemed like Blair felt the complete opposite of her when it came to their feelings towards Theo.

"That's the werewolf temper kicking in," Theo informed Blair as she snapped her head back and forth as it finally kicked in exactly what Theo did to her. Blair closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath, both of them assuming she had calmed down before Blair turned to Theo as she slammed him to the ground before punching him across the face out of anger for what he had helped do to her. Blair wasn't stupid to be aware that all of this was because of her short-lived friendship with the boy, one that she was starting to extremely regret.

"Hayden, now!" Theo yelled as Hayden took the opportunity of Blair being distracted to turn her around and clasp her wrists with the handcuffs that Theo had given to her since he was predicting for Blair to act like this whenever she woke up from her surgery.

"Does Liam know you're working with him?" Blair snapped at her instead of trying to fight against the handcuffs as Hayden only looked at Theo to make sure her job was done for now so that she could avoid the guilt Blair was trying to push onto her by bringing up Liam. Theo nodded his head as she scurried away quickly before Blair could say anything. else to her in front of Theo.

"Stiles is going to realize I'm gone." Blair pointed out knowing that her best friend was eventually going to come looking for her at some point through Theo's stupid plan. If anyone was going to realize something was wrong with Blair, it was going to be Stiles.

"I just need to talk to you, and I know you're stronger than me Blair. I don't doubt that, just let me explain to you what happened." Theo tried to convince Blair to talk to him calmly who only held up her cuffs in response considering she didn't have any other choice but to listen to what he had to say otherwise she would have left already and went home.

"I brought you here because I knew that when Scott bit you, it increased the Valkyrie deteriorating inside of you - I just wanted to help you stay alive longer. The Dread Doctors maybe the bad guys but there's something much worse coming to Beacon Hills and I need your help. I'm more than willing to admit that." Theo answered honestly - leaving out bits and pieces of the overall plan to take her powers before they fought the Beast, wanting what she had for himself in the end. Theo wasn't stupid to know Blair would grasp the werewolf thing quicker than anyone else considering she was practically raised by wolves from what he had heard about her.

"Okay, so you need me. Uncuff me." Blair pushed her handcuffs forward as she raised an eyebrow at Theo - waiting for him to uncuff her as he only laughed in response since he knew better than to trust her not to do anything to him once she was free. Blair may be pretty but he wasn't going to let her looks trick him into thinking that she wasn't a threat since he was well aware of what she was capable of regardless of her innocent appearance.

"Blair, I know you'll just knock me out and go find Stiles. Tell him all about this but he already knows." Theo explained tauntingly to Blair who started to become more and more confused about this entire situation considering she could tell Theo was telling her the truth about Stiles knowing that she was here somewhat. Blair holding her head down slightly as she tried to avoid the disappointment showing on her face that Stiles knew she was here and had let her possibly got hurt by the Dread Doctors without warning her or trying to help her in the slightest since she thought they were closer than that after everything they had went through.

"Stiles would tell me if knew. We both know that Stiles can't hide anything from me, Theo." Blair pointed out to Theo in an attempt to defend Stiles, having enough faith and trust in Stiles above anyone else that he would tell her the truth with what was going on right now. Blair deciding she wouldn't continue to think about the possibility of Stiles knowing anything since she didn't think she could handle that type of betrayal from him of all people.

"You're right, which is why I told him while you were here, Blair. Things aren't going too well for the pack, right now." Theo explained hesitantly as he gave her an uncertain glance as he tried to think of how to phrase the next part so
that she would believe him without any doubts or figuring out the actual truth behind anything he was saying.

"What exactly happened while I was out, Theo?" Blair asked as she leaned forward as tried to figure out what exactly had transpired in the last twenty-four hours while she had been lying in the tunnels with the Dread Doctors and Theo. Blair wanting to know if all of her friends were okay or not otherwise Theo and his friends were going to have hell to pay when she finally figured out how to get out of here.

"Scott... with the super moon he just went crazy. When I brought you here, he just spiraled... he did the same thing to Lydia that he did to Corey except Lydia wasn't so lucky as him." Theo lied to Blair about who had done the damage to Lydia as Blair snapped her head at Theo once she heard that Lydia had been hurt. Her heart starting to race in fear of what could be possibly happening to her friend who didn't have the same supernatural healing abilities that everyone else in their group had par Stiles. Theo noticed the instant reaction that Blair had to Lydia being hurt since he was aware of the closeness between the two.

"How bad is it?" Blair asked hesitantly as she waited for him to reveal how hurt Lydia was from what he claimed Scott had done to her. Blair didn't know what she would do if she lost Lydia considering her friend managed to always center her whenever she felt like she was losing her mind with all of the stupidity of the boys in the pack.

"Pretty bad but she'll live," Theo announced causing Blair to have some momentary relief that at least Lydia didn't die in the crossfire of Scott's anger last night. Blair was secretly hoping that whatever Theo was telling her about Scott lashing out was a lie since in all the time she had known Scott he had rarely ever hurt anyone maliciously.

"What else? There's more isn't there?" Blair asked him, able to tell by Theo's expression that something else had gone drastically wrong while she was out - waiting to find out if anyone else got hurt yesterday during the super moon.

"Scott wasn't the only one who was affected drastically by the super moon. When Liam thought Hayden was dead, he went after Scott and him... he killed Scott." Theo explained finally, hoping that he had steadied his heart enough for Blair to believe that Liam was the one who did the killing and not him. Blair leaned her head against the wall as she tried to process the information - Theo taking in her reaction as he tried to figure out how she was taking the news that her ex-boyfriend was dead. Blair not meeting Theo's eyes since she already knew something he didn't and she wasn't going to let him know that she was the reason Scott McCall was very much alive and breathing right now since she wasn't aware of how he would take the information of her having the ability to do that and she didn't want to be used more than Theo was planning on using her.

"The Sheriff also got attacked by a loose Chimera... I don't know who he is but I didn't plan it." Theo finally finished explaining everything that had happened as he managed to divert everything he had caused into someone else. Blair not buying that he didn't have a part in at least some of the things he was telling her about. He knew too much for one person - knowing he couldn't figure all of this out immediately without being somewhat involved in at least one or more of the things since it was impossible to get all of this information this quickly.

"Again, why am I chained up? I think we have bigger problems than my anger issues right now." Blair gestured to the handcuffs angrily - still not getting why she was cuffed if she was the one seemingly causing the fewer problems in the group right now out of everyone since she didn't try to kill anyone and she wasn't dead.

"Because of Blair. I need your help. There's one last Chimera that the Dread Doctors made - they call it the Beast." Theo explained causing Blair to tilt her head to see if he was really serious with the name of their newest threat considering she was pretty sure it could've been any werewolf on a bad full moon with that type of nickname.

"The Beast? Really? That's why I'm chained up because of a bad children's book nickname." Blair asked him sarcastically, not believing that this thing was a serious threat like Theo was making it out to be. Blair didn't believe that Theo was this scared of a thing called the Beast that he was willing to chain up people in order to in even convince them to help him fight the thing.

"Blair, if I unchain you - do you know how many people would be after you to get rid of the Valkyrie again? Do you think Stiles's would still be your best friend if he knew one of the biggest reminders of the Nogitsune was back? I'm doing this for you." Theo tried to explain to her, bringing the Nogitsune and Valkyrie back up as Blair closed her eyes at the reminder of that time in her life. Even though Theo was only trying to convince her to be on his side, Blair recognized that he had a point about Stiles since he tended to get rid of any reminders of the time he was possessed by the Nogitsune and Blair couldn't blame him for it.

"Stiles wouldn't kill me, none of my pack would." Blair defended herself, having enough trust and faith in her pack that they wouldn't try and conspire to kill her if it came down to it. Blair hoping that she was saying was the truth since she didn't think she could handle being considered the big bad guy by her friends.

"Think about it - Malia is distracted with family problems. Liam is still angry at any reminder of Hayden, he might take it out on you. Stiles is busy with his dad, Lydia is in a catatonic state, Scott's dead, and Kira has feelings for your dead ex. Who do you think is going to defend you when hunters and others come to kill you?" Theo asked as he listed all of the faults in her pack right now, explaining how all of them were distracted or busy with their problems to pay attention to Blair and what was going on with her. Blair stared at him unamused since she knew Theo had a point, everyone in the pack was completely consumed in their own problems that they probably wouldn't even recognize anything was wrong with Blair in the first place to want to come looking for her.

"Your first problem is thinking I need my pack to defend myself." Blair pointed out, still not understanding why people constantly thought she needed to rely on everyone else when it came to protecting herself. Sure, she was a little clumsy but she wasn't doing any worse than the rest of her pack when it came to protecting herself.

"If I let you go now, there's a chance of you getting killed before we can use your talents to take down the Beast. I'm not taking that risk and neither should you unless you want Beast to start roaming and getting stronger and killing all of your friends one by one. We need to work together if we want to save everyone." Theo tried to emphasize the danger of the Beast to get Blair to realize the severity of the situation in front of them but she still wasn't getting the point as she stared at him bored rather than interested in helping him.

"Theo, I won't die. Unlock the damn handcuffs." Blair stated again aggravated, still not believing any of his reason for keeping her locked up in the tunnels with the Dread Doctors just around the corner who could take her at any moment they wanted which freaked her out more than this Beast thing did.

"Blair... we don't trust each other. I'm not taking them off." Theo explained before grabbing her hands and leading her over to one of the pipes as he placed her hands up and switched the cuffs to be holding her to the pipe. Blair lifting her legs as she kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall on the ground in surprise that she was so quick to hit him again. Theo only laughing as Blair stared at him unimpressed from her position cuffed to the pipes.

"This is exactly why I need you to stay here." Blair smiled as she nodded her head before leaning forward and spitting at Theo again before smiling more happily at her accomplishment.

"Now, I'm done." Blair smiled as she talked to him, knowing if she was going to be here for a while stuck in the tunnels, she was going to mess with Theo for a while to keep her amused.

"I have things to go fix, Blair. Try and not to take down the pipes with those swings. Wouldn't want to damage the plant would we?" Theo laughed to himself as he walked away from Blair who rolled his eyes at his humor - his revealed cockiness starting to grit on her last nerves already and she hadn't even been here that long in the first place.

"Hope you get rabies!" Blair called after him with the hopefulness that someone would catch him when he was out - Blair using her hearing to make sure he was long gone before she closed her eyes again. Blair praying that she could do what she did last night again to help her friends out.


Blair found herself in the back of Stilinski's room - recognizing Stiles's bedroom before she noticed all of the decorations were completely different from what she remembered the house to be. Blair smiling to herself as she realized she had succeeded in the dream walking as she jogged down the stairs as quickly as possible. Blair hiding behind the stairs as she realized she couldn't freak the Sheriff out too much and put him into shock if he noticed Blair standing in one of his memories of his family.

Blair heard the sound of a woman's voice as she peaked her head out of curiosity to realize the Sheriff had placed himself in memory when his wife was still alive and well. The small version of Stiles with a buzzcut was something that almost made her laugh and reveal herself but she knew she had more important things to do than collect blackmail on Sfiles.

Blair placed her hand on the wall, concentrating as she watched the black veins on the Sheriff as she tried to pass some of her energy to him to help with his healing for whatever injuries he had sustained previous.

The Sheriff seemed to notice the shift in him as he lifted his head, changing the memory slightly as he excused himself from his wife and walked over to the stairs - noticing Blair immediately as he sat down beside her on the stairs.

"How'd you know?" Blair asked the Sheriff immediately confused that he knew it was her - thinking it would be harder for him to detect since he was human and considering Scott barely noticed when she had helped him in the library.

"Parental instinct." The Sheriff answered with a smile as he clapped his hands together as Blair let out a small laugh before noticing the worried lines on the Sheriff's face. Blair smiling slightly that the Sheriff knew about her part in the supernatural to know what her powers looked like now.

"How are you here, kid?" The Sheriff asked her next, knowing about the supernatural well enough that it shouldn't be possible for Blair to be here in the first place since she was supposed to be human now after everything that had happened last year with her and Stiles.

"Turns out you can't get rid of the Valkyrie," Blair explained sadly considering she wasn't sure herself of how this was all happening right now even to explain it in the Sheriff. The Sheriff nodding his head slowly as the two sat in a peaceful silence before he turned to Blair.

"If I don't make it out of this, keep an eye on Stiles for me?" The Sheriff asked her, as Blair nodded her head slowly as the two watched Claudia and Stiles in the kitchen. Blair noticing how much it was paining the Sheriff right now to be in this position without being able to do anything to help himself.

"You will. If I know Stiles, he's probably knocking down every wall possible to make sure you're going to be okay. A doctor or not, he'll find a way to save you. That's Stiles." Blair joked causing the Sheriff to laugh before he became confused at her sentence since he assumed Stiles had sent Blair in to help him with his injuries.

"You're not with Stiles, right now?" The Sheriff asked half-confused considering he had expected Blair to be with Stiles considering he knew about the two's pact to stick with each other whenever anything supernatural went down to protect each other. The little pact the two had made always made the Sheriff feel safer knowing that someone prioritized Stiles the same way he did. Despite the Sheriff having little family himself, it made him feel better than Stiles and Blair had the siblings bond he had always wanted Stiles to have.

"The pack trusted the wrong person and all of us are paying the price of it right now," Blair explained regrettably as she locked her jaw out of anger at the thought, the Sheriff seeming to catch on to what she was saying.

"Stiles and you were right?" The Sheriff asked as he alluded to the Theo Raeken kid who Blair and Stiles had believed was suspicious when he first arrived in Beacon Hills and everyone else had called them crazy for thinking it considering how distrustful both Blair and Stiles are in the first place of anyone.

"Yep, we always are," Blair replied honestly since her and Stiles gut feelings about outsiders always tended to be right even though everyone chose to ignore their suspicions since they tended to think that Blair and Stiles were overly paranoid and distrusting of everyone.

"Let's make a plan, kid. You get to Stiles first, you can help him with Theo and whatever is happening to me and..." The Sheriff tried to figure out where Blair was for them to come up with some sort of plan that one of them was going to get to Stiles no matter what to help him.

"Tell him Theo is lying about everything. Emphasize the everything part too." Blair explained to the Sheriff who nodded his head in understanding of what she wanted to tell his son about her. Blair starting to feel herself become weaker as she wrapped her arms around the Sheriff - taking him by surprise as he wrapped his arms around her too.

"Don't give up. Everyone needs you, especially Stiles." Blair explained in desperation before her time was up, the Sheriff nodding in understanding that he needed to get back to his son and the town of Beacon Hills before it went to complete chaos without him.


"What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Melissa asked, still not believing that they were going to try and track down this kid who had managed to kill her son. Parrish standing there trying to process all the information the three had just told him about Theo considering he had been pretty out of the loop of Theo being the bad guy in the first place.

"If it saves my dad, then yeah," Stiles answered, thinking that the answer was obvious since he was desperate to do anything right now to save his dad from the situation he was in since it was clear he wasn't healing by himself anytime soon.

"I'll come with you. He doesn't know that I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage." Scott suggested to try and give him back up with the situation since he knew that Theo thought he was dead and he could potentially use that to take him off his guard if he tried to attack Stiles anytime during their conversation about his dad.

"He'll know you're there. I just need to talk to him. Not fight him." Stiles pointed out to Scott as he took out his phone as began dialing some number causing Parrish to stare at him confused when the call went straight to voicemail.

"Blair's not picking up?" Parrish asked as he stared at the name of the screen to try and figure out who Stiles's was trying to call for backup over Scott since Scott was here and offering his help.

"Not this call and the other forty-seven times I've tried calling her since last night." Stiles muttered the last part but the group still picked it up as Melissa and Scott shared a glance causing both Parrish and Stiles to stare at them in confusion since it seemed like they knew something that they didn't when it came to Blair.

"Stiles, the last time I saw Blair she was sick and..." Scott tried to explain
to his best friend, already noticing Stiles's face dropped as he waited for Scott to finish his sentence about what was wrong with Blair and what had happened to her.

"And what Scott?" Stiles cut him
off angrily, glaring daggers at his best friend as he waited for Scott to tell him exactly what happened to Blair - starting to get pissed her had waited this long to even bring it up in the first place.

"Stiles, Theo was supposed to bring Blair to the hospital yesterday morning. We haven't heard from her either since. We don't know where she is or what happened to her yet." Melissa finished for Scott as she spoke more gently than her son as Stiles locked his jaw in anger as he turned to Scott since Scott trusted Theo in the first place to be alone with Blair and now she was missing.

"If Blair is hurt..." Stiles held his finger up as he stared at Scott who nodded his head in understanding of what he was going to say but he didn't want to hear Stiles finish the sentence.

"I know, Stiles. I know. But this conversation with Theo... we can find out where she is and get her back as well as helping your dad." Scott tried to convince Stiles - the burden of letting Blair go with Theo still weighing on his shoulders as he knew anything that happened to her was going to be his fault for letting Theo take her instead of himself like he knew he should have in the first place..

"Does anyone even know how to find him?" Parrish asked since he wanted Stiles to think about this plan more before he rushed into it considering he was now worried about both his dad's injures and Blair's disappearance. None of them knew what Theo was still capable of or if he had even more on his agenda to mess with the pack.

"We don't have to find him. He'll come to us." Stiles answered firmly, Scott, nodding his head in agreement. Scott's worry starting to increase about if Stiles was ever going to look at him without pure anger in his eyes considering right now he still looked like he wanted to punch Scott in the face or worse.

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