fine line (scott mccall)²

By anticosmic

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in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡đĢ𝐞𝐞


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By anticosmic

"Where is she?" Melissa asked nervously as she walked up to Dr. Geyer who called her with the surprising news himself about the incident. Melissa followed after him as the two stopped outside of the room, her eyes softening when she noticed the state of Blair lying on the hospital bed. Despite the awkward situation of her being her son's ex, she had a soft spot for the girl who had seemed to bring her son so much happiness in the time they were together.

"Does she know they're here?" Melissa asked as her eyes flickered to the man and woman sitting inside Blair's hospital room - recognizing the similarities in features between them and Blair. Melissa feeling her own stomach becoming filled with nerves since she was aware there was a bad situation between Blair and her parents.

"Oh yeah, she told me she was going to fake being asleep until they left." Dr. Geyer explained to Melissa, already used to Blair's honesty with the two of them considering how comfortable Blair was with the adults. Blair grew familiar with Liam's stepdad after she forced Liam to sit down and get all of his work done with her last year because she was adamant about him not falling behind in his grades because of the supernatural and also because it provided her with an adequate distraction of the her and Scott situation.

"I'll go in." Melissa finally decided as she nodded to Dr. Geyer that she was going to introduce herself to the Krasikeva's. Melissa took the handle in her hands quietly as she noticed Blair sneaking a glance out of the side of her eye at who was coming in as she tried to silently warn Melissa to not interact with either her mom or dad, trying to prevent her from having to deal with either of them.

"Hi, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Krasikeva. I'm Melissa McCall, your daughter is a friend of my sons." Melissa introduced herself with a friendly smile as she held her hand out to the two while the man scoffed at the hand as he nodded towards Blair's back.

"Trust me, your son isn't the only one she's friends with." Melissa immediately crossed her hands against her chest once she heard the tone of voice that he was using to describe his daughter who was only a couple of feet away from him and listening to every word her father had to say about her.

"Excuse me, but your daughter is seriously injured right now and you think you have the right to slut-shame her?" Melissa asked in a tone that could only remind Blair of the one she heard whenever she was yelling or lecturing Scott or Isaac.

"Melissa, to be quite frank, you know nothing about my daughter." Mr. Krasikeva pointed out to Melissa, still furious that Blair had kept them as her emergency contacts and that they came up here expecting a family member to be hurt only to find her again. Both of them had been pretty clear in their conversation with the Hale's that they did not want anything further to do with Blair as long as they had custody of her - she was the Hale's responsibility now not theirs.

"Something tells me I know a lot about her based on the fact she traveled across states as a minor to get away from you both. Now, why don't you both go to the reception or food court while I check your daughter's vitals and you can feel free to leave after that too." Melissa demanded as she sent glares towards the parents who waited a couple of seconds to see if she was being serious before picking up their belongings and leaving the room. Both her and Blair hoping that they wouldn't enter the room again anytime soon and would take Melissa's words seriously.

"You can pretend to stop sleeping now," Melissa told Blair gently who rolled in the hospital bed slightly to look at Melissa. The older woman instantly noticing the tears in her eyes as she sat down next to her in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, I usually call Derek or Scott when you're injured. I was at the Sheriff Station, I didn't even know you had other numbers on your file." Melissa explained to her apologetically, Blair taking her by surprise when she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. Melissa not saying when she felt the dampness on her shoulder as she stroked Blair's hair in an attempt to comfort her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Melissa offered as Blair pulled away slightly to give Melissa more room to sit on the hospital bed next to her. Blair silently debating whether she should or not considering this was her ex-boyfriend's mom of all people that she was considering opening up to.

"Blair, anything you tell me is confidential." Melissa reminded Blair as she gave her a look that meant she wasn't going to repeat anything to anyone else who worked in the hospital and more importantly she wouldn't tell Scott.

"I just wonder if I'm suffering all this bad karma because of everything the Valkyrie did. I just want it to stop, I want it all to stop. I don't think I can handle bad things happening anymore" Blair confessed to Melissa as she finally made eye contact with the older woman who noticed the broken look in the girl's eye. Melissa starting to pick up on the fact that all of this supernatural problems were starting to take affect on her son and everyone close to him as well.

"And I can't give optimism and hope as Scott does. I would just be a hypocrite, I am a hypocrite." Blair realized as Melissa opened her mouth to object since she knew that Blair was one of the only ones who looked after Scott the way he looked out for others.

"I used to tell Isaac all this stuff about how it gets easier and that being supernatural will make you stronger. I helped fight supernatural creatures and I still can't look my parents in the eye. After all, the last time I saw them my dad was too busy throwing shards of glass at me because I didn't help my mom fast enough with the garden." Blair confessed dryly as she let out a laugh that she had admitted that out loud to someone as Melissa's mouth dropped open in shock - shifting herself to wrap an arm around Blair's shoulder to pull her closer.

"Is there anything I can do? Call anyone? Call the Sheriff? Scott?" Melissa offered the last one more gently than the rest as Blair closed her eyes in pain at the offer of Scott's name and for him to come to the hospital.

"Can you call Stiles?" Blair asked her after a while, deciding that she would call him for help over the others considering she didn't want to face Scott after having a hallucination about him trying to hurt her in the hallway and also finding out he had feelings for Kira. Melissa nodded her head slowly as she got off the bed and started to leave the hospital room before turning around.

"I'll make sure to get your parents off your emergency contacts too," Melissa reassured Blair before closing the door behind her. Blair sitting on the bed confused as to what she was talking about since her only emergency contacts were Stiles and Derek. She had never had them on there in the first place which was causing her mind to tick with paranoia to who had possibly called them to the hospital against her knowledge.


"You know when I tell you to do something different than me - I usually imply that also means you don't get injured while doing it!" Stiles pointed to Blair who was already past finished getting stitched up by the doctors as she grabbed her jacket out of Stiles's hands before putting it on - ignoring most of his over-dramatics since she was in a hurry to leave.

"I called you for that exact reason," Blair explained with a slight smirk on her face causing Stiles to stare at her confused before she turned to who had been previously helping Stiles - Theo Raeken.

"I knew he was with you, and I needed both of your guy's help. That is if Raeken still wants to make up for his locker room stunt." Blair offered Theo the chance to finally get on her good side as she raised an eyebrow at him causing him to stare at her curious before nodding his head. Stiles watching the situation with narrowed eyes considering he was still equally as pissed at Theo for making Blair uncomfortable.

"Great, okay. Stiles, you're going to distract my parents - Melissa will tell you which ones they are. Raeken, you sneak me out. If Stiles fails, you get the opportunity to be my bodyguard. Perfect, okay let's go." Blair explained quickly as she grabbed Theo's shoulder and pushed him out of the hospital room quickly before Stiles could stop and interrogate her about the situation with her parents. Blair knowing that Stiles's would definitely want more answers when they were done but right now she just wanted to get as far away from them as humanely possible.

"Parents?" Theo asked as he took it slow by slipping Blair's hand in his as he used it to direct them faster in the hospital. Blair nearly gritting her teeth as she tried not to allow her anger towards her parents to be projected onto Theo when she had asked him to help her after all.

"It's complicated and better if you don't ask." Blair tried to explain in a rushed manner without changing her tone to come across as harsh or rude. Theo stopping momentarily as he pulled Blair into the elevator.

"I get it, you know. My parents got less close and harsher on me when my sister died. When you're the younger one and they die, it's not just living up to the expectations. It's like..." Theo drifted off as he tried to figure out the right words to describe the similarities both he and Blair had with their past. He was well aware of what happened with Blair's older sister after doing a little digging with Scott and the others as to why she was so closed off in the first place.

"You have to live up to their ghost." Blair finished quietly as she looked at the elevator doors in front of her rather than Theo but she knew that he heard her.

"And you can never live up to a ghost." Theo finished, his tone not feeling forced anymore as Blair turned her head to meet his eyes. Blair feeling that this might be the first time where she didn't feel like Theo Raeken wasn't lying to her face in the time she had known him.


Stiles eventually caught up with Theo and Blair as he lectured Blair the entire car ride to Scott's place about her safety and not trying to get herself killed. He also pointed out the fact that she was not going to get killed by a staircase of all things - upset she had managed to get a concussion from tripping of all things.

Blair rolled her eyes at the lecture as she opened Scott's door to see Malia waiting in the kitchen for them - taking Blair by surprise when she walked up and hugged her considering they weren't really affectionate with each other.

"I'm glad you're okay," Malia stated simply as Stiles sent an impressed stare at Malia for being able to convey her emotions without causing any offense to the person in question.

"I'm glad you're okay too, Mal." Blair stated simply as she went to sit in the kitchen. Malia tilting her head as she tried to decide if she liked the nickname or not while Stiles whispered to her it was a good sign considering Blair only nicknamed people she liked.

The group stood in the kitchen for a while as Theo went into the fridge to grab Blair some water and food since he figured she hadn't had anything since she was in the hospital - giving him a small smile in thanks before turning her head to Malia and Stiles.

"Why isn't Scott here?" Blair asked curiously, knowing that Lydia and Mason were upstairs with Corey after Mason was able to figure out he was the next Chimera.

"Kira got arrested." Malia answered simply as Blair nodded her head in understanding but her reaction caused Stiles's eyes to narrow at her before his mouth opened in shock.

"Lydia told you, didn't she?" Stiles realised - slightly frustrated that the girl had leaked it to Blair when they were supposed to be keeping it a secret. Theo staring between the group confused considering he didn't know what happened in those three seconds.

"Should I ask?" Theo leaned forward slightly from his position beside Blair as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"No." The three of them answered at the same time as Theo put his hands in defense that he would drop any involvement about the topic as Scott finally entered the house as he marched past the group.

"Is Kira okay?" Stiles asked him but Scott continued to ignore them as Stiles made a gesture to Blair who picked up on it as she followed after Scott. Blair upsettingly putting down the food she desperately wanted to eat as she went with Stiles.

The four of them finally ran up the stairs as Stiles came to a stop beside Blair - the two sharing a stare of concern as they watched Scott. Stiles's expression matching the same level of concern and worry that was painted on Lydia and Blair's face currently. The claws Scott had dug into the back of Corey's neck was worrying to all of them especially since Scott didn't give them any type of warning of what he was about to do.

"Don't get too close," Lydia warned the four as they stepped into the bedroom - knowing the precautions they had to take since Peter had put his claws into Lydia's neck before.

"What is he doing?" Theo asked confused as he stared at Scott and Corey in front of them as both of them had their eyes shut - completely oblivious to the conversation happening around them.

"Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only Alphas do." Lydia explained to him as Blair crossed her arms against her chest as her eyes were focused on Scott rather than her friends standing next to her - trying to figure out what had caused his irrational thinking when it came to this plan.

"Not exactly something we do regularly," Blair pointed out sarcastically, sighing as Stiles agreed since he knew that this was supposed to require training before you did it. Him and Blair sharing a look as they silently communicated this is why we make the plans with each other.

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?" Theo asked as he walked into the room, glancing from the side at Scott and Corey as he watched the two - trying to figure out exactly how Scott was doing it.

"Probably more," Stiles answered honestly considering they didn't know if this would actually work or kill Corey in the process.

"More, if Scott hits him in the wrong place... He could paralyze Corey or kill him." Blair added on to Stiles's explanation which didn't the worries of anyone in the room but she didn't see the point in lying to her friends considering it was Scott's fault for doing this in the first place.

"Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason piped up since he was confused about how all of this worked in the first place. Scott suddenly pulled away as Blair and Stiles were quick to catch him and help him stand up straight as they held onto an arm each.

"Is he okay?" Scott asked between panted breaths as he put his balance moreso on Blair who straightened him up completely as she held onto his shoulders. Blair not admitting out loud she just wanted to keep a grip on him incase he did something stupid again - at least this way she could hold him back before he did it.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey asked, petrified over what had just happened as Blair let go off Scott to check on Corey and his wounds.

"You'll be all right." Scott tried to reassure Corey but his attitude came out more dismissive than concerned as Blair leaned over the back of Corey's neck - gently touching his shoulder as she checked to make sure Scott didn't hurt him too much in the process.

"There's blood." Corey realized when he placed his hand on the back of his neck where Scott had inserted his claws, the red blood coating his fingers as he did so. Blair grabbing one of the tissues off Scott's dresser as she helped him clean off the blood as best she could.

"You'll heal." Scott brushed it off again like it was nothing - seeming to still be thinking about what he saw in Corey's mind rather than what he actually had just done to him.

"Hey, you just stabbed the kid with your claws. Watch the attitude, McCall." Blair warned Scott as she was still hunched beside Corey in concern for the kid. Even if she didn't know him, she had a soft spot for kids younger than her whenever they were pushed into anything supernatural - feeling the need to protect them moreso from being hurt by anything.

"Scott..." Lydia stepped forward as she tried to talk to talk to him but he brushed off her and Blair as he went to grab something off his desk instead.

"He'll be fine! Listen... I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels. Pipes along the walls. There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides." Scott grabbed a notebook as flicked it open to a blank page as he began doodling what he had seen in Corey's head on it. Blair, Stiles, and Lydia circled beside Scott as they stared at the drawing he had done. Blair only interested in this as she wanted to figure out if this clue was really worth hurting Corey over.

"Wait a second I know this. I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?" Stiles pointed out to Scott, actually recognizing the place as Blair furrowed her eyebrows in confusion since she had no idea how Stiles managed to figure out where Scott was talking about based on that description and picture considering Scott wasn't exactly the best artist in the first place.

"It's the water treatment plant." Lydia realized as Blair looked up to Theo who seemed equally surprised that the two had pieced together the location that quickly.

"That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden." Scott realized before dropped the notebook and jogging down the stairs without saying anything else. Blair sighing as she and Stiles were quick to follow after him.

"God, if I didn't have a concussion. I would strangle him right now." Blair muttered to Stiles who nodded his head in hesitant agreement as the two followed after Scott. Stiles sometimes forgot about Blair's obvious Hale traits until it came to situations like these where it shone through more obvious.

"Scott... Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay? Mason shouldn't be going." Stiles pointed out to him as he and Blair jogged down the stairs beside him as the two tried to get Scott to stop for a second and think about this plan before suddenly barging into the treatment plan.

"Liam's my best friend-- I'm going." Mason was quick to defend himself going, Blair not judging him or wanting to stop Mason since she knew if Isaac, Lydia, or Stiles was in danger she would drop everything for her three best friends even if it meant putting herself in harm.

"Oh, did you suddenly get super-wolf
powers? I wasn't aware of that development." Stiles asked Mason sarcastically - believing it was a bad idea for Mason to go since he was still relatively new to everything happening in the supernatural world. Plus, the factor that the Dread Doctors could take down any supernatural creature without much effort also didn't look good Mason if they faced one.

"Well, if you and Blair aren't going, I could use the help." Blair raised her eyebrows immediately considering she definitely wasn't going to let Scott go with Mason in the current mindset he seemed to be in.

"Hell no, I'm going with you guys. Someone has to keep an eye on Mason since you are acting out of it." Blair stated determined as she stood beside Mason who let out a breath of relief that Blair was going with them for the purpose to look out for Mason solely. Mason feeling a little more protected since he knew Blair actually liked him out of Liam's upperclass friends.

"I'm coming as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body, and he wants to make sure that this time, no one steals it." Stiles agreed with the plan that he was going as well, only going to be slightly delayed since he had to talk to his dad about the body that he had found.

"How's he gonna do that?" Malia asked curiously, wondering how the Sheriff was going to be able to keep the body safe since Stiles and Theo had failed miserably in their attempts.

"I don't know... But whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep." Stiles pointed out the obvious that whoever was stealing the bodies wasn't human. Blair giving Stiles a sympathetic glance since she knew how much Roescoe's health meant to him.

"Doesn't that mean they can flip over or possibly hurt all the police officers that your dad will have to watch the body?" Blair asked, being realistic in the fact that those police officers weren't going to be much against something supernatural. Stiles nodded his head reluctantly since he wanted to try and help his dad take extra precautions in protecting the body. Stiles not actually wanting to think about the possibility of his dad getting hurt because of him asking for help.

"We can bring Theo." Malia suddenly suggested, Blair nodded her head in agreement with the offer - taking Scott and Theo aback slightly that she was actually agreeing with Malia's idea to bring him.

"Maybe I better stay here... You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey." Theo pointed out to Corey who was standing behind them, clearly overwhelmed with everything happening around him right now. Blair giving Corey a sad smile, feeling bad about everything getting thrown at him currently.

"Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think." Lydia pointed out as she stood beside Blair as the two girls along with Stiles tried to convince Scott to halt his plans for a while.

"I am thinking-- about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead." Scott slightly snapped at Lydia as Blair noticed how tense he was becoming due to his beta's disappearance since he probably blamed himself because he had made that stupid promise to Liam to keep Hayden safe in the first place.

"They're not dead, Scott. We have a literal Banshee standing in the room, we would know if they were dead or not. You just need to take a second and think about all of this." Blair tried to convince Scott that everything was going to be okay instead of panicking and snapping at everyone who was just trying to help. Blair didn't see the sense in rushing out to save them without all the facts and information first incase they walked themselves straight into a trap.

"You could've hurt him, Scott. Hurt him." Lydia added once Blair was finished with her point, Blair's eyes softening when she noticed the guilt starting to fill Scott since he still hadn't apologized to Corey for what he had done to him.

"I have to find Liam." Scott reaffirmed again, his friends seeming to not get through to him as Blair said goodbye to Lydia while Stiles called after Malia to say goodbye.

"Make sure, he doesn't do anything stupid right now," Lydia whispered in Blair's ear as she grabbed her hand and brought her close. Blair nodding her head in agreement as she heard Stiles yell behind her.

"Try not to die again!" Blair gave him the middle finger without turning back as she walked after Malia, causing Stiles to chuckle to himself before letting out a quiet 'kids' to Lydia.


Blair sat in the passenger seat next to Malia who was currently driving them to the water treatment plant. Blair spared glances in the rearview mirror so that she could keep an eye on Scott next to Mason. Scott staring up as he noticed her eyes focused on him as she suddenly turned her head away in a last-ditch effort to not get caught by him.

When Malia pulled up to the treatment plant, Scott didn't hesitate to jump out as Blair was quick to follow him leaving Malia and Mason to trail after the two. Scott and Blair came to a stop as Blair looked around her, guessing this is the same spot that Scott had seen in Corey's head.

"Liam!" Blair turned her head as she finally realized that Mason and Malia had caught up with them. Malia's calls to Liam not getting any response.

"Can you catch a scent?" Mason asked as Blair pulled moved herself closer to Mason now that they were back in a group setting again - feeling the need to stick with him since he was the only other human in the group besides herself.

"There are too many chemicals..." Scott answered disappointed as he failed to get a scent of either Liam or Hayden.

"Well... it is a treatment plant,  probably on purpose so that they wouldn't get caught by werewolves when they were creating chimeras. Kinda smart actually for a bad guy." Blair pointed out, thinking that it was obvious that it was probably a factor in why the Dread Doctors chose this location in the first place.

"Then this might take a while." Malia finished as she looked around the treatment plant, unable to detect any other scent besides the obvious chemicals and the people next to her.

"We need to split up," Scott announced, Malia and Mason immediately splitting from them as Scott noticed Blair was still hesitantly standing beside him - trying not to shift too uncomfortably on her feet.

"Guess that leaves us." Scott noted awkwardly as Blair nodded her head in agreement - following after Scott before he leaned down confused as he held onto her hand, his veins starting to turn black before letting go.

"How'd you know?" Blair tilted her head at him confused as they continued to walk in the treatment plant for any signs of Liam.

"You still have the same tells for when you're in pain." Scott flashed a smile at Blair before they fell into a silence again while going back to searching for Liam.


The four continued to scream Liam and Hayden's name for another while as they tried to find any sign of the two. Blair and Scott turning as they suddenly crashed into Malia, throwing Blair off-balance as Malia was quick to steady her as she grabbed onto her arms.

"Anything?" Scott asked once Malia had let go of Blair, noticing Malia staring at Blair concerned who was currently trying to shake the dizziness away from her recent concussion - noting that she definitely needed to rest once they found Liam and Hayden again.

"Nothing," Malia revealed that she had come up empty-handed in her search as well for Liam and Hayden.

"Hayden!" Blair turned her head to see that Mason had ended up in the exact spot they had as he turned to the three in front of him.

"Okay, we need to make sure that we're not covering the same area." Scott pointed out as he started to pant for breath, Blair placing her hand on his shoulder as she tried to check on him considering he usually didn't get out of breath running with his werewolf strength and what not.

"You need your inhaler, don't you?" Mason asked, realizing that he might be on the verge of having another asthma attack.

"Quiet. I think I hear something." Scott quieted Mason as Blair turned to Malia to see if she heard the same thing as Scott but Malia didn't seem to.

"It's just the lights, isn't it?" Malia asked confused while Blair leaned down more and turning to Scott with her eyebrows furrowed as she kept her hand tight on his shoulder - trying to figure out what was going on with him currently.

"Come on. This way." Scott brushed off Malia's comment, turning to face Blair as he tried to nod his head to try and convince her she was okay but Blair didn't buy it as she put pressure on his shoulder and forced him to catch his breath before he tried to get up again.

"They still like each other, huh?" Mason whispered to Malia as they watched Blair drag Scott up from the ground once she noticed he was actually okay again. Malia nodding her head slowly - convinced that the two still held some feelings for each other even if they were broken up.


"I'm telling you guys, we've been down this one before." Mason sighed out as the group came to a stop in the middle of the tunnels, noticing how familiar it looked considering they had gone through it at least five times during their search for Liam and Hayden.

"What the hell are we doing? We're running up and down this place... Up and down tunnels... And there's no way... There's no way that we're gonna find..." Scott started to pant more out of breath than last time as he stopped talking in an attempt to try and catch his breath.

"Scott, you need your inhaler." Mason pointed out as Scott dropped to his knees as Blair stood next to Mason confused as to what was going on with the Alpha.

"Scott! Use it! Use your inhaler." Malia yelled at Scott who was taking too long as Blair went into the pockets of his jacket he was wearing - as she shook the inhaler like she had seen Scott doing it before holding it to his mouth as he was finally able to catch his breath.

"This is all my fault. We're never going to find them. It's my fault." Scott sighed out as he leaned head against the pipes as Blair was quick to stand up again with Malia's help.

"Scott... We should keep looking. We should keep trying." Mason spoke up as he held his hands out for Scott  who hesitantly grabbed Mason's hand and got off the ground as he decided to try again looking for Liam and Hayden.


Blair, Scott, Malia, and Mason returned to the McCall Household to see Liam and Hayden lying on the couch. Blair looking up to Lydia as the two girls shared a soft smile between each other, glad that the two had made it out alive. Blair walking over to Lydia as she wrapped her in a quick hug - the two quite frankly tired of the past couple days were they hardly got to sleep with processing everything that happened.

Theo was the one who had found the two as he walked up and hugged Scott which took the Alpha by surprise before turning to Malia and Mason who were quick to hug him out of thanks for finding the two. Theo walked up to Blair last with a softer smile on his face, taking it easy considering the two were still kinda rocky.

"Still not on your good side?" Theo asked hesitantly as he wrapped his arms around her waist as Blair wrapped hers around his neck.

"Thanks for finding them Theo." Blair whispered into his ear instead of answering his question before pulling away as Theo smiled to himself at the small step he had made in earning Blair's and the others trust in him.

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