fine line (scott mccall)²

De anticosmic

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in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... Mai multe

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞


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De anticosmic

Blair forced Stiles to come with her on the bike despite his many oppositions to it since he believed every motorcycle was a complete and utter death trap. Yet, he eventually gave in to her begging as he used Blair's spare helmet and put it on his head as he clutched tightly onto Blair's back the entire time - convinced every time she made a turn on the bike that he was going to fall off due to how sharp her turns were. Stiles convinced he had to get the girl better driving lessons since he was convinced she drove like she was in the middle of a police chase anytime he was with her.

Neither of the werewolves had shown up to the animal clinic since they were in charge of bringing the dead chimera to the animal clinic from the hospital and considering Stiles and Blair didn't exactly have the super speed to run out with the body if anyone caught them - it was a good idea for Scott and Theo to be in charge of that part of the plan. It also gave Blair the chance to panic to her best friend - well the only best friend who was near her since Isaac currently lived in France and would murder if she called him in the middle of the night again with boy problems considering he thought the easiest solution was just to kiss Scott and get it over with.

The two best friends hadn't talked since they had left the hospital - the entire day's events weighing heavy on their heads as they tried to form a sentence to say to the other about what had happened to them.

"Theo killed Josh and he knows about Donovan," Stiles revealed to Blair quickly as the two sat on top of the counters in the animal clinic. Both Blair and Stiles staring straight ahead of them rather than at each other while they were confessing what the other had missed. Blair took a deep breath as she nodded her head at the news as the two caught each other up on everything that was happening in their lives - the fact that Theo killing someone didn't even shock her at this point should be a sign of concern but it didn't even phase her in the slightest anymore.

The secrets they seemed to be keeping starting to pile up before they confessed everything to each other like usual. However, the same didn't go for the rest of the pack since it seemed like the secrets they kept from them went too deep for them to even try and start confessing now. Blair and Stiles quietly deciding amongst themselves that they would wait until all the supernatural drama with the Dread Doctors was over to start opening up to the pack again with all of their problems.

"Theo kissed me today and then I kissed Scott," Blair revealed to Stiles next as she took a deep breath, her revelation causing more shock in Stiles than Theo killing Josh did for her as he turned to Blair since he didn't expect her to say that in response to his secret. Blair was not actually that surprised that Theo had killed someone since she had suspicions from the start that he was going to do something evil - at least this proved some of her suspicions and made her feel less crazy.

"He did what?" Stiles asked protectively - not liking that Blair hadn't alerted him of the fact that Theo had kissed her already since that was best friend worthy news to share with him immediately rather than waiting hours later. Stiles already knowing Blair didn't initiate the kiss or want it considering she was still dealing with her own emotions from her relationship with Scott.

"We were supposed to study together, I went to go find him. He kissed me without warning and then I smacked him and told him if he ever tried to do that again I would cut his dick off." Blair relayed the story to Stiles who nodded impressed that she had smacked him and threatened him. Stiles holding in his pride that Blair had told Theo off for trying to force himself on her and then he remembered the second half of the sentence which included her kissing her ex-boyfriend - the part which she still hadn't explained to him yet.

"And Scott?" Stiles asked next curiously - wondering what the situation was that required her to have to kiss Scott today of all days.

"Complicated." Blair finally decided her answer was causing Stiles to nod his head at the revelation since that always seemed to be the answer with everything between Blair and Scott.

"Well, that one's not a shock, you two scream complicated," Stiles answered honestly - expecting the answer to be complicated regardless of any of the context or the explanation of why it happened in the first place.

"Well, I don't point out the fact you dated my cousin while also having feelings for my girl best friend, so why don't we keep complicated comments in the pocket and shut up, okay?" Blair asked causing Stiles to glare at her as she flipped him off, both of them knowing it was only the stress of the situation that was causing her to lash out but there was a lot of truth in her statement and Blair had been itching to call out Stiles on his confusing behavior towards Lydia and Malia considering she was growing closer to the two girls as time passed.

"I don't have feelings for Lydia, I'm over it," Stiles told Blair as he tried to convince her of the lie as Blair turned her head to him as she raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief since she knew her best friend better than he thought.

"Yeah, and I'm deeply in love with Theo. Just figure out your feelings, weirdo." Blair declared to Stiles - not caring about what he was telling her since she saw through all of the lies he tried to tell her about his feelings. Considering the fact Blair and he shared a possession bond - she thought he would have given up on trying to lie to her still but Blair pinned it down to a state of denial to accept he had a problem with his emotions.

Scott and Theo finally arrived as Theo placed the body on the table as Stiles hesitantly took off the top of the blanket from the Chimera's head so that both Scott and Blair could properly see his face. Blair staring at him as she realized she had no idea who the boy was - probably due to her lack of attention to her surroundings and to any of the other people who were enrolled in Beacon Hills besides her friends.

"Do you know him?" Theo asked Scott and Blair specifically since they were the only two in the room who hadn't seen the body yet. Blair noticed the blood dripping from his face as she tried not to stare at Theo since she knew he did this after all. Blair didn't hold it completely against him considering both her and Stiles had killed someone already but there was something in her gut telling her that this killing wasn't self-defense or innocent like theirs was. Blair couldn't explicitly explain it since he had proven himself more times than once that he was on their side yet her gut kept telling her not to trust him especially after the events of today.

"His name's Josh. He was a junior." Scott explained to them as Stiles placed the blanket back over his face as Blair finally glanced away from the deceased boy's face - not able to hide her guilt since she knew the real reason this boy had died. Everyone in the room clued into what had happened besides Scott which made Blair feel worse since he was the pack's Alpha but then again, it wasn't her secret to tell in the first place. Even though Blair didn't hold any loyalty to Theo, she couldn't afford to get Stiles into any trouble by ratting out Theo's secret to Scott.

"Which one did it? The one with the cane?" Scott asked Theo and Stiles curiously since they were actually on the roof when Josh had died. Blair turning to Stiles and Theo to see which one of them was going to lie to Scott considering he was the true Alpha who could sense when people were lying to him.

"Yeah," Theo answered Scott after a shared look with Stiles - Scott believing it as he nodded his head to himself. Theo noticed the lack of questions coming from Blair which was unusual since she was usually suspicious of everything he did which only meant one thing - Stiles had already told her what happened before Scott and he arrived.

Theo took in the information, deciding to keep it to himself since he knew this could possibly help him later. Maybe there was a reason as to why the two were closer than the supposed best friends of the pack or maybe they didn't trust Scott enough to tell him their secrets considering he knew that neither of them had even hinted to Scott that Stiles had killed Donovan a couple weeks ago. Either way, it was going to help him with getting Scott to not trust them as much as he used to.

Blair noticing that Scott didn't pick up on Theo's lie which only confirmed one thing to her - he knew how to steady his heartbeat enough to lie which meant that anything he's ever told them was fair game to be an absolute lie in Blair's book. Theo spared Blair a glance at the side of his eye to see her already sending him a suspicious glance causing him to turn his head back to Scott - making sure not to raise her suspicions even more.

"What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared." Stiles asked the group since he knew that leaving Josh's body here by itself would be stupid since whoever was taking the bodies would just take Josh as soon as they left again. Blair decided not to say anything since she wasn't going to spend her night cooped up with a dead body since she didn't kill the boy in the first place.

"All right, someone's got to stay here with him." Stiles sighed as he pointed out the obvious knowing that they were going to need to stay with Josh to catch the person stealing bodies.

"I'll do it." Theo volunteered for the job as Blair quirked an eyebrow up - wondering if he was only volunteering to get rid of the body himself. Blair was starting to over-analyze every single move that Theo made now that he had killed Josh. Every time Theo proved himself to the group, it only made her more paranoid of him rather than starting to trust him. She couldn't help but feel like if he was doing these things to convince them he was good rather than doing them because he was actually good in the first place.

Something in Blair was screaming at her that Theo Raeken wasn't up to any good and she certainly wasn't going to drop it just because her pack decided to start to trust him. With him trying to kiss her earlier and the fact that he trusted Stiles with a secret this big - it made her start to wonder if he was trying to take over Scott's role in the pack or if it was all his actions were just coincidence.

"It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned." Theo pointed out to them, shrugging it off once he noticed Scott and Stiles staring at him surprised that he was offering to while Blair remained stoic in her expression. Theo wondered if Blair was always this complicated to figure out or if she just truly didn't like him. Stiles nudging Blair with her elbow as the two stared at each other, Stiles trying to give her an indication to show some emotion to the group while Blair just shrugged her shoulders in response.

Scott's phone suddenly vibrated as Scott pulled it out of his pocket to check who was texting him - Blair and Stiles straightening up once they noticed Scott's reaction to the text. Both of them waiting for Scott to spill whatever had caused his face to drop in a matter of seconds - waiting to see if something else had managed to go wrong tonight while they were taking care of the dead body.

"What is it?" Stiles asked Scott who looked up from his phone at Stiles and Blair since they were both staring at him in concern.

"Another one. Another Chimera." Scott announced to them as he stared at the text messages in front of him that Liam had sent about what had happened to Hayden and how he believed she was one of the next Chimera's.

Stiles and Blair were the first to leave the clinic as Scott went to thank Theo for staying behind and watching Josh for them. Neither Blair and Stiles thinking anything of it while Theo saw it as the perfect opportunity to talk to Scott and to start to get inside his head.

"Hey Scott, there's something I need to tell you. I... I kind of kissed Blair earlier. I just wanted to let you know, I feel really bad about it and I should have told you about it as soon as it happened. I don't want anything like this to come between us especially with how close we've gotten since I've been back." Theo confessed to Scott, pretending to be guilty about the kiss he had with Blair even if it was exactly what he wanted to happen in the first place.

"You and Blair kissed?" Scott asked in shock at the revelation, his eyes growing wide in size at the news that Theo and Blair had kissed - deciding not to tell Theo that Blair had kissed him also since he figured it must have been a mistake on her half. Theo nodding his head sheepishly in confirmation as he admitted to the fact that he had kissed Scott's ex.

"Uh, thanks for telling me but... I think you and Blair would be good together. Maybe you should ask her out or something." Theo nodded his head as he heard the skip in Scott's heartbeat towards the end of the sentence as he lied about wanting Blair and him together. Theo smirking to himself since he knew messing with Scott would be easy since Scott put other's happiness over his own including the girl he was in love with.

"You sure? I mean, you're not still in love with her or anything? I don't want to cross any lines with you, Scott." Theo pointed out cautiously after he heard Blair's footsteps coming back - Blair deciding to come back to see what was taking Scott so long since they were in a hurry to get to Hayden and Liam. Blair stopping when she heard the two of them talking - hearing the end of Theo's question as she stopped in her place so that she could hear what Scott's answer was going to be. Blair was unable to help her curiously as she eavesdropped on the conversation for her own curiosity. Blair closing her eyes as she felt her heart start to race at Scott's possible answer since she knew this could be the only way she was going to get closure about their relationship.

"No, I and Blair are over. I don't have any feelings for her anymore. You should ask her out if you want to." Scott lied, Theo, being able to tell immediately as he heard a light knock on the door. Blair deciding to interrupt once he finished so that he knew she had heard him - making it easier for Scott so he wouldn't have to worry about repeating the news to Blair himself. Scott turning his head to see Blair standing behind him - his face paling slightly when he realized she had heard everything he had just said about her and his feelings. Scott knowing he messed up immediately when he picked up on her chemosignals of hurt.

"Stiles is waiting," Blair stated with a small smile, her eyes not giving away any sign if she had heard Scott or not but both of them knew she had heard everything they were talking about previously. Theo walking away as Scott followed after Blair to try and talk to her.

"Blair, I-" Scott started to explain to her, Blair finally looking towards him the lack of reaction she was having towards all of this. Blair shaking her head at his attempt to start this conversation now since they didn't have the time to delve into their issues when more important things required their attention. Blair finally deciding quietly she was tired of Scott's back and forth with their relationship.

"We should go help, Hayden." Blair cut him off, nodding her head to herself as she convinced herself that helping Liam with his situation was more important than whatever Scott was about to say to her right now.


"Hayden? It's Scott. I know that you're scared, but we just... We want to help." Scott knocked on Hayden's bathroom door as Blair, Stiles, Scott, and Liam stood in her bedroom as they tried to coerce her to come out to talk to them about what she had seen tonight.

"I can hear her heart beating. She's freaked out. What happened?" Scott asked Liam as he turned around to his beta to try and figure out what had happened with Hayden. Blair staring at Liam in interest at how he had even managed to get himself in this situation in the first place.

"She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in." Liam tried to explain to them, not understanding why Hayden was freaked out either since nothing had happened since they had gotten to her house.

"Why?" Stiles asked, confused as to why Hayden locked herself in the bathroom while talking to Liam - thinking that maybe Liam had said something to Hayden to cause her to lock herself in the bathroom.

"I don't know," Liam answered honestly since he had known as much as they did as to why Hayden was hiding from all of them.

"This is the same Hayden who put gum on your chair and ruined your shorts right?" Blair asked him for clarification since Liam had come to her for help a couple of weeks ago on how to help with Hayden messing with him in classes. Liam nodded his head sheepishly in confirmation of Blair's guess to who she was as Blair sighed in response since she didn't think that Liam and Hayden even liked each other in the first place - wondering how Liam had even managed to figure out that Hayden was a Chimera.

"She's a Chimera?" Scott double-checked with Liam, wanting to know how Liam had figured out she was a Chimera in the first place since they weren't too sure of the signs of being a Chimera.

"She said she heard a voice saying, "Your condition improves," Liam explained to them, that being enough evidence for all of them to agree with Liam since Scott and Malia had both heard Condition Terminal when Tracy and Lucas had been killed by the Dread Doctors.

"Okay, that's unsettling," Stiles commented on what Hayden had heard which they assumed was from the Dread Doctors. None of them knowing what the Dread Doctors meant when they talked about Hayden's condition.

"Very unsettling." Blair agreed with Stiles since the Dread Doctors gave her the creeps especially whenever she learned new information about them. Stiles moved to the door this time as he decided to try and make a go at getting Hayden to talk to them.

"Hayden. This is Stiles. Your sister works for my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us." Stiles talked to Hayden through the door yet there was still no movement as Stiles went back to standing next to Blair when he didn't get an answer from the girl.

"We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden. And that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face." Blair and Stiles shared a hesitant look once Scott started talking about the truth since both of them hadn't been honest with Scott lately. Both of them were probably the worst people to be preaching about honesty since they were lacking the skill themselves.

"Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just... I gotta know that you're okay in there." Scott finished talking when he realized Hayden wasn't going to open the door for them as he stepped back to push the door open before the door finally clicked unlocked. Scott turned to the rest of the group as the door began to push open for them to see Hayden better.

"I believe you." Blair's mouth parted in shock at Hayden standing in front of them with yellow eyes glowing, fangs coming to from her teeth and her claws extended - she was a chimera.


"So, he just told Theo that he didn't have any feelings for you anymore?" Lydia asked confused as Blair recounted what had happened at the animal clinic last night to her - still trying to figure out why Scott would be talking about his lack of feelings for her to other people. Lydia was already caught up to speed on all of the other events of the day considering Stiles and Blair insisted on telling her everything about Blair's relationship drama.

"He said that we are definitely over and that he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore," Blair repeated the information for Lydia, crossing her hands against her chest as she leaned against her locker while Lydia grabbed the last of her books and slammed her locker shut as she turned to Blair.

"Well, you guys have been broken up for months. Maybe it's time for you two to move on." Lydia spoke gently, knowing that Blair trying to hold onto whatever she had previously had with Scott was starting to affect her. Lydia still trying to push Blair to do something that will make her happy rather than focusing on Scott and everyone else's happiness since it wasn't working out for her lately.

"You know what Lydia Martin - I actually think you're right." Blair decided causing Lydia to almost drop her book in shock that Blair was finally agreeing with her moving on from Scott considering how she was usually adamantly against the idea.

"I'm right?" Lydia asked hesitantly, confused if Blair was messing with her or not. Blair finally nodding her head before wrapping her arm around Lydia's shoulder who was staring at Blair in slight worry due to the fact she never agreed with moving from things - she tended to hold grudges far longer than most people she knew.

"Yes, because Ariel me and you are hot girls and we don't have time for High School boys breaking our hearts. Graduating and friends - that's all I care about now and for the rest of my senior year." Blair explained to Lydia with a grin on her face - Lydia trying to decipher if she was actually telling her the truth or not that she was over Scott McCall.

"Are you lying to yourself that you're not going to try and convince Scott to get back together?" Lydia asked her cautiously, testing the waters to see if Blair was in a state of denial over everything. Blair tilting her at Lydia as she shook her head and quirked her eyebrow at Lydia.

"I'm too pretty to chase boys, right?" Blair joked as she pushed Lydia's shoulders to get to class with her causing Lydia to let out a laugh as she let Blair bring her to class - neither of them realising Scott and Stiles were beside the lockers while they were talking.

"At least you know she isn't taking it personally." Stiles offered his opinion as he watched the two girls walk past them considering he had even picked up on the end of their conversation and about Blair deciding to finally move on from Scott. Scott nodding his head slowly as he agreed with Stiles - thinking this might be the best for the two of them.

"Have you talked to her about you and Kira?" Stiles asked hesitantly since he had been itching to confess to Blair the news he had learned about Scott having small feelings towards Kira since they had been spending a majority of their time together lately. Stiles couldn't help but want to tell Blair and help her with everything, starting to feel like she was his sister who he had to protect and look out for in situations like these.

"Uhh, no. We don't really talk that much anymore. Plus, I don't even know if I will even try and pursue anything with Kira." Scott explained nervously - knowing that whatever he felt towards Kira lately wasn't anything like he had ever felt towards Blair.

"Can you do me a favor? Just wait a couple more weeks if you want to, it's Paige's anniversary this week. She doesn't really need to hear that you don't have feelings for her anymore and that you're thinking of moving with one of her friends in the same week she's mourning her sister." Stiles patted Scott's shoulder as he walked away to class and left Scott with that. Scott holding his head down in guilt since he knew Stiles was starting to draw away from him ever since he confessed to him about his feelings for Kira - forgetting about how close him and Blair had become since Scott and Blair's breakup.

Scott turning around as he banged his head against the locker in frustration - Blair turning her head when she heard the loud noise. Both her and Lydia noticing the weird behavior of the Alpha as Lydia grabbed Blair's hand and brought her to class while Blair wiped her nose with the tissue - the silver liquid mixed in with her blood going unnoticed by her.

"You're getting nosebleeds again?" Lydia asked curiously as she tried to figure out if Blair was sick or not again.

"Yeah, I talked to some missionaries in Paris - they think it's a side effect from what happened in Mexico." Blair explained - throwing the piece of tissue away as Lydia sent Blair a sympathetic smile as the two girls slipped into their seats.

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